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Posted (edited)

I wish I could make it up to the Adventure Maze while it is this close to us. But alas, I highly doubt I ever will. Would not mind having one of those coins for my collection, but I only want one if I have been there. Have a fun trip if you got, Dr. Neal


Anywho to stay on track.

Since receiving a couple of BM micro coins, I am looking to get what ever other ones there are out there if there is any others. I have the Denver & 4 Corners. Dont know what the other ones are but I want em.

Plus I am still looking for a Brahean.

I have a Kiss me I'm Irish event coin, Christmas Compass Rose silver, Indiana DNR, Sleeping dragon gold, & Spiral Dragon red & silver for trade

Edited by Sparticus06
Posted (edited)



What is this coin? Who has it? Is it still for sale???


That is a personal coin Trekkin' and Birdin' from Wisconsin. I don't believe it was sold but I could be wrong. I contacted them directly for the trade. Its a great coin!!

Edited by LadyBee4T

OK, I've got a couple of the GeoCoinClub Dec. 2008 Fear No Cache SE's in bronze for trade. I have the coins in hand.


I'm looking for the following Hogwild Benchmark Club geocoins, preferably in antique bronze, trackable, and unactivated. But I can "wheel and deal" depending on what's offered.


Lewis and Clark


Plymouth Rock

Mount Rushmore


Please reply to my profile e-mail address, not PM.




email sent :mad:


I'm looking to beg, borrow, steal, trade or purchase a Green Bay Packers geocoin. It appears I've committed an unpardonable sin and lost a traveler of that ilk, not to mention being very slow about getting back to the owners about it. *sigh* Nothing like being a great procrastinator. *sigh*

Posted (edited)

Here is my seeking list:


GCC October 2008 Nocturnal Hunter

Petrified Wood Compass - any finish except shiny gold

Groundspeak Lackey 2005

Groundspeak Volunteer 2005

Pororoca ~ Endless Wave - 3-tone

Compass Rose 2007 - antique bronze or satin gold

Titanic - any finish, preferable antique silver


I have Brahean LE's and AE's to trade. For all coins here, except the Groundspeak coins, 3 coins = AE, 2 coins = LE. I also have an one antique bronze RE left for which I can do one for one. Please contact me through my GC profile.

Edited by dimkasmir

Looking to purchase an Ohio geocoin. Specifically the one with a cardinal on one side. Can anyone help? :mad:


I do have one available, but due to the tremendous shipping costs from Germany to the US you should try to find someone closer to your home. If you do not succeed, please feel free to contact me!



Posted (edited)

I still have a few '888 - Italy Edition' coins available for trade. I am specifically looking for the following coins (or any other from my seeking list on geocoincollection.com):


- 2bugs

- Barny

- Dutch 2008

- Poffertjes 2008

- Kolonisten Event

- Starry Night

- London Phonebooth shaped

- London Phonebooth round

- Celtic Peacock

- Dark Side of the Cache

- Blind Acorn

- Geo Coin Club 2008-01 Rot13 Bottle Opener

- Purr-fect

- Roulette

- Jangor Kitty White

- Nude Caching trackable version


And even less realistically (willing to dish out multiple coins for any of these):

- LeHigh Mafia

- any (micro) Loggerhead

- any Earth Turtle 2007

- Delfts Blauw Windmill

Edited by kdv
Posted (edited)

Here is my seeking list:


Delft Blauw - any

GCC October 2008 Nocturnal Hunter

Petrified Wood Compass - any finish except shiny gold

Groundspeak Lackey 2005

Groundspeak Volunteer 2005

Pororoca ~ Endless Wave - 3-tone

Compass Rose 2007 - antique bronze or satin gold

Titanic - any finish, preferable antique silver


I have Brahean LE's and AE's to trade. For all coins here, except the Groundspeak and Delft Blauw coins, 3 coins = AE, 2 coins = LE. I also have an one antique bronze RE left for which I can do one for one. Please contact me through my GC profile.

Edited by dimkasmir

OK, I've got a couple of the GeoCoinClub Dec. 2008 Fear No Cache SE's in bronze for trade. I have the coins in hand.


I'm looking for the following Hogwild Benchmark Club geocoins, preferably in antique bronze, trackable, and unactivated. But I can "wheel and deal" depending on what's offered.


