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How long before a cache goes live?

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Could be 10 minutes, could be 10 days, but most if the time it's within 48 hours. It all depends on the reviewer's workload and real life schedule.


Wouldn't it also depend on things the reviewer might have to check out before they could approve the cache? Such as perhaps X state's policy on caches in state parks, or the like?

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Cache reviewers (in Canada at least) have geographical responsibilities and are very aware of the policies that govern cache placement on all types of land. The reviewer in Alberta usually processes caches within 2 days (bless his or her heart!).

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Could be 10 minutes, could be 10 days, but most if the time it's within 48 hours. It all depends on the reviewer's workload and real life schedule.


Wouldn't it also depend on things the reviewer might have to check out before they could approve the cache? Such as perhaps X state's policy on caches in state parks, or the like?


Reviewers would already know most policies in their area, so that won't add much time to the process. Its more an issue of workload and what is going on in the reviewer's life. Perhaps he's putting in extra hours at the office, or family issues may take away from his reviewing time.


Some things could add to the time it takes, such as multi and puzzle caches, or if there are issues with the cache.

Edited by briansnat
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As I have found if it's your first hide read and re-read the guidelines: Guidelines


I did and couldn't have my first cache pubished as I mis read one of the guidelines, it was a minor issue that was rectified by changing a link on the cache page.


But look out for any reviwer notes that are posted to the cache page, they should also be e-maild to you.

Edited by Hampshire_Hog
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You should hear from your reviewer within 72 hours, either by your cache going live or them asking you a question/ emailing you with an issue. I am told one's first hide gets more scrutiny and can take longer to approve, but that was not the case for me; I hid a simple, regular size 1.5/ 2 cache and it got aproved within a few hours of me placing it.

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