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Hi To anyone who is reading this, This is Valarie of sweetlife, I have been looking to trade for a rare geocoin for my husband Barry for a long time now. I am looking for a Nomex geocoin. My husband is a Firefighter and is been on his department for 20 years. His grandfather was one of the original members and has since passed away. When the department was formed they were all family members on the department. I had the opportunity to Take Care of Barry's Grandpa for the last few years of his life and built very loving relationship with him. He excepted me even tho I married into the family he loved me like I was his own Granddaughter. I took care of him and was by his side all the way up to his passing. This Geocoin would be something Barry would treasure forever as be in Memory of his Grandpa. I would love to have my dream come true to be able to gift this Geocoin to him. If anyone has a extra one or like to pay it forward or trade this geocoin please let me know. Please email me at lifesaver54149@yahoo.com, with a subject Val Only. I thank You for your time and reading my post.

Valarie of sweetlife

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COEXIST coin (Special present for the misses Would like to find before Christmas)

Swag Bus

TSun Version of Neptunes Compass (Vikings Colors and Tsun Version)


I have for trade:


Message in the Bottle

Discover Your World Gold

Seattle Ink

Tribal Flower Two Tone copper

Gone To the Dogs -Rohdium

1st Edition Good Carma/Bad Karma BN


Will purchase too. Thank you for the help.

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does anyone have a heartbeat geocoin for trade? i dont know what coins i have for trade yet as i havent purchased or traded coins for a couple years. i dont have many to trade


please i really want one of these coins as the heartbeat geocoin came into my notice at the same time as a very loved one has developed heart problems. it has a special meaning to me to have one, whatever happens next. :laughing:


edited to add coin offer cos i forgot


i have a gone bananas geocoin standard edition to offer.


You have mail :laughing:

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offer you some special coins for sale or trade (mysterys):


Geosmurfz XXLE BN Green Smurf with green glitter lightsaber

Turtelutore V1 4 Coin set incl. LE and XLE Coins


Christmas Mystery Coin 2005

Geocoin Angel Mystery Coin

Creepy Crawler Mystery Coin nickel


Best regards René


René, name of the turtles is Turlutortue :laughing:

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offer you some special coins for sale or trade (mysterys):


Geosmurfz XXLE BN Green Smurf with green glitter lightsaber

Turtelutore V1 4 Coin set incl. LE and XLE Coins


Christmas Mystery Coin 2005

Geocoin Angel Mystery Coin

Creepy Crawler Mystery Coin nickel


Best regards René


René, name of the turtles is Turlutortue :laughing:


Many thanks for the information.

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I am looking for:


Sea Shepherd geocoin, any finish

United We Cache geocoin

Home of the Brave Arrowhead geocoin


I have available for trade:


Cache at Night Geocoin, limited edition gold finish

DNF Geocoin, gold finish

DNF Geocoin, black nickel finish

Avroair 2008, silver finish

GeoBingo Geocoin, bronze finish

Lost in the Black Hills Series Geocoins, limited edition black on gold finish

One Million Active Geocaches Geocoin, silver finish

EMTJMW Geocaching and Making New Friends Geocoin, silver finish

World Traveler Geocoin, silver/red finish

June Geoswag Coin and Pin Club Geocoin

Tying The Knot On 10-10-10 Geocoin

Puppy Pound - German Shepherd Geocoin, silver finish

Eat Sleep Cache Oval Geocoin, gold finish

Leathermans Circuit Geocoin

Geocoin Club August 2008 Geocoin, limited edition silver finish

DNF Monster Geocoin, magenta

DNF Monster Geocoin, blue

Patriotic Pinwheel Geocoin, silver finish

Green Tree Frog Geocoin, black nickel finish

Leap Year, Leap Frog Geocoin

Cache Angel - For Those About to Cache Geocoin, green finish

GC&P Club June 2008 - Paper Geocoin

Central Oklahoma Geocachers Geocoin, silver finish


I'm always interested in the more patriotic geocoins, so feel free to send me an email and make an offer if you have something. I haven't seen every geocoin design yet!

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I might be on a mission impossible here but I have faith in you wonderful people out there to help me out.

