+Jackalgirl Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 Howdy! First off, this post isn't a reaction to any one person's post or coin. The post is not about you. I know that grammar and spelling can be touchy subjects for people -- I think the subtext is that if someone points out an error, they must be calling the other person stupid. This isn't my intent. You're not stupid. This is just a series of tips I thought might be helpful for people who are thinking about having coins made, because the mints (which are generally in China) are not going to correct spelling and grammar. Nope, they're going to put whatever you ask for onto the coin -- whatever you ask for. Fortunately, most vendors will help you with this, and I haven't seen too many errors so far. But with more and more people getting involved in coining (both as clients and as vendors), I thought I might be proactive about it. This is not a campaign, and it's not aimed at anyone. If this doesn't apply to you, cool! If you can learn from it, cool! So, with that disclaimer aside, I present: Common Grammar and Spelling Errors or How To Avoid Paying Twice for Dies ------------------------------ 1. Its vs It's "It's" is a contraction between "it" and "is". Always. It never, ever, ever is possessive. For example: "Grooming: it's just natural for a cat to want to lick its tail." Sometimes it can be hard to keep straight. If it helps, think of it this way: you wouldn't write "a man has hi's hobbies", and you wouldn't write "those coins are her's" -- the possessive form of "it" doesn' t have an apostrophe either. 2. We're vs Were vs Where "We're" is a contraction (note the pattern: pronoun + apostrophe = contraction) between "we" and "are". "Where" is "here" with "w" added to it to make it a question. "Were" is the past tense of "are". "We're going to the place where Bob and Susan were last weekend." 3. They're vs There vs Their Same thing with "they're". The apostrophe means it's a contraction: "they're" always means "they are". "There" is like "here" but with a T on it ("the cache is not here, it's over there"). "Their" is the possessive form of "they" ("We ask all event-goers to log their comments on the event cache page"). I always mess up the latter, writing "thier" or something like that. The way I remember it is that it starts with "the". I don't know why this helps me remember, but it does. Notice that this possessive form is just like "his", "hers", and "its" -- no apostrophe. 4. Possessive Form vs. Plural This is probably the most common error. An apostrophe, followed by the letter s, is not the way to form a plural in the vast majority of cases. If you have more than one canine, you have "dogs", not "dog's". A cacher might attend ten events in a day, not ten "event's". More than one cacher indicates that you are dealing with cachers, not "cacher's". The "'s" indicates possession. If you say "calling Ohio cacher's!" I'm thinking "there's only one cacher in Ohio?" and "Calling [the] Ohio cacher's what? Phone number? Name?" There are some pretty limited instances where you'd want to use "'s" for plural; for example, if you wanted to say "no if's, and's or but's" (because those words are normally used as conjunctions, not nouns in their own right). If you wanted to say "I posted a lot of hi's to my friends", then the apostrophe is okay, because "hi" is normally a greeting (not a noun) and anyway, "his" looks like "his" (possessive form of "he") and would be confusing without the apostrophe. But in 99.99999999% of the cases where you use plural form, just add the "s". No apostrophe. (Bonus: how do you indicate possessive for a word that ends in "s"? Like "woods", as in "I hid a cache at the [entrance to the woods]"? Just add the apostrophe, no "s": "I hid a cache at the woods' entrance" (not "woods's"!). 4. Quotation Abuse Quotation marks ("") are used around a word or phrase to indicate that it is a quotation, citation, or as an example (to separate out a word or phrase in your sentence to make it clear that you're talking about it separately). For example: "Come quickly!" He said. "I think I see the cache over there!" According to the Book of Geowisdom: "A GPSr is fine, but watch out for that cli--" The word "fracas" is a pretty cool word. When it's not used like this, it generally means that whatever's in the quotation marks is questionable, or that the writer is trying to convey sarcasm. It's as if the word "so-called" has been silently stuck in front of the quoted word or phrase. Example: Yeah, sure, I'm really happy about my "raise". I'm sure that according to your "tactical knowledge", this manuver is a brilliant idea. Probably the best way to check for this is to read the sentence to yourself and wiggle the first two fingers of each hand when you get to the word or phrase that's in quotation (it helps if you read the word/phrase in a sarcastic voice, too, and