Lewis and Clark


Plymouth Rock

Mount Rushmore


Please reply to my profile e-mail address, not PM.



I sent a email several days ago.

I'm looking for a 2006/07/08 Avalanche coin as well as a Snowmann. You can check my trading list but I haven't kept up with it very well.


I also have to trade

Puzzle Cache Black Nickel AE

Celtic Cross Red/Blue/Green AE (15 made)

Phoenix Series AE's

Theotokos Crown of Thorns Copper

BCGA 2008 Gold (Members Only)

Moses (Gold)

Pocket Decoder - With poker wheel

ET 2008 - Blue/silver, Blue/Gold

Tranquility Two Tone

Tranquility Dark Edition (Gold)


Email my if you would like to try and work out a deal.


I'm in search for a "Paws"ittraction coin for an upcoming mission. If anyone has one they are willing to part with please let me know.


Traders are in my sig.


Thanks <_<


OK, I've got a couple of the GeoCoinClub Dec. 2008 Fear No Cache SE's in bronze for trade. I have the coins in hand.


I'm looking for the following Hogwild Benchmark Club geocoins, preferably in antique bronze, trackable, and unactivated. But I can "wheel and deal" depending on what's offered.


Lewis and Clark


Plymouth Rock

Mount Rushmore


Please reply to my profile e-mail address, not PM.



I sent a email several days ago.


I also sent 2 emails with no response

Posted (edited)

I had a personal coin made for my dad he died on October 27,2008. He never got to go caching with us but loved to here about our adventures. After making this coin i am hooked on collecting coins. For me the tranquility coins are an obsession my wife loves everything turtles, and my son's is dragons. so if anyone would like to trade a personal coin or other we would love to hear from you.




TTT's coin arrived today on a swap we arranged. OMG - this geocoin sends shivers up your spine! It is one awesome coin.


Nicely done and they send a nice explanation of all the graphics on the coin. Truly you know this was a man who lived a great life and was loved.


Thanks for the trade. This coin will forever hold a special place in my collection and my heart!


Cache on - cache happy........a life well lived is one worth remembering. But out of the hearts of our children does our legacy continue on..........




edited for spelling....sorry

Edited by hollora

I had a personal coin made for my dad he died on October 27,2008. He never got to go caching with us but loved to here about our adventures. After making this coin i am hooked on collecting coins. For me the tranquility coins are an obsession my wife loves everything turtles, and my son's is dragons. so if anyone would like to trade a personal coin or other we would love to hear from you.




TTT's coin arrived today on a swap we arranged. OMG - this geocoin sends shivers up your spine! It is one awesome coin.


Nicely done and they send a nice explanation of all the graphics on the coin. Truly you know this was a man who lived a great life and was loved.


Thanks for the trade. This coin will forever hold a special place in my collection and my heart!


Cache on - cache happy........a life well lived is one worth remembering. But out of the hearts of our children does our legacy continue on..........




edited for spelling....sorry

I thought the same thing when i saw this coin.


I will be trying to trade for one of these to keep if i can get my personal coin finished up.

Posted (edited)

I'm looking to trade for any of the geojellies (any version) and the Big Beans. I have our personal coin (in the shape of a dog tag...never sold, only traded). I also have various geotags that I'd be willing to trade as well.


Trader list is out of date as my subscription ran out and I haven't renewed it yet....

Edited by Tank Hounds

I'm looking for the forthferalz glass geocoins, the one with the turtle on it. Please send me an email or PM with a link to your seeking list or send me a list of coins you're looking for in trade, thanks!

Posted (edited)

looking for a 'fear no cache' (trade made) or a '2008 BCGA' coin.

i have available 3 2009 COG (central ontario geocachers) coins. these coins are only available at COG events. i have 1 green chair and 2 blue chairs.



Edited by emzernask
Posted (edited)

Looking for Celtic Sun -Copper LE


I have a Celtic Moon-Copper LE to trade or $$??? :laughing:


I also have a Phonix Series Antique Gold LE - Rising Phonix


Id like to trade for a Mythical Phonix from the same series.

Edited by DJ.J.ROCK

OK. I'm going to throw this out into the Universe and concentrate really hard..

I would really like to trade for 2006 Australia coin (the one I bought was lost in the mail :laughing: ) AND Belken...

