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A MISSION for pets


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YES, finally found something fun and nice to put in themissionpackage. This was actually much harder than I had thought. Anyway, now is hope up again to make this mission go out this week. So to my missionpet, please be patient, I will get it out soon, I promise.


grodan Karin (or should I say Fia the cat) :)


Mission 1


1. sent email - Yes

2. Participating pet - Ace

3. Type of pet - Cat

4. Received Name - YES 7/24 Wooo Hooo

5. Mission Complete - Just about, Hope you'll like the coins ! Will mail Tuesday Morning.

6. Mission Arrived! -




Mission 2 = Spot has recieved A mission and Shipped A Mission She Says Thanx. :D:)


1. sent email - Yes

2. Participating pet - Spot

3. Type of pet - Cat

4. Received Name -YES 7 / 16 ; All Coins in. Time to Travel;so close yet so far!!!!!

5. Mission Complete - YES, it's Packed and heading out in the morning!!!!!!!

6. Mission Arrived! - Yes!!! Spot Recieved an Awesome Mission from drneal and Logan.

pictures above.




The mailman left a big package on our porch this morning! I thought those night owls would never get up & bring it in, so I could get my sniff on!



Ooooo... it's a whole bunch of those crunchy things! I LOVE THESE... get back... lemme see! :)



Yeah, get all that other stuff outta there... I smell something fishy!! Whoa! What's that? Catnip? Feathers? This is one kewl box!!! *purrrr* That Kita is one awesome cat... thank her for me, will ya?! Wait... right after I get to try one of those yummy salmon treats! :D Now... where'd the crunchy things go??? :)



I'm pretty sure my owners liked what they found in my box, 'cause Mom kept sayin', "OMG... LOOK!"... "That's SOOO AWESOME!!!"... & Dad was all like, "What? A Ouija Board Geocoin?!? No WAY! How cool is that?!?"... They went on like that for a while, but hey! At least she put the camera down... I really dislike that thing! But, the box.... w0w... did I mention how kewl that box was?!? That was a B-Day present worth the wait! How'd they know last week was my 2nd birthday?!? :D





MANY, MANY THANKS to anne.and.eli & jasondulac for the spectacular pet mission! And, for the 3 "perfect keepers" for their collection... of whatever those things are. They told me I had one of my own now... I guess I'm supposed to be excited about that, too... or something? Oh no... here she comes again with the camera.... gotta bolt! Thanks again, Kita... you rawk!


YAY! I was away at a conference and couldn't check the boards (THE WITHDRAWALS!!!) so I am super happy to see you got your package okay! B) I had so much fun putting it together!


HehHeh Yeah... glad you got a cat person, like you wanted! B)

You did a perfect job with the package! It was amazing!!! :)

You know the Ouija is our favorite coin now, right? :D

And, perfect timing on the calendar, too! Was just thinking of ordering one. LOL

Even the card was kewl! Interesting story on back... never knew that! :)

TONS of thanks again! You have paid it forward well! :D



sadley it`s after 5 so post office is close :P

but package are standing readdy so take them with me tomorrow so that i can send :)


1. Sent email 14~07~09

2. Participating pet Lorca

3. Type of pet Dalmation girl doggie

4. Received Name Jepp 24~07~09

5. Mission Complete coinzz are in so will send tomorrow

6. Mission Arrived JEPPP ..............


1. Sent email 14~07~09

2. Participating pet Bruno

3. Type of pet Shi~shu boy doggie

4. Received Name jepp 02~08~09

5. Mission Complete coinzzz are in so will send tomorrow to

6. Mission Arrived


i`m so so sorry but i total forget to post that i post Jude`s mission last Thursday :ph34r:

1. Sent email 14~07~09

2. Participating pet Jude

3. Type of pet Holland Girl Rabbit

4. Received Name Jepp 16~07~09 the shop fun can begin :lol:

5. Mission Complete Jepp send across the sea on 30~7~09

6. Mission Arrived


1. sent email - Yes (July 13)

2. Participating pet - Gold Fish in our pond

3. Type of pet - Fish

4. Received Name - Yes

5. Mission Complete - Yes

6. Mission Arrived! - Yes (last week sometime).


...Thanks for the coins and the fish related goodies. They were all very appreciated.


You're welcome, glad you enjoyed everything.


