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Kathy's Coin


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This Coin is dedicated not to the memory of, but to the life of my wife, and best friend, Kathy!




I chose the chinese symbol for double happiness, to represent the joy, and happiness shared by Kathy and I, for so many (or perhaps so few,) years. Each of the characters that denote happiness is written as "hsi" or "xi" in Mandarin. In the case of the double happiness sign, the 2 "xi" characters signify the happiness of the couple as they spend their lives together, as Kathy and I did.


The Story!


The double happiness sign originated from a student's journey during the tang dynasty (sorry...educational stuff.) The boy, who was about to take a final examination fell sick on his way to the capital city. Luckily, the herbalist doctor and his daughter were able to help him. However, the young student soon fell in love with the daughter.


Because the girl was also in love with the boy, she wanted to make sure the boy was her perfect match, a yin to her yang, soulmates. And so before the boy left for the capital city, the girl wrote part of a rhyming couplet on paper, with hopes the boy could find its perfect match.


At the examination, the emporer asked the boy to finish a couplet....the couplet the emporer gave to the boy was the missing match to his love's rhyme!


Pleased with the young man's answer, the emporer mad the boy one of his ministers. Before taking his post the boy went back to the girl and recited her couplet's match. They were happily married soon after. Their happiness was doubled, as their two lives became one!


The plaque the coin is modeled after hangs in our living room...I can't really tell you why, but something about it helps me think of Kathy.


The Coin!





3.5mm thick

25 glitter green on gold (sorry, pretty well spoken for)

225 glitter green on black

trackable on Geocaching.com

icon iconforkc.gif


trades only....please e-mail if you have an interest...I enjoy the forum, and will try to accomodate pretty much any trade



Beautiful coin and story. I didn't have the honor of meeting Kathy but I'm sure she would be very proud of you!


I hope you are still planning to go to MWGB and will trade with us there. I would hate to miss out on one of these gems.


Very cool coin drneal! I was wondering what that coin was that I saw in another thread... :D Too bad the gold/glitter are all spoken for. :) Those look really nice. Perhaps I can come up with something for a BN version, tho. :D




For your 'trade only' is that mean personal coins or coins from your want list?

By the way, nicely done.


I enjoy my time on the geocoin forum, and will try to make Kathy's Coin available to anyone wishing to trade for one....if you have a coin and don't see it on my want or have list, I would be very happy to trade. I've tried to add new coins to my list as they are announced on the forum, those are great too (green if available is preferred.)


Good time to add that I'm planning on attending the MWGB, and will be bringing the coins with me for trading.


My thanks for all the nice comments I've received on this post, and via e-mail. Kathy's Coin holds a lot of signifigance for me...I really think she would be happy with it.



I would love to get one of these but, I haven't a clue what to offer. Most of the coins I can buy are put into my collection. I don' usually buy extras; I can't afford it. I'll send an email and see what happens. :)


drneal is one of the nicest people I have come across. He sent me two of these lovely coins. One to keep and one to do with as I please. I promised to keep one coin for myself and I will keep that promise. Aside from my love for coins with asian influence, I also love the meaning behind this coin. It's not every day you come across someone who has so much love for their spouse.


Thank you drneal!


I received another e-mail today asking if I would only trade for other personal coin...I guess I must have phrased my listing poorly...I am very pleased to trade for pretty much any coins I don't have, and will find something available somewhere for those that don't have a trade. it is my wish that those of you, esp. on the forum, that wish to own a Kathy's Coin, should.



I too received one in the mail and it is beautiful :P Thanks so much DrNeal :P It IS a wonderful geocoin Kathy would love for sure and for many reasons....your love for her being one of them!! Kelly is right you are one of the nicest people but I already knew that....just backing her up here :)


I just cant clip and post your ILYK...BUT Im doin it anyway!





Love the personal meaning and the story behind it...I am glad you can enjoy the time you had. Hit up my trades list for somethin that may interest you :P

Posted (edited)

I hope there are some left when my coins come in :) Or maybe there's something on my (way-out-of-date) trading list you want?

What a special coin. Very nice job, Dr.Neal.


try again

Edited by drneal

I hope there are some left when my coins come in :) Or maybe there's something on my (way-out-of-date) trading list you want?

What a special coin. Very nice job, Dr.Neal.


email sent...thanks for the kind words.



I received a beautiful Kathy's coin in the mail today. Thank you, Dr. Neal. It is a coin to be proud of.. :unsure: I have you on my list for one of my personals, when they are finally completed. I will cherish my Kathy's coin and think of the love you two shared everytime I look upon it.


I received this coin as a thank you for a Kathy's coin mailed as a thank you for a kindness shown me by another collector...I truly appreciate the coin, but it is the letter that came with the coin that I will treasure..thank you!





Dr. Neal,

What can I say about this coin, I have been touched by few things in my life, READ TOUGH GUY HERE.


I know cachers are a special breed and reading the Todies Wild Ride!, and what Rockin Roddy is doing for the memory of his friend, now your coin in memory of your Wife. Just makes me feel all that much more proud to be amoung your ranks.


We meet at GCF 2008 you gave my Son Fredhead his first coin which is still one of his favorites, which he torments his Sister with everytime they look through their budding collections.


This is a great coin, with all that you have put into creating such a coin with the depth behind it you should be proud of it. I am sure anyone who comes across one either in a collection or hopefully on the playing field will be touched by the story and your LOVE.


CUDO's Dr. Neal you are a romantic...... :anitongue:


Dr. Neal,

I received your coin yesterday and I am so very glad you decided to trade for these and not sale them. After reading much on the forums lately about the 'old days' when trading was part of geocoining I am pleased to say that I too wish it would make a comeback because I will treasure this coin for more then just its beauty and the sentiment in which you designed it, but because you allowed us to trade our personal coin with you for it. It is a great coin and you must feel very good inside when you look at it, I know I do. : )

Thank you very, very much.



Received my Kathy's Coin in the mail today. This is a very nice coin with a great story behind it. I am proud to be an owner of this coin. Thanks for trading drneal!!


Every now and then a coin comes along that you just have to have because of the design of it. Add to it a great, special meaning and it becomes even more desired. I havent been to faithful reading the coin forum lately and missed this one. I was lucky as drneal contacted me for a trade.

I came home from the cabin and saw that I had received a mailer from drneal. I am so honored to have received a green glitter on gold coin. I dont have to many coins sitting out an about, most are in binders. But this one is staying out, along side my favorites and the wooden schnauzer cut out I received from him a while back.

Thank you so much for the special coin.


I was at a family reunion last weekend. One family member was giving the women handmade jewelry...she placed the in a small red envelope with the double happiness symbol on it. I immediately recognized it from your coin.

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