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Silly n00b question


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Why do we call them muggles? I'm assuming it is non cachers, but I'm not carrying a wand...unless we are counting my gps a wand...it is quite magical. :laughing:


Main Entry: muggle2

Part of Speech: n

Definition: a common person, esp. one who is ignorant or has no skills

Example: There are muggles in every computer class.

Etymology: 1920s

Usage: slang


Basically it means they are not knowledgable about geocching.

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Why do we call them muggles? I'm assuming it is non cachers, but I'm not carrying a wand...unless we are counting my gps a wand...it is quite magical. :laughing:


Main Entry: muggle2

Part of Speech: n

Definition: a common person, esp. one who is ignorant or has no skills

Example: There are muggles in every computer class.

Etymology: 1920s

Usage: slang


Basically it means they are not knowledgable about geocching.


And it's fun to call people names thats not too mean, especially a sort of code type word that makes most everyone ask..whats a muggle? I'm surrounded by muggles now, however, three weeks ago, I was one...

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My son is a huge Harry Potter fan, so he likes it when I say "Look out for muggles while I look for this cache."

Ha! This is in fact the only usage of the word muggle I've ever had. I've been enlightened. It's not just a J.K. Rowling term. LOL

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