Mission 1


1. sent email 7-13-09

2. Participating pet - Logan

3. Type of pet - Mini Schnauzer

4. Received Name 7-16-09

5. Mission Complete 7-29-09

6. Mission Arrived! 7-29-09


thank you again, and Logan did play with his toy!


Mission 2


1. sent email 7-13-09

2. Participating pet - Heineken

3. Type of pet - mini schnauzer

4. Received Name 8-1-09

5. Mission Complete 8-6-09

6. Mission Arrived! 8-26-09


A little slow posting, camera problems.


I could never have imagined receiving such a mission...Coins, treats, toys, a wonderful letter from Twitch and a special dish with a paw print and even my name on it! My Neal says to say thank you to the Belfrypotters too! He says he wishes he had the talent to make such a wonderful bowl.








Thank you for making us both smile!




Hi guys I got some bad news about my guine pig midnight who I had sighned up

Iwent to go to bed 3 hours ago so I went to change midnights water dish and I found him lyeing down and not moving unfortinaly he died.

sory for posting this here I had to do something I can't sleep



Oh Jason, I'm so sorry!!


Midnight's life must have been a happy one with you as his caretaker, so that is maybe a little silver lining.


Thanks for the kind words he did have a happy life


first i`m so so sorry to hear about Midnight..........

our thoughtzz are with you it`s alwayzzz so sad to loose a best friend.....


second ì`m so so sorry that i send so late so i really hope it that Lorca`s and Bruno`s missionzz will arrive safe and soon.......


third i see that Jude mission is still not arrive after a month so if it don`t arrive in two weekzzz i will send a new one.......



1. Sent email 14~07~09

2. Participating pet Lorca

3. Type of pet Dalmation girl doggie

4. Received Name Jepp 24~07~09

5. Mission Complete Jepp 31~08~09 hope it will arrive safe and soon

6. Mission Arrived JEPPP ..............


1. Sent email 14~07~09

2. Participating pet Bruno

3. Type of pet Shi~shu boy doggie

4. Received Name jepp 02~08~09

5. Mission Complete Jepp 31~08~09 hope it will arrive safe and soon

6. Mission Arrived


i`m so so sorry but i total forget to post that i post Jude`s mission last Thursday :blink:

1. Sent email 14~07~09

2. Participating pet Jude

3. Type of pet Holland Girl Rabbit

4. Received Name Jepp 16~07~09 the shop fun can begin :D

5. Mission Complete Jepp send across the sea on 30~7~09 i notice that thizz package is not arrive jet ......

will keep a eye on that other wise i will send a new one........

6. Mission Arrived


first i`m so so sorry to hear about Midnight..........

our thoughtzz are with you it`s alwayzzz so sad to loose a best friend.....


second ì`m so so sorry that i send so late so i really hope it that Lorca`s and Bruno`s missionzz will arrive safe and soon.......


third i see that Jude mission is still not arrive after a month so if it don`t arrive in two weekzzz i will send a new one.......



1. Sent email 14~07~09

2. Participating pet Bruno

3. Type of pet Shi~shu boy doggie

4. Received Name jepp 02~08~09

5. Mission Complete Jepp 31~08~09 hope it will arrive safe and soon

6. Mission Arrived



Dude had me mail out Bruno's mission on August 5th. How long should I wait before I send a new one out??


1. sent email - 7/13

2. Participating pet - Briar Rose

3. Type of pet - Dog

4. Received Name - 7/23

5. Mission Complete - 8/3

6. Mission Arrived!


1. sent email - 7/13

2. Participating pet - Blue Montana

3. Type of pet - Dog

4. Received Name - 7/17

5. Mission Complete - 8/3

6. Mission Arrived! - Yes, 8/10 - thanks res2100!


1. sent email - 7/13

2. Participating pet - Nuka

3. Type of pet - Dog

4. Received Name - 7/23

5. Mission Complete - 8/3

6. Mission Arrived! - Yes, 8/17 - thanks mijogd!


Mission One -

1. sent email - 7/30/09

2. Participating pet - Maxwell

3. Type of pet - cat

4. Received Name - 8/1/09

5. Mission Mailed- 8/31/09

6. Mission Arrived! -yes! Thank you. ~Mission Complete~



Mission Two -

1. sent email - 7/30/09

2. Participating pet - Loki

3. Type of pet - dog, Dobi Mix

4. Received Name - 8/1/09

5. Mission Mailed- 8/31/09

6. Mission Arrived! - not yet :blink:



Mission Three -

1. sent email - 7/30/09

2. Participating pet - Chuck

3. Type of pet - dog, German Shepard

4. Received Name - 8/1/09

5. Mission Mailed- 8/31/09

6. Mission Arrived! - yes, thank you. ~Mission Complete~


Mission 1


1. sent email - Yes

2. Participating pet - Ace

3. Type of pet - Cat

4. Received Name - YES 7/24 Wooo Hooo

5. Mission Complete - yes and shipped.

6. Mission Arrived! -




Mission 2 = Spot has recieved A mission and Shipped A Mission She Says Thanx. :):blink:


