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I have a complete set of Geocaching Skills available. (Traded 1 set away already)


I have a profile on www.geocoincollection.com under Steel City Babes.


I am really interested in trading for Big Cat Series 2007 -by Prowler53 ---coins. However feel free to check out my profile and seeking list.


Seeking list: http://www.geocoincollection.com/cointrade...3&owner=448


Thanks again,

Steel City Babes :signalviolin:

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i plan on caching in a few states in the next couple of months. while there, i want to launch some state themed geocoins of those states and see where they go.


i don't collect so looking for suggestions. i got nc from stock online stores. i am looking for:


2 florida coins

2 texas coins

2 virginia coins



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OK, I'm down to my very last Evil Micro 2007 geocoin for trade! :rolleyes: They went pretty fast and I wanted to do something different with this one.


From now until, oh, Sunday night (Feb 25th) I will be accepting "bids" for the coin. If you have an ol' extra geocoin laying around the house that you want to trade just send me an e-mail with an offer. The geocoin that catches my fancy the most gets the trade. (I am still looking for a Crowesfeat30 coin!) :lol: Please check my trackable profile prior to "bidding". If I already have one activated I'm, in all honesty, not going to want another one. Thanks!

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Just revising my seeking list that I've posted here...


9key coin




Any Ranger216 trains ( I have set 1 & 4 gold and silver, check my keepers)


Marmacette Nickel


The Lost Cacher BN red letters


Baby Loggerhead (BN, Gold, Silver)


Loggerhead Micro Polished Gold


Mr & Mrs Loggerhead LE BN


I've removed a few but that doesn't mean I'm not looking just wanted to narrow it down to the ones I would like the most right now.


Thanks for looking!




My small trader list... should be getting more in soon, keep checking...


Trader list

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I'd really like to add these coins to my collection:


ParentsofSAM 2007 - Any - Any - Any - Any

Avalanche 2006 & 2007

COG Sunset

DresselDragons Copper (Love them so much, Have to have them all...)

Geocat Nickel

Mauison - Any - Any - Glow - Any

Mr. & Mrs. Loggerhead - original Nickel

Parrolet's Beautiful Parrot - Satin Gold

Toojin & Bart

Yemon Yime (yes, I know... I know...)


Thanks! ~Fluttershy~


My Trade List

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As they would say on Wonder Pets: "This is see-wious!" :wub:


We are looking for the Two-Tone LE Compass Rose that was only available at geocoinfest. We have to offer as a trade our own PengoFamily 2007 LE 4 Geocoin Set in Antique Gold. This set is a 1 of 10. And each geocoin in the set is uniquely trackable. They were not sold to anyone. 4 sets have been donated for fundraising.





You can see more about this coin including a picture of the back here:

PengoFamily 2007 Geocoins and Geopin


Can someone please (with a cherry on top) help us out??? :rolleyes:




Edit: to fix link.

Edited by PengoFamily
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Anyone have a Gecoin Fest Attendee for trade, please? We got our Vinyls in. They have a Jeep on them :rolleyes: Or we can talk about other coins. Thanks!



Also looking for a Geocoin Fest CoinQuest 2-part coin if anyone has an extra. Thanks!


And another too - a marker coin from the event as well if there are any extras. Thanks!

Edited by GPX Navigators
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I have a lot of coins I am SEEKING, not as a whole, but in pieces. The coins I am seeking to trade for are (three columns to shorten the post):


Alabama 2005 Gold....................................Alabama 2004 bronze.................................WCRC

Alaska Cache and Dash..............................Alaska 2005 Gold Leaf................................Virginia

Alaska 2006 silver and silver w/ gold............Arizona Geoacher 2006 gold.......................

arkansas 2006 gold LE...............................Arkansas 2006 bronze

Cache Minnesota Gold LE.............................California 2004

Canada 2005 and 2006.............................Canada Capital cacher BN............................WSGA

