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Yeah, sure the excitement of GeoCaching is finding the cache itself, but when you open it up and find really cool items to cache out, it just makes the experience that much better.


Whatever happened to the cool items? like..



-Foreign or Collectible coins

-Those nifty LED key-chain lights

-mineral rocks (crystals/fools gold/etc)

-glow sticks

-free unexpired coupons, or drink tokens




but instead, of come across some real junk- :D


-miss matched AA batteries that are torn up/smashed and DEAD.

-hair bands

-toys you get out of the claw machine that bore even the 2 year old the item was designed for.

-cellphone batteries???

-paperclips & staples???

-more lame toys- mostly pink

-Pokemon cards


Sure this is a sport for all ages, but some of these things just disappoint me when i come across them.

to try and set an example, and break the cycle for my area, lately Ive been leaving cool items rather than taking any items that i find could help the cache out, and recently making my own cache with real treasures in them.


But of course, this leaves honesty as a policy for the cachers to not take more than one item, and leave something of equal or greater value


In my thought, if one person could help out a cache, one of theirs, or one close by and place maybe a couple more interesting items in it, it could really help the condition and fun in finding a hidden cache.







I think the coolest thing to find in a cache is the LOGBOOK, followed closely by geocoins and travel bugs. I also like sig items. The other stuff just gets in the way.





Better out than in.


I dunno, I'm one of those guys that will trade up if I can or just not trade. I've come to expect broken McJunk and get surprised when I do find some sweet swag.


Mostly I trade nothing unless the kids are there


I have put a used working laptop in as swag. i didnt need it and knew no one that wanted it so i passed it along with a case and power cord.


So, how does one trade up for a used, working, laptop without adding cashswag? I know, put in a AKC registered puppy.


Just kidding, folks.


In the 200+ plus caches that I have found, I have not traded swag, only TB's/GC's.


Some adult swag that I found were cool such as:


A University of Michigan lanyard

a laser pointer

a penlight

brand new socks still in its packaging


keychains with a business logo on them

bug spray (not really considered swag - I found one can to be used by cachers in a skeeter infested site and not taken)


I was tempted to take the Michigan lanyard, but had no swag to trade with, so I left it. Otherwise, I have not taken anything else even though some were interesting.


I'm the type of cacher who simply seeks out the cache, signs the log, and move on to the next one.


Every so often, I will take a TB to move it along, but for the most part, I don't even discover a TB/GC unless I'm at a TB hotel with little muggle activity that allows me time to go through the TB's and note my discoveries.


To sum it up, I find it, log it, and move on.


In the 200+ plus caches that I have found, I have not traded swag, only TB's/GC's.


Some adult swag that I found were cool such as:


A University of Michigan lanyard

a laser pointer

a penlight

brand new socks still in its packaging


keychains with a business logo on them

bug spray (not really considered swag - I found one can to be used by cachers in a skeeter infested site and not taken)


I was tempted to take the Michigan lanyard, but had no swag to trade with, so I left it. Otherwise, I have not taken anything else even though some were interesting.


I'm the type of cacher who simply seeks out the cache, signs the log, and move on to the next one.


Every so often, I will take a TB to move it along, but for the most part, I don't even discover a TB/GC unless I'm at a TB hotel with little muggle activity that allows me time to go through the TB's and note my discoveries.


To sum it up, I find it, log it, and move on.


Brand new socks. Now that would be good swag to leave in a cache. Never know when someone is going to need some socks on a hike. Could save someone a blister or get them out of wet socks.


I dropped a bug I found in California in central Michigan. The cache hadn't been visited in about 2 weeks. When I checked the log the following day it had been hit about 5 times after the drop.


I think we needs more travel bugs in some areas.


Whatever happened to the cool items? like..



-Foreign or Collectible coins

-Those nifty LED key-chain lights

-mineral rocks (crystals/fools gold/etc)

-glow sticks

-free unexpired coupons, or drink tokens



We currently have 5 out of the 8 items listed in our swag bag.

Arrowheads (not authentic), foreign coins, fools gold, glow sticks, caribiners.

Maybe you live in the wrong state. :D


We get a lot of horn coral fossils and chunks of some local crystals in the caches around here. There is a hill in Green Lakes State Park that is just full of what looks like chunks of quartz. You can bring a pick and pull out chunks the the size of baseballs. Good stuff.



