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Statistics - bend it anyway you like!

Carbon Hunter

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I have, just as Blackjack "Realtime" Bailey, the whole South African Database in SQL format, so can run complex queries on it.

If there are any specific stats one would like to see, let me know, and we can see what the two databases produce.


For Instance which South African cacher has found the most caches in South Africa?


One I am trying to get to work still, is who found caches in all 9 provinces, in the shortest time period.


Not meant to be a competition, but some interesting data mining / facts.


Following on from Damhuisclan and Blackjack Bailey's stats fetish.


Here are some question ideas:


1) Most found cache in each province

2) Most travelled SA cacher (number of countries visited)

3) Most TB's and GC's in a cache

4) Most cachrs at an SA event


I will see if I can answer these tonight at home.


Just remember we only have South African caches. So no 2 can not be calculated, as it entails other countries.


The TB would be interesting. But I think that history is not stored in GSAK. Maybe it would be possible to find the current Cache with the most TB&GCs.


Anyone want to take a flyer at who has found the most South Afican caches? I sort of had 3 or 4 teams in my head when I checked, and was nowhere close.


I will see if I can answer these tonight at home.


Anyone want to take a flyer at who has found the most South Afican caches? I sort of had 3 or 4 teams in my head when I checked, and was nowhere close.


I'd guess cownchicken or iPajero


I have had two requests for the Geocaching database we put together. However I think somewhere the grounspeak rules it states we are not allowed to share the GPX files.


So the closest I can come to "giving" everyone this database is telling you how we got to where it is, and allowing you to reproduce it. Maybe you even find a few caches which we might have missed.


For this you need to be a premium member, have GSAK, and quite some time.


Step 1: Create a new GSAK Database

I called mine "All_SA+Logs"


Step 2: Get all active caches in South Africa

This can be done by creating 7 pocket queries as follows:

1) ZA - All Caches 1 - 1 Jan 2000 to 8 Feb 2006

2) ZA - All Caches 2 - 8 February 2006 to 5 October 2006

3) ZA - All Caches 3 - 5 October 2006 to 1 June 2007

4) ZA - All Caches 4 - 1 June 2007 to 1 December 2007

5) ZA - All Caches 5 - 1 Dec 2007 to 26 Apr 2008

6) ZA - All Caches 6 - 26 April 2008 to 24 September 2008

7) ZA - All Caches 7 - 24 September 2008 to 28 Feb 2009


The thing to do here, is include ALL caches, but filter by date range. The date range selected must produce caches slightly under 500, which is the limit in a pocket Query.

Thanks to Blackjack "Realtime" Bailey for shoing me this concept.


Add all these to the database as defined ins step 1.

I run 4 PQ on Tuesday, and the remaining 3 on Wednesday. So by the Thursday of every week, I have all the active caches.

(Around 3952 caches)


Step 3: Find all archived caches.

Both Neville and I (seperately) went through every geocacher in South Africa, and added their Archived caches to our respective Databases. This was done as follows:

On the "Seek a cache" page, enter the geocacher name in "Hidden By". That persons archived caches will also come up. Go through the list (10 at a time) and click on every archived cache (cache with a line through it). Once on that page, then download the GPX File, so it gets added to your Geocaching database.

(The above step took my wife and me almost a whole weekend)

Ok here, I think we can take a bit of a shortcut:

Either contact BlackJack Bailey or myself, and we will give you a comma delimited text file with all the GC numbers of the caches which are archived. You will still need to download all the GPX files yourself though.

(Around 1200 caches)


(Some thanks to GlobalRat for some assistance here)


Step 4: Update Logs of ALL the caches.

GSAK has this very handy feature which updates all the logs from gc.com called AddLogs.GSK

Download it, install it, and run it on all the caches in your database (there are now about 5100)

(The above step took my wife and me 2 whole weekends to complete [adsl 384K])


At this point you have a All South African Database containing all the logs.

Step 5: Download a SQLite Client

I like SQLiteSpy and is a 2 Meg download, but any SQLite Client will work Download Link


Step 5: Create and run a SQLite Export Macro.

I created a GSAK macro to export the complete Database into a SQLite Database, which one can then use the SQLiteSpy program on to run queries on the database.


~~Start of Makro~~


# MacVersion = 1.0

# MacDescription = Export GSAK DB to a SQL Lite Database

# MacAuthor = Anton

# MacFileName = ExportSQLitsDB.gsk

# MacUrl =


$result = dbtosqlite("Caches","Archived,Bearing,CacheID,CacheType,Code,Changed,Container,Country,Degrees,Difficulty,Distance,DNF,DNFDate,Found,FoundCount,FoundByMeDate,FTF,HasCorrected,HasTravelBug,HasUserNote,Hints,LastFoundDate,LastGPXDate,LastLog,LastUserDate,LatOriginal,Latitude,Lock,LongDescription,LongHTM,LonOriginal,Longitude,MacroFlag,MacroSort,Name,NumberOfLogs,OwnerId,OwnerName,PlacedBy,PlacedDate,ShortDescription,ShortHTM,SmartName,SmartOverride,Source,State,Symbol,TempDisabled,Terrain,TravelBugs,Url,UserData,User2,UserFlag,UserNote,UserNoteDate,UserSort,Watch", "c:\GSAK\AllGeoCaches.db3")


$result = dbtosqlite("Logs", "lParent, lType, lText, lBy,lDate,lLogid,lLat,lLon,lEncoded,lOwnerid", "c:\GSAK\AllGeoCaches.db3")


$result = dbtosqlite("WayPoints", "cParent,cCode,cPrefix,cName,cType,cLat,cLon,cUrl,cComment,cByUser,cDate,cFlag", "c:\GSAK\AllGeoCaches.db3")

~~End of Makro~~

Note it exports all the caches to this location: c:\GSAK\AllGeoCaches.db3



Step 6: Run any queries you like

Once exported then you can start to run SQLite Queries on the Database.


