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Left over Travel Bugs and Coins


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You may think this belongs in the Travel Bug/Coin section but I think it needs discussion here.


Out of curiousity, I had looked back at 8 or so events that I had attended and found that the most of those events still had Travel Bugs and Coins listed in the event page.


Just as an exercise, look back at the past 5 events that you attended and count the Travel Bugs and Coins still logged into the event and display the total.


I came up with 63+ total unclaimed TB/Coins in 5 events.


Granted some TB/Coins are logged into an event by the owner of the trackable.


Do events seem to be the "Black Hole" of many of the trackables?


I would like to hear back from others on their findings of unclaimed TB/Coins from events.

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My poor camoed pink lawn flamingo (my sister was trying to send it to me) disappeared at an event in Manchester, New Hampshire in October of 2006. Florida :laughing:

How could anyone not notice a camoed pink lawn flamingo sitting on a bar stool??? How could anyone leave her sitting there?? I certainly do not want to see the bar bill she's run up in the last three years!!!


17 bugs/coins sitting in the last five events I've attended. And that goes back two years. Though I suspect that several are in the possession of the owners and hae not been moved to new events.

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My poor camoed pink lawn flamingo (my sister was trying to send it to me) disappeared at an event in Manchester, New Hampshire in October of 2006. Florida :laughing:

How could anyone not notice a camoed pink lawn flamingo sitting on a bar stool??? How could anyone leave her sitting there?? I certainly do not want to see the bar bill she's run up in the last three years!!!

If that pic on the TB page is any indication of the size of this bug, the person who took it may still be looking for a cache large enough to fit it into. Of course, that doesn't excuse their lack of logging that they picked it up at the event.

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some people have coins/bugs that are never put into circulation (caches)

but only show/discover at events

probably just waiting for next event to move

I agree and some indeed are.


I certainly do not want to see the bar bill she's run up in the last three years!!!

I hope you didn't give the Flamingo your credit card number!

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I have yet to see an event that could offer more to a bug than simply dropping it into the nearest cache.

In early May I hosted an event in Oregon that mustered TBs and Coins for mobilization to deploy to Iraq. That's more than dropping in a nearby cache. :D


Looked through events I attended.. 1 event in February still has a coin in the inventory list.


The event I hosted.. I have 25 TBs and coins that have traveled with me in a .30 cal ammo can and at the end of this month the can is being placed as a cache in an area where I can watch it on an almost daily basis. Some will be found by other combat zone geocachers. Some will redeploy to MAGC members around the world, and the rest will return to the Pacific Northwest.

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I would like to hear back from others on their findings of unclaimed TB/Coins from events.[/b]


This does belong in the TB forum. Plenty of people there to discuss what to do about bugs.

It is as much about the events as it is the trackables. Cachers pick up the trackables but do not log them out of the event.

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