+Castle Mischief Posted October 29, 2009 Posted October 29, 2009 From a recent outing, discovered a cemetery. From a gig last month. 1st prize winner at the County Fair. From a virtual cache location in Lebanon, TN. September was "Black and White" month for the wife and I. This was taken in moonlight. Another prize-winner from the County Fair. ...and another. The youngest child working out his new fascination with puzzles. This is an Earthcache location in Tennessee that I took pics of in the moonlight. HEAVY photoshop use to bring out the picture. (Bald River Falls.) Near a Traditional Cache in Tennessee (Whigg Meadows). Quote
+gardengorilla Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Here are a few I took. That's Hilarious!! If my hounds could drive that is EXACTLY where they would be.. at a drive thru. I love it! I have a friend in Canada who brings her dog through the Tim Horton's drive thru and they give him a timbit If it was once in a while ok but I think she is addicted to their iced cap and she goes every day, sometimes twice! Quote
+gardengorilla Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 In addition to geocaching, I am a proud soccer mum. This is io_sono_affamato in his final season with his Calgary Foothills team, he made it to captain and it was a moving goodbye for all... and an action shot... Quote
+Droo Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 In addition to geocaching, I am a proud soccer mum. This is io_sono_affamato in his final season with his Calgary Foothills team, he made it to captain and it was a moving goodbye for all... Poor starving lad Quote
+DJ.J.ROCK Posted October 30, 2009 Author Posted October 30, 2009 sorry everyone, i havent had the chance to get any winners here its been a horribal week for me!! ive been shoveling snow like crazy we got any where from 14-20 inches depending on the wind and snow drifts, (i work for an apartment complex),witch in turn has killed my back, and off to the chiro to get fixed twice a week now we refinaced our house, got my blood pressure meds adjusted(they doubbled the MGs) got zariahs stiches out, and some of the coins i designed for gcf are lost but the worst news yet....... a few may have knowen but we were preggo, with our second child , well we had a 10 week check up and the baby quit growing at 8 weeks, and no heart beat. and no signs of this happening like spotting or cramps, or pain, there was only a 5% chance of this happening. .were just a wreck right now. cass has surgery tomarrow to have it removed, im emotionless and numb and just runnin on auto right now, tring to act normal when i really wanna just flip out!! so on that note, keep posting your pics as ill be needing a "pic" me up when im ready to return to normal. Quote
+ZeroHecksGiven Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 life is rough, keep yer chin up guy! So sorry to hear about your loss though, take as much time as you need. A silly coin ain't much in the end, especially when it comes to "real life" issues like this. take care Quote
+DirtyMiss Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Im sorry to hear about that. But maybe we can post some funny pictures to cheer you up! New Mission: Give DJ.J.Rock a smile! This is my boyfriend. When we was on a nightcaching trip, we found a destroyed tree. It looks like a naturally "dunny"! I hope this is the right word in english. So here is the foto! I love it!!! Quote
aniyn Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My sister miscarried her second as well, so I know how how devistating a loss it can be Pictures that might make you smile...let's see...... Apparently this sealion does a lot of racing in the on-season. Quote
+SgtMikal Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Jay...I am so sorry to hear about all of the stuff that you are going through right now. Just know that you have no shortage of friends here, and I am definitely praying for you and your family. And although I already posted this pic, I thought it appropriate to show you someone else who is praying for you! Take care, Job, I mean Jay! Quote
+DonB Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 (edited) Sorry to hear about all the problems you have been experiencing. Our first child was also stillborn at eight months. Fortunately we went on to have two more healthy children that are both in their fortys now. Keep your chin up. Edited October 30, 2009 by DWBur Quote
+Gitchee-Gummee Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Off topic............ But we need to know.............. What is the fishing rod for? Quote
+Dark Elf Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 This was in our street I love squirrels Quote
+fuzziebear3 Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Here are a few I took. The dog one I just hppened to catch at the right time! The first 3 scenery ones are from Stehekin, WA this past summer. Then the 2 others I took in Alaska on our cruise in Sept! This one is the "rainbow bridge" in Washington. It is the rainbow bridge, over Rainbow Creek, along Rainbow Creek trail, on Rainbow Mountain. The next time I visit I'm definitly taking along the ashes of my beloved pets to lay them to rest at the real Rainbow Bridge! And I can't believe that I caught the iceberg calving!! (that's ice falling off) I really like all of these photos. Nice foreground/background work. And the dogs are just funny. Quote
+SgtMikal Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 <snip> Off topic............ But we need to know.............. What is the fishing rod for? Fishing rod??? Quote
