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The schwanky MOGA coin?


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Well I waited for someone to start a thread for this coin and no one has and I just can't wait anymore :lol: So if the designer/seller whoever decides to start one than go ahead and merge this one with that one but I just gotta know;


How many versions were made of this coin? (I need to know what I have to collect :wub:)

It appears it was trackable (not that I care about this part)

Who has pictures of all the available and HTF versions?


I saw 2 version and I'm calling them the Cherry pistol grip and Ivory pistol grip versions :wub:


Ok, one of you MOGA people get on here and give us the full scoop please and then I need to know who I need to pester to get the other versions I missed.




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There were three versions of the MOGA geocoin made:


Antique Gold

Antique Silver




Satin Silver


The two antiqued versions were made available to the attendees & participants of MOGA. There were an equal number of those two finishes made so if you ordered additional coins you would some of each. For example: I received one with my packet and I ordered an additional three coins so I ended up with two of each.


Tsun, I sent you an email regarding one of them... :wub:


As for the Satin Silver: this version was given to the MOGA Staff and even though I helped place 20 of the non-competitor caches I didn't get one. However, my b/f, Strider did :wub: so we have one in our collection! I'm not sure who qualified as "Staff".... :lol:


And as for numbers minted of each finish I will have to contact Brawny Bear or Hogwild.



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Participant/Attendee Version 1

Antique Gold with White Glitter Handle:



Participant/Attendee Version 2

Antique Silver with Red Glitter Handle:



MOGA Staff ONLY Version

Satin Silver with Gold Glitter Handle:


A tad blurry, sorry...


Slightly better and holstered... :lol:



Edited by Crowesfeat30
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The Satin Silver will be a real toughie to obtain... Not impossible but very tough. First you will have to find out who served on staff at MOGA. Then you have to figure out who of those got one. Then you gotta talk them out of their ONE Satin Silver very special Staff only MOGA geocoin. :lol:



P.S. Don't ask Strider. That one isn't going anywhere! :wub:

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The Satin Silver will be a real toughie to obtain... Not impossible but very tough. First you will have to find out who served on staff at MOGA. Then you have to figure out who of those got one. Then you gotta talk them out of their ONE Satin Silver very special Staff only MOGA geocoin. :lol:



P.S. Don't ask Strider. That one isn't going anywhere! :wub:


Well I'm going to put on my sexy geocoin outfit and dance for one :wub: Not sure that will get me real far but I'll resort to trading my cats if that does't work :)

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:rolleyes: just my opinion, which isn't so humble at times but I think this 'pre-sale' was rather lame to say the least... I don't do pre-sales often anymore, I recieved the email about the sale while attending a Easter function and read ".... pre-sales end April 15th... " and thought all was good.


It now appears that it was more of a "...we have left overs and need to dump them sales tactic..." to me.


:lol: Like I said, a "not so humble" opinion... Maybe I didn't need this coin afterall... just means I'll have $ for someone elses design...



win some - lose some I suppose.....

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Some Thoughts:


1. The original coins sold out in very short order.

2. As suggested in this thread, this is not dumping otherwise it would not have been a presale.

3. The balancing act is how to put out a reasonable number of coins to meet or come close to meeting, demand without frustrating those who want to have a scarce coin for sale or trade.

4. There is an added element in that Hogwild Stuff does not own the design but MOGA does. Everything we do needs to take their needs into consideration.


Finally I can understand disappointment but the anger and accusations I just don't get. If we opened it up to an unlimited number I can't help but wondering how many would complain that destroyed value.


I know that it goes with the territory and I am ok with that, but please remember it is just a geocoin. It kind of makes me frustrated that people get angry with Hogwild Stuff meaning me because they didn't get the coin they want. Honestly we do the best fairest job we can. Profit motive would have dictated that we sell to market demand, but that would have created an equal number of unhappy people.

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Some Thoughts:


1. The original coins sold out in very short order.

2. As suggested in this thread, this is not dumping otherwise it would not have been a presale.

3. The balancing act is how to put out a reasonable number of coins to meet or come close to meeting, demand without frustrating those who want to have a scarce coin for sale or trade.

4. There is an added element in that Hogwild Stuff does not own the design but MOGA does. Everything we do needs to take their needs into consideration.


