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What happens to web site suggestons?


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I'm sure geocaching.com gets flooded with suggestions for changes from users.


Is this forum the main place to post web site suggesitons?


Is there anyone reading these posts and maybe taking these suggestions who can make things happen?


I have a thread that I wonder if there is any possibility for or is it just discussion?




Thanks you




From what I understand as an outsider, both OpinioNate and the Developers monitor the Geocaching.com Web Site forum. I know that Nate has commented before on ideas that he has seen and liked.


One thing to consider with your topic is that it was posted in the evening on a Friday after those that work at Groundspeak went home. I am sure that your topic was read over the weekend, but the office is typically closed on the weekend. They just cruise through the forums looking for major events that might require immediate attention (site down, iPhone app down, if the forums go down I would pay them $20 to just ignore that though :blink: ). I am sure you topic will be read and considered today. This is the right place to posts requests of that nature. They would go on a feature request list and be ordered as they see fit.


However, Groundspeak rarely comments on feature suggestions. When bugs are report (at least when there are many reports of the same bug) we can expect to seen OpinioNate or Raine at least say they are are aware of the bug and looking at solution. They may look at feature suggestions but you can never tell if they feel this one that is worth implementing, let alone what priority they might give it.


Groundspeak asks that feature suggestions be posted here so they can be discussed. That way they can gauge how much the community feels this is a useful enhancement. Also, sometimes the person suggesting the enhancement may be unaware that they may already be able to do this on the site, or that there is at least a reasonable workaround. The community will often provide the workarounds in response to the proposed enhancement. This is not a vote on whether or not the enhancement is worthwhile, but rather it is just others trying to be helpful.


You should also understand that the specific suggestion you made in your other thread is one that has already been made countless times since the Notify feature was first introduced many years ago. It's obvious it's nowhere near the top of the priority list, if it's on the list at all.


Website suggestions can take a lot of time, patience, and persistence. The "caches along a route" feature, for example, is one that I requested for about 3 years before it finally happened. I tried to be polite and yest keep bringing it up; I even came up with algorithms and worked with Groundspeak when they implemented it.


My current project is getting bookmarks fixed. I've only been on this one for about 9 months now, so I am not expecting much for another year or so at least.


Groundspeak has a lot of requests for a lot of features. They are likely to implement those that have a consistent following and those that are strategically aligned with their business model.


I would guess that your request, to include owner names in cache notifications, is not likely to be implemented any time soon. Why? Because if you have the connectivity to get the notification, then you probably have enough connectivity to see the cache page. And Groundspeak would like you to view the cache page.


Sometimes a suggestion gets rapid response. Or maybe it just appears that way. Rather recently someone asked if a Premium Member could have more than 20 bookmarked lists. Either Raine or OpinoNate responded to that thread that it seemed reasonable and doable. The very next update, the limit on bookmarked lists went from 20 to 40.


Fizzy has indeed been talking about bookmark list fixes for a while. One of the fixes that's in place now is that lists load 50 entries instead of 20 and it will retain that number (instead of defaulting back to 20 and then only showing you the first page, while telling you it's on page 4). It's certainly not all that needs to happen, but it is an improvement, and I suspect was implemented from one of Fizzy's suggestions.


Everyone has made good points about the process so far.


I will add that I have a subscription to this forum and read every OP when they arrive in my inbox. If it's a bug I'll usually respond that we are working on it, or wait until I have some additional information to impart.


If its a feature request I usually will only respond if I'm not busy. Lack of response is not an indication that an idea wasn't considered carefully.


Thank you OpinioNate,


I was wondering if it would be worthwille pinning a topic listing all the feature requests that you have had that you intend to impliment and possibly an aproximate time frame?


I do relise that you do look at each topic but somtimes as you are so busy that a responce appears to be neglected, maybee this might cut down on repeat requests for the same feature that has been requested many times?


Just a suggestioon what are your thoughts? - what are the thoughts of other cachers?


p.s. keep oiling those server cogs. :laughing:

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