I am looking for a couple of coins as christmasgifts

souther planisphere geocoin gold for my husband


50 Years Calander XXXL Geocoin either finish for one of my very nice friends He doesn´t buy much coins lately as interest has gone down but this one he really liked.


My traders are:


not very good shot but you get it

Closer to cristmas I will have another GOD JUL for 2010 but I haven´t got that to me yet.


Please, help me with these gifts. I know my wants are big and HTF coins so I am wiloing to do multitrade for them. Or combine trade/buy, you tell.


send me an email through the profile since PMs never reach me. Thanks. Please hurry, I live in Sweden so itis a long way to travel.

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I might be on a mission impossible here but I have faith in you wonderful people out there to help me out.

I am looking for a couple of coins as christmasgifts

souther planisphere geocoin gold for my husband


50 Years Calander XXXL Geocoin either finish for one of my very nice friends He doesn´t buy much coins lately as interest has gone down but this one he really liked.


My traders are:


not very good shot but you get it

Closer to cristmas I will have another GOD JUL for 2010 but I haven´t got that to me yet.


Please, help me with these gifts. I know my wants are big and HTF coins so I am wiloing to do multitrade for them. Or combine trade/buy, you tell.


send me an email through the profile since PMs never reach me. Thanks. Please hurry, I live in Sweden so itis a long way to travel.


this one is available at the original shop at the moment: http://www.geocoinshop.de/products/Geocoin...tik-Silber.html


ant the other one here: https://www.coinsandpins.com/index.php?rout...p;category_id=0



Edited by ice13-333
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Hello Coinfrends


I´m looking for some Coins. Maybe someone can help me


Compass Rose 2007

- polished Nickel with polished Gold highlights

- polished Gold with polished Nickel Wheel


Compass Rose 2008

- Black Nickel with polished Nickel center on back


Compass Rose 2009

- Polished Gold with Antik Bronze (YemonYime)


Compass Rose 5th Anniversary

- YemonYime Version :-))


On a personal mail with a offer i would be very happy




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I might be on a mission impossible here but I have faith in you wonderful people out there to help me out.

I am looking for a couple of coins as christmasgifts

souther planisphere geocoin gold for my husband


50 Years Calander XXXL Geocoin either finish for one of my very nice friends He doesn´t buy much coins lately as interest has gone down but this one he really liked.


this one is available at the original shop at the moment: http://www.geocoinshop.de/products/Geocoin...tik-Silber.html

ant the other one here: https://www.coinsandpins.com/index.php?rout...p;category_id=0




I know they are for sale but I like to try a trade instead.

Hope to be lucky.

grodan Karin

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I might be on a mission impossible here but I have faith in you wonderful people out there to help me out.

I am looking for a couple of coins as christmasgifts

souther planisphere geocoin gold for my husband


50 Years Calander XXXL Geocoin either finish for one of my very nice friends He doesn´t buy much coins lately as interest has gone down but this one he really liked.


My traders are:


not very good shot but you get it

Closer to cristmas I will have another GOD JUL for 2010 but I haven´t got that to me yet.


Please, help me with these gifts. I know my wants are big and HTF coins so I am wiloing to do multitrade for them. Or combine trade/buy, you tell.


send me an email through the profile since PMs never reach me. Thanks. Please hurry, I live in Sweden so itis a long way to travel.


I don't have what you are looking for but those are some ADORABLE coins!

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Seeking: Coins from "back in the day".


I'm not very active in trading anymore, but when I spot something familiar from back when geocoins were relatively new, I perk up a little. Even if I'm pretty sure I have one in my old filing system of chaos.


Within the past year, I've seen a few "old schoolers" bow out and put their older geocoins on eBay. Problem is, they're non-trackable and don't fetch nearly as much as they did two/three/four years ago. Most collectors nowadays really prefer a trackable coin with a unique icon, shape, or nice colorful design. (I kinda know, because I do LOTS of icons, and they're not slowing down)


Even though I absolutely love to pick up and peer in amazement at a super-detailed translucent Mackey design, I still have a soft spot for the coins that came before it. The molten metal that crawled out of the primordial ooze and evolved into stuff like Team Fisur, Indy Diver, etc... And of course, Moun10Bike geocoins, of which I've only ever been blessed with one, a Version 3. Coins like wanderingdragon, 2Dolphins, NurseDave, Hammerjane, bluegillfisherman, Cav Scout, Blazerfan, Habercacher, Facedances, Goblindust...the list could go on.