If someone gets stuck, please contact me, I will gladly help where I can. If you seriously get stuck download TeamViewer (www.teamviewer.com) and I should be able to assist remotely. (Again thanks to BJB)


If there is some response to this post, and I need to elaborate some more, I will do so.


I will explain in another post how to get caches to archive.

Posted (edited)
I'd guess cownchicken or iPajero




Yep it is iPajero with 1546 finds.


Here are the others.

iPajero 1546

CrystalFairy 1315

cache-fan 1265

cownchicken 1190

Fish Eagle 1136

GlobalRat 1030

Noddy 963


Remember I am looking here at each cache logs, and not at the particular cacher.

~~Start of SQL~~

Select lBy, count(lBy)

from Logs

where lType = "Found it"

Group by lBy

order by count(lBy) DESC

~~End of SQL~~

Edited by DamhuisClan

1) Most found cache in each province


Here are the results (last updated on Thursday/Friday last week):

  1. WC: GCMYYZ - Table Top Trove (230 finds)
  2. GP: GC3055 - Smuts House, Irene (195 finds)
  3. NW: GCE74 - Magaliesberg 1 (Maanhaarrand-North West Province) (98 finds)
  4. MP: GCVG1V - Dalmanutha (74 finds)
  5. KZN: GCGTQ1 - Windy Corner (70 finds)
  6. EC: GCTF3T - Zuurkop (64 finds) AND GCTF3R - Domkrag Dam (64 finds)
  7. FS: GCN856 - Women's Monument (64 finds) AND GC22B1 - N1 Sandrivier - GMC001Z (64 finds)
  8. LP: GC137MW - Siamese Vegetation (56 finds)
  9. NC: GCRRCB - Steinhopf Coffee stop cache "NC" (34 finds)

Working on the other questions! :)


1) Most found cache in each province


Here are the results (last updated on Thursday/Friday last week):

  1. WC: GCMYYZ - Table Top Trove (230 finds)
  2. GP: GC3055 - Smuts House, Irene (195 finds)
  3. NW: GCE74 - Magaliesberg 1 (Maanhaarrand-North West Province) (98 finds)
  4. MP: GCVG1V - Dalmanutha (74 finds)
  5. KZN: GCGTQ1 - Windy Corner (70 finds)
  6. EC: GCTF3T - Zuurkop (64 finds) AND GCTF3R - Domkrag Dam (64 finds)
  7. FS: GCN856 - Women's Monument (64 finds) AND GC22B1 - N1 Sandrivier - GMC001Z (64 finds)
  8. LP: GC137MW - Siamese Vegetation (56 finds)
  9. NC: GCRRCB - Steinhopf Coffee stop cache "NC" (34 finds)

Working on the other questions! :)


I'm surprised that KZN is 5th on the list -I thought it would have been higher than MP or NW at least.


Also surprised that FS and EC are equal - would have thought EC would have been higher.


HOW ABOUT total number of finds per province? - here I guess GP will win.


Who has the most FTF's?


I must say that this is a whole better way of caching as BJB was kind enough to help me out in a small way. Been in an area like mine it is not viable to be a premium member but it is astounding as to the benefit it can give you.

Posted (edited)

I am not sure how to display the results here:

This post is an attempt to see If I can past HTML.

lBy TotalFinds EC FS GP KZN LP MP NW NC WC iPajero 1546 394 69 292 220 79 201 0 27 264 CrystalFairy 1314 24 43 642 123 53 220 65 7 137 cache-fan 1265 0 11 689 37 78 273 57 0 120 cownchicken 1190 131 23 7 44 1 115 0 32 837


Nope it did not work.

Any body got any ideas of how to display this in a nice uniform method?

Edited by DamhuisClan
Posted (edited)
I have one question. How many cachers in South Africa found a cache or more in all of the provinces.




I was very surprised at the results, ONLY 6 teams.


Team Provinces_Found TotalFinds

CrystalFairy 9 1314

RedGlobe 9 949

Tricky Vicky & Mickey 9 756

Brick 9 645

Larks 9 540

miking 9 473

Looney Larkman 9 182

iPajero 8 1610

Fish Eagle 8 1135

GlobalRat 8 1030

warthog 8 750

Tricky Vicky & Mickey 8 663

gerhardoosMPsa 8 662

QFC 8 547

Team Ginger 8 491

Urban Hunters 8 466

Team_Olo 8 316

Trackz 8 226

ddpisani 8 135

gwily 8 131

Bjbez 8 115

cache-fan 7 1265

Edited by DamhuisClan
Who has the most FTF's?