I know it's a tall order but I am thinking positively here!~


I'm looking to beg, borrow, steal, trade or purchase a Green Bay Packers geocoin. It appears I've committed an unpardonable sin and lost a traveler of that ilk, not to mention being very slow about getting back to the owners about it. *sigh* Nothing like being a great procrastinator. *sigh*


I'm not certain if they have any left for sale, but 2~sherlocks had the coin made.


Looking for :


Dark Side of the Cache

Lighthouse Montauk 06

Blarney Coin

Ligo 06

Absolut Cache


For Trade :


Excalibur Antique Silver - Unactivated

Benchmark Plymouth Rock - Unactivated


I dont have much since im just starting out & im finding it hard to trade obviously. Its kind of a catch 22 since people prefer trades, but I need coins to trade... Anyway I would be willing to pay $$ or trade and Im interested in all of the above coins ACTIVATED or UNACTIVATED. If getting an activated coin would help me with a trade thats fine since all the above coins I would activate myself anyway. Its hard starting a collection from scratch & Im sure some of you veteran coin collectors can remember back when you started.




Okay, no hits on the Avalanche coins...not surprised I guess. So if anyone would like to trade for something on my seeking list for those coins I listed below just send me an email.


I'm looking for a 2006/07/08 Avalanche coin as well as a Snowmann. You can check my trading list but I haven't kept up with it very well.


I also have to trade

Puzzle Cache Black Nickel AE

Celtic Cross Red/Blue/Green AE (15 made)

Phoenix Series AE's

Theotokos Crown of Thorns Copper

BCGA 2008 Gold (Members Only)

Moses (Gold)

Pocket Decoder - With poker wheel

ET 2008 - Blue/silver, Blue/Gold

Tranquility Two Tone

Tranquility Dark Edition (Gold)


Email my if you would like to try and work out a deal.


Okay, no hits on the Avalanche coins...not surprised I guess. So if anyone would like to trade for something on my seeking list for those coins I listed below just send me an email.


I'm looking for a 2006/07/08 Avalanche coin as well as a Snowmann. You can check my trading list but I haven't kept up with it very well.


I also have to trade

Puzzle Cache Black Nickel AE

Celtic Cross Red/Blue/Green AE (15 made)

Phoenix Series AE's

Theotokos Crown of Thorns Copper

BCGA 2008 Gold (Members Only)

Moses (Gold)

Pocket Decoder - With poker wheel

ET 2008 - Blue/silver, Blue/Gold

Tranquility Two Tone

Tranquility Dark Edition (Gold)


Email my if you would like to try and work out a deal.


email sent


Okay, no hits on the Avalanche coins...not surprised I guess. So if anyone would like to trade for something on my seeking list for those coins I listed below just send me an email.


I'm looking for a 2006/07/08 Avalanche coin as well as a Snowmann. You can check my trading list but I haven't kept up with it very well.


I also have to trade

Puzzle Cache Black Nickel AE

Celtic Cross Red/Blue/Green AE (15 made)

Phoenix Series AE's

Theotokos Crown of Thorns Copper

BCGA 2008 Gold (Members Only)

Moses (Gold)

Pocket Decoder - With poker wheel

ET 2008 - Blue/silver, Blue/Gold

Tranquility Two Tone

Tranquility Dark Edition (Gold)


Email my if you would like to try and work out a deal.


Holy moses! e-mail sent


Here is my seeking list:


Delft Blauw - any

GCC October 2008 Nocturnal Hunter

Petrified Wood Compass - any finish except shiny gold

Groundspeak Lackey 2005

Groundspeak Volunteer 2005

Pororoca ~ Endless Wave - 3-tone

Compass Rose 2007 - antique bronze or satin gold

Compass Rose 2006

Compass Rose 2005

Titanic - any finish, preferable antique silver


I have Brahean LE's and AE's to trade. For all coins here, except the Groundspeak and Delft Blauw coins, 3 coins = AE, 2 coins = LE. I also have an one antique bronze RE left for which I can do one for one. Please contact me through my GC profile.

