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Google Earth add-in removed


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I'm missing and that everyones fussing about...

It used to be possible to view cache details and approximate location in Google Earth. That facility was fantastic but poorly implemented by Groundspeak, so rather than sort the problem that was draining their resources, they pulled the plug. As you might guess by the length of this thread, it was a rather unpopular decision.


You can see an image of what used to be possible here (not my image or Flickr page)...


Looks simmilar to if you go to http://www.geocaching.com/map and click on "Satellite" at the top right...


Probably not a good comparassion as I'm sure I'm missing some of the functionallity or something since the flicker site is just an image, not an actual map that I can click on things and see how it really works... :D

I'm missing and that everyones fussing about...

It used to be possible to view cache details and approximate location in Google Earth. That facility was fantastic but poorly implemented by Groundspeak, so rather than sort the problem that was draining their resources, they pulled the plug. As you might guess by the length of this thread, it was a rather unpopular decision.


You can see an image of what used to be possible here (not my image or Flickr page)...


It out performed the maps your using from the GC site by about 10 to 1.


But aren't the geocaching.com maps (from google maps) the same as the ones in google earth? I'm fairly sure that GE accesses the satellite images from the same place that google maps does.


I'm still wondering what all of the fuss is about though - given that the link is still live, and the network connection via the kml file still works.



I'm still wondering what all of the fuss is about though...

There's quite a few of us who think the GE interface is far superior to the Groundspeak maps.

I'm still wondering what all of the fuss is about though...

There's quite a few of us who think the GE interface is far superior to the Groundspeak maps.

Yeah, the maps and images may be from the same place but how they operate are not the same. Look at it like this. Both the Cobalt and the Corvette are from Chevy but the don't perform the same.

I'm still wondering what all of the fuss is about though...

There's quite a few of us who think the GE interface is far superior to the Groundspeak maps.

Yeah, the maps and images may be from the same place but how they operate are not the same. Look at it like this. Both the Cobalt and the Corvette are from Chevy but the don't perform the same.


My comment "I don't know what the fuss is about" refers to the fact that the networked kml still works. So if GE is good for you, there's no current reason to stop using it.


I like GE too, but my PC is reasonably slow to run GE (its old!) so my reasoning is that I can access the same level of detail with the GC maps that I can under GE, but GE is (for me) significantly slower. I too get fed up that sometimes the javascript on GC maps falls over, and I would like to be able to see "clumps" of caches from a significant altitude, but if I'm using the maps to check out the local area then GC works just as well as GE. In fact, for me GC works better, as for some reason all of the caches (and other places of interest under GE) are about 10m to the West of their actual locations.




... for some reason all of the caches (and other places of interest under GE) are about 10m to the West of their actual locations.




Sounds like you need to move your PC to the other side of the house!


Wow is all I can say. I just re-downloaded the .kml file from "www.geocaching.com/kml/buildnetworkkml.aspx" and it works. Lets hope it keeps working.


Did a Google search for "Geocaching KML" and clicked the first one.

I'm still wondering what all of the fuss is about though...

There's quite a few of us who think the GE interface is far superior to the Groundspeak maps.

Yeah, the maps and images may be from the same place but how they operate are not the same. Look at it like this. Both the Cobalt and the Corvette are from Chevy but the don't perform the same.


My comment "I don't know what the fuss is about" refers to the fact that the networked kml still works. So if GE is good for you, there's no current reason to stop using it.


I like GE too, but my PC is reasonably slow to run GE (its old!) so my reasoning is that I can access the same level of detail with the GC maps that I can under GE, but GE is (for me) significantly slower. I too get fed up that sometimes the javascript on GC maps falls over, and I would like to be able to see "clumps" of caches from a significant altitude, but if I'm using the maps to check out the local area then GC works just as well as GE. In fact, for me GC works better, as for some reason all of the caches (and other places of interest under GE) are about 10m to the West of their actual locations.



Then I had misunderstood your comment.


Yes, the KML is still working, for now. Groundspeak has made it clear that they will no longer support it. At some point it will go bad. Probably when GE. makes some sort of change or upgrade.

To Geocaching.com: Wonder where my Premium membership renewal money is? Same place your kml is.


Maybe you'll change your tune when enough people vote with their wallets. Guess it's time to give up this stupid game anyway.


ps - Geocaching.com/map stinks.


Yes, the KML is missed but please, Geocide over it? You just started out.

I do not think it means what you think it means.



What I liked about GE was that I could plug in some coords, "fly to", and immediately see what caches were around there. Can't do that with GC.com Google maps. Otherwise I like the GC maps just fine.

What I liked about GE was that I could plug in some coords, "fly to", and immediately see what caches were around there. Can't do that with GC.com Google maps.

