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Geocaching without a GPS.

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We have a large amount of Geo Caches near my house and I have been putting off starting for nearly a year now. I will be getting a cheap GPS on pay day at the end of the week, but have a day off tomorrow and would like to find my first Cache or two and get some fresh air.


Is it the done thing with out a GPS?


Should be able to get a Travel bug moved on too.


Quite a lot of people start out by doing a few caches without a GPS - It's perfectly possible if you choose a traditional cache (possibly one with a good, clear hint) and you can map-reading well, or use Google Earth.


You might find that searching for a small, or larger-sized container, is easier than looking for a micro or nano cache to start with.


Have a go anyway - let us know how you get on. :(




Thanks for the reply, will have a good route around for some good swag now :-) Will let you know tomorrow.


Just nipped out for a quick walk past 2 Caches. Found on and DNF the other. There was a Travel Bug in the one I found so I will be dropping that off somewhere tomorrow night.


Just picked up on this thread and have noticed a couple of bits:

1) The OP has not found any other caches

2) The OP has not logged into GC.com since 15th July

3) The OP still has the TB he/she found and has not moved it on 'tomorrow night' as promised.


Hope the OP has not given up and forgotten that the TB is in their possession.


Just picked up on this thread and have noticed a couple of bits:

1) The OP has not found any other caches

2) The OP has not logged into GC.com since 15th July

3) The OP still has the TB he/she found and has not moved it on 'tomorrow night' as promised.


Hope the OP has not given up and forgotten that the TB is in their possession.


Maybe time to message OP and remind them of their obligation. ?


I am just starting out too and have no intention of purchasing a GPS, as I find it fun to use a map and compass. For anyone else who fancies trying this, I have posted a simple guide to the method I use to precisely identify the cache location on a map on http://www.scunnered.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/...ing_no_GPSr.htm

Hope this helps!


You're not really caching though, are you?


I could run around Brands Hatch making motorbike noises - but it wouldn't make me a motorcyclist......


You're not really caching though, are you?

I could run around Brands Hatch making motorbike noises - but it wouldn't make me a motorcyclist......


Why am I not caching? I navigate my way to a cache, I just use different technology to do so. Nowhere do I read that I must use a GPSr to do so. Indeed, wikipedia defines geocaching as:


"Geocaching is an outdoor activity in which the participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers (called "geocaches" or "caches") anywhere in the world." (my highlight)

Posted (edited)

You're not really caching though, are you?

I could run around Brands Hatch making motorbike noises - but it wouldn't make me a motorcyclist......


Why am I not caching? I navigate my way to a cache, I just use different technology to do so. Nowhere do I read that I must use a GPSr to do so. Indeed, wikipedia defines geocaching as:


"Geocaching is an outdoor activity in which the participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers (called "geocaches" or "caches") anywhere in the world." (my highlight)


Aaah - but the Wikipedia article relates to geocaching as played through many different organisations.

This, however, isn't a wikipedia forum - it's a Groundspeak forum - and Groundspeak defines geocaching as

" ... a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices."

(my highlight)

Edited by keehotee

Well done on finding caches without a GPS, I have enough problems finding the cache with the GPS never mind just using a compass and map.


It does state the following in GC guidelines:

"GPS usage is an essential element of geocaching. Therefore, although it is possible to find a cache without a GPS, the option of using accurate GPS coordinates as an integral part of the cache hunt must be demonstrated for all physical cache submissions."


I may give it ago without the GPS one day and see how I get on.



Not finding a cache is "not really caching"

Finding by any means available IS caching.



Woohoo - several thousand muggles to add to the list of active cachers then? ;)


I don't think my GPS ever found a cache for me, however it will lead me to the area where a cache is hidden, then I have to use my eyes to find the cache. So in reality I am cacheing without GPS for the last two or three meters.


Aaah - but the Wikipedia article relates to geocaching as played through many different organisations.