Central Oklahoma silver..............................DFW Silver

Delaware..................................................Exp. Minnesota Silver.................................Florida Silver

GEOSET Silver..........................................Georgia Peach...........................................Tennessee Gold and silver

GGA 2005 and 2006 gold............................Hawaii, pineapple and regular....................Utah 2005 silver, 2006 copper

Hawaii national park silver..........................Idaho, 2005, 2006, and gold micro.............Venturing Crew 44'85

Kansas silver.............................................Kansas City historical tour.........................Swiss Nickel

Kentucky 2003, 2004, 2005.........................Kentucky Girls.........................................Louisiana 2006 LE

Maine........................................................Maryland black-eyed susan.......................Maryland Geocacher Brass

Mexico Gold...............................................MIGO Fall 2005, 2006, Spring 2005...........Oklahoma Tribe BN

Missouri....................................................North carolina Silver................................SW Michigan chili cook-off

New York...................................................North Carolina Foothills...........................South eastern new brunswick

New Zealand Kiwi Gold...............................Newfoundland Black Nickel........................Southern ontario geese

NC Micro gold...........................................NC numbered and unnumbered................North Dakota Snowflake

NWPA Gold................................................OKIC....................................................South carolina 07 copper

Oklahoma Route 66 Nickel..........................Oregon 2003 and 2004

SAGA .......................................................Pennsylvania 2004 & 05 gold

SWAGS Margarita, Christmas, and New slug...........................Texas 2006 gold, 2003 brass, 2006 challenge, lonestar


still SEEKING the above coins. Please contact me for what I have to trade. Thanks

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Anyone that went to geocoinfest that has an extra pathtag from the event? Am still looking for one! :rolleyes:


I have one. I'll trade for any of your tags I don't have. I only have the original Basset one I believe. Email me :rolleyes:


Thanks AtlantaGal! Email sent...(and thanks for spelling "basset" correctly...many people spell it with 2 T's...that's the furniture store!) :anibad:

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Don't know if this is the place to post this or not. With my club coin this month, I received an unusual coin, one that I can't use.


It's from Oakcoins.com, and says one the back side: Good for one free die side with minimum order of 100 coins. Expires 5-30-2007.


Would anybody be interested in having this coin? Maybe send me a coin in place of it, but not absolutely necessary. I just don't want it to go to waste if someone can use it.


Email me @ RWFriend1@yahoo.com, if you can use this coin before the expiration date and I will drop it in the mail ASAP!!!!!

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I am still seeking the XLE 2007 Compass Rose 2 Tone Geocoin that was

avalable at the event. I couldn't make it to the event becasue I had

to work so I am offering multiple coins around 3-5 or so coins to get



I have to trade for it on my trade list:


*2007 Compass Rose Antique Bronze

*2007 Compass Rose Antique Silver

*2007 Compass Rose Black Nickle

*Mandollyn Getting There Gold

*Kansas Sunshine Micro Blk-Nickle (I have a few of these for trade)

*Kansas Sunshine Micro Gold (Unactivated - Not very many of these

Unactivated Versions were givin out)

*Kansas Sunshine Micro Pin (I could put this in a set with the

Blk-Nickle and Gold coin)

*Kansas Sunshine Micro 2007 (Copper Version)

*GS GC&PC Oct 2006 Night Caching (it comes with at least a pin and the

non trackable Micro Pumpkin Coin)

*GS GC&PC Oct 2006 Micro-Pumpkin (I will trade this as a set with the

other coins)

*GS GC&PC NOV 2006 Thanksgiving Coin and Pin

*GS GC&PC Dec 2006 Christmas Coinament, with NT Leaf, Micro, and Pin

(I will trade this whole set along with others)

*GS GC&PC Jan 2006 Caching in the Snow with a bonus Geoswag Geocoin

and Caching in the Snow pin. (I will trade as a set for that coin

along with others)

