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Opinion poll! :blink:


It is a little hard for geocachers who do not have or know many coins and designs or do not know where to search...


I have searched a lot, and I am still trying! I have help from a good friend too! :mad: I hope it is ok to echange opinions, clues, give or take help etc! After all.... we want to free Matilda!!! B)


Opinion Poll


Personally, I think it is very difficult. I don't have a lot of coins to look at, and it is quite a daunting task to try to look through everything to try to find the right ones that were used. I recognized one or 2 of them. But working during the day and having a wife and 2 young sons at home keeps me from undertaking this in the evenings. So as much as I would LOVE to search, I just don't have the time.


One suggestion might be to have a series of cointests showing small pieces of coins like this, for people to only need to find one in order to feel like they accomplished something. Just a thought...


Either way...thanx so much for the cointests you have run and are running! May your generosity come back to you multifold.


Opinion Poll


I don't think that it is really too hard, but I am not up to the task myself. Several of them I actually might know, or think I have seen somewhere. I like that it is not over immediately, and if I actaully got some free time that I could try.

Posted (edited)

Opinion Poll:


Hmmm...i red all you opinions and i agree with some of you.


I also think it's a little bit too hard. I'm caching since three years, but i just statred collecting coins a few months ago.

I think for newer ones it's very difficult to find out all of them and not even the "older" collectors do know all coins.

I searched a lot, but to find them is very haaaaaaard :D

So i think i's too hard :):P


Fingers crossed :):D

Edited by Dark Elf

Opinion Poll;

I must say I started a little late on the clues to find dear Matilda (like today) but I can only distinguish maybe a 6th of the clues so I would say we call in a specialist. A Colonel of sorts, a high ranking specialist in chicken napping – Sanders might be his name but then we don’t want to ruffle any feathers here and put poor Matilda in to the deep fryer er I mean fire, so to speak.

Therefore I would say that some of the clues are indeed hard, but you could always go with a good yoke, I mean Joke as an answer :)


Opinion Poll


I have to say it's quite hard, so many coins out there :) It's fun though to try to figure out the names of those coins.

We were at the Bash but didnt find any eggs. We were probably not at the right place at the right moment, unless our geodog Wyatt scared the poor little chicken away :)


Thanks for the cointest! Hope Matilda will be set free very soon :D


Well it looks like most people think the coop is being tough on all of you. Remember this is for a complete set of 3 coins, and we want to get Matilda back! I hope at least some of you are having fun.


Today some hens from the coop went up to Vancouver; they ran into a Marmot that wanted to talk with them about the contest.


Earlier today I discovered that I had looked at a few coins at least 4 times each only to discover they were part of the puzzle. I wonder how many more I overlooked. :) I think I will work on my football team for awhile. I don't think I will overlook anything looking at those tight ends! :)


Opinion Poll! It is my opinion that the cointest is much too hard unless you are an expert geocoin collector, and you are lucky enough to be able to get to a mega event or geobash to see all those terrific coins. :) I can't keep up with the names of recently released ones, so haven't a hope of recognising parts of coins :)


I was honored to get one of these coins today!! Thank you! I saw several people find them at the bash, but was never lucky enough to find one myself. I did the chicken dance by the mailbox :)


I was honored to get one of these coins today!! Thank you! I saw several people find them at the bash, but was never lucky enough to find one myself. I did the chicken dance by the mailbox :)


Congratulation!! Is there a video of that dance? :)


I was honored to get one of these coins today!! Thank you! I saw several people find them at the bash, but was never lucky enough to find one myself. I did the chicken dance by the mailbox :)


Congratulation!! Is there a video of that dance? :)


yeah...a video would be great :P:D:grin::D :D


Congrats dhenninger :D


Opinion Poll! Well, I did look at the note. Cut from a great assortment of coins.......but what to do. I am not good at solving puzzles......didn't understand the hints. To hard.......well, maybe. Thanks for the cointest anyway!


So Matlida's search party found their way to Ohio today. I have to confess, I certainly wasn't expecting a gift. Hopefully I can help sort this mystery out now. Thanks!


And unfortunately, doing the chicken dance at home is not nearly as exciting when only one person and one geohound are there to see it :)




So Matlida's search party found their way to Ohio today. I have to confess, I certainly wasn't expecting a gift. Hopefully I can help sort this mystery out now. Thanks!