I must say that this is a whole better way of caching as BJB was kind enough to help me out in a small way. Been in an area like mine it is not viable to be a premium member but it is astounding as to the benefit it can give you.


This I think is a very difficult one. How does one know which log is a FTF? First person to log it? or must the log entry contain the word FTF?


If you attempt to specify the rule in English, I'll try and get the data out of a SQL query.

Posted (edited)

1) Who has the quickest find in SA, after a cache has been officially published?

2) Not sure if this is possible?: How many cachers per province?

Edited by amaSoekSoek

:) Nope you are bending the stats on the question about the cachers with finds in all provinces. I have finds in all provinces. Only one in the North Cape. I think you cut out many cachers with only one find.


But for sure GSAK is a must to have program. It is so powerfull that it has no end.




2) Not sure if this is possible?: How many cachers per province?

I could maybe do a query of hides per cacher per province.

But I think there is no way to find out the actual location of a person.

Although I would think they would live in the province where they own the most caches.

Who has the most FTF's?


I must say that this is a whole better way of caching as BJB was kind enough to help me out in a small way. Been in an area like mine it is not viable to be a premium member but it is astounding as to the benefit it can give you.


This I think is a very difficult one. How does one know which log is a FTF? First person to log it? or must the log entry contain the word FTF?


If you attempt to specify the rule in English, I'll try and get the data out of a SQL query.

I see where this can come in a bit difficult as I logged a FTF a day later on returning home. In that time the cache was found by 3 other cachers right after me. All in a 30 min time frame by the looks of it. They all logged their find on GC before me. And I think they may all have mentioned going for a FTF but missed it. So it would confuse the issue on many different caches seeing that there are probably many "... missed a FTF by minutes"


Would be interesting however if GC could build a section in on the database whereby a cacher logs his find and the owner can assign a FTF status to that particular cacher upon confirmation. Fish Eagle how about chatting to the boys on top.

:) Nope you are bending the stats on the question about the cachers with finds in all provinces. I have finds in all provinces. Only one in the North Cape. I think you cut out many cachers with only one find.


But for sure GSAK is a must to have program. It is so powerfull that it has no end.




OH, oh ... no is ons in die "Kaap"


This is my other query that produces this:

gerhardoosMPsa TOTAL=662 EC=9 FS=49 GP=242 KZN=46 LP=3 MP=250 NW=14 NC=1 WC=48

There are all of the provinces. Will have to redo my query. Thanks for highlighting it.

Posted (edited)
:) Nope you are bending the stats on the question about the cachers with finds in all provinces. I have finds in all provinces. Only one in the North Cape. I think you cut out many cachers with only one find.


But for sure GSAK is a must to have program. It is so powerfull that it has no end.




OH, oh ... no is ons in die "Kaap"


This is my other query that produces this:

gerhardoosMPsa TOTAL=662 EC=9 FS=49 GP=242 KZN=46 LP=3 MP=250 NW=14 NC=1 WC=48

There are all of the provinces. Will have to redo my query. Thanks for highlighting it.



A..HA. Found the error. Does this look better?

Team=CrystalFairy Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=1314

Team=RedGlobe Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=949

Team=Tricky Vicky & Mickey Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=756

Team=Tricky Vicky & Mickey Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=663

Team=gerhardoosMPsa Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=662

Team=Brick Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=645

Team=Larks Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=540

Team=Colinbo Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=510

Team=Team Ginger Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=491

Team=miking Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=473

Team=Danie Viljoen Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=265

Team=Looney Larkman Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=182

Team=ddpisani Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=135

Team=gwily Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=131

Team=iPajero Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=1610

Team=cownchicken Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=1194

Team=Fish Eagle Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=1135

Team=GlobalRat Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=1030

Team=warthog Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=750

Team=KeithWood Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=592

Team=QFC Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=547

Team=Urban Hunters Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=466

Team=Robin Hills Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=350

Team=Team_Olo Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=316

Team=PM-5 Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=273

Team=Krazong Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=269

Team=Trackz Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=226

Team=Bjbez Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=115

Team=hoppedwort Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=107

Team=Starsky&Hutch Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=61

Team=Pete P Prov Total=8 SA Find Total=35

Team=cache-fan Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=1265

Team=Noddy Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=963

Team=Wildbirds Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=517

Team=Sh0w me the Cache Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=429

Team=Goofster Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=419

Team=Stormers Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=399

Team=Ysbeer Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=363

Team=Blackjack Bailey Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=356

Team=Harryhound Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=351

Team=DamhuisClan Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=296

Team=Carbon Hunter Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=288

Team=speedstripe Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=263

Team=stephennb Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=248

Team=McBirdie Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=236

Team=keithlan Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=236

Team=Seeker Two Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=228

Team=Red Gnu Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=221

Team=Fier Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=211

Team=Adventure King Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=198

Team=Jin & Tonic Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=177

Team=Gerald Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=165

Team=cincol Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=147

Team=Loads Of Cache Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=138

Team=W@lly (aka Wallace & Grommit) Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=133

Team=Team_Gecko Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=131

Team=HeKaBr Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=116

Team=g.i.s. Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=115

Team=Dutch Safari Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=113

Team=boris Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=111

Team=macbow Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=95

Team=greengrass.j Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=85

Team=christo_mobile Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=83

Team=Cleminsons Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=79

Team=Zouga Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=78

Team=I&J Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=76

Team=SpiderFinder Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=63

Team=Little Tea Fairy Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=47

Team=CacheConverters Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=42

Team=streides Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=36

Team=GPSJane Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=33

Team=caligulac Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=25

Team=s24208184 Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=21

Team=Hermanm Prov Total=7 SA Find Total=19

Team=The Huskies Prov Total=6 SA Find Total=793


[updated to sort correctly by most SA Finds]

Edited by DamhuisClan

Most finds in a day, week, month and year?