1. sent email - Yes

2. Participating pet - Spot

3. Type of pet - Cat

4. Received Name -YES 7 / 16 ; All Coins in. Time to Travel;so close yet so far!!!!!

5. Mission Complete - YES, it's Packed and heading out in the morning!!!!!!!

6. Mission Arrived! - Yes!!! Spot Recieved an Awesome Mission from drneal and Logan.

pictures above.



Posted (edited)

1. sent email July 13

2. Participating pet Moustache

3. Type of pet cat

4. Received Name july 16!

5. Mission Complete august 8 2009

6. Mission Arrived! August 31st


WOW!! I GOT 3 COINS AND 2 OF THEM WERE ON MY SEEKING LIST!!! Rivercity & Team Moagy in gold, Alaska 2008 in bronze and Puffin' My Way to the Next Cache! in copper.

Moustache was a bit grumpy with the new kitten in the house so she was more on her guard than excited for her package. I can assure you than she is playing with the toys secretly, when Pooky (the new cat) is not around. She love the snacks too.


**Sorry no pics when I tried to transfert them, batteries were dead. Have to charge them**

Edited by Turlutortue

1. sent email - 7/13

2. Participating pet - Briar Rose

3. Type of pet - Dog

4. Received Name - 7/23

5. Mission Complete - 8/3

6. Mission Arrived! - Yes, 9/2 - thanks Chuck?!


I was bummed when the mailman didn't deliver anything but junk mail today. But about 30 minutes after the mail came I heard a vehicle pull into my driveway and I was thrilled to see it was the mailman with a package! He forgot it the first time by so he made a point to come back and deliver it! I think Briar could smell it before we even got it in the house because she sure was excited and she got even more excited as we opened it up and she saw all of the toys, a collapsible water bowl, and even a bag of doggie steaks!











She didn't mind sharing with Monte and Nuka, especially since they each picked different favorite toys after enjoying a steak lunch. And she was even gracious enough to tell me I could add the FOUR! coins to my collection! I didn't get a good picture of the coins but there were a Geo-Rendezvous, a Drneal Jukebox, a Geocaching Has Gone to the Dogs, and one of those lovely (even prettier in person!) stained glass GCC coins I was admiring when Penny and Kona received one. I have no idea who the mission is from, the only signature is Chuck. But whomever you are, thank you!


Mission 1 = ACE sent 1 mission and recieved 1 Mission He says Thank YOU!!!!!


1. sent email - Yes

2. Participating pet - Ace

3. Type of pet - Cat

4. Received Name - YES 7/24 Wooo Hooo

5. Mission Complete - yes and shipped.

6. Mission Arrived! - YES!!!!!!!!! Ace recieved an AWESOME mission from loki,

So Many toys I had to put a couple away to play another day and the coins were awesome,an AE Copper GONE TO THE DOGS , A Poison Ivy GEOCOIN , I've never seen and a drneal CHIRO-CACHE coin, now I have all Drneal 's coin.

Very cool, Thanx so much,

Pics to follow.



Mission 2 = Spot has recieved A mission and Shipped A Mission She Says Thanx.


1. sent email - Yes

2. Participating pet - Spot

3. Type of pet - Cat

4. Received Name -YES 7 / 16 ; All Coins in. Time to Travel;so close yet so far!!!!!

5. Mission Complete - YES, it's Packed and heading out in the morning!!!!!!!

6. Mission Arrived! - Yes!!! Spot Recieved an Awesome Mission from drneal and Logan.


Molly received a WONDERFUL mission package yesterday! She was so excited (I think she could smell the treats right through the box!). There were lots of doggie toys to play with, including her favorite-a furry ring with a squeaker inside, and balls to chase. There were also dog treats, a leash, and a collapsible bowl (both are already in the geo-bag, perfect for our next caching trip!). Also, there were FOUR coins: Keewee geotag, Geocaching Gone to the Dogs, Welsh lovespoon, and an Australia Northern Territory. Wow! I love them all! Thanks so much to Maxwell. This was the best mission ever!