-Foreign or Collectible coins



My six year old son has a piggy bank full of foreign coins (currency exchange won't take coins so we got stuck with them) I tried to get him to bring it along as swag but he won't because he doesn't believe anyone would want that "junk." lol


Glow sticks, however, are A-OK! Maybe I should stock up. :D


I think what we need is some INSTRUCTIONS on WHERE to get "COOL SWAG."


First off, get $10.00 or $20.00. Skip a meal out once a month if you have to. If you can afford a GPSr, gas to drive around, a computer to look up Geocaching.com, then you should be able to get a few bucks.


Next, find the nearest "DOLLAR STORE" which goes by several names. The one by me is called "Family Dollar Store" and the other one is called "Alco". Go in there and find a half dozen or dozen items THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO FIND IN A CAHCE. A small stuffed animal, a tool kit, a bottle opener, hundreds of items to chose from. If you trade, these items will last a long time. A few times you may have to change two items for a really good item, so you will occasionally have to replenish your STASH.


Here are a few guidelines to remember:

1. If you got it for free, it probably is not a good trade item (there are exceptions like dollar off Subway Coupons that are still good, etc...)

2. If the item has no meaning to you, it most likely will have no meaning to someone else.

3. If it was NOT a swag item before you found the cache, then it is not a swag item after you found the cache.


I have put a used working laptop in as swag. i didnt need it and knew no one that wanted it so i passed it along with a case and power cord.


So, how does one trade up for a used, working, laptop without adding cashswag? I know, put in a AKC registered puppy.


Just kidding, folks.


Lots and lots of used golf balls.


I have put a used working laptop in as swag. i didnt need it and knew no one that wanted it so i passed it along with a case and power cord.


So, how does one trade up for a used, working, laptop without adding cashswag? I know, put in a AKC registered puppy.


Just kidding, folks.


Lots and lots of used golf balls rusty bottle caps.


Fixed for you.


Whatever happened to the cool items? like..



-Foreign or Collectible coins

-Those nifty LED key-chain lights

-mineral rocks (crystals/fools gold/etc)

-glow sticks

-free unexpired coupons, or drink tokens






Amen, brother errr or sister! :D


Just went back to one of my original cache details and this is what I stocked it with back in the day:


logbook/pencil, pencil sharpener, camera, first aid kit, lip balm, tick remover, AA batteries, waterproof matches, poncho, flashlight, Boy Scout patches, dog treats


Now I'm into Smokey the Bear swag and for just under a hundred bucks I just assembled swag bags for about 20 caches. I then spice it up with GC.com and BSA items. I also just move trade items around but recently I have been taking nothing. Like was posted already 25 bucks goes a long way.


Two of the last cases I found had actual trash in them.

Posted (edited)

I do have to say I'm amazed at the things people trade out.

Stickers, and other small bits of trash.

Im not sure what to do with the signature items either. Why do I want a thing that says fred and sally found this cache? Did they trade for that and what did they consider it's worth?


I was very disapointed in the ape cache and the caches near it. I had been trying to think of the best swag to leave in such a prestigious cache, and it turned up pretty empty.


When I started caching I cleared out my house of all the small stuff that was worth too much to throw away but I wasn't using it anymore. Really nice stuff in many cases. Many things on the previous list of nice stuff.


We've got a few foreign coin exchanges around here. Some have coins, some don't. These are my favorites though.


We recently ran out of swag and wanted to buy some. I got some nice shorty screw-drivers at the dollar store, and we bought a bag of ceramic figurines at a garage sale. If anyone finds them who knows what they are, (they are antique figures from England that they used to put in Tea), they will find out they are worth around ten bucks each. If they don't know what they are, the kids will play with them.

My geo-partner was leaving dollar coins for a while. He's over 400 caches now so that go a little expensive. Still we leave money when we don't have swag and want to trade for something. Young or old shouldn't find finding that.


So many micros abound here. I do love to dig through the swag.

Edited by Sol seaker

I respectfully subnit that when the OP starts finding caches that are not in town and that rank a 2 or less for terrain, he will then come across some quality swag. When you hunt for caches that parents can take kids to, you'll generally end up finding kid swag. We went to an old (hidden in 2002) cache a couple of weeks ago and it was PACKED with great stuff, including a fancy beer stein. The cache owner has not cached or even logged onto the site in a long time, so I doubt he's doing maintenance on it and replenishing swag. But it's a steep bushwhack in a rocky area in a state forest and most people don't take kids to it (although we did!). The easier a cache is to access and find, the more visitors it gets, and thus the lower the quality of swag it ends up having.