Most active cacher. As from start date. Finds to days caching in other words.


Yep, but the output it is a surprise. I was expecting many more cachers with all the provinces on their name. The database is also pointing to where iPajero is heading the next time when the wanderlust is getting hold of him. :):):)



Most puzzle caches per cacher?

Most Multi caches per cacher?

Most Regular caches per cacher?

Most event caches per cacher? (Who is the party animal?)

The Earth Cache stats were mentioned before.

Most finds in a day, week, month and year?


Most active cacher. As from start date. Finds to days caching in other words.




Please rememeber this one, the per week part is a little tricky, and I see I am very rusty with my SQL. If you don't mind, we can revisit this one at some later date again, when I know am not as rusty.


As per my stats page, I am on a mission to find the 25 oldest Active caches in South Africa. I see no-one yet in ZA has done this (On active nor Archived caches)


Thought it might be interesting to see what that count is:

cownchicken 20

Tricky Vicky & Mickey 16

Discombob 13

battlerat and pussycat 11

Peter Scholtz 10

Larks 10

iPajero 10

The Huskies 9

Stefanoodle 9

Goofster 9


... a long long way down ...


DamhuisClan 4

Posted (edited)
Most puzzle caches per cacher?

Most Multi caches per cacher?

Most Regular caches per cacher?

Most event caches per cacher? (Who is the party animal?)

The Earth Cache stats were mentioned before.

Some interestig stats coming to the forefront.


B = Letterbox

Team=Tricky Vicky & Mickey CachType=B Finds=3

Team=The Huskies CachType=B Finds=2

Team=cownchicken CachType=B Finds=2


C = Cache In Trash Out ("Found it")

Team=The Huskies CachType=C Finds=3



C = Cache In Trash Out ("Attended")

Team=Goofster CachType=C Finds=3

Team=Stefanoodle CachType=C Finds=3

Team=Trackinfind CachType=C Finds=2

Team=Tricky Vicky & Mickey CachType=C Finds=2

Team=anlufu CachType=C Finds=2

Team=carlstein CachType=C Finds=2

Team=cownchicken CachType=C Finds=2


E = Event

Team=cownchicken CachType=E Finds=24 (HOLY COW!!)

Team=Discombob CachType=E Finds=21

Team=Goofster CachType=E Finds=20

Team=Noddy CachType=E Finds=19

Team=CrystalFairy CachType=E Finds=17

Team=cache-fan CachType=E Finds=16

Team=Fish Eagle CachType=E Finds=15

Team=Tricky Vicky & Mickey CachType=E Finds=14


I = Wherigo

Team=Jin & Tonic CachType=I Finds=1

Team=Kwenda Tafuta CachType=I Finds=1

Team=Rhino and Hedgehog CachType=I Finds=1

Team=Trammy CachType=I Finds=1

Team=Whostops CachType=I Finds=1

Team=Ysbeer CachType=I Finds=1

Team=macbow CachType=I Finds=1

Team=stephennb CachType=I Finds=1


M = Multi

Team=CrystalFairy CachType=M Finds=118

Team=Noddy CachType=M Finds=115

Team=cownchicken CachType=M Finds=113

Team=GlobalRat CachType=M Finds=103

Team=cache-fan CachType=M Finds=98


R = Earth

Team=RedGlobe CachType=R Finds=20 (Good going RG)

Team=cache-fan CachType=R Finds=19

Team=GreenJaM CachType=R Finds=17

Team=dakardrix CachType=R Finds=17

Team=Nish4 CachType=R Finds=16

Team=CrystalFairy CachType=R Finds=15

Team=DamhuisClan CachType=R Finds=15

Team=GlobalRat CachType=R Finds=15

Team=BruceTP CachType=R Finds=12

Team=Ding bat CachType=R Finds=11

Team=iPajero CachType=R Finds=11

Team=miking CachType=R Finds=11

Team=warthog CachType=R Finds=11


T = Traditional

Team=iPajero CachType=T Finds=1436

Team=CrystalFairy CachType=T Finds=1063

Team=cache-fan CachType=T Finds=1060

Team=cownchicken CachType=T Finds=1022

Team=Fish Eagle CachType=T Finds=990


U = Unknown/Mystery

Team=CrystalFairy CachType=U Finds=111

Team=RedGlobe CachType=U Finds=91

Team=GlobalRat CachType=U Finds=84

Team=Noddy CachType=U Finds=83

Team=cache-fan CachType=U Finds=81

Team=warthog CachType=U Finds=75

Team=GreenJaM CachType=U Finds=69


V = Virtual

Team=cownchicken CachType=V Finds=13

Team=Discombob CachType=V Finds=12

Team=Larks CachType=V Finds=12

Team=battlerat and pussycat CachType=V Finds=12

Edited by DamhuisClan

But all these stats brings it down to a numbers game, which is what it must not be. Still interesting though.