+Mar-elendili Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 (edited) Oh, so sorry to read about your loss, my friend. That is not much, but I send you my best positive thoughts for you and your family. May you find solace and strength. You are not alone! To cheer you up, here are a couple of photos I took of the famous dormouse family, the one (or another) that comes and nests each year between the shutter and the window of the tiny mountain hut we own. A very old thing, of course, if there's enough place between the wall and the sutter for the little critter to slip in there! The pics are not good, quality-wise, but the subject is so very cute and might bring a smile to your lips! And you will love to see where my avatar comes from! Edited October 30, 2009 by mar-elendili Quote
+Droo Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Jay, if it wasn't for bad luck you'd have no luck at all! You've had a rough year so far.... hope it changes soon. Quote
JohnMac56 Posted October 31, 2009 Posted October 31, 2009 Oh my Bro! Man, I feel so bad that all this stuff is happening in your life. I just wish there was something we could do to make it all just go away but unfortunately there isn't anything like that. I know that everyone here is feeling your pain and anguish and we are all praying for you and your family. Just do your best to hold it together and be strong for your loved ones, keeping the family together is a most important thing. I will say a special prayer for you tonight and will ask Diana (Johnslady56) to ask her Native American spirits to lend you the strength you need to persevere through this ordeal (and I know she will burn some sage for you as well). Now that that is said, here are some Halloween pictures that I hope will bring a smile to your face... (none of them are of me or anyone in my family...) Quote
+WOOGIEKIDS Posted October 31, 2009 Posted October 31, 2009 I'm so sorry Jay. I've had several miscarriages as well, and they're devastating. Quote
+DJ.J.ROCK Posted October 31, 2009 Author Posted October 31, 2009 after a really tough day at work and a very sad night at the hostipital, i can smile at some of the pics here, i also found a susprize celtic peacock waiting for me in my mail box, and it made me feel really good that i am apart of these forums....... really sometime i dunno what i would do with out you guys here!!! thank you all for your kind words, im very happy to know you care so much. this year has been very hard for me and my family, weve had more downs then ups, and were just hangin in here by a thread. i truely hope we can climb out of our pit and see the sun again, our hearts hurt, and our bodys arnt doing so well, .. were too young to have such problems. we have an uphill climb to regain our health, but our lil girl gives us strength to keep moving. she definatly keeps us on our toes, i really feel like something has to give,, we work really hard to try to get ahead and seem just when we think were doing ok ,, something happends. were a pretty positive couple with all thats happened, but i cant help to question..... why us? were lucky in many perspectives and very greatful for that(many things can be worse) , but were very far from where we want to be and considering our work ethic..... why cant we get there? what i do know at this point as overwhelming as it seems... is we just get up everyday (greatfully)and do the best we can, and at the end of the day we still have our family no matter what happends to us. this is a bit off topic, but i needed to ramble a bit and now i feel better.. so back to posting your pics, and thank you all again!! Quote
+steel city babes Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 DJ.J.Rocks.....so sorry to hear about your personal loss, I can't imagine what your are going through? I hope talking here helps. ON a positive note this is an awesome topic....seem some great pix....this one just made me Laugh Out Loud This was in our street I love squirrels Quote
+steel city babes Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 Here are my contributions....nothing special.... Bradley Falls, North Carolina -10/31/2009 My cat Sigma posing with a TB Quote
+DJ.J.ROCK Posted November 1, 2009 Author Posted November 1, 2009 if i get a chance id like to make someone win here soon,, i will probably give out multipul coins thru out a few weeks, so if you dont win right away dont count your self out. this morning we awoke to find one of our ferrets passed over night, i dunno how much more bad stuff can happen and keep us sane, so we took a trip to the humaine society 30 miles away today to have him cremated. we ate some lunch and returned home to trick or treat,, man that really bightened our day, zariah was soooo cute, and she got a ton of candy. id like to take a moment to thank alot of you for sending me emails, and i even was gifted a renewal membership to gc by a few really nice pepole here this morning., i cant thank you enuff for everyones support and prayers and thoughts, its a place like this that can really change how a person thinks when their down and out. i havent had the time to thank everyone personaly, but want you all to know that i really am thankful for having you all as my friends and the support is priceless at times like this in someones life. i hope i can return the favors to others when they feel the way i do, and hope it make as big a difference as you guys have for me. thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! Quote