Glow sticks, however, are A-OK! Maybe I should stock up. :laughing:


Family Dollar in Michigan has glow sticks CHEAP! and they work really well also (I stock up before camping/backpacking trips)


Also, Claire's (the jewlery store in most malls) has 10/$10 once a month. They have some really nice keychains and bracelets that I have in pack for my kids to trade... both male and female. I actually just got some really cool bouncy balls that are bigger than a golf ball that are like snow globes on the inside and a couple packs of glow in the dark stars from there. Also there are usually some good quality lanyards that are usually part of the sale.


More... we checked out some garage sales yesterday and got 10 small/medium pocket knives. We paid $10 (we also got a few other camping things) and I'm going to keep 1 or 2 for personal... but that is a good place to go for good swag also! ;)


Kinda taking this thread to heart. I have been leaving marbles and glass moth/butterflys but now I realize that even for me, it can be a little too kid/girly. I had to go to the local army surplus store today to get something for a cache I am preparing, so for the price for two at a night out at the movies, I got 10 of each to add to the swag bag:


small carabiners


metal emergency whistles


keychain compasses


mini LED lights on a rope


light sticks


When it colder out, I will add something like space blankets, emergency ponchos, hand and foot warmers (all to be had for a dollar or so) and wool hats that I can knit up in a jiffy.


Family Dollar in Michigan has glow sticks CHEAP! and they work really well also (I stock up before camping/backpacking trips)


Also, Claire's (the jewlery store in most malls) has 10/$10 once a month. They have some really nice keychains and bracelets that I have in pack for my kids to trade... both male and female. I actually just got some really cool bouncy balls that are bigger than a golf ball that are like snow globes on the inside and a couple packs of glow in the dark stars from there. Also there are usually some good quality lanyards that are usually part of the sale.


More... we checked out some garage sales yesterday and got 10 small/medium pocket knives. We paid $10 (we also got a few other camping things) and I'm going to keep 1 or 2 for personal... but that is a good place to go for good swag also! :laughing:


Pocket knives are not OK to put in caches.


That Kidds Bubble Goo...the stuff they blow bubbles with.


That stuff leaks and gets everything in a Bubble Goo Mess.


I'm appalled how often I find food/candy in caches. Nothing like leaving something a bear, oppossum or raccoon will gnaw the cache to bits over as a gift to the next cacher, whenever they happen through.



Sorry to decline the invitation but the vast majority of kids visit a cache with an adult and the degradation of cache swag is done with the full participation of an adult, whether a kid is present or not. So I'm not going to hand out cool junk to someone who could simply buy it for themselves but doesn't trade even.


If I'm going to line the swag bag for anyone I choose to give it to the kids. At best I'll throw in some Orange vests or fire tacks.



Posted (edited)

I just started geocaching July 14th here in Summerville and Charleston SC and every cache I've come across that can contain items have had at least one or more geocoin and or travel bug in them. So far I have found 26 caches. I have traded 3 TB's and 2 GC's and I have 2 TB's that I will be taking out of town.

Edited by cmhall9

Im not sure what to do with the signature items either. Why do I want a thing that says fred and sally found this cache? Did they trade for that and what did they consider it's worth?


If I'm caching outside of my general radius, I love trading for signature items. A nice little way for me to remember the caches I've done in my travels. Sometimes, I'll even swap my sig items for somebody else's.

I think what we need is some INSTRUCTIONS on WHERE to get "COOL SWAG."

Ever since I started geocaching about a year and a half ago, I've been a regular customer at the Coleman Outlet Store up in Loveland, CO. They've got stores in 10 different states in about 90 locations. They know why I'm buying all of this stuff, so they are even kind enough to provide a discount. Ponchos for a buck. Coleman lantern LED key fobs for two bucks. Their "survival kit" for two bucks. Little beener/compass thingys for a buck. A package of chemical handwarmers for a buck. They've got all kinds of goodies there.


"Regular" size caches almost always get something from my Coleman bag-o-swag unless my supply has been depleted. Yeah, it adds up, but it's cheap entertainment all the same.


I've only taken two swag items in all that time (if you don't count the Mondo whistles we've been collecting for another purpose altogether) - simply because there were only two items that really called my name when I opened the cache. One was a really cool little 3/4" compass rose. The other was a bungee cord that was a perfect fit for the situation in the back of the cachemobile.