I think we should look at averages. How many caches placed by cacher per year of caching. That complicates things though.


Ok here is one for the numbers. Some rivalry between the provinces.

Please note this INCLUDES ALL archived caches


South Africa Eastern Cape........ Event... 5

South Africa Eastern Cape........ Multi... 25

South Africa Eastern Cape........ Tradt... 442

South Africa Eastern Cape........ Uknwn... 18

South Africa Free State.......... Earth... 1

South Africa Free State.......... Event... 1

South Africa Free State.......... Multi... 12

South Africa Free State.......... Tradt... 135

South Africa Free State.......... Uknwn... 3

South Africa Gauteng............. CITO.... 1

South Africa Gauteng............. Earth... 20

South Africa Gauteng............. Event... 18

South Africa Gauteng............. Multi... 97

South Africa Gauteng............. Tradt... 727

South Africa Gauteng............. Uknwn... 135

South Africa Kwazulu Natal....... CITO.... 1

South Africa Kwazulu Natal....... Earth... 5

South Africa Kwazulu Natal....... Event... 17

South Africa Kwazulu Natal....... Multi... 71

South Africa Kwazulu Natal....... Tradt... 488

South Africa Kwazulu Natal....... Uknwn... 44

South Africa Kwazulu Natal....... WhIgo... 1

South Africa Limpopo............. Earth... 3

South Africa Limpopo............. Event... 3

South Africa Limpopo............. Multi... 6

South Africa Limpopo............. Tradt... 233

South Africa Limpopo............. Uknwn... 4

South Africa Mpumalanga.......... Earth... 3

South Africa Mpumalanga.......... Event... 8

South Africa Mpumalanga.......... LetBx... 1

South Africa Mpumalanga.......... Multi... 36

South Africa Mpumalanga.......... Tradt... 439

South Africa Mpumalanga.......... Uknwn... 20

South Africa Mpumalanga.......... Vrtul... 1

South Africa Nil................. Event... 1

South Africa Nil................. Multi... 4

South Africa Nil................. Tradt... 51

South Africa Nil................. Vrtul... 1

South Africa North West.......... Earth... 3

South Africa North West.......... Event... 3

South Africa North West.......... Multi... 15

South Africa North West.......... Tradt... 121

South Africa North West.......... Uknwn... 17

South Africa Northern Cape....... Earth... 1

South Africa Northern Cape....... Tradt... 58

South Africa Northern Cape....... Uknwn... 1

South Africa Western Cape........ CITO.... 3

South Africa Western Cape........ Earth... 8

South Africa Western Cape........ Event... 27

South Africa Western Cape........ LetBx... 2

South Africa Western Cape........ Multi... 105

South Africa Western Cape........ Tradt... 781

South Africa Western Cape........ Uknwn... 31

South Africa Western Cape........ Vrtul... 12


Ok any comments on this method or any suggestions. :)


Ok I done the pocket queries and it is much quicker than the method I used. But my GSAK setup is quite different. I had a problem with my personal notes that were entered on GSAK. Sometimes I will loose this data. I add additional information and the solution of mysteries in the note section. Quite recently I lost 2 of my clues on the tonteldoos series as well as a lot of other data. I then created a default database, a tonteldoos database, my own caches, my finds database and an archived database. This seemed to help as my notes is now intact.


Basically I ran all new and caches that was not found by me on my default database. If I find for example 6 caches for today I will enter this on my default database and I will do a quick GPS on the 6 which is user selected and that was found by me. This will now turn yellow on the left side as an indication that it is found. I then move this from the default database back into the database called “my finds”. But I only use “User select” for a day trip.


If I do a search for new caches on the web manually I will always click on “not my own” AND “not found by me”. This new caches will be added to my default database. If I run a pocket query then I will select “Not found by me” AND “not my own cache”. This will then be added to my default database. This database thus contains all caches not found by me, not archived and not my own.


Now it gets very complex. I am going down to Cape Town and a total of 6 trips are planned for caching. To manage extended trips are quite complex and a lot of errors can be done. To select all of these target caches and to highlight them as user selected is one hell of a nightmare. You end up with a 100 potential caches and you have no idea which one belongs to which trip. I then create databases called Trip 1, Trip 2, Trip 3, Trip 4, Trip 5 and Trip 6. Let us say I am now busy with Trip 1. I will go to database called Trip 1 and I will enter the details when found offline in the log section of GSAk.


If I am finish for the day I will now go back to the Trip 1 database and I will log it on line and I will basically just add the details of the offline log onto the listing. I then do a quick GPX on the ones that were found for that day just to ensure that no one is missed. If I am happy that trip 1 database is correct I will then transfer it to the default database. In this way I will overwrite any duplicate caches that were added to the default database with the pocket queries. I then move the found caches to my database called “my finds”. I then do a check on the total count of the caches that I have found and I compare it with the number of founds on geocaching.com. If this is correct then I am happy that all is well and no one was dropped. I then delete the trip 1 database. Trip 2 is now next on the line and I will do a quick manual GPX on the caches inside trip 2. This is to ensure that conditions did not change such as caches not available or archived. If I find caches with more than 2 DNF’s this will be removed from my list and I will add others in their place.


