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Impossible Puzzle


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My husband is somewhat of a barcode expert and we looked over this cache last night. We know what kind of barcode they are, but they don't really seem to work exactly... so we are also looking at other angles.


I also saw the circles, and we have some ideas about how to go about it, especially with the new clue and the names of some of the areas around the "fake" coords on the map... eenteresting.


We'll post if we can solve the puzzle that it's solveable.


In regards to the person who wants to archive it... we think that's so ridiculous, and we're glad it hasn't been archived because we're enjoying the challenge.



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It looks similar to this cache:




Good call!! Almost the exact same text, a barcode, but an entirely different type of barcode (and only one of them) No udub link or graphic. I once solved a rather difficult puzzle when I found a similar one located in another part of the country by comparing similarities and differences.

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The graphic and the udub link I am pretty sure are just the page counter and the software that makes said page counter. I could be wrong (since ya never know), but I'm 99% sure on that one.


And yes, there are certain similarities between those two caches... eenteresting.



Edited by nymphnsatyr
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The graphic and the udub link I am pretty sure are just the page counter and the software that makes said page counter. I could be wrong (since ya never know), but I'm 99% sure on that one.


And yes, there are certain similarities between those two caches... eenteresting.




The very first log by the CO indicated that they found a similar puzzle cache and was continuing the theme.

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There is a 5/1 star puzzle in my area that was placed in August of 2007. Everyone has left a note asking for tiny hints and clues. Several have asked for it to be archived.


My question is what do you do when a puzzle cache has gone unfound or checked in years?


I have asked for help from professionals in the field that the puzzle is coded in and they can't make sense of it.


Would it be reasonable to contact my local reviewer and ask him to have the cache owner prove the puzzle can be solved? Not to us, the finders, but just to him. I just want to know the puzzle is solvable, not to be handed the answer. What are your thoughts?


I'm OK with it. I've been working on a puzzle cache that has never been found since being published in 4/07 (GCXJ7E)

I've got some of it right, and some of it wrong, but I don't get to the UK too often!


All I can do is assume it's solveable, and KUDOS to me if I find it first from the other side of the ocean!

People too have called for it to be archived, but why should it be! I'll email the coords to the owner to confirm it's right and that's it.


See how it goes, somebody will find it. If it annoys you, ignore it :blink:

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I bet the owner of that cache appreciates the fact that it is being analyzed (and partially solved, or not) on this forum.



Just because nobody who has tried it hasn't solved it doesn't mean that it can't be solved. Just because the person who has (or claims to have, I believe him) solved it lives across the country doesn't mean that his solution is bogus. I have a puzzle cache which I considered fairly simple which went unsolved for quite some time. I received an email from a cacher quite some distance away with the correct answer "out of the blue". Not long after, a new, local cacher figured it out (and I'm 99.9999999% sure there was no collaboration).


As I remember, I originally rated the difficulty at 2.5, comments caused me to increase the D level but I still figure it at 2.5 at most...

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I bet the owner of that cache appreciates the fact that it is being analyzed (and partially solved, or not) on this forum.



Heh... I mentioned casually to the owner of the cache that his cache page is probably getting a lot more traffic than usual.



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I hope you didn't get the impression that I was "helping" anyone... heh. I'm going to try to find it m'self, I will let y'all know if it is solveable though. But I won't give any other hints out of respect to the cache owner.




I figure that anything more than "ask the owner" is helping, but that's just me, I guess.


Good luck to y'all. If'n I was the cache owner, I'd be tryin' to figure out another way to make the puzzle work & move it at the same time.


No offense to the OP, but this isn't the first time he's brought this particular puzzle up on this forum. Looks like he finally got some help even while proclaiming not to ask for it. If you can't solve it, you can ignore it, either via an "official" ignore list or by just not letting it be a bug up your butt. I've used both methods successfully & have sometimes taken pleasure from seeing who was smarter than me and actually figured them out (and laughed up my sleeve at folks who have obviously "cheated"). :blink:

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I hope you didn't get the impression that I was "helping" anyone... heh. I'm going to try to find it m'self, I will let y'all know if it is solveable though. But I won't give any other hints out of respect to the cache owner.




I figure that anything more than "ask the owner" is helping, but that's just me, I guess.


Good luck to y'all. If'n I was the cache owner, I'd be tryin' to figure out another way to make the puzzle work & move it at the same time.


No offense to the OP, but this isn't the first time he's brought this particular puzzle up on this forum. Looks like he finally got some help even while proclaiming not to ask for it. If you can't solve it, you can ignore it, either via an "official" ignore list or by just not letting it be a bug up your butt. I've used both methods successfully & have sometimes taken pleasure from seeing who was smarter than me and actually figured them out (and laughed up my sleeve at folks who have obviously "cheated"). :blink:


edit:had a hard time quoting myself



Actually, come to think of it, I must admit to telling a lie...I don't have any caches on my ignore list, even though there are some which I do ignore. Most of those are not puzzle caches but I like puzzles. I'm sure that many people like the other ones on my list & it doesn't bother me a bit (did a bit at one time).


Whoa, sorry, didn't mean to take this thread down that road...

Edited by Jumpin' Jack Cache
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I figure that anything more than "ask the owner" is helping, but that's just me, I guess.


Good luck to y'all. If'n I was the cache owner, I'd be tryin' to figure out another way to make the puzzle work & move it at the same time.


At least to this point, nobody has given, or even suggested a solution. All we are discussing is, is it solvable or not? I don't see that as helping out with the puzzle.


No offense to the OP, but this isn't the first time he's brought this particular puzzle up on this forum.


I knew that I had seen the puzzle on here before, didn't realize it was posted by the same person.

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