I usually think of Mr. Evil ["lay-ZER"], myself). If it fits, then the quotes probably belong there. The biggest misuse, however, is when people use quotation marks because they're simply trying to emphasize something -- they should have used italics or perhaps they should have bolded the text, but instead, you see something like: ABSOLUTELY "NO" SMOKING! So since the use of quotes when not an example, cite, or quotation, indicates doubt or sarcasm, does this mean we get to smoke or not? Summary ----------- Don't pay twice for dies! One of the biggest problems with spelling & grammar issues is, of course, the Internet (isn't it always?) - because people are able to publish all kinds of writing that is previewed by someone whose professional job it is to fix spelling and grammar errors, it means that all kinds of writing is published. If a lot of people spell according to how they hear spoken English, it's not at all surprising that a lot of these kinds of errors appear with so much regularity that they start to to look normal. Do not rely on a vendor to correct your errors (because he or she might have become accustomed to those errors also) -- know the pitfalls and save yourself the pain of having to have a die redone. (For non-geocoin-, but nonetheless professional examples of spelling errors, check out Cake Wrecks. Do not -- repeat, not -- have a cup of hot beverage in your hands, near your face or over your lap or keyboard, while you read this blog. You have been warned. ) Quote
+DJ.J.ROCK Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 im horribal at grammer and spelling,, so i dont mind the usual ,, hey you spelled it wrong ,,, or thats not a cap. lol Quote
+Arrow42 Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 "First off, this post isn't a reaction to any one person's post..." Yeah right! I'm offfeeendeded! Anyway, this "should" be moved over to off-topic. It's theme has nothing to do with caching! Were trying to talk geocoin's here! (Ok, I'm done. ) Quote
+fairyhoney Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 My Bad ! ! ! ! But, Thank You - Jackalgirl. I realized that you were pointing out these errors in case some were to put them on a coin Quote
+Jackalgirl Posted June 9, 2009 Author Posted June 9, 2009 (edited) "First off, this post isn't a reaction to any one person's post..." Yeah right! I'm offfeeendeded! Anyway, this "should" be moved over to off-topic. It's theme has nothing to do with caching! Were trying to talk geocoin's here! (Ok, I'm done. ) Edited to cut out everything I just posted, because I completely missed the jokes that I set myself up for in the OP. Sigh. I seriously need more coffee, and soon! ; ) Edited June 9, 2009 by Jackalgirl Quote
+fairyhoney Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 "First off, this post isn't a reaction to any one person's post..." Yeah right! I'm offfeeendeded! Anyway, this "should" be moved over to off-topic. It's theme has nothing to do with caching! Were trying to talk geocoin's here! (Ok, I'm done. ) Edited to cut out everything I just posted, because I completely missed the jokes that I set myself up for in the OP. Sigh. I seriously need more coffee, and soon! ; ) I wasn't joking I was sincere here. Quote
+WWC-World's Worst Cacher Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 I THOUGHT A BOUT POSTING A REPLY HEAR BUT WAS REALLY REALLY REALLY "afraid" of having to many err's. Their is some hope i might do better nex time. Quote
+Chickahominy Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 "First off, this post isn't a reaction to any one person's post..." Yeah right! I'm offfeeendeded! Anyway, this "should" be moved over to off-topic. It's theme has nothing to do with caching! Were trying to talk geocoin's here! (Ok, I'm done. ) I'm laughing so hard, I have tears streaming down my face. LOL! The above is a piece of art. Well done! PS - thanks for the link to Cake Wrecks. Now I have another website to spend hours on. Yay! Quote
+Jackalgirl Posted June 9, 2009 Author Posted June 9, 2009 "First off, this post isn't a reaction to any one person's post..." Yeah right! I'm offfeeendeded! Anyway, this "should" be moved over to off-topic. It's theme has nothing to do with caching! Were trying to talk geocoin's here! (Ok, I'm done. ) Edited to cut out everything I just posted, because I completely missed the jokes that I set myself up for in the OP. Sigh. I seriously need more coffee, and soon! ; ) I wasn't joking I was sincere here. Hi, fairyhoney -- I have to admit that I am very, very confused right now. I don't see any quotation from you in the above string (well, except of course for your most recent message), so I don't know what you were being sincere about. Arrow42 seemed to have been responding to my OP but did I miss something? (Still confused!) Quote