I have put a used working laptop in as swag. i didnt need it and knew no one that wanted it so i passed it along with a case and power cord.


So, how does one trade up for a used, working, laptop without adding cashswag? I know, put in a AKC registered puppy.


Just kidding, folks.


Lots and lots of used golf balls rusty collectable bottle caps.


Fixed for you.


...and fixed for you.


I've cached in 28 states so far and haven't seen much trash, so I don't think it's all that widespread a problem.


Dollar-store-type items however are plentiful and rarely of much useful value.


I mostly get my swag at K-Mart or Wal-Mart's Sporting Goods, Automotive, Hardware or Toy departments and keep it to a $5. per item limit.


You might be surprised to discover how many nice useful things can be had for $5. or less that people will really appreciate finding.


Also check out local auctions. There's one held every Tuesday night near here where you can find all sorts of interesting stuff... you might see cases of items that retail for $6-$10 each sell at auction for fifty cents each in quantities of 20 or more. It's where the flea market vendors buy the stuff they jack up the prices of and resell. You never know what they'll have, but there's almost always something that would make great swag.


I've cached in 28 states so far and haven't seen much trash, so I don't think it's all that widespread a problem.


Dollar-store-type items however are plentiful and rarely of much useful value.


I mostly get my swag at K-Mart or Wal-Mart's Sporting Goods, Automotive, Hardware or Toy departments and keep it to a $5. per item limit.


You might be surprised to discover how many nice useful things can be had for $5. or less that people will really appreciate finding.


Also check out local auctions. There's one held every Tuesday night near here where you can find all sorts of interesting stuff... you might see cases of items that retail for $6-$10 each sell at auction for fifty cents each in quantities of 20 or more. It's where the flea market vendors buy the stuff they jack up the prices of and resell. You never know what they'll have, but there's almost always something that would make great swag.


For that matter, check out garage sales. I was on my way out of town to place a new cache yesterday morning. I knew that the cache was a bit "swag poor", so when I passed a garage sale, I pulled over, and for a couple of bucks, managed to top off the 1/2 gallon jar with decent trading material.


Family Dollar in Michigan has glow sticks CHEAP! and they work really well also (I stock up before camping/backpacking trips)


Also, Claire's (the jewlery store in most malls) has 10/$10 once a month. They have some really nice keychains and bracelets that I have in pack for my kids to trade... both male and female. I actually just got some really cool bouncy balls that are bigger than a golf ball that are like snow globes on the inside and a couple packs of glow in the dark stars from there. Also there are usually some good quality lanyards that are usually part of the sale.


More... we checked out some garage sales yesterday and got 10 small/medium pocket knives. We paid $10 (we also got a few other camping things) and I'm going to keep 1 or 2 for personal... but that is a good place to go for good swag also! ;)


Pocket knives are not OK to put in caches.


Good to know... we've found some crappy rusty pocket knives in caches before, so we got these gerber style ones to make it better. That throws that out lol... In that case, anyone need a pocket knife? :laughing:


today i found some christmas bells in one. i usually leave a DX keychain light that costs $.47 (10 for $4.70, i sure stocked up), or a compass keyring.


.... and we bought a bag of ceramic figurines at a garage sale. If anyone finds them who knows what they are, (they are antique figures from England that they used to put in Tea), they will find out they are worth around ten bucks each....


Ai ai ai ai!!! Red Rose Tea Figurines! Those would be AMAZING to discover in a cache!


.... and we bought a bag of ceramic figurines at a garage sale. If anyone finds them who knows what they are, (they are antique figures from England that they used to put in Tea), they will find out they are worth around ten bucks each....


Ai ai ai ai!!! Red Rose Tea Figurines! Those would be AMAZING to discover in a cache!


I've left a dozen or so of those around Washington, although not antique ones :laughing:


I recently placed a cache that is almost described as a "take only" cache. Trying to limit the junk that gets left behind.


Full of nothing but (nicely) polished stones. Tumble-polished and cut/polished. Cache page asks people to trade ONLY if the happen to have polished stones with them (yes rubies, diamonds, etc. are acceptable).

The cache container barely has room for a GC (one in and out this week) or a small TB, but it lacks any room for McToys.


It's intent is to avoid junk being placed there. Most everyone enjoys a nicely polished beachstone or agate (BTW - no dyed tourist-type stones, either). If they don't want one, is OK, there is still the logbook!


