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Hi, I have a unactivated Washington state 2004 for trade.  I only want ones for states that I have finds in:  Virgina, Maine, New Hampshire, Hawaii, and California.  Please email if you have one for trade.    I am currently in VIRGINIA, around Norfolk and will be here till friday night the 23rd of sep 05 if you would like to trade in person.  thanks.

I'm thinking that you need to make a trip up to Maryland to score the APE cache-Mission 7: Crab Creek and while you're here we could make a trade in person. I hear that the Maryland Geocoin has it's own personal icon. Just think, you could kill two birds with one stone. <_<


Let me know if you'd like to come up. I'd love to show you around some of the local caches, coin or no coin.


Check out Psycho Urban Cache #1 through Psycho Urban Cache #7. Definitely not your usual lampost caches.

Thanks for the offer, next time I am in town I will certainly take you up on it. I also want to add that a trade is pending thanks to EScout.

Since the Swag Coin and the MIGO seasonals have the exact same production numbers, I feel they are an even trade.

It's very much a subjective matter. Personally, I wouldn't trade a MIGO seasonal to get a Swag coin, for example.


And although the Swag coin is about four times "rarer" than a Moun10Bike coin in terms of numbers produced, they don't come anywhere near matching the desirability of the latter.


Again, that's subjective, and it's not intended to pick on the Swag coins as there are many other limited-run geocoins now and it's pretty clear that not all are created equal, regardless of how few are produced.

Since the Swag Coin and the MIGO seasonals have the exact same production numbers, I feel they are an even trade.

It's very much a subjective matter. Personally, I wouldn't trade a MIGO seasonal to get a Swag coin, for example.


And although the Swag coin is about four times "rarer" than a Moun10Bike coin in terms of numbers produced, they don't come anywhere near matching the desirability of the latter.


Again, that's subjective, and it's not intended to pick on the Swag coins as there are many other limited-run geocoins now and it's pretty clear that not all are created equal, regardless of how few are produced.

hence why I upped my offer. But I'm pretty sure the MIGO coins are so sought after (for reasons less than unknown to me) that they're the second hardest to come by only to a moun10bike coin. I really didn't care about the icon, I managed to get a regular MIGO coin in a trade.


Shoot, I could offer my whole collection for one MIGO coin, and still be turned down. The sad part is the fall one is the only one I was interested in because of the design, and it's seeming to be the hardest to come by (probably also because of the design). I'm thinking even if I got the gumption to go to the distribution event, I probably still wouldn't get one, as there'll probably be a waiting line with more than 100 people in it.


Actually, it'll be a sad day when a personal geocoin (not purchaseable) isn't as desireable as a limited edition that matches it in mintage numbers. Wait, I bet that's already true.

Posted (edited)

I also have a extra "SWAGS" coin from the Ghost group. I am looking for MiGO Winter or Fall coin. Please let me know if you would like to trade.


Thank You Richard of the GeoCrickets

Edited by GeoCrickets


Actually, it'll be a sad day when a personal geocoin (not purchaseable) isn't as desireable as a limited edition that matches it in mintage numbers. Wait, I bet that's already true.

Since most personal coins are minted in 100-150 lots typically, I never counted them. I was speaking of only non-personal coins. I should have been more specific in my wording.


And I'm sorry, I do not agree that the MIGO seasonals are THAT rare. I've seen 4-5 of each Winter & Spring on eBay over the last month alone. Have you seen a GW3 Brass coin on ebay yet at all? Guess after the initial trading frenzy wears off on the SWAG coin, we'll see how it fairs on the secondary market. After going through similar trends with other collectibles over the years, I'll personally stick with what's held true in those "value" situations <_<


Want: Alabama 2004 and Missouri.


Offer: Any of the following, which are new and unregistered on their sites.


So. African

Calif 2004, 2005




Dallas/FW both bronze and Gold




Rhode Island



Washington 2005


N. Dakota

Wisconson CRC


Please EM or PM. Thanks.

Posted (edited)

I have a metal bone (no, not a Lemon Fresh bone) from BlackBrownDog. It's a version that was made up just for the Alien Encouter event. It's not a typical coin, but I thought someone might be interested in trading for it.



Edited by Vargseld? ™
Posted (edited)

Im offering a trade for a Johnnie Lacie coin for the 3 series coins of WCRC.


Bronze-300 made

Silver-25 made

Gold-10 made


I have all 3 to trade for the 1 coin. email me and let me know.



Edited by smokey & the teacher
Posted (edited)

got 3 coins to trade:


north dakota

washington 2005

geocoinclub selective availability


mainly looking for:


geocoinclub selective availability (with a green ring instead of red)

Tennessee (gold & silver)

geowoodstock III

mw geobash


and everything that's not yet on my list

Edited by team simpson
Posted (edited)

I will have an extra Mt. McKinley Silver LE (200 made) and an extra Pennsylvania LE (250 made) available. I'm looking for rarer coins that I don't already have. Right now I'm looking mainly for LE state or organization coins (i.e. MIGO seasonals), or possibly some pre-2005 coins that I don't have. Only looking for personal coins, if its a limited edition of your personal coin. Please email me if interested, as I don't check my PMs very often. You can check out what I already have at Cointracking.com

Edited by Redwing_dave

too many coins popping up with special editions (same coin, different color). From now on I'm only interested in the garden variety coin, not the gold, silver, red, green, copper, nickel, platinum, etc. Basically it's easier to not run around collecting 5 versions of the same coin :rolleyes:


I'm still leaving my offer open on the fall edition MIGO coin, as I know they haven't been distributed yet. If I still don't hear anything after the dust settles, I'll forget about it, just not worth wanting a coin that's that improbable to get.

too many coins popping up with special editions (same coin, different color). From now on I'm only interested in the garden variety coin, not the gold, silver, red, green, copper, nickel, platinum, etc. Basically it's easier to not run around collecting 5 versions of the same coin  <_<

I've heard the same thing from several other major collectors lately, and am now taking the same approach myself. The market is sloooowly starting to push back to sanity or rather something close to it. I don't think we'll ever be quite normal. :rolleyes:


It's nice to see new coins come out, even the limited editions (like 100 coins minted) or group/event specific coins. Things you really can't get unless you were part of that group or have been lucky enough to trade for one.