Finally I can understand disappointment but the anger and accusations I just don't get. If we opened it up to an unlimited number I can't help but wondering how many would complain that destroyed value.


I know that it goes with the territory and I am ok with that, but please remember it is just a geocoin. It kind of makes me frustrated that people get angry with Hogwild Stuff meaning me because they didn't get the coin they want. Honestly we do the best fairest job we can. Profit motive would have dictated that we sell to market demand, but that would have created an equal number of unhappy people.


You can't please all of the people all of the time. Blaming you seems like sour grapes to me. I was lucky and got my order in for these even though it was Easter. Lucky timing I guess. I would have been bummed if I had missed out but it's not your fault that some people were at their computers and others weren't! I did miss out on a sale in my other hobby because it went even faster than this one and I wasn't at my computer. I would have loved to have gotten in on it but it's not the hosts fault that I didn't. So anyway, thank you for giving those of us who missed out before the chance to get this great coin. You made some of us very happy and we appreciate that you took the time away from your family to give us the chance!


For those who missed out, I will have one extra available for trade, PM me your offers. I'm gonna stick my foot in it here but those of you who posted snarky replies about the sale need not apply, your offers won't be considered.

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I don't understand why they have so little. They said it was to make money for next year. Why don't they just make a ton of them. The value might decrease for the coin holders but then the greedy people won't be making the money instead. I went to MOGA and I didn't get one. Now apparently I lost my chance again... Nice



Edited by StaticTank
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I don't understand why they have so little. They said it was to make money for next year. Why don't they just make a ton of them.


That would be a good question for them. Ultimately it is their decision, not Hogwild's. I hope people will remember that.


I feel quite lucky that MOGA gave the ok for a remint so some of us could get some. They didn't have to do that.


Thank you MOGA. And Hogwild!! :rolleyes:

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I'm new to the coin collecting trading, but would love to get one of these. So put me on the list of would like to trade/buy from someone.


Hope my remark above wasn't taken the wrong way, it was just a little self pity whine. This is a win some, you lose out sometimes. I was able to get a Christmas Turtle that was a win one, this was a lose one. There will be other coins to lust after but would really like one. So I apologize if my op was taken the wrong way.



Edited by kmmlynch
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my appologies if anyone sees my remarks as 'snarky' I truely mean no disrespect.


I'm just a straight shooter and call em as I see em type of person without sugar coating my thoughts.... it often gets me in trouble. but that's just my personality....


To make clear one thing though, I am a huge Hogwild fan and realize this sale wasn't theirs and I am not frustrated with them... they just announced the sale for MOGA .... no hard feelings with anyone, just my unbiased opinion (which means little) on the way the sale was done...

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Here's a suggestion for MOGA (if any of you MOGA folks are watching): how about coming up with another SE plating, for the purpose of another (open and unlimited) sale? The value of the original (limited) runs shouldn't be effected, yes? Open up for presales, close them on a special date, and make as many coins are are ordered.


Believe you me, you'd stand to make a TON of money. : )

Edited by Jackalgirl
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Here's a suggestion for MOGA (if any of you MOGA folks are watching): how about coming up with another SE plating, for the purpose of another (open and unlimited) sale? The value of the original (limited) runs shouldn't be effected, yes? Open up for presales, close them on a special date, and make as many coins are are ordered.


Believe you me, you'd stand to make a TON of money. : )

Great suggestion I would definitely buy an se edition

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Looks like a new presale is beginning mogo presale


I just got the newsletter

The Demand and Frustration Was So So High . . . .


Needless to say both MOGA and Hogwild Stuff were pleased with how quickly these coins sold out.


It would have taken a wheelbarrow to hold all the complaints and frustration from those who did not manage to get one of these coins.



We are going to do one more Presale of this coin as follows:


1. There will be a new finish and new handle Color (Antique Copper Finish, Translucent Black Handle) (NOT PICTURED)


2. The Presale will be open for Three Days.


3. There will be a limit of 3 coins per person.


4. If you ordered in the Antique Silver Presale and would like to do a substitution of this metal finish for any or all of your order you may do so (up to 3 coins). But I must receive that email request no later than one day after the close of the presale on this coin. (email to smoran@hogildstuff.org)


5. Upon close of this presale no more coins of this design will be minted.

Edited by teamhaynes
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