*GS GC&PC Feb 2006 Heart with Pin

* Magic 8 Ball - Blue

* Missouri Route 66 Silver

* Missouri Route 66 Gold

* Plymouth Rock Trackable Benchmark Coin

* Kansas City Historical Tour Event Geocoin (First ever KC Event coin)

* Get out of TB Jail Free Geocoin (Now in hand)

Edited by sawblade5
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2007 Compass Rose two-tone

Captain Goretex





SWAG 2006

SWAGS Easter

SWAGS Margarita

Team Airik

Great Basin Rally Winter

Great Basin Rally Summer

Venturing Crew

Any Wildlife Muggles - gold or copper

1701eh Memorial - antique gold or two-tone

....too many more to list


Please see my trading lists for coins I have available.

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Anyone have a Gecoin Fest Attendee for trade, please? We got our Vinyls in. They have a Jeep on them <_< Or we can talk about other coins. Thanks!



Also looking for a Geocoin Fest CoinQuest 2-part coin if anyone has an extra. Thanks!


And another too - a marker coin from the event as well if there are any extras. Thanks!


Still looking for Marker or CoinQuest from the Fest. :blink:

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Don't know if this is the place to post this or not. With my club coin this month, I received an unusual coin, one that I can't use.


It's from Oakcoins.com, and says one the back side: Good for one free die side with minimum order of 100 coins. Expires 5-30-2007.


Would anybody be interested in having this coin? Maybe send me a coin in place of it, but not absolutely necessary. I just don't want it to go to waste if someone can use it.


Email me @ RWFriend1@yahoo.com, if you can use this coin before the expiration date and I will drop it in the mail ASAP!!!!!


email sent

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Don't know if this is the place to post this or not. With my club coin this month, I received an unusual coin, one that I can't use.


It's from Oakcoins.com, and says one the back side: Good for one free die side with minimum order of 100 coins. Expires 5-30-2007.


Would anybody be interested in having this coin? I just don't want it to go to waste if someone can use it.



:laughing: I also received one of these and If you can use it contact me through my profile and it's yours, all I ask is that I get one of the coins it's used to make. ;)

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Don't know if this is the place to post this or not. With my club coin this month, I received an unusual coin, one that I can't use.


It's from Oakcoins.com, and says one the back side: Good for one free die side with minimum order of 100 coins. Expires 5-30-2007.


Would anybody be interested in having this coin? I just don't want it to go to waste if someone can use it.



:laughing: I also received one of these and If you can use it contact me through my profile and it's yours, all I ask is that I get one of the coins it's used to make. ;)


I have one as well, same "conditions" as 57chevy, lemmie know if you're interested.

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Don't know if this is the place to post this or not. With my club coin this month, I received an unusual coin, one that I can't use.


It's from Oakcoins.com, and says one the back side: Good for one free die side with minimum order of 100 coins. Expires 5-30-2007.


Would anybody be interested in having this coin? I just don't want it to go to waste if someone can use it.



:laughing: I also received one of these and If you can use it contact me through my profile and it's yours, all I ask is that I get one of the coins it's used to make. ;)


I have one as well, same "conditions" as 57chevy, lemmie know if you're interested.


Same here - if anyone can use one of these, it's yours. Our first geocoin is ready for production so I'll never be able to use it by the expiration date. ;)

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Don't know if this is the place to post this or not. With my club coin this month, I received an unusual coin, one that I can't use...

;) I also received one of these and If you can use it contact me through my profile and it's yours, all I ask is that I get one of the coins it's used to make. ;)


It's gone... that was quick. I'm glad someones gonna put it to good use. :laughing:

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Don't know if this is the place to post this or not. With my club coin this month, I received an unusual coin, one that I can't use...

;) I also received one of these and If you can use it contact me through my profile and it's yours, all I ask is that I get one of the coins it's used to make. :laughing:


It's gone... that was quick. I'm glad someones gonna put it to good use. ;)


After seeing all these posts, I can't imagine there are too many more people that need them, but . . . I have one too. No strings.

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