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The 'Art of Geocaching'


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I'm planning a small Geocache Event with a slight twist. I'm booking a day in an art gallery and I will be organising an 'Art of Geocaching' event, whereby I intend to display creative and artistic talents used in Geocaching. This may be a geo-quilt, a painted ammo box, a home-crafted signature item, spectacular or humorous photos, a geocoin etc. in fact anything to do with Geocaching where a great detail of artistic talent had been used.


The event is to take place end of October or early November, I haven't finalised a date yet. The gallery is in Worcester. However, the gallery is empty and as yet I only have one exhibit. So I'm asking through the forums for help.


I would like to know if anyone would like to send me an exhibit. For photographs send me a hi-resolution photograph via email. I will chose a few photos and mount them onto canvass; this will be given to the contributor after the event.


For more 'solid' objects, I will also return the exhibit after the event; no return postage is necessary but it would be appreciated. If you near Worcester you can leave your contribution at the gallery doors.


I intend to leave a small comment book next to each exhibit, so visitors can add comments. I will gladly return the comment book with the exhibit as a memento and a thank-you.


If you want more details and postal addresses please contact me through my profile page.

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Sounds interesting!


You mention hand crafted sig items, what about others such as pathtags, geocoins and so on?


Yes, anything that concerned with geocaching that has had a lot of artistic talent put in. A hand-crafted signature item or a camo cache container will be great.

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camo cache container


Camo micros Ok? (No, not a film can painted green or a ready-to-use magnano, but something a bit . . . sneakier.)


Come to that, if you've got the space, could you have some sort of interactive exhibit where visitors get to give it a go themselves? Some "grass" (that stuff greengrocers display veg on, anyone know what it's called?), part of a fence, a log . . . anyone know whether you can get fake ivy to stick on a fake tree?)


After all, camo containers make way more sense if they're displayed in the environment they were camouflaged *for*!


(This is, of course, a somewhat sanitised version . . . if you wanted *proper* simulated geocaching then you'd have to have neck-high nettles, some rusty barbed wire and a dog turd in a plastic bag in there as well . . . but you're trying to entertain/impress people, not kill them! )


[Edited to remove the smilies as the forum software insists on turning them into $%^*%$$!! stupid graphics that mean something completely different!]

Edited by Harry the furry squid
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Come to that, if you've got the space, could you have some sort of interactive exhibit where visitors get to give it a go themselves? Some "grass" (that stuff greengrocers display veg on, anyone know what it's called?), part of a fence, a log . . . anyone know whether you can get fake ivy to stick on a fake tree?)



Interesting idea!

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I've just made a set of 5 painted concrete frogs to use as stages of a multi cache I've got planned. I'm not sure they count as art though!

If you spent a lot of time and concentration on them and you are pleased with the result then I would consider that art. Create one more painted concrete frog and send it to me and I'll show it in the exhibition.

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I've just posted off a small selection of bits and pieces that may fit into your displays somewhere.

How are you getting on for contributions?


Thanks MrsB, I look forward to displaying them.


The contributions are starting to come in. I have split the art gallery into 38 A3 paper-size lots:

*I have filled 6 lots of geocoin displays, so I don't need any more geocoins for display.

* I have 1 lot available for signature cards (laminated business-card size) but that's filling up fast.

* One lot available for wooden nickels. I will be happy to trade an 'Art of Geocaching' event wooden nickel, or accept them on loan.

* I'm looking out for badges (buttons) and pins. I have allocated one lot for this but do not have enough to fill it.

* I also need pathtags to fill my pathtag display.

* Any small crafty camo containers or novelty containers are welcome.

* I would like to display custom designed/made stamps and log stickers. Just stamp or place a sticker on a clean white piece of paper and send it to me.

* Any custom designed/made signature items are welcome. I already have some great ones from the States, but there is space for more.

* If you have a puzzle cache on the drawing board then, if possible, send it to me and I will test drive it for you at the event.

* I have arranged two large TVs and a projector, so I will be happy to display 'truckloads' of photos and videos.


Thanks you all for lending your exhibits, posting 'will attend' posts and emails/messages of encouragement. Keep them coming.


I will return exhibits back to owners along with an event wooden nickel and copies of the visitors comment book.


Tavisman, I sent you an email way back asking for an address to send the items, but no reply - if you contact me with an address the offer is still open.

