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Diffrent fourm issue


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I have just come accross this: Screan capture of issue.


I havn't seen it before, if it is related to other issues pease merege the topic.




That is hardly new, but thanks for reporting it. That, and other issues with the forums are being discussed in other threads like this one and this one and probably a few others. You are not alone. A lot of us are getting very frustrated by the problems with the forums. Groundspeak has publically announced that they are looking into a software upgrade, but that's about all we know at this time.

Posted (edited)

Yep list of some of the threads Ihave participated in, I know they are working on that issue I just didnt relise thise was the same one - sorry please merge if you feel it neccersery.


Thread wehre I participated


Thread where I have also metiond it


and my first known posting about it


I did start a topic once before I kew it was known but I can't seem to find it now.


P.S - the fourm issue genraly is not new to me bt this is and fourm probs seem to happning more often


If it is part of the same issue please merde with the other topics.


Also an update would be apprecated if thats ok?


Edited for clarity - I hope.

Edited by Hampshire_Hog
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