Sure you can. Using the one of the forms on this site here or here, you can enter coords and do a search and it will show a list of caches around those coords. At the top of the list, press the map_it.gif button and the Google Map will show the same caches.


Alternately, you can use this page (I use it as my home page) and enter the coords and click the "GC Map" button to go straight to the map, centered on the coords you entered.


I am also 1 of the 200, and I think there were more then 200. It was a good add on and I hope it comes back. It was fast and easy, now I have to do it the long way. I've been using it for 3 years and never had a problem with it.




I am also 1 of the 200, and I think there were more then 200. It was a good add on and I hope it comes back. It was fast and easy, now I have to do it the long way. I've been using it for 3 years and never had a problem with it.




But its not gone anywhere.


Can someone explain to me why everyone is complaining when a) its still there and :o its still working. I know it will go at some point, but it still works and is still freely available (someone else posted the link above).




But its not gone anywhere.


Can someone explain to me why everyone is complaining when a) its still there and :) its still working. I know it will go at some point, but it still works and is still freely available (someone else posted the link above).




The link to download the GeocachingNetworkKML.kml file used to be accessible in the column on the right hand side of your profile page. It is no longer there. I couldn't find it until I saw the user-posted link above.


The kml I downloaded a few minutes ago from the link above seems to be working just fine for Google Earth 5.0 on my WinXP machine. But it does not work at all with the most recent version of Google Earth for my Linux build.


I am not a frequent enough geocacher to have noticed when this disappeared. I know that periodically, I would have to re-download it. I never knew exactly why - it would just say something about being expired when I tried using it. However, its absence from the profile page clearly indicates an intention to stop supporting it.


I must agree with the more than 200. My wife and I recently began caching and we love it. Preparation for a hunt is as important as the hunt and find. GE is an invaluable tool in that preparation. Using just a few overlays, I can search for caches, check weather or traffic, analyze terrain and complete route calculations. With GE I can quickly complete these tasks and then some without going back and forth from webpage to webpage. Thank you and I just wanted to voice my support for and hope that Groundspeak thinks twice on its support of the GE KML.



But its not gone anywhere.


Can someone explain to me why everyone is complaining when a) its still there and :unsure: its still working. I know it will go at some point, but it still works and is still freely available (someone else posted the link above).




Because voicing our opinions may not save it but if we do nothing it will go away.


The GE kml browser was a valuable tool to me for use in routing and selecting caches for county and other challenges because I could visiually determine the borders and city limits. Also as a cache hider, I used it on every cache hide as a quick reference to spot surrounding caches, even though I knew the placements were not exact.


I find it extremely hard to believe this was taxing the servers to the point of impacting performance. And I don't believe the population of users was as small as has been mentioned. I think I personally know of 200 cachers that used the tool.


Maybe if PQs were opened up a little bit, we could use them to give us back some of the same look and feel. It sure would be nice to be able to get more than 500 caches at a time or more than 5 PQs a day.


I always enjoyed using GE to tour other regions and areas quickly while seeing all the caches at the same time. To me, the tool was valuable and what I've seen so far being offered as a replacement, does not do it for me.


Wow is all I can say. I just re-downloaded the .kml file from "www.geocaching.com/kml/buildnetworkkml.aspx" and it works. Lets hope it keeps working.


Did a Google search for "Geocaching KML" and clicked the first one.


I am also one of the growing band of 200, and found this to be an absolute invaluable tool.

So when I had to reload my laptop and went in search of this tool, was thinking I was going mad as I could not find it !!!


Thanks for the link, all up and running again :blink: In fact seems to work better than ever, think I will never upgrade GE again in case it stops working


Count me in as one of the 200.


I use GE two or three times a week to plan caching outings as I travel around the country and had not realised there was a move afoot to remove it [KML] until I tried to tell someone how to install it.


Having read the posts here I tried geocaching maps and found it inferior; the amount of screen available to display the actual map makes it very difficult to see the detail I am used to with GE. I do like the ability to turn off found and owned caches though.


Perhaps if we could have less text and more map I would like it more. I will stick with with GE as long as possible, but will make an effort to use the new system.


Wow is all I can say. I just re-downloaded the .kml file from "www.geocaching.com/kml/buildnetworkkml.aspx" and it works. Lets hope it keeps working.


Did a Google search for "Geocaching KML" and clicked the first one.


Thank you very much for posting that link, I don't get a chance to go caching very often, but I am one of the 200 that use this feature regularly, for myself and for family members who are able to go more frequently.


Wow is all I can say. I just re-downloaded the .kml file from "www.geocaching.com/kml/buildnetworkkml.aspx" and it works. Lets hope it keeps working.


Did a Google search for "Geocaching KML" and clicked the first one.