Sorry Dorestgal & GeoDog. I will send you a message now.


Send exhibits to:


The Art of Geocaching Event

The Pitt Studio

62 Chestnut Walk

Worcester WR1 1PR

United Kingdom


Please be sure to mark your package with 'The Art of Geocaching', and don't forget to leave a return address.


Or via email: info@pittstudio.com


Information, photos, and progress of the exhibits will be posted on the event cache page: http://coord.info/GC1X98A

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I should be able to send you a home-burned 'wooden nickle' and a sticker that I sometimes use in logs. I do also have some pins somewhere so will see if I can find them.


Do you have somewhere for us to send photos (electronically) or would you rather them on CD/DVD?

Fantastic, thanks.


You can send hi-res photos one at a time to info@pittstudio.com or post them on a photo site like flickr then email me the address and I will pick them up, or send them to the address on CD/DVD. Unless anyone knows if there is a service (like a public ftp site) that could do this?


Are you still wanting flags? Given that it doesn't look like I'm going to get another camping trip in this year, I'm happy to send my one to you to display...



Yeah I still want flags. There is a forecourt/driveway in front of the gallery and Geocaching flags would help visitors find us (and also make a great exhibit). Thank you.

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Just to report that the Scoubies are coming along nicely, and so is the hand-knitting. Following this (entirely unsolicited) entry from quickweh after finding my latest cache GC1YJ8J:


Found this on the way to "Frankley Appealing" making a nice afternoon stroll. I really like the camoflage on the cache, it deserves to be an exhibit in the October "The Art of Geocaching" event.


I'm going to repeat the exercise and knit another for the exhibition. You will recognise it because I know you already have a peach jar cache of your own!

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Just to report that the Scoubies are coming along nicely, and so is the hand-knitting. Following this (entirely unsolicited) entry from quickweh after finding my latest cache GC1YJ8J:


Found this on the way to "Frankley Appealing" making a nice afternoon stroll. I really like the camoflage on the cache, it deserves to be an exhibit in the October "The Art of Geocaching" event.


I'm going to repeat the exercise and knit another for the exhibition. You will recognise it because I know you already have a peach jar cache of your own!

Wow, wow and wow :laughing: . I'm getting up early tomorrow and find this cache.

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Hi everyone.


I just want to say a big thank you to all those people who have sent me an exhibit for the exhibition. Your contributions and messages of encouragement have been overwhelming and most appreciated. Keep them coming…


I'm a bit light on wooden nickels, pathtags, signature cards, and signature items. Do you have anything to loan to the exhibition? In return you will receive photos of visitors at your exhibit, comments, and a exclusive 'Art of Geocaching' wooden nickel.

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Hi everyone.


I just want to say a big thank you to all those people who have sent me an exhibit for the exhibition. Your contributions and messages of encouragement have been overwhelming and most appreciated. Keep them coming…


I'm a bit light on wooden nickels, pathtags, signature cards, and signature items. Do you have anything to loan to the exhibition? In return you will receive photos of visitors at your exhibit, comments, and a exclusive 'Art of Geocaching' wooden nickel.


Think about adding this same message to your post here.

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I would like to thank the lady who dropped off the Geocaching logo collage on Saturday 3 October 2009. It is fantastic and I will be honoured to show it in the exhibition. However, I don't have your name or geocaching team name so I can't attribute it in the programme and on the display.

If you are that kind lady, please PM me through my profile page.

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Thank you to all for contributions and vistors to the 'Art of Geocaching' event. Just over 50 visitors turned up, there was a queue at the start and then a contanst stream of visitors throughout the day.


There were some teething problems at first and not all exhibits made it into the gallery. This is due to lack of planning of my part and I apolgise for this. However, the exhibits available on the day were well receieved. For my first time to host an event, I was pleased with the way it went. Visitors also welcomed a day-time event which was a change from an evening meeting in a pub/restaurant, this was especially true for geocacehers with geokids.


This is a break from the norm, and a first of its type, so if I hold another similar event or anyone else wishes to organise a similar one I have loads of tips and gothcha's to be aware of. I'm pleased to offer my support on this.


I will be contacting all the contritors now to confirm the details of the return of their contributions. I will also send back some mementos of the event.

Edited by Tavisman
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