I then restart the process with trip 2 database the next morning. The data is correct and I am ready for action. I find the cache and I log offline. I then transfer the log online when it is possible to get an Internet connection. I then verify, GPX and move it to default database to overwrite any duplicates. I then move the found caches into “my finds” database verifying the number of found caches.


:):) I learned the hard way in Port Elizabeth. The caches on GSAk were not up to date and it was all mixed up as “user selected” and I had one hell of a nightmare to find the caches in PE. I ended with about 10 DNF because the caches were not up to date in GSAK. So I bought a data stick for our trip. Now it is easy to manage the potential cache finds - for example trip 4 which is the one to PE. While driving we can run a GPX and check that they are still there. This time we should have more fun.


Am I going too far or how do other guys manage their caches and how do they plan for an extended trip?


Posted (edited)
Ok any comments on this method or any suggestions. :)


Am I going too far or how do other guys manage their caches and how do they plan for an extended trip?


Hi Gerhard.


I have 3 Databases. All_SA+Logs, a DamhuisClan Finds, and All UK Database.


I essencialy only work on the All_SA+Logs database. and enter my notes directly online. Once GC has my "Find", I run the AddLogs Macro, which will update my All_SA+Logs Database, which my find and all finds I might have missed.


When I want to go caching, I create a filter which does the following:

Remove Archived caches

Remove Disabled caches

Remove User Flag when Set


If I want to go caching in say Randburg, I will find a cache I want to do, and make it the centre point.

And add to the filter a radius distance around the cache to my home co-ords.

This allows me to do caches on the way there.


If I am going on a long trip, lets say down to PE, I will add the same basic filter, and then go to the Arc/Poly tab, and select the GSAK Arc/Polygon Drawing tool. Which takes you to this nice web interface

Use the buttons on top to "draw" the area you want caches in, and copy the resulting waypoints back to GSAK and apply the filter.


An additional step, is I can now look at each cache in the filter, and then click the user flag if I dont like it. It might be that there were two unfounds, or it is a multi in Bloem, and I dont want to do a multi, or for what ever reason. These are then also removed.


I then create:

PDB file for my PalmPilot

Loc file for my Cell Phone

GPX for Mapsource

HTML for my cell phone.


BTW when I export the name of the cache becomes: %Typ%Dif1%Ter1-%Name and in Cache Descriotion I do this %Code-%Hint

This allows me to see on the screen T62-Madib

T = Traditional

6 = 3.5 Dificutly (1=1 2=1.5, 3=2, 4=2.5 5=3 6=3.5 etc)

2 = 1.5 Terain.


On my Garmin, I can look at Notes, and get the GC code, and a portion of the hint, If I requrie it. If we require the full hint, then I will look at my PDA or PalmPilot, and get the additional info.


Once back at the PC, I just follow my GPS track, to see what order we did the caches in, but I take so many photos that I usualy get that info from there.


How do others do this?

Edited by DamhuisClan


Thanks for the advice. It is quite interesting to see how cachers are managing the finds. I would like to know how other people are doing finds without GSAK. I assume they select on the listing the option “caches nearby”. They then transfer this to the GPS. Gerhard


Been a tech head myself and looking at the things that can be done with GSAK and such it is all interesting. But been a non GSAK user i revert to a method of drive by caching. If it is near and i didn't do it. Go for it.


I have the entire database for SA loaded on my Nuvi, thanks Neville, and resort to it's proximity warning giving me the heads up on when they are nearby. My database is not updated often so granted i get some archived ones that show up as active but i then revert to my Nokia and Geocache navigator to inform me if it is active.


As for planning a run. I seldom get chance to do this as i have other commitments maybe in an area i go to. But if i know i will get a chance to cache I usually print out a few caches in the area beforehand. I know we try be paperless but sometimes the back of that page is great for jotting down notes etc. Kept in a folder for future reference. Problem with technology is that it sometimes just gives you the finger. Batteries die and always, it would seem, at the wrong time.


I know we try be paperless but sometimes the back of that page is great for jotting down notes etc. Kept in a folder for future reference. Problem with technology is that it sometimes just gives you the finger. Batteries die and always, it would seem, at the wrong time.


I had an old Palm Pilot (2 Megs of RAM), lying in the cupboard. Bought cachemate for a wopping $6.00, and went paperless. Now I wont cache with paper any more. I make sure I have spare bateries with me.

Since then the Palm Pilot got stolen :) (at Waterval Boven, by the tunnel, and there aint even a cache there )

I have replaced it with a R300.00 one from BidOrBuy, and am still very happy with it. Got the complete ZA db on it. as well as another DB of the specific are we would be caching in.


I used to spend eveings preparing to go caching. Copy sections of pages into word to condence it. Create an index, bla bla bla. Now with GSAK, I create a filter, click the additional ones I dont want, Export, copy onto devices, and go. Much better then it used to be.


Gerhard - that does sound very involved. I already get into trouble for staring at my gadgets too much...


