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I didn't see a spot to talk about the forums here, so I'll post in the Goecaching.com Web Site section (plus search isn't working for me at the moment).

Perhaps I am missing a new option, but the forums are showing posts in a tree view after the main post. I see the main post, then a sub section that just has the tree list for the other posts. It used to be I would see all messages. I set the show messages from the default to 50, but it still shows a tree view.

Is there something I change to restore back to seeing all the messages and get rid of the tree view?


EDIT: Never mind, there is an Option button at the top right of the post that allows you to switch between Outline mode and Standard (and some other one... which I don't recall right now). Now sure when I switched it, but I didn't like the outline mode.

Edited by brianathomas
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I didn't see a spot to talk about the forums here, so I'll post in the Goecaching.com Web Site section (plus search isn't working for me at the moment).

Perhaps I am missing a new option, but the forums are showing posts in a tree view after the main post. I see the main post, then a sub section that just has the tree list for the other posts. It used to be I would see all messages. I set the show messages from the default to 50, but it still shows a tree view.

Is there something I change to restore back to seeing all the messages and get rid of the tree view?


At the top of the post is an option button that allows you to change the view. You want standard

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