+GATOULIS Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 Oh boy.... my dear friend... I am so sorry for all the bad things that hapent to you and for the great loss of the baby!!! Please do not give up! no matter the distance, we are all close to you, and pray for you!!! May God give you the strength and the courage it is needed! I do not know what to say... I am deeply sorry! Quote
Team_Merchlinsky Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 if i get a chance id like to make someone win here soon,, i will probably give out multipul coins thru out a few weeks, so if you dont win right away dont count your self out. this morning we awoke to find one of our ferrets passed over night, i dunno how much more bad stuff can happen and keep us sane, so we took a trip to the humaine society 30 miles away today to have him cremated. we ate some lunch and returned home to trick or treat,, man that really bightened our day, zariah was soooo cute, and she got a ton of candy. id like to take a moment to thank alot of you for sending me emails, and i even was gifted a renewal membership to gc by a few really nice pepole here this morning., i cant thank you enuff for everyones support and prayers and thoughts, its a place like this that can really change how a person thinks when their down and out. i havent had the time to thank everyone personaly, but want you all to know that i really am thankful for having you all as my friends and the support is priceless at times like this in someones life. i hope i can return the favors to others when they feel the way i do, and hope it make as big a difference as you guys have for me. thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! Im very sorry to here about ur furry we have 4 are selfes. We know this can be very hard.. How old was it ? Quote
+DonB Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 (edited) bad post Edited November 1, 2009 by DWBur Quote
+DonB Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 (edited) Delicate Arch, Arches National Park My wife had just had surgery so she was unable to make the round trip hike, so this was taken from another spot down the road, which was about 3/4 of a mile from the arch, with a 600MM telephoto lens. Edited November 1, 2009 by DWBur Quote
+kini_ont Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 These two shots are from 1975 with an Olympus SLR, yes real 35mm film My buddy and I had a friendly competion going, to see who could get the best shot in black and white. The first photo you will see my girlfriend who I dearly fell in love with (she's my wife now ) trying to befriend a cat that was wandering around the grist mill from many years ago. In the second which was the picture I was going for, you can see the piping that the water went through to run the rolls which ground the product. In Sept. of 2008 I returned to do a cache there and commented that I wished I had seen the place before it was destroyed, little did I remember that I had a photo, my wife went searching through all my photo's and pulled these one's out. Hope you enjoy the piks as well as the story, oh one other point, in 1979 I went to work in a flour mill much more modern then this one was but I do have a fascination with mills of all sorts. Note the bridge and vintage car (my wife's - burnt orange had it been coloured) Don't know who won the competion but I know we did get some great shots back then Quote
acadiahiker Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 (edited) Fall colors in Acadia. And a porcupine. Edited November 1, 2009 by acadiahiker Quote
+Droo Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 (edited) My cat Sigma posing with a TB "Kitty eyes".... it means "you're the cat's meow or the cat's pajamas" in kitty talk!! Looks like Sigma is really letting you have it - or whoever is taking the pic. Edited November 2, 2009 by Droo Quote
aniyn Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 (edited) Fun with lightsabers: Edited November 2, 2009 by aniyn Quote
+Droo Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 Fun with lightsabers: Very cool light painting. Quote
+anne.and.eli Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 Here's a picture of Kita I recently took with a travel bug that wanted to be photoed with tigers and cats. A number of years ago, I myself went through a miscarriage. Kita had just entered my life a few months before, and she brought me a lot of joy in a time when I thought I couldn't have any. I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through, and I'm glad you have a loving family for support. *hug* Quote
+nefesh Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 (edited) Cat nap? or maybe this? Edited November 3, 2009 by nefesh Quote
+kini_ont Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Cat nap? I love pictures like that, that's true love and trust. Quote
+Droo Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Cat nap? I love pictures like that, that's true love and trust. Or kitty whipped!! Quote
+jimandsue60 Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Antelope Canyon Lightning at Houghton, Upper Peninsula of Michigan A Duck in Florida Tahquamenon Falls, in Michigan Quote
+jimandsue60 Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 I took this shot of pencils at Ron Jon Surf Shop in Cocoa Beach, Fl. A parrot in Florida. An old tobacco barn in NC. Sunflowers in Montana. Quote
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