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grodan & fiabus

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Now it is time to go to bed for me, that gives you a few extra hours to sign up.


There are 38 emails so far and many have more than one mission so please give me a day or two to sort everythnig out and mix/match you before I send out the emails with your missionpersons.


Thank you everyone so far for signing up.


Have fun and keep it easy.


grodan Karin

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I will of course also participate.



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Mission received


There is the time ending for sign ups.

Please be patient and you weill soon know where to send your missions. :):lol:


grodan Karin

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If it is not too late, I would love to sign up for this mission. :lol: While for most of you the weather is beginning to warm up and you have spring flowers on the way, it is Autumn here and the mornings are starting to cool down. It won't be long before Winter is here so this mission is just what I will need to brighten the days. :)


Email sent: yes

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Mission sent:

Mission received



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I can't wait to find out who we'll be sending flower wishes to - male or female, canine or human or feline or..., adult or child, local or long distance? It's hard to wait patiently! Checking out profiles, wish lists, and forum posts is as much fun as shopping. And although the odds are against it, I'm crossing my fingers for one name in particular.

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Puhh, that was hard work!!


55 missions all mixed up. Right now they feel pretty mixedup also, I have to check everything tomorrow to make sure. But I have matched you people up together so that part is done. ( I think)


There are so many nice persons signing up and from many countries also.


I will let you know when I send the emails out so no panic yet.


If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


Have fun and keep it easy!

grodan Karin

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MISSION 1 (Me-Turlutortue)


Email sent: 4/28/09

Name received:5/6/09

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MISSION 2 ( Paffinator)


Email sent: 4/28/09

Name received:5/6/09

Mission sent:

Mission received:


MISSION 3 (Moustaches de chaton)


Email sent: 4/28/09

Name received:5/6/09

Mission sent:

Mission received:


For those who have Paffinator and Moustaches de chaton you can go to my seeking list for ideas, they don't have one yet. Thanks

Edited by Turlutortue
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