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Dead Horse List

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I was browsing the forums today, and found numerous recent topics that remind me that new people are joining the forums all the time. They must be new, since they are starting new threads on topics that have been covered more than once in these forums.


It's nice to have new cachers joining the forum discussions, but I thought it might be good for them to have a list of topics that have already been beaten to death so they can use the "search" feature before they start posting. That way, they have at least a fighting chance of posting something that will add to the body of knowledge.


Here are the Dead Horse Topics that jumped off the screen at me just a bit ago:


How to adopt a cache

FTF before publication

Terrible cache location

I deleted a log

Someone deleted my log

Cache not published after 72 hours

Cache listing turned down

Don't like log content, too short, too long

Trackable item missing

Armchair log of virtual cache

Logged online, no sig in log book

Cacher sent a nagative email/note/log/message

Puzzle caches, can you help me?

How do you get permission?


Can you add to the list?

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I was browsing the forums today, and found numerous recent topics that remind me that new people are joining the forums all the time. They must be new, since they are starting new threads on topics that have been covered more than once in these forums.


It's nice to have new cachers joining the forum discussions, but I thought it might be good for them to have a list of topics that have already been beaten to death so they can use the "search" feature before they start posting. That way, they have at least a fighting chance of posting something that will add to the body of knowledge.


Here are the Dead Horse Topics that jumped off the screen at me just a bit ago:


How to adopt a cache

FTF before publication

Terrible cache location

I deleted a log

Someone deleted my log

Cache not published after 72 hours

Cache listing turned down

Don't like log content, too short, too long

Trackable item missing

Armchair log of virtual cache

Logged online, no sig in log book

Cacher sent a nagative email/note/log/message

Puzzle caches, can you help me?

How do you get permission?


Can you add to the list?


You forgot to add, dead horse lists to your list.



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The fourm keeps timing out and reporting an error

My coin/ TB is stuck in a TB hotel and cachers can only retrive if they drop another one off.

Can't pubish cache as it's to close to a multi/ puzzle - how am I supposed to know that?

Edited by Wintonian
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You do realise that if you provide this FDH list for easy reference for new visitors to the forum, so they don't start new threads, then there'll be no opportunities left for folks to discuss/debate/argue/give opinions/shout about/moan about/flounce off/declare geocide?

I have great faith in humanity. Nobody will read it before posting. It merely provides an additional point in which to attack people who disagree with one's POV. Not that I do that, or advocate doing that, of course (now, where's the smiley with a halo above it?)

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You do realise that if you provide this FDH list for easy reference for new visitors to the forum, so they don't start new threads, then there'll be no opportunities left for folks to discuss/debate/argue/give opinions/shout about/moan about/flounce off/declare geocide?

I have great faith in humanity. Nobody will read it before posting. It merely provides an additional point in which to attack people who disagree with one's POV. Not that I do that, or advocate doing that, of course (now, where's the smiley with a halo above it?)

This one? innocent.gif


Don't know, never seen it before. :(

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OK. Done deal. Time to turn this forum into an archive site. No more live postings, all questions have already been debated to the point of killing horses, and PITA would shut us down anyway, if they got wind of that fact. Everybody but newbies please go home now. This is nothing but a huge FAQ site now. Now I know where Vinnie went... he anticipated this moment!

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Look, I'm serious. Anybody that is tired of answering the Same Old Questions should probably just stay away. This is NOT an archived FAQ site. This is a place for people that don't know the answer to a question to come and get the answer, and they should not always have to go through the lame search engine that this site has in place in order to get that answer.


From what I've seen in five or so years of coming here is that the horses are killed by the regulars continually re-debating the same old topics... not by the newbie asking the question again. Posting links to what "these idiots" should have searched for is the worst possible customer service this site can give.

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Chads friend has spoken.


This topic is closed.


I am trying to do some good here. Please do not sabotage my efforts so mindlessly. If you have something constructive to offer, then we're all willing to listen.


When I come up with a way to verbalize you, it will make more sense.


I agree with your statement, just to let you know. The forums are for discussing topics and to get replies of "Use the search engine" is just pointless. Especially since you can't use the word "log(s)" in the search string.

But, it's just as pointless for someone to come in and say this topic has no merit, which is sort of what you did.

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Why don't pepole read the faq or use the search function? :(


Try to search "FAQ", for example.


Or, try to search "dead horse", and let us know what page it is on.


As I have been stating, this is a forum, not an archive of dead information. We, "the experienced ones" are supposedly here to help those less experienced than us. That is why they are asking "the same old questions".


How would you feel, for example, if you called your garbage pickup service to ask when the next pickup is after, say, the 4th of July, and the receptionist says, "Jezz*** Kr*SSS*, don't your read your fr*gg* mail?!?" We sent you that information back in May. Stop calling us and check your mail."?


That, I'm afraid, is all too often the tone of this forum, and I, for one, don't believe that it should be that way.

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Going back to the OP:


Why don't pepole read the faq or use the search function? :(


I LOVE this question. I'm going to answer it very intelligently.


WHY would one want to go read a whole page of FAQs when all they need to do is ask a quick question in a forum and wait for the replies?

WHY would someone want to spend 5, 10, 15 minutes looking at completely irrelevant results from a search when there are so many people willing to answer the question they have?


Personally, I HATE having to go through the search engine. It is as inefficient as can be. I can get results 10 times faster by asking a forum question.


Wouldn't you agree KnowsChad?

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Not what I ment, I am more agreeing with you on the point that it's the bring back vertuals and nano's should be there own size threds by the more experenced cachers that seem to come round just as often.


In fact somewhere I started putting together a quck refrence list of usefull links to post like the FAQ's, geolex and Markwell PQ info.

Edited by Wintonian
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To add to what I have been trying to say, we have all worked with our Voluntary reviewers , right? I would venture to guess that, like my own, yours is a mature enough individual that he/she doesn't say "How may times to I need to say, READ THE GUIDELINES! What does it say about cache proximity, anyway?!? Have you seen the Dead Horse List?!? Sheesh!!). More likely, you get a reply along the lines of, "Knowschad, it appears that your cache is too close to an existing puzzle cache final."


I see us, the more experienced cachers, as Groundspeak's volunteer Help Desk , and should try to behave appropriately. I do not believe that this thread serves that purpose. Isn't it a lot easier to simply write:


"Your answer is thus and thus" than to answer:


Your question has been answered 20K times. See these links that I just spent the past 2 hours accumulating:" Geeze... no wonder you're in such a foul mood. You just spent 2 hours answering a question that you could have answered in a minute or less!

Edited by knowschad
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I have seen a very similar thread on a astronomy forum a couple years ago. Someone new on the forum asking a question, and having the usual gamut of replies from the honest and forthright answer, to the "see this link" short reply. So a member starts to see the trend of repeated questions and answers, and makes a thread asking people to read the FAQ or use the search function. This starts the same debate seen here. What it all boils down to is that we newbies would much rather ask the question if we do not see the answer on the first one or two pages of the forum. We are trying to get started in this hobby, and we are trying to understand what those who have been in the hobby for some time take for granted. We are also looking for acceptance in this community, as well as sense of belonging. We do not have the circle of friends the "old timers" have, and are trying to figure out who are the good guys and who are the trolls. By making the short "read the FAQ's" or "see this link" reply, you are turning away someone who honestly asked what he felt was a valid question, and putting a big "I am a forum troll" label next to your name. If you do not think you can give the few minutes it takes to draft a politely worded reply answering the question to the best of your knowledge, why do anything? If these repeated questions are beginning to rub you the wrong way, it may be time to take a break from the forum and go out caching.

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