Yes, I do check it often for housecleaning purposes.


I do have to say I'm amazed at the things people trade out.

Stickers, and other small bits of trash.

Im not sure what to do with the signature items either. Why do I want a thing that says fred and sally found this cache? Did they trade for that and what did they consider it's worth?[:b]


I was very disapointed in the ape cache and the caches near it. I had been trying to think of the best swag to leave in such a prestigious cache, and it turned up pretty empty.


When I started caching I cleared out my house of all the small stuff that was worth too much to throw away but I wasn't using it anymore. Really nice stuff in many cases. Many things on the previous list of nice stuff.


We've got a few foreign coin exchanges around here. Some have coins, some don't. These are my favorites though.


We recently ran out of swag and wanted to buy some. I got some nice shorty screw-drivers at the dollar store, and we bought a bag of ceramic figurines at a garage sale. If anyone finds them who knows what they are, (they are antique figures from England that they used to put in Tea), they will find out they are worth around ten bucks each. If they don't know what they are, the kids will play with them.

My geo-partner was leaving dollar coins for a while. He's over 400 caches now so that go a little expensive. Still we leave money when we don't have swag and want to trade for something. Young or old shouldn't find finding that.


So many micros abound here. I do love to dig through the swag.


This goes to show you how we all think differently. Signature items, especially ones that are homemade, are my favorite items to find in caches.


On the APE cache, The original "ape" cache swag is long gone, so finding "good" swag inside it now just wouldn't be something that i would even think about. For me, just knowing that i was searching for the last of it's kind and getting to experience it the way it was originally intended (hiking through the tunnel, etc,,) is what would be awesome to me.


I don't want to sound too discouraging but,,, if you're into caching for the swag, then you're gonna be disappointed more times than not! :laughing:


Yeah, sure the excitement of GeoCaching is finding the cache itself, but when you open it up and find really cool items to cache out, it just makes the experience that much better.


Whatever happened to the cool items? like..



-Foreign or Collectible coins

-Those nifty LED key-chain lights

-mineral rocks (crystals/fools gold/etc)

-glow sticks

-free unexpired coupons, or drink tokens




but instead, of come across some real junk- :laughing:


-miss matched AA batteries that are torn up/smashed and DEAD.

-hair bands

Dead batteries in a cache? who would do that??

however they might be good when placed and die baking in the sun.


I buy interesting items at yard sales to drop into caches. Some examples: Pez Dispensers, little figurines, interesting costume jewelry, vintage advertising items, anything small enough to fit in my caching fanny pack that looks interesting. I've purchased entire ziplock bags full of little doodads for a buck or two that I use as swag. I love to drop off unusual things.




I'm not really sure what to do regarding swag in my caches anymore. I have a 5 year old son who has a lot of old, good quality toys but cachers compain that they're adults and don't want kid stuff. Then I put in stuff like camping items and more complaints (nothing for my kids!). Lately I just just put in a logbook and a couple of pens. If you want swag I'll leave a ten spot and you can go to Wal-Mart and pick out your own dang stuff.


We geocache af a family, the kids do take toys to trade out in the designated "kid caches" but they dont take the junk you get from McDonalds (we dont eat fast food anyway). We get the cool glow tops that light up when they spin and ect.. For the non kid caches we trade out nice tribal pendants or cool tokens. While caching today we found some huge snail shells, as big as our fists, we though that would be a good cache item cleaned up.


.... and we bought a bag of ceramic figurines at a garage sale. If anyone finds them who knows what they are, (they are antique figures from England that they used to put in Tea), they will find out they are worth around ten bucks each....


Ai ai ai ai!!! Red Rose Tea Figurines! Those would be AMAZING to discover in a cache!


I've left a dozen or so of those around Washington, although not antique ones :D


Well, it looks like I might just have to plan a geocaching vacation south, then .... <_<


We've been really fortunate in the caches we've found -- not much junk. We like to trade pins, iron-on badges, little flashlights, and fold-up rain jackets (normally very handy in these rain forests).

Dollar-store-type items however are plentiful and rarely of much useful value.