And unfortunately, doing the chicken dance at home is not nearly as exciting when only one person and one geohound are there to see it :)




Congratulations!! A video would work :)


So Matlida's search party found their way to Ohio today. I have to confess, I certainly wasn't expecting a gift. Hopefully I can help sort this mystery out now. Thanks!


And unfortunately, doing the chicken dance at home is not nearly as exciting when only one person and one geohound are there to see it :)



The search party is really getting around. They also made it to PA today too. An egg rolled right out of our mailbox when I opened it (THANKS!). To bad Brenda was at her friend's house when we did the chicken dance in the driveway.


Someone is getting close, only 2 left!


Today one of the hens took off in the car. She did not have a license. The police stopped her and are making her put a LS.gif on the car. You would of thought she was in the UK.


MWBG egg


No finds yet in Arkansas. Then again, no sign of the search party in Arkansas. Arkansas is known for their chicken industry, but then again, with so many chickens in the state... we'd know if Matilda was here.


No luck on the puzzle either. :cool:


Someone is getting close, only 2 left!


Today one of the hens took off in the car. She did not have a license. The police stopped her and are making her put a LS.gif on the car. You would of thought she was in the UK.


MWBG egg


I hope L isn't for Lyndsay Lohan


Someone is getting close, only 2 left!


Today one of the hens took off in the car. She did not have a license. The police stopped her and are making her put a LS.gif on the car. You would of thought she was in the UK.


MWBG egg


Only 2 left :D I still have 9 left and have been working on that for a few hours. I'll have to wait for the next hints because the ones left are the thoughest ones :laughing:


I think I'll be dreaming of coins tonight :cool:


Someone is getting close, only 2 left!


Today one of the hens took off in the car. She did not have a license. The police stopped her and are making her put a LS.gif on the car. You would of thought she was in the UK.


MWBG egg


Only 2 left :D I still have 9 left and have been working on that for a few hours. I'll have to wait for the next hints because the ones left are the thoughest ones :laughing:


I think I'll be dreaming of coins tonight :cool:


Yes I know what you mean. I have looked at thousands of coins I think and overlooked some of the anwers not once but several times. The problem is that I've found so many I'd like that my seeking list is going to be HUGE! LOL


Yes I know what you mean. I have looked at thousands of coins I think and overlooked some of the anwers not once but several times. The problem is that I've found so many I'd like that my seeking list is going to be HUGE! LOL


The same for me, I have been through all the coins on gccollection and added some coins on my seeking list :cool:


Ok we are so lost and only own a few coins hopping to get moor soon .. Any advice on this ?


There are two coin sites that have bunches of coins listed and I mean thousands. some of the pictures aren't so great and that may be why I missed so many the first time and the second and the third.....At least that's what I tell myself


geocoincollecting.com and cointracking.com


Be careful though as you may/will find a lot you like and covet! :cool:


Actually, the first one should be geocoincollection.com :D


Yep you're right. I said my brain was fried. :laughing: It must mean that I really don't want to go back to that site again :cool:




Well cointest 2 is now done. The winners are Hollora and Dark Elf. There are two winners because when Henrettia was picking a name from the nest, and two came out. Congratulation to the winners.


Bonus Hint on cointest 1


The coop is upset. Because we told you all about the chicken napping that they will start feeding Matilda bananas. She is not like those 3 monkeys that can eat all the bananas they want. She is allergic to bananas and will not be able to see, talk or hear. To much potassium we guess.


Normal hint will be later.


Going through this weeks mail ( I sometimes get a little behind ) I ran across a mailer addressed to me but I wasn't expecting anything that would come in a mailer. Then I noticed the return address and knew it would be some sort of goodie! My roomie thinks I'm crazy but I did the chicken dance when I pulled one of these beauties out of the mailer! :cool: Thank you!!!


Hey every one in case some one missed it if you read athh the coin pices it says ..

Dear Mwgb Egg yes we have matilda tell no one or that old bird will rip .I want you to have contests and we will free her .


Now i am stuck on what some of these coins are but outhers i have no prob with .




Well cointest 2 is now done. The winners are Hollora and Dark Elf. There are two winners because when Henrettia was picking a name from the nest, and two came out. Congratulation to the winners.


Bonus Hint on cointest 1


The coop is upset. Because we told you all about the chicken napping that they will start feeding Matilda bananas. She is not like those 3 monkeys that can eat all the bananas they want. She is allergic to bananas and will not be able to see, talk or hear. To much potassium we guess.


