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Geocoins all look so neat I was sure I would get hooked, but how many...there are sooo many to choose from! I have decided to get one from each State or Country we have cached in, that will keep it managable (for now!) With that in mind I have the following unactivated coins available to trade-....Still searching for a few...


1 2007 Michigan MiGO geocoin (with the Mackinac Bridge on it)

1 2007 Winter MiGO Michigan geocoin (with the boot print & snow flakes on it)

Postal Jeep geo coin

2 2006 Indiana geocoins "Canals of Indiana"

Red Handed geocoin- black

April 2007 Geoswag club geocoin and pin set

April 2007 Geocoinclub geocoin and pathtag set


I need any of these (unactivated ) geocoins-






Caching Around America


Thanks for helping!!


Looking for a Triple Dragon if anyone is willing to trade for a Gear Coin. They can be seen on my profile page.

An e-mail is on it's way to you for a possible trade.


Looking for a Triple Dragon if anyone is willing to trade for a Gear Coin. They can be seen on my profile page.

An e-mail is on it's way to you for a possible trade.


Thanks ... reply on the way


Hi does anyone want to sell me this coin? I couldn't come to the event :D but I really hope I can get my hands on one of these!! :D:D PLEASE!!! :D



Posted (edited)

In the Royal Flush geocoins series I am trying to find king #1 of 225, jack #1 of 300, and the ten of harts #1 of 325.I have two kings two jacks and a ten to trade. If any one has these and is willing to trade for them or maybe sell them to me please e-mail me at thecasheman@yahoo.com or post a note here.

Thank you,


Edited by THE CA$HE MAN

I have over 70 imfrog2002's 2007 geocoins that I'd be willing to trade for any coins that I don't have. (You can see those on my profile.) The coins I have are ONE INCH MICRO COINS. I'll trade for any coins, but please realize that these don't have an icon and are only micro coins. They are trackable, however. Please e-mail me through my profile to set up a trade. Thanks!


I OWE 1 TEMPTING THE FATES...to someone! I got the trade and lost all contact info!


WHO IS THIS PERSON I TRADED WITH?????????? Sorry for yelling Im just worried I may never find them and here I got this cool World of Geocaching V1 that I already activated!


Are ya out there?


The new Sand Dollars are in and I still have plenty to trade. I will be going to GW5 so you can catch me there or I will get all new trades mailed out right after I return. (All trades previously established will go out in the mail today)




Team Sand Dollar


Seeking Very Hard to Find coins like



-Captin Prozac

-Dhobby1 Ver 1

-Garmin Grand Opening



-Groundspeak Project Square

-Indy Diver v1 (**we'd really like this one)

-2 Dolphins

-Moun10Bike (ver 1 or 2)


-Waypoint 15

-Team Fisur

-Johnnie Lacey



We have to offer in exchange our PengoFamily Signature Editions:


There are only 5 of each coin produced. We only have available 1 of each coin.


You can see more about these coins here: PengoFamily Geocoins


PengoDaddy Signature Edition Geocoin:

US Navy - Blue Angels colours with a sky background and a silver finish.




PengoMommy Signature Edition Geocoin:

Shades of Chantal's favourite colour with a gold finish.




PengoDaughter (aka PengoBeky) Signature Edition Geocoin:

Shades of Rebekah's favourite colour with a black nickel finish.




Please contact us through our GC.com profile. If you have any really HTF coins like the ones mentioned above, but they are not listed, make us an offer...you never know.


....still looking...please contact us through our profile if you'd like to trade.



:ph34r: Wanted :(

for trade

Dead or Alive


Garmin Grand Opening

Last seen in Chicago.


For trade offers and serious hints please contact your local trade office at

Oshndoc at gmail dot com :ph34r:

Any information leading to the successful acquisition of this subject will receive a reward in form of an unactivated geocoin!!!!


My trader list is in my signature line.


Pictures of all of these coins can be seen at my trading list.



Alaska 2005 Moose Goldleaf

Big Rock Meteorite

Cache Dragons





footTRAX Limited Edition


Gc Element Antique Copper




Mystery Puzzle Coin

Norway 2007

Scooby Shaggy Velma

Silver Dragon / Hammerjane

Tiki King Mojo

Tiki Lord Pomsby

Traveling Chief & Pokemom

X - any coin that's name begins with the letter X

Zombie Tribe


Alabama AGA 2006. . . . . . . . . gold. . . . . . . . in-hand

Berkshire SAR Dogs (HTF / special trades only). . . . incoming

Camp Explorer 2006. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in-hand

Cruiserdude 2007. . . . . . . . . antique bronze. . . in-hand

Donauschwaben-Schwarzwald . . . . antique silver. . . in-hand

Dorkfish Karma. . . . . . . . . . black nickel. . . . in-hand

Entire Leaf Paintbrush. . . . . . nickel. . . . . . . in-hand

Ferreter5 . . . . . . . . . . . . antique copper. . . in-hand

GCC Recycling 4/2006. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in-hand

