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Great idea.


I have the following unregistered, and in the baggies:




Washington State


Looking for any other unregistered, in baggies (read: bright, shiny and new!).


If you're talking about the 999 coins i want a Penn. one. I have UT, MI & WA in the baggie to trade

email: phish_bonz@hotmail.com

The post that you quoted is from 2005...bet those are state coins donbadabon are mentioning, not 999 coins (since the post was made 4 years too early :) )


I haven't seen donbadabon since last year. Good to see him posting again in 2005 :)

Edited by Tennessee Jed
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Great idea.


I have the following unregistered, and in the baggies:




Washington State


Looking for any other unregistered, in baggies (read: bright, shiny and new!).


If you're talking about the 999 coins i want a Penn. one. I have UT, MI & WA in the baggie to trade

email: phish_bonz@hotmail.com

The post that you quoted is from 2005...bet those are state coins donbadabon are mentioning, not 999 coins (since the post was made 4 years too early :laughing: )


I guess the 999's are the new state coins! :laughing:

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I'd love to trade for a 2009 Compass Rose (the one that the preorder just ended) and the Love Paw geocoin


I ordered a full set of the 2009 compass rose. Do you have a 5th anniversary compass rose coin you could part with?

I have a Compass Rose 5th Anniversary Mediterranean, still packaged in it's box and in a plastic bag available. :lol:


And I ordered a set of Compass Rose 2009s. I'm quite sure I won't want to keep all of them. ;)



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I'd love to trade for a 2009 Compass Rose (the one that the preorder just ended) and the Love Paw geocoin


I ordered a full set of the 2009 compass rose. Do you have a 5th anniversary compass rose coin you could part with?

I have a Compass Rose 5th Anniversary Mediterranean, still packaged in it's box and in a plastic bag available. ;)


And I ordered a set of Compass Rose 2009s. I'm quite sure I won't want to keep all of them. ;)




I didn't order any of the 5thy Anniversay coins. :lol:


and I missed the recent prerder for the 2009 compass rose coins so I hope I can work out a trade...

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Haven't posted on here in a little while. But I'm always looking for washington state coins. I have the 04 and 05 coins that are non trackable at this point.


Here are a couple of the major wants at this point:

2006 WSGA

2009 WSGA

Deception Pass State Park

2007 WSGA County Coins(I need all of them at some point)

2006 & 2008 Washington State Quarter coins


With all of these, they can be activated as long as they're adoptable ( don't need someone elses coins :lol: ). I don't care about finishes at this point, just working towards the ultimate goal of a complete washington state geocoin collection, which will hopefully include the large amount of non-trackable event coins out there as well.


I don't have anything to trade as of right now, so if you have something, please let me know a shipped price and maybe we can work something out ;)



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I didn't order any of the 5thy Anniversay coins. :unsure:


and I missed the recent prerder for the 2009 compass rose coins so I hope I can work out a trade...


I ordered the set for the 2009 Compass rose coins that were just on preorder last month too and will probably only keep two of them (although not sure which two :angry: ) so the others will be available for trade

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Again I found a coin I really like and would lik eto have for myself:

geoswag coin&pin club april 2009 : little chick cacher


I'm also looking for Quilt coins (yes I ordered, but never received them)

My sister likes them and those would be a nice present.

The only one she has is: Allandal farm


My traders are in my profile!

All my trades come with a nice pathtag or signature tag :D

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I know I should have been paying attention WAAAAAY sooner but now I have to beg I guess! :D


I am looking for a Naymlap 2-tone Copper & Silver - Sepp & Berta Ed.


I know the chances aren't great that anyone has one they would like to part with but I thought I would try anyway!


Let me know! Thanx!

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Hate to beg but we love to collect pathtags but don't have any to trade as we have only been caching since august 8 2009. adding that to our wishlist. email me if you would be willing to send me one for my collection.

great thanks



The pathtag forum would be a ton easier. Also, getting your own pathtag is the easiest way. I'm hoping to get one of mine done in the next month or two, can't wait!

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I know I should have been paying attention WAAAAAY sooner but now I have to beg I guess! :unsure:


I am looking for a Naymlap 2-tone Copper & Silver - Sepp & Berta Ed.


I know the chances aren't great that anyone has one they would like to part with but I thought I would try anyway!


Let me know! Thanx!


I have exactly 2. What do you have to trade?

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Here are a couple of the major wants at this point:

2006 WSGA

2009 WSGA

Deception Pass State Park

2007 WSGA County Coins(I need all of them at some point)

2006 & 2008 Washington State Quarter coins


got the deception pass coin finally, still looking for some of these other coins, as well as any of the untrackable coins from washington including the spring flings by shop99er and some of the seabeck tribe and 2bugs coins out there.



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I'm looking for a 2009 COMPASS ROSE BLACK SEA Geocoin and can trade one of my AE versions of my CITO coin only 15 made. It is a anyique finnish. The pictures are of one of the other finnishes.






i dont have the coin you are seeking, but i really love that earthday coin, i really would like to trade for one. i dont have much to trade, i can offer a dafunkyfrogs LE coin? i hope you might consider?

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Anyone have a spare 2009 x-mas moose....seen them on ebay....my trader list is not active but I have a ton of coins from late 2006- late 2008....haven't been on the forums much this year.....ask and I will check, I have about 1900 coins....

Mail send


If someone else has a 2009 xmas moose to trade, I have a 2008 Avalanche coin available. You can also take a look at our trader list.


