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geocoin achievement geocoins


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I recently presented 1000 cache acheivement coins and pins to the people that got me started with geocaching at a local event. This got me thinking (not generally a good thing,) that there are no geocoin collector achievement coins available (correct me if I'm wrong.)


It's a cold rainy night, I'm bored (also generally not a good thing,) so here are my thoughts on the first ever trackable (if anyone mints them,) geocoin achievement geocoins:










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WOW! Great idea!!! :)


Can I ask something??? Acheivement in what? How many coins you have in your collection, or how many coins you have released in the wild .... or how many coins did you made, or how many did you grab, discovered (how many icons you have in your inventory!)?


In that way, I won the 50 and I am going for the 100 this year or until the middle of the next... but the others are...


500 coins? 1000 coins?? WOW!!! Are there geocachers with more than 1000 coins in their collection??? WOW!!!

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Great Idea! I would like to order a 2500, 5000 and 10000 please. :D


Hmmmm...those would require special editions....




the 5000 geocoin, geocoin...we'll call it the naussau turtle shell edition...empty shell with lights on all around it...so, the lights are on but no one's home




the 10.000 geocoin, geocoin...yellows, greens, any ideas for the edition name?




All meant in fun...please hold the hate mail!


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