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Looking for April Signal coin. Promise to put him/her with plenty of friends :laughing:


Working through a trade.....now looking for British Columbia coin. Bring on the Orcas!

Posted (edited)

I've got just a few of the Original Stash Plaque Geocoins still available. I listed 3 on ebay this morning. I am the leader of a 14 and 15 year old Boy Scout troop, and I'm trying to raise enough funds to outfit the whole troop with GPSrs for when we go geocaching. If you're interested, please check out the following link: Original Stash Coin listing. This link will only take you to one of the coins I'm selling there if you look at seller's other items you can check out all three. I have some other trackable coins for sale right now (assuming they haven't been sold via Buy It Now), and I'll be adding more in the coming weeks and days. Thanks for looking.


Another note, I am desperately seeking a Fall 2005 MiGO coin. I have a Groundspeak Volunteer coin, My personal Black Nickel coin (only 10 made), and some other highly collectible coins available. If you're interested, please let me know. If I don't get a trade soon, I might just give up on collecting a set of MiGO seasonals, and part with the other 3 coins that I've got.


Thanks for looking. :blink:

Edited by Redwing_dave
Posted (edited)

I have a few Indiana Micro - XLE Black Nickel geocoins left to trade.


I'm looking for the following:

Utah Micro (ant. copper)trade made

Loggerhead micro (blk. nickel)

Georgia micro (blk. nickel)

Dutch micro (blk nickel)

Evil micro (blk nickel GLOW)


I will entertain other offers as well. email me.

Edited by Prairiepartners

Looking for April Signal coin. Promise to put him/her with plenty of friends :)


Working through a trade.....now looking for British Columbia coin. Bring on the Orcas!


Trades made - mahalo.


Ok, now I'm looking for a set of the 4 definitive coins (I have the first set of three).


Willing to trade mutilples (of course) or maybe I can dig up some harder to find coins or something.....


Any takers?

Posted (edited)

Looking for :


Serenity Geocoin


Geoluau II Event coin


kiwi 2006


Coins for trade:


MTN-Man admin.


Cent Coin&pin


Boot Coin&pin

Edited by xfalcon1
Posted (edited)


Brakeman's Event 2006 (Silver)

Cachoids - Big City (Silver)

Central Oklahoma Geocachers (COG)

Fragglestock Event 2006

GD Mystery Coin

Geocaching - All In One 2006 (Silver)

GeoJamboree 4 Event

Geoluau II Event

GeoPoker Run Event 2006

GeoScouting v2

GeoWoodstock IV (Volunteer)

Groundspeak Lackey

Kentucky (GEOCKY) 2003

Math Puzzle (Red or Blue)

Missouri 2004

Moun10Bike 2005 Christmas Coinament

Moun10Bike v1


NC Foothills 2006

NWPA (Ship)

OKIC: Ohio Kentucky Indiana Cachers


Roseville Parks and Recreation Event 2006

Spring Fling Event 2006 (Bouquet)

TC Winter Convergence 2006

Texas 2003

U.S.A. 2005 (.999 Silver)

Vampires, Mummies & the GeoGhost Event 2005

Washington State Geocaching Association (WSGA) 2006

Wisconsin Geocaching Association (WGA) 5th Annual Geo-Campout



Check our available and incoming lists on our CoinTracking.com profile. (Link in our signature line)

Edited by FlyinV

I have several 2006 Kentucky Geocoins in both Golden & Nickel Finish


I also have 2006 Texas geocoins


I want any other state Geocoins trackable on geocaching.com




2006 Kentucky - Gold finish

2006 Kentucky - Nickel finish

2006 Texas




Any other state geocoins trackable on geocaching.com


email me at jjb79792@yahoo.com



Posted (edited)

I haven't made any trades now for a couple of days and I'm going through withdraws.


We have the following personal still available for trade


Team Sand Dollar V1 (Not Trackable)

- LE Gold (100 Made - Only 8 left)

- Silver (17 left)

- Bronze (only 10 left)

Buffalo Wings V1 (Not Trackable)

- LE Gold (100 Made)

- Silver (17 left)

- Bronze (Only 2 Left)

Buffalo Wings V2 (Florida Trail) (Trackable with icon)

- Antique Silver LE (50 Made - 17 Left)

- Bronze

- Black Nickel(White buffalo) (100 Made)

- Copper(Black buffalo) (100 Made)


The coins we need are included in this Wish List or check out list at CoinTracking.