Geocacher University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in-hand

Greenman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in-hand

Hawaii Micro Yellow . . . . . . . gold. . . . . . . . in-hand

Hong Kong 2007. . . . . . . . . . antique copper. . . in-hand

HorseGeeks Jason. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in-hand

LIGO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bronze. . . . . . . in-hand

Pepper's 5th Anniversary. . . . . silver. . . . . . . in-hand

Prime Meridian. . . . . . . . . . bronze. . . . . . . in-hand

Saving Shiloh . . . . . . . . . . nickel. . . . . . . in-hand

Scott-N8ZUS . . . . . . . . . . . antique gold. . . . in-hand

Seven Summits - Mount Everest . . bronze. . . . . . . in-hand

Symbology . . . . . . . . . . . . antique bronze. . . in-hand

Symbology . . . . . . . . . . . . antique silver. . . in-hand

Symbology . . . . . . . . . . . . limited edition . . in-hand

Team Chelmo New Zealand . . . . . gold. . . . . . . . in-hand

TFTC by Jamie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in-hand

I'm sure there are many very nice geocoins I do not currently know about. If you have something you would like to trade that is not in this list, please feel free to contact me with a trade offer.


Pictures of all of these coins can be seen at my trading list.


Looking for a King of Hearts for the Royal Flush


I have 1 - Ten of Hearts and 5 - Jack of Hearts I would be willing to trade one or check my profile on www.geocoincollection.com for other coins available for trade.


I am also looking to trade for all the #8's in the Royal Flush series.

I have ACE#44 if you have ACE#8 and would like to trade let me know.....


Send an e-mail if you have any interest.

Steel City Babes

Posted (edited)

Im still looking for a few coins for trade if anyone has an extra they'd be willing to trade for my personal coin.


Run for the Roses

Cache Rich

Australia 07

Mojave Desert Cactus

07 Compass Rose

Appalacian Trail (any)

Cache Critters

Dream Catcher


Email me if interested




I'd also like to add:


Dorkfish Yellow Seahorse

The Caching Bug

Partners in Caching


My Seeking List

Edited by Arrow One

due to unforseen circumstances, i am now selling my "activated" geocoins collection. i am pricing these at a bargain to buyers so hopefully they move fast. here is what is up for sale/adoption:


-new mexico geocoin gold $12

-tracking time geocoin gold $15

-luxembourg geocoin silver $6

-two emergency response geocoins shiny silver and satin gold $5 dollars each

-american cache dollar geocoin gold $10

-west texas wingnuts geocoin gold $8

-texas shaped geocoin silver $6

-tempting the fates geocoin silver $8

-2007 compass rose geocoin silver two tone (not the LE) $15

-911turbos geocoin red $10

-texas county challenge geocoin gold $7

-symbology geocoin silver $10

-fire chiefs geocoin sparkle red LE $10

-cinco de mayo pinata geocoin $7


these coins are all pictured in my profile under trackables. prices are a flat fee with free shipping to the U.S. only, sorry i don't like dealing with international mailing. if you are interested, email me thru geocaching.com and tell me which ones you want to adopt and i'll invoice you at paypal. send me your paypal invoice email address for faster invoicing, and remember, first come, first sold. we can complete the adoption after the coins are delivered. thanks for helping me out. dave.


I also have a question: Are you allowed to go back to a cache you have already found just to get a TB?


Yes you are, remember when you log the cache it is not new "find", rather post a note that you returned to the cache to pick up the TB.


due to unforseen circumstances, i am now selling my "activated" geocoins collection. i am pricing these at a bargain to buyers so hopefully they move fast. here is an updated list of what is up for sale/adoption:


-new mexico geocoin gold $12

-tracking time geocoin gold $15

-luxembourg geocoin silver $6

-two emergency response geocoins shiny silver and satin gold $5 dollars each

-american cache dollar geocoin gold $10

ADOPTED-west texas wingnuts geocoin gold $8

-texas shaped geocoin silver $6

-tempting the fates geocoin silver $8

-2007 compass rose geocoin silver two tone (not the LE) $15

-911turbos geocoin red $10

ADOPTED-texas county challenge geocoin gold $7

-symbology geocoin silver $10

-fire chiefs geocoin sparkle red LE $10

-cinco de mayo pinata geocoin $7


these coins are all pictured in my profile under trackables. prices are a flat fee with free shipping to the U.S. only, sorry i don't like dealing with international mailing. if you are interested, email me thru geocaching.com and tell me which ones you want to adopt and i'll invoice you at paypal. send me your paypal invoice email address for faster invoicing, and remember, first come, first sold. we can complete the adoption after the coins are delivered. thanks for helping me out. dave.