Photos to follow, once I figure out how to upload them. :P


first i`m so so sorry to hear about Midnight..........

our thoughtzz are with you it`s alwayzzz so sad to loose a best friend.....


second ì`m so so sorry that i send so late so i really hope it that Lorca`s and Bruno`s missionzz will arrive safe and soon.......


third i see that Jude mission is still not arrive after a month so if it don`t arrive in two weekzzz i will send a new one.......



1. Sent email 14~07~09

2. Participating pet Bruno

3. Type of pet Shi~shu boy doggie

4. Received Name jepp 02~08~09

5. Mission Complete Jepp 31~08~09 hope it will arrive safe and soon

6. Mission Arrived



Dude had me mail out Bruno's mission on August 5th. How long should I wait before I send a new one out??


ohh don`t send new one pleazzzzzz.........

the holidayzz are over next week around her so maybe it won`t take to long anymore now :anibad:




i could start crying ;)


The Postoffice seems to hate me....this is the second thing they send back to me.


I sent it again today and hope that it will make its way now :laughing:


1. Sent email 14~07~09

2. Participating pet Bruno

3. Type of pet Shi~shu boy doggie

4. Received Name jepp 02~08~09

5. Mission Complete Jepp 31~08~09 hope it will arrive safe and soon

6. Mission Arrived Jepp 08-09-09


We have still holiday and yesterday when we did come home from a day out caching there was a little note from the mailman the he dilever a package by our neighbourzzzz for Bruno.....

so we did go to our neighbourzz and the give Bruno a nice box .........

he could`t open it so i did for him so that he could take a look :lol:



i told Bruno to wait for a moment so that i could take a piczzzzz but Bruno said NOOOO I WANNA PLAY WITH THIZZZZ LOVELY BEAVER ............



then he wolk back to the box and take a other LOVELY thing out and again he did`t wanna pose he wanted play with his COLORFULL BALL................



then did Lorca wolk to the box and Bruno was like WHAT THERE`S MORE........

Lorca said jepp a nice WHITE ENVELOPE and Bruno did look at it and said .....

so i open it and i see TWO VERY BEAUTIFUL WONDERFULL COINZZZZZZZZZZ that where given by USYOOPERS :(:D:)



then Bruno did take a bag out the box and he was WAGGING his tail and yell : JAMMMIEEEE COOKIEZZZZZZZ........



i open the bag for Bruno and give him and Lorca a very nice CHIKEN / BANANA COOKIE :D:D





i ask Bruno to go sit down so that i could take a piczzzzzz of him with his toyzzzzzzz for you but he was so so bussy with playing that thizzzzzz is the best what i could do ............



the rest of the evening Bruno did`t sit or lay down anymore he was just playing and playing till it was bed time so USYOOPERZZZZZZZ you make BRUNO a very HAPPY SMILING DOGGIE.....


There are still 6 missions that are in the hands of the postal service

Make that seven, I have finally got the mission in the mail. I am so sorry for beeing this late and have no good excuse , just hope you find it worth waiting for.



1. sent email - july 19

2. Participating pet - Fia

3. Type of pet - cat

4. Received Name - Yes july 23


5. Mission Complete - finally, sept 11


6. Mission Arrived! YES!! august 11.


Thank you for this mission.


All the best.

grodan Karin


Mission #1

1. sent email - Yes! 17 July 2009

2. Participating pet - Kona

3. Type of pet - dog

4. Received Name - Yes, 1 August 2009

5. Mission Complete - 4 August 2008

6. Mission Arrived! - YES! Sometime before 17 August, which is when package was opened!


Misison #2

1. sent email - Yes! 17 July 2009

2. Participating pet - Penny

3. Type of pet - dog

4. Received Name - Yes, 20 July 2009

5. Mission Complete - 4 August 2008

6. Mission Arrived! - Yes! 11 September 2009


Penny's mission arrived today, and inside was a nice rope toy (one of her favorites), a lanyard featuring the Canadian flag, and two coins:

an orange glitter "pure" traveller

GC10000 C - satin gold


Thanks so much! And thanks jason dulac for a fun mission!