There are plenty of others that I've seen, but through one missed email or another, never obtained. Like a Kirkland Explorers V2, or a DHobby1 v1 that's always escaped me.


I'm far too lazy to make up a list of "wants", but that oughta give you an idea of what I'm generally looking for. Even if I didn't mention it. So, if you're an "old schooler" that's been thinking about throwing in the towel, or even if you've just come by these coins and can't sell 'em for anything decent, shoot me an email at yemonyime(at)yahoo(dot)com and let me know what you have lying around the old dusty scrap pile. Even if it's a Moun10Bike that would function better as an an XBOX Kinect under the Christmas Tree...but you can't sell it for reasons of honor. I'm pretty sure I've got some exclusive coins that could generate an consciously acceptable equity.


Happy Holidays...and Happy Digging!



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Hardly searching for:


Boomerang copper, bronze and silver

Compass Rose 2005

Compass Rose 2006 nickel

Moga Pistol Satin Silber / Gold (Staff Version)

Neptunes Compass Deep Sea

Sahasrara matte black nickel xxle 16 colors

The good, the bad and the ugly silver le

Caching Pill V1 LE (set of 3)

Starfish black (oil slick) or blue (electric blue)

Puzzle Geocoin (Shuffle) silver or black nickel


And a moun10bike v1 or v4 (yes, i now that there´s nearly no chance...)


I know, that this are very rare coins, but please pm me, if you have any of them left to trade or sell, i really really want them.


Thanks a lot!!!

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... I still have a soft spot for the coins that came before it. The molten metal that crawled out of the primordial ooze and evolved into stuff like Team Fisur, Indy Diver, etc... And of course, Moun10Bike geocoins, of which I've only ever been blessed with one, a Version 3. Coins like wanderingdragon, 2Dolphins, NurseDave, Hammerjane, bluegillfisherman, Cav Scout, Blazerfan, Habercacher, Facedances, Goblindust...the list could go on....


me too. and like the goblin dust that was just on ebay, they still fetch a pretty penny. out of my price range. and besides, i am not really actively collecting any more. just actively coveting.


good luck with your search and if you run across an extra dhobby1 or goblin dust, drop me a line!



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Hi all,


I´m looking for some geocoins:


10-10-10 Powers of Ten - Missouri

10-10-10 Powers of Ten - Texas

10-10-10 Powers of Ten - Georgia

10-10-10 Powers of Ten - Missisippi

10-10-10 Powers of Ten - Arizona

10-10-10 Powers of Ten - Connecticut


and my traders are:


10-10-10 Powers of Ten - North Carolina

10-10-10 Powers of Ten - South Carolina

10-10-10 Powers of Ten - Netherlands


Trabi Ost cachemobil green

Trabi Ost cachemobil papyrus white

Shaman Czech geocoin 2010 silver

Shaman Czech geocoin 2010 gold

Czech Hunters team geocoin gold

Czech Hunters team geocoin silver





Vlada (Rag-cz)

Edited by Rag-cz
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I really like the Davy Jones' Locker geocoins. They speak to me. They say, "Acquire me by any means possible."


So, I would like to try to TRADE for them first, and am interested in getting as many finishes as possible. They ALL speak to me. I know some are available for purchase, but since I should be thinking of others at this time of year, I am trying to justify my "personal want" by trading instead.


Any takers?


I have a trading list attached to an activated geocoin, and would prefer LIKE trades, meaning oakcoins for oakcoins. All offers will be entertained AND responded to. Thanks in advance for considering!

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I really like the Davy Jones' Locker geocoins. They speak to me. They say, "Acquire me by any means possible."


So, I would like to try to TRADE for them first, and am interested in getting as many finishes as possible. They ALL speak to me. I know some are available for purchase, but since I should be thinking of others at this time of year, I am trying to justify my "personal want" by trading instead.


Any takers?


I have a trading list attached to an activated geocoin, and would prefer LIKE trades, meaning oakcoins for oakcoins. All offers will be entertained AND responded to. Thanks in advance for considering!