To any of the chicks that are listed below, I would somehow like to work out a way to get your chick. Can you please email me if you are interested


Cacher Name QTY Etching


ParentsofSAM 100 PSAM01 - PSAM75; PoSAM


SAM -S 50 SRGS01 - SRGS50


SAM - 50 SRGA01 - SRGA50


SAM - 50 SRGM01 - SRGM50


UOTrackers Jen (Brae) 100 UOB001 - UOB075; UOBrae


UOTrackers Bella (Andromeda) 100 UOA001 - UOA075; Bella


Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; HUGS


Fluttershy 100 PEEP01 - PEEP75; KISSES


CrazyCaveLover 100 CCL001 - CCL100


CrazyCaveLover 100 CCL101 - CCL200


CrazyCaveLover 100 CCL201 - CCL300


Crowesfeat30 50 CF001 - CF050


Crowesfeat30 100 CF051 - CF150


DresselDragons 50 DD001 - DD050


DDragonGirl 50 BND01 - BND050


Anthus 50 ANTHUS


-Eleanor- 50 -E-001 - -E-050


Mama Cache 80 MCB-DAY


sfwife 100 sfw001 - sfw100


wigoweb 100 WIGOWB


summerandnana 100 s&n001 - s&n100


stellarscapes 100 ST001 - ST100


lindsychris 100 LC001 - LC100


~tasia~ 50 TAS001 - TAS050


~tasia~ #2 50 TAS051 - TAS100


CachingCoins 50 CC001 - CC050


CachingCoins 50 CC051 - CC100


CachingCoins 50 CC101 - CC150


meandmydogs 50 MAMDs; MAMD01 - MAMD09


meandmydogs 50 MAMD01 - MAMD50


paulandstacey 50 P&S001 - P&S050


T"n"T 100 TnT001 - TnT100


Evil Chicken 50 EC5


Evil Chicken 50 3CHKS


Nov64 50 Nov64


rivercity 100 RC001 -RC100


TX Diva 100 TXD001 - TXD100


3doxies 100 3D001 - 3D100


Marky&Joani 100 M&J001 - M&J100


There were also 3 other "chicks" that were never listed,

the Pink Thank you chicks, engraved CHICKS

A Green "Rooster" chick

and a white "Naked" chick, it was without glitter (sugar)

Posted (edited)



Have you tried emailing the coin owner? :blink: Otherwise, you can look up on cointracking or geocoincollection if anyone has one for trade. (I don't believe they were sold).

Edited by avroair

avroair...you still looking for an Isle of Man coin?




Version 2? If he is not I am :blink:


V2, yes. He wrote before I left for Blz. and I told him I would get back to him. If he doesn't need it, I will give you next shot at it :(


avroair...you still looking for an Isle of Man coin?




Version 2? If he is not I am :P


V2, yes. He wrote before I left for Blz. and I told him I would get back to him. If he doesn't need it, I will give you next shot at it :P


He doesn't need it :blink: , no serious he told me :lol::( . :(


due to unforseen circumstances, i am now selling my "activated" geocoins collection. i am pricing these at a bargain to buyers so hopefully they move fast. here is an updated list of what is up for sale/adoption:


-new mexico geocoin gold $12

-tracking time geocoin gold $15

-luxembourg geocoin silver $6

-two emergency response geocoins shiny silver and satin gold $5 dollars each

-american cache dollar geocoin gold $10

ADOPTED-west texas wingnuts geocoin gold $8

-texas shaped geocoin silver $6

-tempting the fates geocoin silver $8

-2007 compass rose geocoin silver two tone (not the LE) $15

-911turbos geocoin red $10

ADOPTED-texas county challenge geocoin gold $7

-symbology geocoin silver $10

-fire chiefs geocoin sparkle red LE $10

-cinco de mayo pinata geocoin $7


these coins are all pictured in my profile under trackables. prices are a flat fee with free shipping to the U.S. only, sorry i don't like dealing with international mailing. if you are interested, email me thru geocaching.com and tell me which ones you want to adopt and i'll invoice you at paypal. send me your paypal invoice email address for faster invoicing, and remember, first come, first sold. we can complete the adoption after the coins are delivered. thanks for helping me out. dave.


thank you for all the replies, these coins have all been adopted. god bless and happy caching.


Looking For....


Old Hippy & Granny LE


Team de Zaanhoeve

SWAG 2006

Leipzig Event Black Nickel

Garmin Grand Opening - Chicago

Atlantic Canada Geocaching - PEI

Atlantic Canada Geocaching - New Brunswick

Atlantic Canada Geocaching - Newfoundland


Have HTF local cacher coins to trade for the like, various GW5 coins and more. Trade list linked below.

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