Team Sand Dollar (Trader of TSD and BW coins)

Edited by Team Sand Dollar

I am looking for:




Fox and Hound


Rhode Island (w/icon)

Dutch Micro

Colorado 06

Haughton's Hunters



I still have some nice coins left to trade:



Connecticut - Gold

Connecticut - Silver

Connecticut - Bronze

Prime Meridian


Tennessee Micro - Silver

Bad Andy

GOWT - Gold





I'm looking for:





Texas 2006


Civil War - Gettysburg

Dutch Micro



Groundspeak Lackey


I have my polished gold and glow-in-the-dark Mauison geocoins available and I also have a few of the LE Cent coins:



Posted (edited)

Brakeman's Event 2006


Fragglestock Event 2006


GeoJamboree 4 Event


Geoluau II Event


GeoPoker Run Event 2006


have to trade:


Cent Coin&pin


Boot Coin&pin


psychochicken coin


check my list

Edited by xfalcon1

I am looking for:




Fox and Hound


Rhode Island (w/icon)

Dutch Micro

Colorado 06

Haughton's Hunters



I still have some nice coins left to trade:



Connecticut - Gold

Connecticut - Silver

Connecticut - Bronze

Prime Meridian


Tennessee Micro - Silver

Bad Andy

GOWT - Gold





you have email :D


I am looking for:




Fox and Hound


Rhode Island (w/icon)

Dutch Micro

Colorado 06

Haughton's Hunters



I still have some nice coins left to trade:



Connecticut - Gold

Connecticut - Silver

Connecticut - Bronze

Prime Meridian


Tennessee Micro - Silver

Bad Andy

GOWT - Gold





you have mail :D



Posted (edited)


Brakeman's Event 2006 (Silver)

Central Oklahoma Geocachers (COG)

Champoeg 2006 Event

Fragglestock Event 2006

GD Mystery Coin

Geocaching - All In One 2006 (Silver)

GeoJamboree 4 Event

Geoluau II Event

GeoPoker Run Event 2006

GeoScouting v2

GeoWoodstock IV (Volunteer)

Groundspeak Lackey

Kentucky (GEOCKY) 2003

Math Puzzle (Red or Blue)

Missouri 2004

Moun10Bike 2005 Christmas Coinament

Moun10Bike v1


NC Foothills 2006

NWPA (Ship)

OKIC: Ohio Kentucky Indiana Cachers


Roseville Parks and Recreation Event 2006

Spring Fling Event 2006 (Bouquet)

TC Winter Convergence 2006

Texas 2003

U.S.A. 2005 (.999 Silver)

Vampires, Mummies & the GeoGhost Event 2005

Washington State Geocaching Association (WSGA) 2006

Wisconsin Geocaching Association (WGA) 5th Annual Geo-Campout



Check our available and incoming lists on our CoinTracking.com profile. (Link in our signature line)

Edited by FlyinV

I've got just a few of the Original Stash Plaque Geocoins still available. I listed 3 on ebay this morning. I am the leader of a 14 and 15 year old Boy Scout troop, and I'm trying to raise enough funds to outfit the whole troop with GPSrs for when we go geocaching. If you're interested, please check out the following link: Original Stash Coin listing. This link will only take you to one of the coins I'm selling there if you look at seller's other items you can check out all three. I have some other trackable coins for sale right now (assuming they haven't been sold via Buy It Now), and I'll be adding more in the coming weeks and days. Thanks for looking.


Another note, I am desperately seeking a Fall 2005 MiGO coin. I have a Groundspeak Volunteer coin, My personal Black Nickel coin (only 10 made), and some other highly collectible coins available. If you're interested, please let me know. If I don't get a trade soon, I might just give up on collecting a set of MiGO seasonals, and part with the other 3 coins that I've got.


Thanks for looking. :anicute:


Still looking for MiGO fall '05 Will pay dearly. I have a Groundspeak volunteer coin and my person XLE Black nickel coin (high value, but I can't post how I know here :anicute: ), plus several other traders. If I don't get a response soon I think the volunteer coin will go up for sale. Still have a few Original Stash coins up for sale; almost gone.


Thanks for looking.

Posted (edited)



GC&PC Virtual Ghost LE

Geomuse 2006

IceCreamMan - Trade made! Thanks ICM!

Tiki - Lord Pomsby

Tiki - Yawp

Puzzle Cache set


Have a couple of our personals left for trade.


Also have the GC & PC "Cent - So this is a Geocoin" LE's I'd like to trade for other GC & PC LE's

Edited by UOTrackers

I'll have a couple of These Coins to trade come mid July. I will be making only very special trades (and in most cases requesting multiples - since this is actually two coins!) If I happen to get lucky and win the auction for coin #001 then I'll be able to offer yet another for trade.


It is an event coin for an event like no other.


I'll have a couple of These Coins to trade come mid July. I will be making only very special trades (and in most cases requesting multiples - since this is actually two coins!) If I happen to get lucky and win the auction for coin #001 then I'll be able to offer yet another for trade.


It is an event coin for an event like no other.


You have mail!



looking for:

Police Badge

Original Stash Plaque








Toronto 2006 black oxidized


Walpurgis black nickel

Irish hunter gold

Team myth 2006

501 gang

Swags easter 2006

London Phone booth (in shape of booth)

North pole gun

South pole gun

Old hippy and granny

Spring fling 2006

Oleomi antique gold


Have to trade:

Indiana Micro Silver LE

Bikinibottomfeeders Gold LE


I'll have a couple of These Coins to trade come mid July. I will be making only very special trades (and in most cases requesting multiples - since this is actually two coins!) If I happen to get lucky and win the auction for coin #001 then I'll be able to offer yet another for trade.


