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I would really like to have a membership..but im too cheap to buy my own! (actually I don't have the $$)


If someone was to have an xtra $30 to send my way..I would Love to have a gift membership!


Thank You. :blink:


Sorry I work hard for my money and don't give it away to panhandlers. I'd rather donate to someone who is also working hard for their money and my gift will be an unrequested and unexpected way to brighten their day.

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Well, looking at what you've done so far, I am tempted to support you, but I can't afford it right now. :blink:

I like the fact that you're getting some TB's moving. Just hope your TB hotel is secure. I worry about TB's placed in a cache that's a real easy find. Keep it up! maybe think about a still convenient but slightly more difficult location.

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