Thank you very much for posting that link, I don't get a chance to go caching very often, but I am one of the 200 that use this feature regularly, for myself and for family members who are able to go more frequently.


Funny, I always just kept the link saved in Google Earth, so I never even noticed that it was "gone".


I use the Google Earth when traveling to areas I am not familiar, IE Europe. Since I generally know what hotel I will be staying at, I would just put in the address of the hotel and It would show me caches nearby. then I could use a pocket query to to load up the GPSr and off I would go. Now when I put in a specific address, it doesn't show any geocaches. Is this what you all are talking about? It surely made finding caches in other parts of the world easier.

Posted (edited)
I'm missing and that everyones fussing about...

It used to be possible to view cache details and approximate location in Google Earth. That facility was fantastic but poorly implemented by Groundspeak, so rather than sort the problem that was draining their resources, they pulled the plug. As you might guess by the length of this thread, it was a rather unpopular decision.


You can see an image of what used to be possible here (not my image or Flickr page)...


That image doesn't do the GE with GC kml justice. Take a look at:



Edited by SamSpade47

Wow is all I can say. I just re-downloaded the .kml file from "www.geocaching.com/kml/buildnetworkkml.aspx" and it works. Lets hope it keeps working.


Did a Google search for "Geocaching KML" and clicked the first one.


Thank you very much for posting that link, I don't get a chance to go caching very often, but I am one of the 200 that use this feature regularly, for myself and for family members who are able to go more frequently.


Funny, I always just kept the link saved in Google Earth, so I never even noticed that it was "gone".


:o *sigh* I just tried re-downloading this link - it didn't help. I guess I didn't use it enough to substantiate it either (but I loved using it when I did plan my non-local cache trips). I'm really sorry it wasn't feasable to keep.


I think the network geocaching klm is down for good now. Been trying all morning and got nothing on my GoogleEarth. I guess they did some cleaning up on the website after the power outage. I tried download another file and no go. Well, bye, bye to a nice idea. Maybe they will incorporate some of the things we liked about it into the Geocaching.com on Google Maps feature. I liked being able to type in the address of my destination and fly to the area to see all the local caches. I didn't mind the lack of acuracy, why use a GPSr device otherwise? There doesn't seem to be any way to enter an address in the map... you have to start with geocaching.com.


Dissapointed :) , angry :o , pee'd off :antenna: , upset :antenna: and any other points you might light to make. One of the most usefull apps has now it seems has gone. and you know what it will make no difference TPTB will take no notice. As long as the money keeps coming in stuff the users. If I wasnt hooked on the game I would leave and THAT is what they know is most of the users on here.


Thanks GC




as is often noted: "You don't what you've got until it is taken away." and this is one of those tings. I too liked the ease of just opening up GE to where I was going to see what was in store for me on that trek or to see where I would like to focus my attention. Attempts for an early petition were made to make it disappear but once it got on to the Google search engine it could not be wiped away. Odd that they are "afraid" of people questioning what they do, good, bad, or indifferent. As we are the ones putting $$$ in their pockets, one would think they would like to keep us happy.


To assume that we did this to harm you, is odd. We have explained many times that the need to remove this was in the best interest of the website and our users. We also have stated that at some point the functionality might be brought back if we can get it to a point where it doesn't hurt our the performance of the website.




VERY UNHAPPY with the removal of the GE linkage! PLEASE bring it back. I think your estimate of 200 users is way, way off.

To assume that we did this to harm you, is odd. We have explained many times that the need to remove this was in the best interest of the website and our users. We also have stated that at some point the functionality might be brought back if we can get it to a point where it doesn't hurt our the performance of the website.




VERY UNHAPPY with the removal of the GE linkage! PLEASE bring it back. I think your estimate of 200 users is way, way off.

To assume that we did this to harm you, is odd. We have explained many times that the need to remove this was in the best interest of the website and our users. We also have stated that at some point the functionality might be brought back if we can get it to a point where it doesn't hurt our the performance of the website.




OK, so Groundspeak didn't do this to harm us. Does that mean we are supposed to be happy about it? The fact is that it was done and some of us ARE unhappy.


Raine, I am among those who appreciate the good work you folks do, but this one hasn't impressed me. After being told how much this feature was harming performance I've gotta say that I am disappointed that nothing else seems to be working any better. As seen from this side of the situation all that is different is you guys are removing a feature.


More and more things on the site are going haywire. Logs that don't post in order, site slowdowns, search results that make little sense, the list goes on and seems to be growing. Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? Is there hope that it wil get better? Or are we just gonna have to get used to the idea that these things are what they are?


