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COINTEST! What did I forget...


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AARGH!!! Stupid timeouts! It has truly been "one of those days" and it's not even 10am!


Trying again:

I've been trying to figure out a cointest to host and today the opportunity presented itself. The winner will receive a random trackable coin from my traders box.


In the last 2 days I have forgotten to bring 2 things to work with me! What are they? Neither one is truly work related although one gets used occassionally for work.


Part 1 - Yesterday I forgot a "luxury" item that helps make the day go faster.


Part 2 - Today I forgot a somewhat necessary (for me anyway) item. I CAN get by without it but it is something I use continually all day long and being without it makes doing other stuff a little harder. The worst part is that I had to move it to grab a related item that I did remember to bring.


You must name both items in the same post to win the prize. If there are no correct guesses I will post a hint sometime this evening but as the local cachers will tell you, my hints are often very cryptic and not always a lot of help. :D


Take as many guesses as you want but no back to back posts. Someone must post in between your guesses or you must wait 10 minutes between guesses if no one else guesses. No edits! Edited posts will be disqualified!


My cointest, my rules! Play nice and pay attention, there may be a follow-up cointest!


Thanx For the Cointest!!!!


I'll say...


Part 1. Your IPod or MP3 Player


Part 2. Eye Glasses




Darn it! You beat me to it! :D


Okay, I'll say:


1. blackberry/iphone

2. blood sugar monitor


1. ipod

2. graphing calculator (You moved your slide rule that you keep for sentimental purposes!! :D )


I wanted to say scientific as that went better with the slide rule but surteb beat me to the punch


1. iPod

2. the pencil sharpener for the pencil you use all day long, so you were forced to sharpen the pencil with the pair of nail clippers you keep on your keychain, and now those are dull and you have to but a new set.

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