Here is an example of what one person thinks is not of much useful value but someone else might think is pretty handy. I manage a residential rental in Pagosa Springs, Colorado and on my last trip there, everything I needed to make a light repair was at, you guessed it, THE DOLLAR STORE. Some tape, nails, screws, trash bags, etc... I would love to find a kit of miscellaneous size screws in a geocache, very handy to have around. My parents have a cache that has a "TB Hospital Theme" and many items in it include ace bandages, regular bandages, and other small medical items, not high in monetary value, but when you need them, it sure is nice to have them, ie. it's nicer having a bandaid than blood on your steering wheel! A dollar store type item is good, not for the dollar value, but for the "use value." I also like the Coleman Store idea, the Claire's store idea, the yard sale idea, the army/navy surplus, etc....


I still like my main idea:



Posted (edited)

I'm trying to increase the quality of SWAG in my area, where micros & nanos abound. First of all, I DON'T put ANY nanos in my caches as SWAG. There's way to many of thm anyway. I like numbers, but I also like the excitement of finding a beer-can size or better cache with a bunch of goodies to sift through also.


My first consideration is....can and will it be used by another cacher? To answer for that, I bought about $30 worth of Cryo-tubes (yeah, they are micros, but better than nanos), "Official Geocache" stickers, TB travel buddies, & those little rubber silencers that fit around the Travel Bug. I checked around ALOT & got the very best deals I could find. By doing this, I have a sizable amount of these items now. That's my "regular" SWAG.


Second consideration was....is it likely to be valued as a collectable? To settle that, I spent about another $20 on some little carabiners & dug out my old money jar & extracted about 20 pieces of either foreign coins, or old U.S. coins which aren't extremely rare....like wheat pennies & a few of the more common Mercury dimes. And threw in about $10 worth of assorted neat bandanas. More "regular" SWAG.


Then I asked myself if anything around the house that WE weren't actually using might be a neat trinket for another person. I found about 10 new Dry-Erase markers, some really pretty tumbled rocks, a "Pet Rock" or two, a new ear-piece for an MP3 player, some nice looking but cheap jewelry, a few little durable ceramic statuettes, a few little neat books, a handful of decent toys, & a few other little odds & ends. None of this really cost me a dime & it IS useful stuff....to somebody. (No spider rings or used ink pens) This is my "filler" SWAG.


Finally, I gathered some bison tubes for about $1/each, some Kennedy silver dollars, a few nice stuffed animalettes (that means little ones), a couple of actual semi-precious gems, & some $2 waterproof log-books. Those are "FTF Prizes" which are distributed in random caches, usually the hardest ones to get to...or on routes that I know several different cachers use. This keeps the chance at the higher valued FTF fair for all.


So for about $60, I gathered enough GOOD stuff to last me a few months of hiding. I put my REALLY good caches in different areas & also stagger any new placements over different days. Then the rest just have a filler or two in them, but I try to drop an activated TB or Coin in those, if I've picked one up, just to add a bit of neatness to that cache. Doing it like this I feel always adds excitement to the game...."What am I going to find in that next one?" Hopefully others will follow suit.

Edited by astrodav
Posted (edited)

I used to carry a bag of dollar store goodies - glow sticks, little flashlights, etc. now I rarely if ever carry more to the cache besides a pen, a GPS, and my butt. There is almost never, high terrain, low terrain, or whatever anything I want or need in caches, so I just sign that log book and go.


Oh yeah, Red Rose still does little ceramic figurines in their boxes of tea. My wife likes 'em.

Edited by hairball45


Whatever happened to the cool items? like..



-Foreign or Collectible coins

-Those nifty LED key-chain lights

-mineral rocks (crystals/fools gold/etc)

-glow sticks

-free unexpired coupons, or drink tokens





About the only thing you can do is do what you think is "right" and hope that others trading what my wife terms as "geogunk" will follow suit. 5 years ago the density of "cool" and "not cool McJunk" items was about the same as it seems now, so I don't think we are regressing or anything along those lines.


All of the items except for the coupons/drink tokens are in my swag bag. Additionally, my signature item "Worry Dolls" (quite a popular item when I first started dropping them) and arroweads that I bag as a second sig item. Had a bunch of Sadam regime Iraqi currency that I was leaving, but my stash on that is depleting, but do have other currency in my bag that I've collected through the years. Also have some LED/caribiner combinations that folks seem to enjoy, but running out of them.


There's folks out there still trading "cool" items. Just keep finding caches, and you might come across some. <_<


I have a cache GC16QW6, where I posted this note at the end of its description:


NOTE: In order to maintain the quality of this cache, please trade even or up. If you don't have anything to trade that you feel is equal, you are more than welcome to take something anyway. PLEASE NO PLASTIC TOYS.

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