It is an event coin for an event like no other.

Thanks for all the interest. I'll get back to you all soon!

Thanks again. I am very anxious to see this coin in person - it is truly unique!


looking for:

Police Badge

Original Stash Plaque








Toronto 2006 black oxidized


Walpurgis black nickel

Irish hunter gold

Team myth 2006

501 gang

Swags easter 2006

London Phone booth (in shape of booth)

North pole gun

South pole gun

Old hippy and granny

Spring fling 2006

Oleomi antique gold


Have to trade:

Indiana Micro Silver LE

Bikinibottomfeeders Gold LE


you have mail :ph34r:mail.gif


Still have a lot of coins remaining!


Check out link for coins.


Adoption is always an option, but the only thing I ask is that you don't delete any of the previous logs.


Make me a deal! :ph34r:




I have a few NEW state geocoins and am seeking other state geocoins. I only want geocaching.com trackable state geocoins. I already have and don't need AZ, CO, IL, KY, MI, MS, NC, RI, TX, WY


I have extra and want to trade these


2006 Kentucky Nickel Finish

2006 Kentucky Gold Finish

2006 Texas


I want any other State geocoins unactivated and trackable on geocaching.com


email me at jjb79792@yahoo.com






42/90 Caching Crew

Baileys Nippon Gold

Bluegillfisherman Minow


Capt Prosac

Celtic Cross 2nd Edition Antique Silver

Central Oklahoma Geocachers (COG) Gold

Champoag 2006

Delaware Delugly 2006

DHobby Ver 1

FootTRAX Gold

Fragglestock Event (in Sept)

Indy Diver Ver 1


Jeep'en Jumpers - Any


Nakid Bushwhacking


NMartin 2005

Pink Pachyderm

PodCacher Coin

Quebec 2006 Gold

Roseville Parks and Recreation Event

Square Bear

The Shadow

Tumbleweed Gold



My updated trading list is linked below.

I am looking for:




Fox and Hound


Rhode Island (w/icon)

Dutch Micro

Colorado 06

Haughton's Hunters



I still have some nice coins left to trade:



Connecticut - Gold

Connecticut - Silver

Connecticut - Bronze

Prime Meridian


Tennessee Micro - Silver

Bad Andy

GOWT - Gold





You have mail! :grin:

Posted (edited)


Brakeman's Event 2006 (Silver)

Central Oklahoma Geocachers (COG)

Fragglestock Event 2006

GD Mystery Coin

Geocaching - All In One 2006 (Silver)

Geoluau II Event

GeoPoker Run Event 2006

GeoScouting v2

GeoWoodstock IV (Volunteer)

Groundspeak Lackey

Kentucky (GEOCKY) 2003

Math Puzzle (Red or Blue)

Missouri 2004

Moun10Bike 2005 Christmas Coinament

Moun10Bike v1


NC Foothills 2006

NWPA (Ship)

OKIC: Ohio Kentucky Indiana Cachers


Roseville Parks and Recreation Event 2006

Spring Fling Event 2006 (Bouquet)

TC Winter Convergence 2006

Texas 2003

U.S.A. 2005 (.999 Silver)

Vampires, Mummies & the GeoGhost Event 2005

Washington State Geocaching Association (WSGA) 2006

Wisconsin Geocaching Association (WGA) 5th Annual Geo-Campout



Check our available and incoming lists on our CoinTracking.com profile. (Link in our signature line)

Edited by FlyinV
Posted (edited)

Just added some new coins to the trader list:


Elusive Mr. Muggles

Allegany State Park Geobash Event

Red Pepper (regular size)

Geomuse Bronze

Arizona LE Silver


Wales LE Gold update 6-26-06 4:00 PM

GeoJamboree 4

Kachekat & Kickin

Scottish Cache Bash (3)


You can find the seeking list in my sig line. Thanks

Edited by The Moop Along
Posted (edited)

Have for trade maybe for Midwest Geobash


Passing The Torch (flamingo to penguin for Midwest Geobash 2)


Email me through my profile--thanks


There seems to be a little confusion about this coin. This is the round coin. "This coin is a "bridge coin" for the Midwest Geobash event. Only 250 are being made and they share the same icon as the 2005 official event coin. " see the coin at http://geocoinstore.com/images/coins/mwgb2...side2_final.jpg and http://geocoinstore.com/images/coins/mwgb2...side1_final.jpg


I'm not really looking to trade for personal coins as we are working on one ourselves and hope to trade then. Of course if you have a Moun10bike, an Indy diver, a Shadow or Joefrog then let me know for sure LOL


I'm looking for something equally rare as this one. Send me your offers--thanks!

Edited by LadyBee4T
Posted (edited)

I'm looking for the March 2006 Coin Club Ghost coin... (glow in the dark, shape of virtual icon)


Have to trade:

Mississippi Antique Silver

Mississippi LE

Louisiana Silver

Texas 2006



(edited for correct name of coin)

Edited by tdecell

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