Normal hint will be later.


Came home from a Festival and did the happy dance (Chicken style of course) when I read my email. EM sent with information.


Now - I need to get more diligent and study........TFTCointest 2 :wub:




The coop is checking in. Yes we are very upset that Matilda has been gone for such a long time. Her towel is still by her nest, even though she might not know where it is.


Good luck to all. We hope that she will be returned shortly.


Well, one search party came back all smelly! They did not find Matilda and ran into a black and white creature. We told them get out OR else.


Just too bad, I already figured out that one :)


You'll be happy to know that I've been through all the coins on coin tracking. The bad news is that I didn't find one coin I was looking for :laughing:


The question now is where to look next? :D


Well, one search party came back all smelly! They did not find Matilda and ran into a black and white creature. We told them get out OR else.


Just too bad, I already figured out that one :)


You'll be happy to know that I've been through all the coins on coin tracking. The bad news is that I didn't find one coin I was looking for :laughing:


The question now is where to look next? :D


I've done that too and some of the pictures are pretty bad. I'm not sure myself either at this point...

Posted (edited)

We think that Matilda is coming home!!!!!! :)


I had taken a short break from looking for my last needed coin. Today I received an email which said that 2 others had been working steadily and also had only one to go. In order to get Matilda home as fast as we could we (Laval K9, Sunsetmeadowlark and I) put our heads together and we are pretty sure we came up with all of them! YAY!! We have sent the email to Mr/Ms Mystery Egg to be sure we have them right. After we get that go ahead we will post the answers here. I'll have to say that the chicken nappers were VERY evil! I'm sure most of you working on it will agree. Some of the hints were out in left field as I only figured them out after I found the coin.

Edited by LadyBee4T
Posted (edited)

We think that Matilda is coming home!!!!!! :D


I had taken a short break from looking for my last needed coin. Today I received an email which said that 2 others had been working steadily and also had only one to go. In order to get Matilda home as fast as we could we (Laval K9, Sunsetmeadowlark and I) put our heads together and we are pretty sure we came up with all of them! YAY!! We have sent the email to Mr/Ms Mystery Egg to be sure we have them right. After we get that go ahead we will post the answers here. I'll have to say that the chicken nappers were VERY evil! I'm sure most of you working on it will agree. Some of the hints were out in left field as I only figured them out after I found the coin.


Whooeee was this a challenge! I became so obsessed over solving this and rescuing Matilda that all night last night I kept dreaming that I finally identified that one coin that was missing! I'm sure my husband will be relieved to know he'll be able to sleep without me shouting "Ah! I FOUND IT!" all night long! It sure was great to team up with LadyBee and Laval and finally put this to rest, especially if it means Matilda will get to come home!

Edited by sunsetmeadowlark
Posted (edited)

Oh man, please don't post the answers yet! Gato and I are actively looking for the last two coins!


Must. Figure. This. Out! :D


Ok I was ready to post the answers but I will honor your request! :mad: Tell us when you are ready. That last one for me was extremely difficult. I like sunsetmeadowlark just HAD to finish it and now I find out you two also feel the same way. When you are ready for some help let us know. :drama:


Sorry but we have to post and I see that sunsetmeadowlark posted the answers. the rule was to post not to email.....Just don't look!!!

Edited by LadyBee4T

Oh man, please don't post the answers yet! Gato and I are actively looking for the last two coins!


Must. Figure. This. Out! :D


Sorry, we have to post them to be able to claim the prize and bring Matilda home! Close your eyes because here are the answers! I'm posting this for myself, LadyBee, and Laval.


Line 1

Wish You were here gcc sept 06

MWGB Mystery parrot

MWGB Mystery Egg


Line 2

Arthur & Trillian


Best of the British


Line 3

3 Wise Monkeys

American Caching



5 star caching

Early Halloween geobash 2007


Line four

Uncle Cacher



L&S Learn and Serve


Buffalo Soldiers

Oakcoins Free Die

East Anglia Cacher


I hope this brings Matilda home safely!


Oh boy!!! I got Lb's email that you posted the list at the same time I had found the last coin!!!


BTW.... which of the 5 star terrain cache geocoin is it?? I put in the list the kayak, but I do not know if the other versions are different!!! There are other versions too, like diving, climbing...


Congratulations my friends!!! :D


We, me and Anne.and.eli were so close behind you...! :drama:


Silver medal is not bad.... :mad:

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