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Geocaching NSW Annual General Meeting 2009

The Spindoctors

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The date for the first Annual General Meeting has been set for Sunday 2 August 2009. It will be held at the Carlingford Bowling Club, starting at 10 am. The meeting will start with reports from the President, Treasurer and Membership Officer. This will be followed by a Q&A session, culminating with the election of the committee for 2009/2010.


Please consider nominating for the committee, as 'many hands make light work'. A list of positions and their job tasks will soon be on the website, along with nomination forms.


The 'official' part of the meeting will be followed by a presentation (to be announced) and a series of round table workshops. These workshops will allow small groups of geocachers to sit down with a presenter who will demonstrate an aspect of geocaching.


Topics put forward include paperless geocaching, GSAK and geocache construction. I will post a list of topics and presenters on the website in the next week or two. If you would like to present a workshop, please let me know.


Two more meeting have been booked for the remainder of 2009 - a Geocaching 102 session on Monday 21 September at Carlingford Bowling Club and a Christmas get together on Saturday 12 December at Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside. Please put these dates in your diary.




Nominations are open for the committee of Geocaching NSW.


The positions are:


President - represent the association at meetings and acts as first point of contact for media, land owners or other interested groups.

Treasurer - monitor finances, collect monies, organise and sell geocoins.

Secretary - record minutes at meeting and act as Public Officer.

Membership officer - collect applications and maintain database.

Event coordinator - organise speakers and geocaching information events for regular bi-monthly meetings.

The committee has a phone hook-up on first Monday night of each month.


You must be a financial member of Geocaching NSW to nominate for the committee.


We need your assistance in moving the association forward, so please consider becoming a committee member.


To nominate for the committee, email contact@geocachingnsw.asn.au with your name, position sought and contact details.


Please lodge your nomination by Monday 27 July 2009.

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