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Yes he did! On the Yelnow Consortium's GC1KRBH Major Milestone cache. Here's the log, with photos.


Congratulations to drsolly (and ladysolly) on joining a very exclusive club. Not only are there few 10k finders in Europe, and not many more world-wide, but they join Seasider (1st to 1000 finds in the UK) and The Wombles (1st to 100 finds in the UK) in the Landmark Hall of Fame!


Brilliant effort from Alan and Susan- as the kids say* Maximum Respect! :anicute:


*I imagine.


Edit: Yes, I did mean exclusive, rather than 'good at giving excuses' :laughing:

Edited by Simply Paul
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Well done on your huge milestone,a wonderfull achievment. how many mini torches are in circulation now,perhaps a rolled up fiver could be your next gift each time you find a cache,that would get more cachers out there im certain of that.me included. happy caching to you both.patandjeff along with sali and gearge the corgis.= team bones1.

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Well, having witnessed this event over a considerable timespan in 'quite' close proximity, we can certainly state they deserved the 'Milestone' after today's efforts. :)


We contratulate them for their efforts and keeping such high spirits right to the end . . . well they went off to get a DNF afterwards (sorry our phone was unavoidably off so the PAF didn't work). :P


Congratulations to Dr Solly and Lady Solly and now on to 20,000!


. . . and Paul I hope you mean exclusive? :lol:

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Thanks for all the congrats.


I have to thank all the cache setters, without whom this wouldn't be possible, to all the people who have endured my PAFs, to the people who set caches with holes for me to jump into (and find I can't get out), across rivers for me to fall in to, in brambles for me to lose much blood, in nettles for the delightful tingly feeling that tells you that you just got nettled.


Thanks also to the cows that tried to keep us out of their fields, to the bullocks who succeeded, to the horses for their friendly approaches (except the one that bit ladysolly), to my stick for carrying me these many miles (and for doing several retrieves for me), to Freda the cachemobile who is now so battered and bruised as to have lost most of her resale value, to the oil companies for selling me several thousand pounds worth of petrol. Thanks to the snails who enliven many caches (and the snails who generously donated their shells so that fake snail caches can be made) and to the slugs that lie inside so many holes, waiting for me to grope them. Sorry to the wasps whose nests I've disturbed (and I forgive you for stinging me several times, you were only doing your duty).


Thanks to the dog owners for the bags they leave lying around which could, but don't, contain caches (and to the person who left a dirty nappy in a tree in the middle of Oxford, about six inches from a cache, and guess what I found first?) and to the dog owners for the friendly (maybe, I don't speak dog) yet boisterous greeting that I so often get ("it's your hat, he doesn't like your hat") that is sometimes so enthusiastic that he has to be fended off with a stick "it's OK, he won't hurt you" "Good, then I won't have to hurt him").


Thanks to all the people who have come out caching with me, and witnessed at first hand the impossibility of me reaching 100 caches without serious injury, let alone 10,000; thanks to my bad back which has let me continue caching, provided I don't try to spend much time bent over, and to my left foot, which seems to have mostly recovered from Planar Fascitis, which stopped me from walking for several days until I worked out how to cure it, and to my left knee, which seems to have recovered it's former springiness.


Thanks to the makers of those small black torches I often leave in caches, hoping that they won't just be looted, but prperly swapped for something that isn't another pine cone, and to the makers of my suite of torches that enable me to continue caching through the winter (there's no such thing as darkness, only inadequate torches).


Thanks to Fujitsu for making a great PDA with hi res screen and replacable battereis, it's only a pity they stopped making it now. And to Mio, for making a great PDA-with-GPS, which navigates me from cache to cache, and it's a pity they stopped making that too. All the good kit gets dropped, I guess because people weren't buying it.


Thanks to my boots for carrying me uncomplainingly for so many kilometers (I'm on my fourth pair now) and my socks for giving me blister-free feet. To my hat for shiielding me from the sun and from many a downpour, and my Coat of Invisibility for hiding me from muggles if I keep perfectly still.


Thanks to all the muggles who have helped me along the way "Are you looking for the cache? It's over there." or who have provided innocent merriment "What are you doing?" "I'm counting slugs". Thanks to the several police who have stopped me and asked me what I'm doing, and not arrested me for obvious feebleness of mind when I explain about caching to them.


Thanks to the mud, for embracing me so affectionately, especially when I fall over, and to the stiles, especially the slippery, wobbly ones (I nearly lost my marbles when my feet went in opposite directions while getting over one), and to the branches that whack me efficiently over the head to remind me to look where I'm going, and to the rusty lengths of barbed wire hiding in the undergowth, waiting to trip me as I pass - such fun, we laugh so hard.


And most of all, thanks to ladysolly who encourages me in this game and accompanies me on so many of the caches.


Now - on to 10,100!

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We done DRSolly and his crew - nice to know that someone takes this sport seriously. :lol:


I think it's a game, rather than a sport, and I don't take it seriously. If I did, I'd get upset about all the DNFs I rack up.


game n (Form of) contest played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.


sport n & v Amusement, diversion, fun.


I don't have the skill, strength, or luck when I'm caching but I do get amusement, diversion and fun - so it's a sport in my books! :P

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Congratulations Alan & Sue from me and the rest of the Yelnow Consortium.


I think you will agree our Milestone cache was worthy of your milestone and was was as much fun to set up as it was for you to do it.


Anyone else out there who is nearing a major milestone and would like to do the cache, please let us know in advance so we have time to change things to suit like we did for each of the finders so far.

Follow the link to the cache Major Milestone

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Ok I might be a bit late - in the meantime drsolly has already passed the 11,000 mark (how many caches do you do in a month?! :) ) - but I still want to express my BIG congratulations for this significant milestone. Not only for the number of caches found, but even more for still taking the time to write detailed and interesting logs on every cache. :D


Now, how many months until #20,000? Bets are open :):)

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I'm out to Milton Keynes tomorrow, to make progress towards reaching 10,100.


I think number 10101 would be more aesthetically pleasing though.


I don't often do congrats threads but this is certainly worthy of note, well done! I don't know how you managed it.


Edit: Only just realised this is an old thread and you're already on 11000+, so you've done more in the last 2 months than I've done in nearly 5 years !!!

Edited by MartyBartfast
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