+usyoopers Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 I'm glad we aren't having a coin made any time soon- that was just to much to think about! I am enjoying my morning cup of tea right now so I'll save the cake wrecks for later. Quote
+The Blorenges Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 I'm glad we aren't having a coin made any time soon- that was just to much to think about! I am enjoying my morning cup of tea right now so I'll save the cake wrecks for later. Don't forget to check back to the Cake Wrecks - some excellent stuff on there (Thanks Jackalgirl). I particularly enjoyed seeing the naked mohawk-baby carrot jockeys cake. MrsB Quote
+Chi-Town Cacher Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 Thank you for the very informative thread. I've learned a thing or two this morning. I've noticed another two words that give lots of us fits. If we use the word "insure" that would be like we insure our vehicles and homes against damage. On the other hand there is the word "ensure" as in this thread was written so it could help us ensure our geocoins are manufactured with correct spelling on them. I'm a big fan of Eartha so I realize I'm probably wrong and Eartha is correct, but I think since this thread is directly related to the spelling on geocoins that it should remain in the geocoin forum. That's just my 2 cents which I realize may not even be worth that much. Happy caching!!!! P.S. Now I'll need to go back to see if I've used my quotation marks correctly on the words I discussed above. Quote
YemonYime Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 Great topic. There certainly have been a few geocoin boo-boos over the years, including one of my favorite coins: Subsequent versions of the Goblindust Geocoin still carried the "to" vs. "too" error. The dies were never redone, and I'm kinda glad it wasn't corrected. It's a classic geocoin just the way it is. On another note... Back in '06, I actually got a few e-mails about these: Despite this advertised rating/disclaimer... Quote
+usyoopers Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 I'm glad we aren't having a coin made any time soon- that was just to much to think about! I am enjoying my morning cup of tea right now so I'll save the cake wrecks for later. Don't forget to check back to the Cake Wrecks - some excellent stuff on there (Thanks Jackalgirl). I particularly enjoyed seeing the naked mohawk-baby carrot jockeys cake. MrsB omigosh!! That site is a riot, in addition to not having a cup of anything hot in your hand or anywhere near your keyboard DO NOT!! have anything liquid in your mouth, you could make a mess with it! Quote
+Stunod Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 Per Eartha's request I'm moving this back to the Geocoin forum Quote
+Chi-Town Cacher Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 Great topic. There certainly have been a few geocoin boo-boos over the years, including one of my favorite coins: Subsequent versions of the Goblindust Geocoin still carried the "to" vs. "too" error. The dies were never redone, and I'm kinda glad it wasn't corrected. It's a classic geocoin just the way it is. On another note... Back in '06, I actually got a few e-mails about these: Despite this advertised rating/disclaimer... Hmm, tell you what it's kind of embarassing, but to be truthful up until about 2 months ago I wouldn't have known what you were referring to with the "to" vs "too" deal. Another thing I just recently learned was the correct way to spell "their" since for the first 46 years of my life I had the letter "i" before the "e" (geez I hope I got it right above or this could be another embarassing moment ). Probably the most amazing part is neither friends or family ever pointed it out to me during all those years. Now that I've poked fun at myself in a public setting I can feel free to giggle at others little goofs since my philosophy has always been you shouldn't laugh at others unless you can laugh at yourself first (of course only doing it good naturedly since it's never nice to do it in a way that would be construed as ridiculing others). Thanks again for the fun thread! Quote
+Eartha Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 After some reflection on this subject, and discussion with the OP, I have reviewed the post, and I agree this could be of some interest to people making their coins. So, I had the Off Topic moderator bring this thread back here. As mentioned, spelling errors have happened, and maybe some people need fair warning that the world is not your spell checker. Quote
+Eartha Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 i before e, except after c, and when it sounds like a Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 What about my favorite MultiContractions He'd've She'd've I'd've Shouldn't've Quote
+gardengorilla Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 Thanks for the cakeworks link Jackalgirl. I needed a good laugh and I got one or two or three! Quote