I can't figure out if there are only 200 occasional users of Google Earth KML, that it could slow down GC.com that much. I believe there are many many more users than that. I use it several times a week. Much of the information is available on the Google Maps in GC.com except one important feature - the distance ruler. That is a valuable tool when placing caches in areas where there are other caches (you don't just get the rough estimate you get on Google Maps but a precise distance) and when planning caching trips to areas of remote caches you can find the distances accurately. If you could add this feature to the Google Maps on GC.com that would help a lot. Otherwise, it would be very nice if Google Earth KML feature could somehow be reinstated to Google Earth. Thanks for your consideration. larsslc


Raine -


I read your response before I posted so no reason to repeat it. I just wanted my voice added to the dialog.


How many downloads of the KML occured before it was pulled from the website? The 200 user figure just seems rediculously low. Maybe 200 users online at one time...that seems more likely.


I am encouraging all those who used this feature to comment here so Groundspeak gets a better view of the level of actual usage.


Feature request: GE had a ruler that would allow us to measure from one point to the next. I really miss that feature. Could you add to the GC.com maps?


Just curious, but will we see improvements in site usability because of this?


As I understand it, itsnotaboutthenumbers uses a Groundspeak server. I'm still getting "500:Internal Server Error" when I visit.


This is absolutely ridiculous! This feature in Google Earth was my most used method in finding caches when I create my pocket queries. It was my most favourite feature of GC.com.

I am very disappointed with the decision of Groundspeak to take down this feature.

I pay money annually for my membership. I expect that useful features like this should be kept up.

Very, very disappointed



Just curious, but will we see improvements in site usability because of this?


Closing in on three months. Have you seen any improvements?


The link was removed 3 months ago. The people who have been sharing the "work around" and other users who have had the linked cached in GE finally had access turned off today.


So what kind of performance increase can we expect? Blazing speed and no more problems logging on Sunday afternoon?


NEVER! have I been a members of a group as small as 200!


I loved the Cache feature in Google Earth and used it to recruit many new geocachers!


I am very dissapointed by the sudden dissapearance of this vital tool !!!!


I used it nearly every Cache trip I scheduled. Now that it is gone I'll have to load my next 10,000 mile 33 state trip one leg at a time and, and, and........ hassel !!! Not looking forward to it.


I had always looked upon geocaching.com as a really supportive site, now? Shades of Ikariam if anyone knows the reference. Perhaps I missed the notification, I don't know. All I do know is that one of my favorite tools is gone!


If server usage was the issue why not make it active to premium members only? Sales point? Oh, but there was that "only 200 people use it" reference. Now there is a phrase that belongs right next to: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Funny how numbers always support the position one is trying to put forth. I'm not trying to be insulting to those in charge and who put there time and effort into this wonderful product (I help pay for), but I spent enough time in the Silicon Valley to know BS numbers when I hear them.


If this issue has been beat to death I'm sorry, but having just dicovered the loss of one of my favorite tools, I'm going through withdrawls!


While I will remain a premium member I am very dissapointed by this loss of such a useful function!




OK, i need to confess I am the 201st user of KML & google earth!! Sorry if a messed things up for everyone?! PLEASE add me to the list of the 200 regular (prior) users of this GREAT feature. When going on a trip, how easy it was to simply follow the road and see what caches pop-up along the way and then click to get more info. The geocache map is simply slower to load and i miss my Google Earth. maybe one day...some way...I know...


Posted (edited)

That image doesn't do the GE with GC kml justice. Take a look at:




You know I did this one today with my GPX file and GE...




There no comparison to dropping a *.gpx file into GE vs. using the GC KML method. The *.gpx file is just to limited. With GE you can tour the world stopping at random spots and check out the caches. You can't do that with *.gpx files and the joke of the PQ system.


The two images that I posted




as examples of the GE KML experience, one was of Downtown Seattle, the other was of up in the North Cascades ~ 100 miles to the NE. To jump from one view to the other using the GE KML took 10 seconds (if that). The alternative would be to setup two GC PQ, wait for them to arrive in the email, unzip them, save the files, then drop them in GE. That could take an hour. Lame.


Just the whole dynamics having the caches pop up as you float above. It was a beautiful thing.


I remember seeing programmers offering their assistance to optimize the database hits. What happened with that? GC response: Thanks, but no thanks, we're just going to pull the plug. Weird.


I hope they are able to bring it back somehow.



Edited by SamSpade47

I just don't know where they came up with the "only 200 users use it" excuss. There must be already close to 200 users that have admitted on this thread that they have used the KML!


Very bad choice to take it down Groundspeak!


Actually I think the GC server slowdown comes from all the iPhone geocaching apps that make constant calls on the GC website to update the iPhone screens and cache info on a realtime basis. Hmmmm......Must be more than 200 iPhone users [sarcasm].

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