Where did all those moose go? Back to the North Pole? :huh:

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Older Geocoins to TRADE! Email me through my geocaching profile with your wants and trade lists.



Eagles61 Gold

Night Hawk AS & AG

Coinfusion AC & BN

NY Capitol Cachers 2006 AS

Whitebear Diner AC

Team Sand Dollar 2006 G, BN & AC

Shasties AB

Team Checker G


Go Mad Cow Set BN Glow

Dayhunters C

Damenace C

Chef Cache A Lot G

Team Sand Dollar 2005 S

Foxfire949 Foot Trail Marker Red

SeventhSon Gear S

Cache Kids AB

FlyinV AB

Dliming & Crew AB

PrairiePartners AB & AS

Res2100 Ontario AS & AB

RedwingDave "Howe" Version

DancingFool Crow AC

DragonflyDreams 2007 AC

Pennsylvania Keystone

Dreamin Eagle B

Lori Darlin V1 B

Fire Elemental B

PDXMarathon Man G

Mauison G, S & AB

GrampaKim B

Jaybee Litlens S

The Fab Five AS

SirGerald & LadyLeAnn S

Buffalo Wings V1 B

Team SuperGenius AG

2Bugs S, C & AS

Rock & Crystal G

ChileHead S

Bikini Bottom Feeders AG

GeoBrowns AB

Lori Darlin Potatohead G

Heart Compass Micro S & G



Nielsenc Caching Around the World B

Fotomom S LE

Prntr1 AG

BadAndy Gold XLE

Randaddy BN LE

Serial Finder AB

MustangJoni 2006 AB

TeamOleOmi/Allinfun AG

Ajayhawkfan S*


Still more added and more to come!

Edited by AtlantaGal
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Older Geocoins to TRADE! Email me through my geocaching profile with your wants and trade lists.



Eagles61 Gold

Night Hawk AS & AG

Coinfusion AC & BN

NY Capitol Cachers 2006 AS

Whitebear Diner AC

Team Sand Dollar 2006 G, BN & AC

Shasties AB

Team Checker G


Go Mad Cow Set BN Glow

Dayhunters C

Damenace C

Chef Cache A Lot G

Team Sand Dollar 2005 S

Foxfire949 Foot Trail Marker Red

SeventhSon Gear S

Cache Kids AB

FlyinV AB

Dliming & Crew AB

PrairiePartners AB & AS

Res2100 Ontario AS & AB

RedwingDave "Howe" Version

DancingFool Crow AC

DragonflyDreams 2007 AC

Pennsylvania Keystone

Dreamin Eagle B

Lori Darlin V1 B

Fire Elemental B

PDXMarathon Man G

Mauison G, S & B

GrampaKim B

Jaybee Litlens S

The Fab Five AS

SirGerald & LadyLeAnn S

Buffalo Wings V1 B

Team SuperGenius AG

2Bugs S, C & AS

Rock & Crystal G

ChileHead S

Bikini Bottom Feeders AG

GeoBrowns AB

Lori Darlin Potatohead G

Heart Compass Micro S & G



Nielsenc Caching Around the World B

Fotomom S LE

Prntr1 AG

BadAndy Gold XLE

Randaddy BN LE

Serial Finder AB

MustangJoni 2006 AB

TeamOleOmi/Allinfun AG

Ajayhawkfan S*


Still more added and more to come!


email sent

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I'm getting back into trading again after a bit of a sabbatical. I am looking for:


Mystery Heart red/gold

Trojan Horse gold/silver two tone Thanks!!!! :)

Earth Compass gold

Natures Night and Day nickel or gold


...and heaps more on my seeking list.


Please check out my trader list to see anything you may like :)

Edited by Greenish
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Hi I'm Looking for trade or buy:


9-9-9 Arizona

9-9-9 California

9-9-9 Colorado

9-9-9 Georgia

9-9-9 Hawaii

9-9-9 Maine

9-9-9 Manitoba

9-9-9 Mississippi

9-9-9 Missouri

9-9-9 New Jersey

9-9-9 Pennsylvania

9-9-9 Texas

9-9-9 United Kingdom


Have for trade:


9-9-9 Utah

9-9-9 Florida

9-9-9 Czeck Republic


and others not 9-9-9, you are free to email me.

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I'm getting back into trading again after a bit of a sabbatical. I am looking for:


Mystery Heart red/gold

Trojan Horse gold/silver two tone Thanks!!!! :laughing:

Earth Compass gold

Natures Night and Day nickel or gold


...and heaps more on my seeking list.


Please check out my trader list to see anything you may like :D


I'll have a looky...it would be great to trade with someone local :laughing:

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Does anyone know how I can find out the name of a coin to go to the right webpage for it's activation code? I have a new unactivated coin and lost the website to go to to activate it and have no clue how to find the right one. Any help would be appreciated. The coin staes, "YOU NEVER FORGET YOUR FIRST" The thrill of your first find-The joy of your first hide.



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Does anyone know how I can find out the name of a coin to go to the right webpage for it's activation code? I have a new unactivated coin and lost the website to go to to activate it and have no clue how to find the right one. Any help would be appreciated. The coin staes, "YOU NEVER FORGET YOUR FIRST" The thrill of your first find-The joy of your first hide.




I think that is a Coinswag coin, and alot of people are having trouble getting their codes from that site. I believe it is called "First Time Caching"

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