+Jackalgirl Posted June 10, 2009 Author Posted June 10, 2009 Great topic. There certainly have been a few geocoin boo-boos over the years, including one of my favorite coins... <snip> Great example -- I forgot to add in "to" vs "too", which is pretty common. And I love your disclaimer. Heh. My mother (master class Calligrapher) once told me that a mistake makes your work more unique, so you can charge more for it. This means, of course, that my own (hand-drawn or -painted) artwork is priceless. : \ But it reminds me of the upside-down proof stamp, or other such errors that make things really valuable. If I recall correctly, there are a bunch of geocoins that were minted with errors that are really hard to come by -- tho, if I recall correctly, those were mostly color errors. So it's not all bad! ; ) Quote
+CacheMiner72 Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 Hope it's ok to add another one to the list. The word alot is actually supposed to be two words but I see it as one a lot. Quote
+The 4 F's Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 All our personal coins contain a mistake - - - our caching name. It should actually be "The 4 Fs", but I was "apostrophe-happy" when I registered in the geocaching site after finding our first caches. By the time I realized it was incorrect, it was too late. Oh well! Quote
+Eartha Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 It's coordinates, not coordinance. Unless you are talking about a joint ordinance. Quote
+The Blorenges Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 After some reflection on this subject, and discussion with the OP, I have reviewed the post, and I agree this could be of some interest to people making their coins. So, I had the Off Topic moderator bring this thread back here. As mentioned, spelling errors have happened, and maybe some people need fair warning that the world is not your spell checker. Maybe this could be the first officially permitted moving forum topic? As the subject of correct use of grammar crops up from time to time in all the forums, perhaps the various Mods could move it around every couple of weeks to the different forums (foras ) so that everyone, everywhere, can add their favourite pet peeves... MrsB Quote
+Fiery Searcher Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 *BUMP* Given a couple of forum members have recently produced young cachers, or are expecting to, I thought the Cake Wreck link for today, 7 September, might be very funny for them! Also, with the presentation of newly-designed coins, I think this thread in particular deserves a monthly "bump". Any way we can get that automated, Eartha? Thanks again to Jackalgirl for taking the initiative on this thread, and for the bold contributors of geocoin blunders as examples. Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 i before e, except after c, and when it sounds like a I haven't heard that version and will have to check it out. I've had to modify the rule to be "i before e, except after c, and neighbor and weigh and ever other stupid word you are tying to spell with an i and e in it". Quote
+Jackalgirl Posted September 8, 2009 Author Posted September 8, 2009 i before e, except after c, and when it sounds like a "I before e, except after c, or when sounding like 'a' as in 'neighbor' and 'weigh'" was how I learned it. But it turns out that there are a bunch of variants. Of course. 'Cause the thing with English is, there's always an exception...and the exceptions usually have exceptions! ; ) Quote
+Eartha Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 Here's one that sometimes cracks me up. Instead of "Definitely" (meaning in a definite manner; unambiguously. unequivocally; positively.) people will write "Defiantly" (meaning in a rebellious manner) and sometimes it just makes a sentence sound very funny. "I would defiantly do that!" "You should defiantly let them know." "I will defiantly be there!" "Defiantly put me on the mailing list." Quote
+Eartha Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 Also, with the presentation of newly-designed coins, I think this thread in particular deserves a monthly "bump". Any way we can get that automated, Eartha? I will defiantly get right on figuring out how to make that automatic! Quote
+anne.and.eli Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 i before e except after c and when it sounds like a as in neighbor and weigh, or if it's just weird. That's the version I learned. I like the last bit the most. Quote
+Fiery Searcher Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 i before e except after c and when it sounds like a as in neighbor and weigh, or if it's just weird. That's the version I learned. I like the last bit the most. I defiantly like that last bit the mostest! Quote
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