This, however, isn't a wikipedia forum - it's a Groundspeak forum - and Groundspeak defines geocaching as

" ... a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices."

(my highlight)


Ok got it - Groundspeak is for GPS users only. Where's the adventure in that?

I'll go look for a less restrictive forum/organisation for my take on geocaching, or whatever you prefer to call it, that might be a bit more open in it's mindset

Posted (edited)

Aaah - but the Wikipedia article relates to geocaching as played through many different organisations.

This, however, isn't a wikipedia forum - it's a Groundspeak forum - and Groundspeak defines geocaching as

" ... a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices."

(my highlight)


Ok got it - Groundspeak is for GPS users only. Where's the adventure in that?

I'll go look for a less restrictive forum/organisation for my take on geocaching, or whatever you prefer to call it, that might be a bit more open in it's mindset


Nobody told you you couldn't play. If I recall, you were the one that came on here and said you had no intention of buying a GPS.....? I just pointed out that by Groundspeak's definition, you aren't caching.

I doubt there is anybody on this forum that hasn't found at least one cache without a GPS.


And as for adventure - if you ever get the chance to borrow a GPS to find a cache or two, you might find out that it's almost never as simple as simply following an arrow.... ;):mad:

Edited by keehotee

I have to say - despite having a GPS, it's sometimes good fun to try and find a cache without turning it on - some hiders make this easier than others, and there's one cacher local to me for whom I've never used a GPS to find one of his caches. Of course, I always take my GPS - just in case..


Aaah - but the Wikipedia article relates to geocaching as played through many different organisations.

This, however, isn't a wikipedia forum - it's a Groundspeak forum - and Groundspeak defines geocaching as

" ... a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices."

(my highlight)


Ok got it - Groundspeak is for GPS users only. Where's the adventure in that?

I'll go look for a less restrictive forum/organisation for my take on geocaching, or whatever you prefer to call it, that might be a bit more open in it's mindset


Actually the only requirement Groundspeak has in regards to the usage of a GPSr is when placing a cache. The Geocache Listing Guidelines State

You as the owner of the cache must visit the site and obtain the coordinates with a GPS. GPS usage is an essential element of geocaching. Therefore, although it is possible to find a cache without a GPS, the option of using accurate GPS coordinates as an integral part of the cache hunt must be demonstrated for all physical cache submissions.

[my Bold]


And the Guidelines also state

Geocaches can be logged online as Found once the physical log has been signed.


There is a US cacher who has finds numbering in the thousands, all without a GPSr.


Geocaching started way back in 2000, as a way to celebrate the Turning Off of Select Availability for the civilian GPS signal. But there has never been a requirement that a GPSr was needed to take part.



Posted (edited)

I don't disagree with any of the above - but if that is the case, then maybe Groundspeak should consider changing their front page, as surely this is going to put off more non-GPS potential cachers than a forum posting ever could .....


Edited by keehotee

Give it a rest mate. Does it really matter HOW folk enjoy this game as long as they DO?


No - it makes no difference to me how people enjoy the game - and it wasn't the people playing the game I was having a dig at.

perhaps I need to use more question marks and smileys in future.... ? :signalviolin::sad:


If this letter boxer wants to call himself a Geo-cacher let him...we find letter box hybreds, so why should letter boxers not find geo-caches?


As I understand his method he does kind of use a gps, because he checks the location with online maps, here in Finland we have eniro maps, with those you can click a link called gps and it pin-points the location, you can even click another link and it will show a picture taken from a helicopter. This takes the fun out of caching for me, I like to go to an unknown area to search for my caches, not already know where the cache is, but saying that I do use it to re-confirm my cache hides.


It does annoy me that the two letter boxers seem to try and make out "that they have invented a way to cache without a GPSr", as I said before, Letter boxing PREDATES Geo-Caching, and even featured in old episodes of blue peter :signalviolin:


Peace and Happy Caching (however you choose do it)



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