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Would this be offensive?


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We have an interesting idea for a TB, and want to get some opinions from everybody before we do it. We would like to take a small "angel" figurine and call it "The Angel of Joy TB". It's goal would simply be to travel the US and/or World, and just put a smile on the face of whoever found it. Would this be considered too religious, even though it's not meant to be? Or would most people take it at face value for what it is? Send us your opinions! We'd love to hear them!

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Thanks for the opinions so far. Our intention is for it not be religious, just to put a smile on the face of those that find it. We've been tossing it around for awhile, especially the wording of the goal. We think it would be a cute idea with a simple, but nice goal. Promote smiles! :D

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We have an interesting idea for a TB, and want to get some opinions from everybody before we do it. We would like to take a small "angel" figurine and call it "The Angel of Joy TB". It's goal would simply be to travel the US and/or World, and just put a smile on the face of whoever found it. Would this be considered too religious, even though it's not meant to be? Or would most people take it at face value for what it is? Send us your opinions! We'd love to hear them!

We picked up a 'Christ Centered Geocoin' a few days ago. Since they make religious geocoins... I would see no difference in using the theme in trackables. Maybe slight off topic because you did state that's not your intention.


Point of post is... I would definitely pick it up & move it.

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I sent out a TB that was a bone (read bag of plastic bones from the store at Halloween) that wants to visit cemeteries. People seem to enjoy it when they find it. I don't think your angel will cause any problems. I would move it along.

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Fine idea. I am a strong Christian & belief in Angels....but if I found a Buddha, Star of David, or even a Wiccan symbol inside a cache, that was meant to go somewhere, I'd definitely pick it up & point it in that direction. I'm secure enough in my own beliefs to not take it as an insult, nor think that I'll melt or freeze if I touched it.


It bothers me ALOT more when someone tries to discriminate against certain beliefs, over someone expressing some small representation of their own. That latter part doesn't bother me at all, as long as the person also shows respect to mine.


I know that you say you don't MEAN this to be religious, but it obviously can have that type of symbolism attached to it, or the post would not be necessary. I say go for it. If someone is to insulted or scared to touch the thing, they can always just close the container & move on. Better yet, although I KNOW everyone WON'T do this, when they see on this site that there's an "Angel of Peace" traveler inside the particular cache, they can just not plan on visiting that particular cache if that is going to insult them or make them angry. If it's a traveler, it'll be gone somewhere else soon & they can then go pick through the cache with all their heart's content....problem solved.

Edited by astrodav
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I'm not Christian, and I'd totally move it. : )


If I found a bug that tried to pressure, berate or guilt me into being x, where "x" is a particular religion, I'd simply leave it where it was.


But a bug whose mission is to be "of joy" and travel the world putting smiles on people's faces? It'd make me smile. : )

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Sad that we have to think that an Angel of Joy may be offensive. The world and more caches need more of those angels. Send it out and lots more after. Look up joy in the dictionary it is a powerful word. JOY to you! :laughing:


THANK YOU SO MUCH Runaway46! You hit our whole purpose right on the head! "JOY" is such a simple word, but when looked up in the dictionary is such a powerful word! Our whole purpose is to make people smile! We're not going to call it the "Angel of Joy" anymore, just simply "Joy" with the mission being the definition. The world does need more "joy" and "smiles". Some people might be offended, most won't be, by reading the posts. Oh well. If "joy" and "smiles" offend people, that's thier problem. Thank you so much for putting this into perspective for us. (Sorry. If my answer sounds harsh, it's not meant to be.)

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I don't mind religious TBs and have moved them in the past.


St. Adrian


Wow, I hope I get my hands on that bug some time when I'm back in the States with my gun-lovin' gaming group. St. Adrian would have a blast (har har) with us. Great pics!


G-a-a -- make sure you put in a request for pics in your bug's mission. See St. Adrian's pics -- people are obviously having a lot of fun. : )


<--- loves TB pics, can you tell?

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