Posted (edited)



I'm seeking the following coins :


Tranquility - Blue Is My World GOLD

Tranquility - Unnamed (Enamel, Black Nickel, Gold, Geocaching Color)

Tranquility - German Black Forest

Tranquility - Two-Tone Nickel Copper


I have to offer :


Earth Turtle 2007 - Antique Copper

Tracking Time CRAKE

Pi Math Puzzle Cherry

GCC January 2006 ROT 13


Tranquility "Mardi Gras"

Pay It Forward Polished Nickel

Dark Knight Mystery Coin

Geo Bandit Mystery Coin

The Geocoin Fairy Antique Copper AE #12

The Geocoin Secret Agent #30

The COMPLETE Tiki Stacker's Set - 4 coins : Stubborn Stone, Following Fellow, Five-Five, Mr StoneFace.




Edited by SecretChief



I'm seeking the following coins :


Tranquility - Blue Is My World GOLD

Tranquility - Unnamed (Enamel, Black Nickel, Gold, Geocaching Color)

Tranquility - German Black Forest

Tranquility - Two-Tone Nickel Copper


I have to offer :


Earth Turtle 2007 - Antique Copper

Tracking Time CRAKE

Pi Math Puzzle Cherry

GCC January 2006 ROT 13


Pay It Forward Polished Nickel

Dark Knight Mystery Coin

Geo Bandit Mystery Coin

The Geocoin Fairy Antique Copper AE #12

The Geocoin Secret Agent #30

The COMPLETE Tiki Stacker's Set - 4 coins : Stubborn Stone, Following Fellow, Five-Five, Mr StoneFace.




Very interested in the PI Math Puzzle Cherry Coin. Would like to talk to you about getting that coin, but I don't have anything on your seeking list.


Coins I have for offer are:


JR20's Flaming Poolball Geocoin.

I have two styles of this coin, one in Black nickel and another with Gold in place of the black. I don't have a picture of it, but the only one I am willing to trade is the GOLD one. It has been activated by me, but NEVER circulated and has no miles. The page link for it is here.



The Greatest Cache Geocoin

This one has also been activated by me, but NEVER circulated and has no miles. The page link for it is here.



Looking for:

2008 Earth Turtle Green Multi-Colored

2006 Alaska Geocoin (not the coinament with moose)


Have to trade:

Fear No Cache GCC SE members only bronze

Good Karma GCC SE members only

Tranquility blue is my world / silver


pm if interested

thanks LJ (BVnLJ)

Posted (edited)

I have a friend who collects the navigation type of coins. He is looking for a Brahean any metal. He told me he only has a few common coins so he is willing to buy one. If someone has one they could sell email me through my profile and we can work out a deal. Thanks!

Edited by LadyBee4T

I have a friend who collects the navigation type of coins. He is looking for a Brahean any metal. He told me he only has a few common coins so he is willing to buy one. If someone has one they could sell email me through my profile and we can work out a deal. Thanks!


email sent. :yikes:

Posted (edited)

i am on the new side too without much to trade. i am willing to buy coins or trade what little i have.


i am looking for


an american caching $1 or $2

beach cachtoid

a geosmurfz


i am discovering new wants every day , but this is good for now.



Edited by UFgatorgirl

I've never asked and I know it is crazy but heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained;


If there is anyone who is/thinking about or knows anyone who is/thinking about parting with a M10B v1 or V2 or Waypoint 15, please contact me and I would love to work out a confidential deal.





My Son Fredhead has 4 Oakbucks each $1.00 each, they expire December 2009.

We will not most likely be going to an event where these could be traded in towards

a Geocoin so he is looking to trade them.


He is looking to get a TB, either Geo-Swag or Landsharkz....


He also has 2 2008 of the Geocacher stockings (empty of course) to trade, and a couple

of the GCF2008 pathtags....


Possible deal for an item or two????


Drop me/him an e-mail via profile if you have any intrest.


I have a friend who collects the navigation type of coins. He is looking for a Brahean any metal. He told me he only has a few common coins so he is willing to buy one. If someone has one they could sell email me through my profile and we can work out a deal. Thanks!


Thanks to all who responded! A deal has been made.


Now does anybody have a Dances with moose, fear no cache or dragonfly dreams?


i am on the new side too without much to trade. i am willing to buy coins or trade what little i have.


i am looking for


an american caching $1 or $2

beach cachtoid

a geosmurfz


i am discovering new wants every day , but this is good for now.



sending e-mail

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