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Oh boy!!! I think the cointest will end in some hours.. I do not know, but the thing I know is that I have time to post only one more time!


I have 2 jokes! what to choose?? One is a very good one but it is a little "dirty"! the other is a normal one!


I will post both!

One will be my entry and the other is just for fun!


Here is the one I post for fun!


After watching sales falling off for three straight months at Kentucky Fried Chicken, the Colonel calls up the Pope and asks for a favor.

The Pope says, "What can I do?"

The Colonel says, "I need you to change the daily prayer from, 'Give us this day our daily bread' to 'Give us this day our daily chicken'. If you do it, I'll donate 10 Million Dollars to the Vatican."

The Pope replies, "I am sorry. That is the Lord's prayer and I can not change the words. "So the Colonel hangs up. After another month of dismal sales, the Colonel panics, and calls again. "Listen your Excellency. I really need your help. I'll give you $50 million dollars if you change the words of the daily prayer from 'Give us this day our daily bread' to 'Give us this day our daily chicken.'"

And the Pope responds, "It is very tempting, Colonel Sanders. The church could do a lot of good with that much money. It would help us support many charities. But, again, I must decline. It is the Lord's prayer, and I can't change the words."

So the Colonel gives up again. After two more months of terrible sales. the Colonel gets desperate. "This is my final offer, your Excellency. If you change the words of the daily prayer from, 'Give us this day our daily bread' to 'Give us this day our daily chicken' I will donate $100 million to the Vatican."

The Pope replies, "Let me get back to you."

So the next day, the Pope calls together all of his bishops and he says, "I have some good news and I have some bad news. The good news is that KFC is going to donate $100 million to the Vatican."

The bishops rejoice at the news. Then one asks about the bad news.

The Pope replies, "The bad news is that we lost the Wonder Bread account."

Posted (edited)

One day a farmer, noticing his 500 hens were lonely, decided to go to the local swap meet to purchase about a dozen roosters to keep them company. When he got there he talked to several breeders, and finally came to a man who claimed to have the most potent rooster in the world. The farmer explained his dilemma, and the man assured him that this one rooster would take care of all his hens, or his money back. Well, the farmer thought about this wild claim for a while, but eventually decided to give the rooster a try. He paid the man and took his rooster home.


As soon as farmer arrived home and released the newly purchased rooster to his flock, the rooster, in a wild frenzy, busily began siring the hens one at a time. Within a very short time, each one was sired and happily heading for the hen house to lay eggs. The farmer, seeing this, thought out loud "You'd better slow down old boy or you'll kill yourself at that rate." The next morning, the farmer was awakened to the sounds of his sheep raising a din. He looked out the window and couldn't believe his eyes. That miracle rooster was siring the ewes. He thought on his way to breakfast, "You'd better slow down old boy or you'll kill yourself at that rate." After breakfast, the farmer had to chase the rooster out of the milk barn, where he caught the rooster siring his prize Holsteins. He yelled as the rooster ran from the barn, "You'd better slow down old boy or you'll kill yourself at that rate." Later that afternoon, as the farmer was cutting hay, he noticed the rooster lying in the middle of the field apparently dead. A flock of buzzards was already circling overhead. The farmer was heartsick as he got off the tractor and approached the motionless prize rooster. He knelt down beside him and said sadly "I warned you to slow down old boy or you'll kill yourself at that rate and now your dead." The rooster cracked one eye pointed a wing to the circling buzzards and said "Shhh!! They're fixin' to land."

Edited by Team CeDo

This Cointest is over. It's late an us egg need our rest. There are lots of good entries and the winner will be hard to pick. The winner will be announced tomorrow evening.


If you can't see your joke, it's because it wasn't family friendly. Please remember that this is a family forum when you post, even if it is a joke.


The coop has been in an uproar, some of the hens have rolled of there eggs laughing so hard. This has been fun even if a couple of the hens had to cover there ears, and other were blushing.


It was so hard to tell which one made the coop roof raise the most that one was chosen by a random drawing. And the winner was catsnfish of post #29. A Gold coin will be on it way as soon I get their address.


A runner up for trying so hard is GATOULIS, a nickel version will be on its way as soon I get their address.


Don’t forget just because it’s in you mail box, you still have you must flap your arms while walking in a circle and make a clucking sound really loud! Then the coin is yours. If you keep the coin and did not do the cowboy chicken dance your tail feathers may burn in the fires of Area 51.


A new coin test will be coming by the end of the week.


Thanks to all that posted!


Congratulations to catsnfish & GATOULIS on winning the coins. Thankyou MWGB_Egg for running the cointest, I'm looking forward to the next one.


Regards Tarot

Posted (edited)

Oh!! thank you so much!!! :sad:


I will send you an email right away! :D


I m deeply sorry for my last joke, the one that was deleted!

I copletely understand the reason Eartha deleted it! :lol:

Edited by GATOULIS



Thanks! Email sent!


Hey! Congrats Catsnfish!!! WOW! 2 cats won??? :laughing:



Don't forget about the fish :laughing:


CONGRATULATIONS on winning ! ! !

I'll be catsnchicken for the mailman :huh::anitongue: but if the wishing coin makes it my way I'll be all fish! :laughing:


Congrats to the winners.


Hey Lucky Gatoulis, with all the coins your winning, you should be about ready to have a cointest of your own!!!!!!!! LOL!




















I had a visit by the MWGB egg today :anitongue: Thanks for the cointest!!(I've obviously had fun with it) :huh:


Congrats to the winners.


Hey Lucky Gatoulis, with all the coins your winning, you should be about ready to have a cointest of your own!!!!!!!! LOL!




:huh: Yes! I have that in mind! I just do not know what to ask in the cointest! :laughing:


you know... everything looks ok when you are playing , but when you start thinking of making your own cointest, something happens and you do not know what to do, what to ask... your mind is completely blank!!!


shall I ask something about my island, shall I ask something geocaching related.... a long cointest, a short one... Oh boy.... I have to think about it, but be sure I will make one! :anitongue:


Congrats to the winners.


Hey Lucky Gatoulis, with all the coins your winning, you should be about ready to have a cointest of your own!!!!!!!! LOL!




:huh: Yes! I have that in mind! I just do not know what to ask in the cointest! :laughing:


you know... everything looks ok when you are playing , but when you start thinking of making your own cointest, something happens and you do not know what to do, what to ask... your mind is completely blank!!!


shall I ask something about my island, shall I ask something geocaching related.... a long cointest, a short one... Oh boy.... I have to think about it, but be sure I will make one! :anitongue:


Ask us stuff about You and Greece.

I used to work for a Greek Family in A Pizza place!!! Awesome Family . Vardis was their name I believe.

They told wonderful stories,

What a nice cointest that would be!!!!!



The coop has calmed down from all of the laughing. It’s time for another cointest.


I have had a request to post the number of coins minted. So for this cointest you must guess the number minted for each finish. The three finishes are Copper, Gold, and Nickle.


Your are guessing for a Gold MWGB 2009 egg. Good Cluck to all.



1. One entry per cacher per day

2. Yinz have until Wednesday (5-20) 6pm MWGB time

3. If no one gets it totally correct. All the ones with any correct will be place in a nest for a drawing.

4. I am the judge and my rulings are final.


B) I was probably the one who asked that question! :P


I do not know the answers, but here is a chance to fint how many were minted! :)


My guess...


Nickel = 100

Gold = 75

copper = 25

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