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Geocachers do it .....


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I have been wondering/looking for about a nice geocaching one liner to add as a signature to my emails and/or forum posts.

I like the one of "I hunt tupperware with multi milion dollers of USA equipment. What do you do?", but it a bit long.


Last night at the Tswaing Crater Sleepover event, after we all had a few drinks, a topic came up which involved a tent, cold air, and lets say ...snuggling up.., and then the saying of "Geocacher do it," popped into my head. (Team names not mentioned to protect the not so innocent).


So how would you complete the sentence?


Ill go first:

1) Geocachers don't do it at home!

2) Geocachers do it precisely.


Geocachers do it in a co-ordinated way

Geocachers do it in any direction

Geocachers do it withn the cache in mind

Geocachers do it just for fun

Geocachers do it so they can log it on the internet

Geocachers do it to get their numbers up

Geocachers do it to tell their friends

Geocachers do it without a clue (at first)

Geocachers do it over and over

Geocachers do it up to 30 times in one day

Geocachers do it with more than one friend at a time

Geocachers do it in public parks most of the time

Geocachers do it outdoors



Something like. .

- Wazat do it on mountains.

- iPajero is doing it.

- Cincol & Carbon Hunter do it in the heat.

- Crystal Fairy do it way down under.

- Team Ginger did it before the marriage.

- Batsgonemad do it like an English gentleman.

- Boerseun do it on the farm.

- iPajero did it again.

- Glider Slider do it from the air.

- Fish Eagle give us all approval to do it.

- ?



Something like. .

- Wazat do it on mountains.

- iPajero is doing it.

- Cincol & Carbon Hunter do it in the heat.

- Crystal Fairy do it way down under.

- Team Ginger did it before the marriage.

- Batsgonemad do it like an English gentleman.

- Boerseun do it on the farm.

- iPajero did it again.

- Glider Slider do it from the air.

- Fish Eagle give us all approval to do it.

- ?



Geocachers do it by placing unwanted objects in it

Geocachers do it by placing coins in it

Geocachers do it by placing bugs in it

I like your sick mind! :ph34r:


Could we dare to replace "Geocachers" with a team name in some instances?




Damhuis clan do it as a family.

iPajero did it yet again

We all did it with other cachers.

Fish Eagle does it but not for the numbers.

Fish Eagle watches who does it and how.

iPajero does it day in day out...

iPajero is probably doing it right now....

Carbon hunter makes the Earth(Cahers) move when he does it,

Redglobe too

Cincol does it with lots of bugs on his mind

Many of us do it for the money.... or was that for the geocoins....?


Rhino does it with his dog.....

Noddy and Glider Slider do it in the sky (Mile High Club?)

Cabey does it (At the age of 9 - Happy birthday Cabey)

Blackjack Bailey does it in the bush! And usually comes out covered in the bush!

Batsgonemad does it with his squirrel.

Rhino does it with his hedgehog.

Blackjack Bailey does it with a big backup battery nearby.


Cachers do it in the rough.

...do it outside.

...do it under the stars.

...do it with electronic aids.

...do it the hard way.

...do it in public.

...do it in nature.

...do it solo.

...do it in groups.

...do it again and again.

...do it and write about it.

...do them all.


Geocachers (Urban Hunters) do it on the run.

Geocachers (HeinG) do it in a cloud of dust.

Geocachers (Bad Ballie) do it in the rain.

Geocachers (GS) do it to their cache-mobiles

Geocachers (Fish Eagle) do it just for fun.

Geocachers (GS and Bad Ballie) do it dangerously.

Geocachers (Eatin Coal)do it because they can.

Geocachers (Quad 4)do it to their friends.

Geocachers (Batsgonemad) do it to other Geocachers.

Geocachers (Redglobe earthcaches) do it to the world.


At each one of the above I fondly think of those teams that fit the description. :( and realise they are all true for myself as well. :D

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