I can't imagine ever having a complete set of coins, frankly there's too many out there to keep a collection like that anyway, if someone can do it, great for them. Originally when I started collecting, I had only purchased coins that had some significance to me personally (ie a state I had visited, geocached in, geocachers I had met, attempting to complete a full set of icons, which btw is getting increasingly difficult to a point of not even caring to complete a set), then I decided I'd like to get a geocoin from every state, so seeing new state coins come out is always good. Somewhere in there, I've expanded those original goals to something more aless of if I saw a new coin for sale I'd buy it, regardless of significace. Eventually I'll reach a point where I'll cut back to my original ide of only collecting coins that mean something to me. That will most likely happen around the time I get my own coin minted (and no, I don't intend to sell them).

too many coins popping up with special editions (same coin, different color). From now on I'm only interested in the garden variety coin, not the gold, silver, red, green, copper, nickel, platinum, etc. Basically it's easier to not run around collecting 5 versions of the same coin  <_<

I've heard the same thing from several other major collectors lately, and am now taking the same approach myself. The market is sloooowly starting to push back to sanity or rather something close to it. I don't think we'll ever be quite normal. :rolleyes:

Exactly what I've had to do, too. I've had a few coin folks contact me, trying to get two, sometimes three of my coin as trade, because "theirs will be different versions." I had to turn them all down. As of now, I just can't afford to keep up.

too many coins popping up with special editions (same coin, different color). From now on I'm only interested in the garden variety coin, not the gold, silver, red, green, copper, nickel, platinum, etc. Basically it's easier to not run around collecting 5 versions of the same coin  :unsure:

I've heard the same thing from several other major collectors lately, and am now taking the same approach myself. The market is sloooowly starting to push back to sanity or rather something close to it. I don't think we'll ever be quite normal. <_<

Exactly what I've had to do, too. I've had a few coin folks contact me, trying to get two, sometimes three of my coin as trade, because "theirs will be different versions." I had to turn them all down. As of now, I just can't afford to keep up.

Instead of making the same coin in different colors/types of metal, just design a new coin. I don't really like having the same coin three or four times, but then again I am a collector.


I updated my lists today...then checked the mail :rolleyes:...they are not updated no more!


I have a G.O.N.E. coin for trade for something I don't already have.


I also have a NJ and Selective Availability coin's (red ring), I would like to trade this one for a green ring. I know if you have the green ring you don't have the red.....


I really, really, really want a MIGO seasonal. I know someone can spare one.....

Instead of making the same coin in different colors/types of metal, just design a new coin.

Not gonna happen. At least, not until there are some major changes that simply have to happen first. I can't afford to do another coin right now, and v2 seems to have hit a serious design snag for the moment. I refuse to sell my coin to raise the money... I still believe you create your own competition that way. If everyone already has it, who wants it?

Posted (edited)

I'm looking for a North Dakota geocoin :rolleyes:


Coins I have to trade with

*Colorado 2005

*Indiana 2005

*California 2005

*Dallas/Fortworth 2005

*M.I.G.O. (NOT a fancy seasonal)


All coins new and unregistered


EDIT: Looks like I got one! <_<

Thanks Damenace

Edited by RustyBeerCan
I'm looking for a North Dakota geocoin :rolleyes:


Coins I have to trade with

*Colorado 2005

*Indiana 2005

*California 2005

*Dallas/Fortworth 2005

*M.I.G.O. (NOT a fancy seasonal)


All coins new and unregistered

E-mail sent

I'm looking for a North Dakota geocoin :rolleyes:


Coins I have to trade with

*Colorado 2005

*Indiana 2005

*California 2005

*Dallas/Fortworth 2005

*M.I.G.O. (NOT a fancy seasonal)


All coins new and unregistered


EDIT: Looks like I got one! <_<

Thanks Damenace

Email sent

and Selective Availability coin's (red ring), I would like to trade this one for a green ring. I know if you have the green ring you don't have the red.....


Ummm, are the coins you're trading me on the way then? I see from your update you got mine. Isn't this "extra" the one you proimised me as part of the trade you owe me? Just checkin'

Posted (edited)

Specifically looking for:

Missouri 2004

Pennsylvania 2004 (copper)

Team Super Genius/Pepper (silver)


Have to trade:


Wanna Go Group (for 2004s only)*

Maryland 2005

Wasington 2005


Alaska - B


Ohio 2005

Texas 2005

New Jersey 2005

Rhode Island 2005

AtlantaGal - S

Edited by AtlantaGal

I have a MD geocoin I'd be interested in trading, looking for a 2005 georgia geocoin. I missed the window to buy unfortunately. Also looking for one of those MiGO GC trackables, not sure how rare they are though. Just write back or send me a message if your interested!!



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