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Geocoinfest attendants!

grodan & fiabus

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Would it be allowed to get someone to buy coins for me? I really would like some of tsuns coin and probably others aswell but I do not know what coins will be there.


If it is allowed to do so and anybody feel to help me out with this so send me an email through my profile and we can sure work something out.


I know I would like the armadillos, one of each.


Thank you in advance (I hope :) )


grodan Karin

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I know other people have asked me to pick them up some.


Since i am on the comittee, I have decided NOT not pick up any for others for many of reasons.


I am not sure if there would be any type of issue for anyone to do this but this may be a good thread to find out.


Maybe others will see this and pick them up for you.


Maybe others will post they want some as well.


Maybe someone will say if this is wrong or not to do.


Looks like i will be watching the thread for others to post there thoughts.

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I don't think any vendor in their right mind would not allow someone who is attending to not buy coins on behalf of another (within reason of course).


I bought Yimes for alot of different people last year but I did let Yime know before hand who I was buying for.


I've had several people email me and ask me about buying for others, I'm cool with that :)


RC - I agree with you on the saying no but your situation is unique.

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There were plenty of people that picked up coins for others at last year's GCF. However, to be fair to the attendees, there may have been (I say "may" because I am not 100% sure of this) vendors that limit the number of coins that any 1 cacher could buy...ie: limit of 3 coins per cacher. I know that was the case for the Geocoin Madness event coins at GW...there was a limit to the number of coins you could purchase. I think that is fair...it would stink to actually attend the event and not be able to purchase a coin because the person in front of you purchased the last 10 coins for folks that could not attend. Keep in mind that this comment is being made by someone that is not able to make it to GCF this year.

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ummm...well considering someone is doing this for me I think it's a fine idea :)


Really no difference than picking up as many as you can and selling them on ebay or using for trades for coins you are wanting for your collection.


Actually better because your doing something nice for another collector.


Just my opinion though :D

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I don't think any vendor in their right mind would not allow someone who is attending to not buy coins on behalf of another (within reason of course).


I bought Yimes for alot of different people last year but I did let Yime know before hand who I was buying for.


I've had several people email me and ask me about buying for others, I'm cool with that :)


RC - I agree with you on the saying no but your situation is unique.


Are you then not going to limit your "Gold UTE Edition (limit 1)" if we are picking them up for others?

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Ok, I would so like a lot of all these coins but...I can not go, it is far to far away for me. :drama:

Is there anyone who could pick up some extras for me? Please send me an email and we will sort things out I am sure. I have paypal so you can be paid. Maybe many can pick up but different coins but you are surely already picking up coins for others. Well a coiner has to ask, right? :)


Really hope you can help me out here.


grodan Karin

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