I do have GSAK but at this stage I do not use it that much. I get pocket queries to my Palm PDA via GSAK these days because its there, but cachemate also did the job. My Explorist 500 can have any number of geochache files, but with a maximum of 200 caches in each file. I have a custom Excel spreadsheet in which I can load the pocket query and play around with centrepoints and radii to create overlapping circles of no more that 200 caches each which I export in the correct format. I know there is a GSAK macro that does something similar, but this Excel sheet you can adjust on the fly. There is an extra column that shows caches that have fallen out of the net.


I would tend to do some homework before going to a new area, either by reading cache pages or asking other caches, so that I have a list of caches I would really like to do. I could always look on the PDA or GPS for others in the area if time permits.


I load all caching exploits directly on GC.com in the order I found them.


This feedback was quite informative and it gave me a lot to think about. Thanks for all the info - after two years of caching I suddenly realised that I am still a newbie with the high tech side. Quite a steep learning curve.


For my trip to Cape Town I followed the following strategy. I started with Map source. My first trip is to Colesberg. I do a route from Ermelo to Colesberg. I then select all caches on this route which is close and I choose them on GSAK. Export this to a database called Trip 1. I do a manual GPX and I look careful at all listings. More than 2 DNF is a no go unless I think the cache is still there or it is good location. For example if iPajero and another cacher were there then the chance is good that it is not there if they could not find it. I have a list of capable cachers in my head and I can quickly judge if the DNF is true or not. A massive multi or a climb that is extremely difficult is not good when you have to move quickly from one point to another. I skip them. I always add additional waypoints and I target always between 15 and 25 caches for the day. If I can get to 10 or more for the day while on the run I consider it as successful. Ok, sometimes I only get 3 but in locations which is extremely good and then I spend time and I forget about numbers and caching. I also like to find caches from owners never found before and I will select these.


Trip 2 from Colesberg to Cape Town was difficult and I had to select very carefully. Trip 3 is to the tonteldoos at Hildebrand and this was one hell of a nightmare. I will stay in Hout Bay View and I plotted a direct route to Hildebrand. To select the correct caches from there where a 4x4 is not needed or a steep climb up some mountain was difficult not to select. There are some good caches in this area. We will stay over for about 3 days in Houtbay. Trip 4 is to George. Trip 5 is to PE and EL. Trip 6 is back to Bloem and then back to Ermelo.


At the moment I am eyeing The sentinel, Seal Island, Bacco’s look, A viking’s, Hout Bay view, The old radar station, The Boss and Blood sweat and Sandy bay for one of the days in Cape Town but the listings all warn me not go there alone because of previous incidents. The finds are very few and it does tell me a story. This is one hell of a pity as this look like a very nice area to hike in. On the other side of Hout Bay the caches is far and wide apart and the terrain look tougher. So many caches so little time. Gerhard


I am trying to create a query for most active cacher.


I get the first found date, and the last found date for each cacher, and then calculated the number of weeks caching. Devide the caches found by this number and the most "active" cacher is..... Drum Roll....




Last Find=2008-03-25

Weeks Caching=0.142857142857143

Caches Found=17

Caches per week=119.0


Hardly fair....


So we need to look at a slightly longer period. Lets say at least 4 weeks or 1 month.

And the Winner is ...... drum roll .....



Last Find=2008-10-01

Weeks Caching=7.85714285714286

Caches found=184

Caches per week=23.4181818181818


For at least 6 months (or 24 weeks) it is:


First Find=2006-11-18

Last Find=2009-03-17

Weeks Caching=121.571428571429

Caches Found=1614

Caches per week=13.2761457109283 (WOW... That is almost 2 per day!!!!)


After about 2 years it is all the well knowns.


So we need to look at a slightly longer period. Lets say at least 4 weeks or 1 month.

And the Winner is ...... drum roll .....



Last Find=2008-10-01

Weeks Caching=7.85714285714286

Caches found=184

Caches per week=23.4181818181818


Something's not right. I went caching two days ago...


Oh, hang on, this only takes caches in SA into consideration, right? Which prompts me to ask a question... is there some way to use a pocket query or something to download all caches found by a particular user? There aren't too many active South African cachers, so if it's possible to download cacher-specific finds, one could build a more accurate database of South African caching activity (to take abroad caches into consideration). I know CrystalFairy's site somehow manages it, because my stats on there are accurate.


Something's not right. I went caching two days ago...


Oh, hang on, this only takes caches in SA into consideration, right? I know CrystalFairy's site somehow manages it, because my stats on there are accurate.

Correct, it only takes South African Caches into account. I think If we were to expand to all ZA caching teams with all international finds it would become to combersome to update, and then it really becomes a numbers game. One could also get those statistics from sageostats site.




A..HA. Found the error. Does this look better?

Team=CrystalFairy Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=1314

Team=RedGlobe Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=949

Team=Tricky Vicky & Mickey Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=756

Team=Tricky Vicky & Mickey Prov Total=9 SA Find Total=663


[updated to sort correctly by most SA Finds]


why are there 2 tricky vicky and mickeys?

they are surely in the lead with 1419 caches then?


why are there 2 tricky vicky and mickeys?

they are surely in the lead with 1419 caches then?


