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Oregon 300

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Hello everyone,


I´d like to know if anyone has ever tried to format the Oregon to, for example, FAT32, as originally it´s in the FAT format (if I´m not mistaken).

Also, I´d like to ask if it´s possible to update the basemap that comes with it. Does Garmin sell a kind of updated basemap? Any other freeware options?







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Not sure about reformatting the file system. I don't see any real reason to do so and suspect it could cause problems.


Regarding the basemap. I don't think there are updates for it, however there are other maps that you can add on. The latest official firmware supports unlimited maps (.img files). I use the term unlimited loosely, but you can use file naming outside the old Garmin standards.


There are free maps at GPS File Depot (www.gpsfiledepot.com) that include topos, street maps, etc.. In addition there are open source routable Garmin maps (Google Garmin OSM Routable). The OSM's are OK, but a bit quirky for routing.


Of course there are retail products from Garmin (and others I suppose). Garmin's CN (City Navigator) series of routable street maps are excellent if you want a large POI database and routable street maps for on road navigation.


Finally - you can also convert the older MetroGuide maps to make them routable using a program called Metrowizzz (I'm using my Metroguide converted using this method for routing on my Oregon 400t - outside of the maps being a little dates it's working out fine).


So - as you can see, lots of map options - but I recommend avoiding messing with the file system. It won't improve your file transfer speeds and I don't suspect there's any real advantage. Remember that you are still limited by the map tile limit of your device - check your specifications.


Also - get a 4Gb or 8Gb microSD card for storing your maps on - that will give you tons of storage for your maps.

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Alright, actually I already have other maps in a couple of memory cards, I just asked for curiosity regarding the basemap, as it probably would be interesting if it could be updated from time to time adding some more details (and/or corrections).

Still in this subject, does the basemap itself corresponds to the files within the Oregon root directory and only that? Or are there "hidden files" in the unit that we can not see in the mass storage mode? It seems to me that the file sizes are just too small for such a worldwide map (even being a basic map without further details).





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What do you actually want? You keep going on about replacing the basemap...why? Tell us exactly what you want and we'll tell you where to get it and how to install it.


I have noticed that Garmin sells this basemap (https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?pID=662), which seems to be compatible with the Oregon 300... Question is: does it worth "overwriting" the original basemap from the Oregon with this one? Data more accurate/up-to-date?! Better contour of the costline/shoreline?! What about shaded relief?

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I don't know of anyone who would be interested. It is very low resolution and almost useless for most purposes.


What do you actually want? You keep going on about replacing the basemap...why? Tell us exactly what you want and we'll tell you where to get it and how to install it.


Just curiosity, really.

Just checking if anyone thinks it´s interesting to upgrade the factory basemap anytime in the future...

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