I have some but cant you wait for the math trading? :huh:

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I really like the Davy Jones' Locker geocoins. They speak to me. They say, "Acquire me by any means possible."


So, I would like to try to TRADE for them first, and am interested in getting as many finishes as possible. They ALL speak to me. I know some are available for purchase, but since I should be thinking of others at this time of year, I am trying to justify my "personal want" by trading instead.


Any takers?


I have a trading list attached to an activated geocoin, and would prefer LIKE trades, meaning oakcoins for oakcoins. All offers will be entertained AND responded to. Thanks in advance for considering!


I have some extras. Just not sure how to find your trading list.

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I really like the Davy Jones' Locker geocoins. They speak to me. They say, "Acquire me by any means possible."


So, I would like to try to TRADE for them first, and am interested in getting as many finishes as possible. They ALL speak to me. I know some are available for purchase, but since I should be thinking of others at this time of year, I am trying to justify my "personal want" by trading instead.


Any takers?


I have a trading list attached to an activated geocoin, and would prefer LIKE trades, meaning oakcoins for oakcoins. All offers will be entertained AND responded to. Thanks in advance for considering!


I have some extras. Just not sure how to find your trading list.


Here is a link (TB28EKJ)

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i am looking for a johnny lacy, preferably the 2005. i have exactly four trading coins! but would trade them all, if possible, for the johnny lacy. they may not be enough to warrant a trade but i figure it can't hurt to throw it out there.


what i have"


Astro midsummer

Buffalo Wings 2006 (Florida Trail) Gold

Cacher tag Micro, maverick collection in purple & blue colour

Le Chat Rampant Feline Groovy

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Have available to trade:

Geocoin Poker Challenge - GW5 Geocoin

Temecula Association 2007 Geocoin

Las Vegas Benchmark Micro Geocoin

Cinco de Mayo Geocoin

Texas Mini Geocoin

Groovy Cachin' Geocoin

Stars Geocoin - Aquila #402

Signal Geocoin - Apr 06

Signal Geocoin - March 06

Signal Geocoin - Jun 06

Geocoin Club April 2008 Geocoin

Geocoin Club May 2008 Geocoin

May 2007 GCC Hide & Seek Geocoin


What I am looking for:

GeoTrek Polished Gold

Spacegate Black Nickel LE

Klingon Cloaking Device Antique Silver

Robin Hood Quiver & Arrows Satin Silver

Pirate Bushwhacking Sword V2 Satin Silver

Viking Heritage Sword & Helmet Set Antique Gold/Shiny Silver Nickel

6 Jahre Geocoinclub.de Polished Silver

Geo Coin Club 2006-07

Geo Coin Club 2006-11

Geo Coin Club 2008-03 Blarney Coin

Geo Coin Club 2010-01 The Original Micro

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Looking for a USA 2003.


We have many traders but don't have a list posted such as the DJL GCF SE (dark purple). We also have all the recent NJ coins, 9-9-9, 10th Anniversary, and 10-10-10.


PM if you are looking for something particular.


Thanks, and Merry Xmas!



Edited by JoenSue
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I have the Pink Yime version 1 to trade for a Pink Yime version 2. Send me an email through my profile, thanks!


You have mail:D


just wondering, what was the difference?




On the first version, Yime was supposed to be covered up with solid enamel but the mint used translucent enamel. And on the second version, the pink enamel on the back will be a little "pinker".

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I have the following non-trackable coins for trade:


Some are old, some are new, some hard to find and some found on every street corner. If you're interested in trading send me an email through my profile with what you'd like to trade. Reasonable trades accepted.


2005 North Carolina Geocachers Association


Broken W Dinosaur - Green

Broken W Dinosaur - Red

Broken W Dinosaur- Purple

Cruiser Dude - non trackable

Fluttershy Kisses Blue Glitter - error coin

Fluttershy Kisses Yellow Glitter - error coin

Geocoin Nerd -dflye


GW5 Geocoin Chicks - Rivercity

Hurricane Katrina 2005

Indy Diver v1.5

Kilted Cacher - tracking number etched out

Mauison - v2 - Gold

Thanks for the Cache

UO Trackers - Misty Silver


Thanks :rolleyes:

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