1. sent email: 7/17/09

2. Participating pet: Kita

3. Type of pet: Cat

4. Received Name: Yes! 7/20/09

5. Mission Complete: Yes! Sent 8/6/09

6. Mission Arrived!: Yes! 8/6/09



1. sent email: 7/17/09

2. Participating pet: Obi Bun Kenobi

3. Type of pet: Rabbit (15 lbs of uber bunny!)

4. Received Name: Yes! 8/1/09

5. Mission Complete: Yes!

6. Mission Arrived!: Yes!!!




I got home and there was a box all the way from the netherlands waiting for Obi!! He kept chewing at the box while I tried to open it for him. :D When I finally got it open, he went straight for the treats, it's like he knew! The cats came to investigate but of course he wouldn't let them get anywhere close to it. :D


His toys and treats all came in a cute bag, and I turned around to get the camera and when I turned back around, his head was in the bag, pulling out his things! I took a couple pictures which I will post later tonight or tomorrow. :D


Thanks so much lorca! I know it's not easy getting items for a bunny but you did a fantastic job! He loved it all!


AND THE coins!!! One is the antique copper templar coin which is just drop dead gorgeous! Sooo pretty!! The other coin is the rosetta stone!! I've looked at this coin a few times online and thought it was awesome but never put it on my want list because I felt like my list was getting too long. But you read my mind and here it is!! It's so beautiful in person. :D And it mixes my love of puzzles and history.


Thanks again lorca for a wonderful care package! Bunny and human are both very happy right now!!


And thank you jason for such a fun idea for a mission. I would do this again in a heartbeat!


Here are the pictures from Obi's mission!


Obi checks out the picture, with Kita looking on:



Obi checks out what's in his box!



Obi wants to get to the bottom of the bag!!



This is the fun with bunnies and hardwood floors -- their feet just slide. Here's Obi in his front-feet splayed position.



And my gorgeous coins! Obi wanted to eat the card, but I kept him away from it. :huh:



Thanks again for such a wonderful mission!!!


Shadow's mission arrived today. All the way from Sweden!! It looks like Christmas for us!

There are so many treats, and toys and coins!! It was hard to pick which item to open first.


Thank you very much grodan & fiabus!! The Peter Rabbit you sent is my favorite!!










1. Sent email: 7/16/2009

2. Participating pet: Shadow

3. Type of pet: Holland Lop Rabbit

4. Received Name 7/24/2009

5. Mission Complete yes - Mailed today 8/3/09

6. Mission Arrived! Yes -- Thank you jasondulac for organizing such a fun mission!


Shadow's mission arrived today. All the way from Sweden!! It looks like Christmas for us!

There are so many treats, and toys and coins!! It was hard to pick which item to open first.


Thank you very much grodan & fiabus!! The Peter Rabbit you sent is my favorite!!










1. Sent email: 7/16/2009

2. Participating pet: Shadow

3. Type of pet: Holland Lop Rabbit

4. Received Name 7/24/2009

5. Mission Complete yes - Mailed today 8/3/09

6. Mission Arrived! Yes -- Thank you jasondulac for organizing such a fun mission!


Glad you got it. It was hard to find items for a rabbit but I think I got some nice things. I like Peter Rabbit and the other Beatrix Potter stories too and the one by the mailbox was just so suitable for this. Because I kept you waiting this long.

Maybe I mentioned it or you know anyway, the pin/brosch is a Breastcancer pin.


All the best and thanks jasondulac for this mission.


grodan Karin


Here are the pictures from Obi's mission!


Obi checks out the picture, with Kita looking on:



Obi checks out what's in his box!



Obi wants to get to the bottom of the bag!!



This is the fun with bunnies and hardwood floors -- their feet just slide. Here's Obi in his front-feet splayed position.



And my gorgeous coins! Obi wanted to eat the card, but I kept him away from it. :o



Thanks again for such a wonderful mission!!!


i`m :unsure::unsure::unsure: ............


one package did return by my house.......

the box was all broken and the coinzzz where out and one other thing to ......

i don`t know why it return but i mail the person to say i`m so so sorry....

so i will go shop again and put a new mission toghter and send it so soon as possible......


again my apoligie for the owner of the mission......


the other package i send i don`t see or it arrive that person don`t come on forum...

what do i must do with that do i must send a new one to???

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