Hmm another interesting one. I see some logs contain an "&" and some a "&" (the "&" is the HTML code for "&".


There are two columns in the logs, which are "lBy" and "lOwnerID". If I rerun the query and group by lOwnerID I the results as you suggest.


why are there 2 tricky vicky and mickeys?

they are surely in the lead with 1419 caches then?


Here are the new stats:

Tricky Vicky & Mickey.... 1419. 9

CrystalFairy............. 1314. 9

RedGlobe................. 949.. 9

gerhardoosMPsa........... 662.. 9

Brick.................... 645.. 9

Larks.................... 540.. 9

Colinbo.................. 510.. 9

Team Ginger.............. 491.. 9

miking................... 473.. 9

Danie Viljoen............ 265.. 9

Looney Larkman........... 182.. 9

ddpisani................. 135.. 9

gwily.................... 131.. 9

iPajero.................. 1610. 8

cownchicken.............. 1194. 8

Fish Eagle............... 1135. 8

GlobalRat................ 1030. 8

warthog.................. 750.. 8

KeithWood................ 592.. 8

QFC...................... 547.. 8

Urban Hunters............ 466.. 8

Robin Hills.............. 350.. 8

Team_Olo................. 316.. 8

PM-5..................... 273.. 8

Krazong.................. 269.. 8

Trackz................... 226.. 8

Bjbez.................... 115.. 8

Starsky&Hutch............ 111.. 8

hoppedwort............... 107.. 8

Pete P................... 35... 8

cache-fan................ 1265. 7


Most active caches in the first week of existence:


Cache Name and Code............................... Date Hidden Count End Date Finds

Culture Shock (GC15W4P)........................... 2007-09-09 2007-09-16 26

Olive Bee-Eater (GC1CQB9)......................... 2008-05-31 2008-06-07 25

Preller Graves (GC15W68).......................... 2007-09-09 2007-09-16 25

Red-Faced Ginger Sitter (GC1CWY1)................. 2008-05-31 2008-06-07 24

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH-1B (GC2AC1).................... 2004-12-04 2004-12-11 23

Magdalena (GC15W4Z)............................... 2007-09-09 2007-09-16 23

Seven 11 (GC1CWNN)................................ 2008-06-02 2008-06-09 23

Oxwagon Road (GC17RNT)............................ 2007-12-01 2007-12-08 22

Paris (GC17RMR)................................... 2007-12-01 2007-12-08 22

Country Lane (GC1CWN4)............................ 2008-06-02 2008-06-09 21

Farm Goodies (GC17RNB)............................ 2007-12-01 2007-12-08 21

Fear Factor (GC1CV8F)............................. 2008-06-01 2008-06-08 21

Turn a Blind Eye (GC1CWZ8)........................ 2008-05-31 2008-06-07 21

Paradise Found (GC15W59).......................... 2007-09-09 2007-09-16 20

Paradise Lost (GC15W67)........................... 2007-09-09 2007-09-16 20

Rhino View (GC15W8Z).............................. 2007-09-09 2007-09-16 20

Saturated (GC15W8D)............................... 2007-09-09 2007-09-16 20


I see some of them are part of events, So it is not a true reflection.


And in the 1st month:

Koeksister (GC19GJ4).............................. 2008-02-19 2008-03-19 29

Country Lane (GC1CWN4)............................ 2008-06-02 2008-07-02 27

Olive Bee-Eater (GC1CQB9)......................... 2008-05-31 2008-07-01 27

Paris (GC17RMR)................................... 2007-12-01 2008-01-01 27

Culture Shock (GC15W4P)........................... 2007-09-09 2007-10-09 26

Oxwagon Road (GC17RNT)............................ 2007-12-01 2008-01-01 26

Red-Faced Ginger Sitter (GC1CWY1)................. 2008-05-31 2008-07-01 26

Preller Graves (GC15W68).......................... 2007-09-09 2007-10-09 25

Bridge Over Troubled Waters (GC1CH3F)............. 2008-05-23 2008-06-23 24

Farm Goodies (GC17RNB)............................ 2007-12-01 2008-01-01 24

Turn a Blind Eye (GC1CWZ8)........................ 2008-05-31 2008-07-01 24

Asthma, Diamonds and Politics (GC1M0VV)........... 2009-01-26 2009-02-26 23

Height of Racing (GC1D9J8)........................ 2008-05-31 2008-07-01 23

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH-1B (GC2AC1).................... 2004-12-04 2005-01-04 23

Magdalena (GC15W4Z)............................... 2007-09-09 2007-10-09 23

Pretoria Hitch Hiker Hotel (GC1B7N5).............. 2008-04-18 2008-05-18 23

Seven 11 (GC1CWNN)................................ 2008-06-02 2008-07-02 23

Very Berry (GC17RMK).............................. 2007-12-01 2008-01-01 23

Fear Factor (GC1CV8F)............................. 2008-06-01 2008-07-01 22

Mine of Silver (GCVHP8)........................... 2006-04-20 2006-05-20 22


Here is an interesting one.


Number of teams per geocaching year. (If a log was made, by a team it was counted)

Year 2000 0 Teams with 0 Logs

Year 2001 __41 Teams with __119 logs

Year 2002 __98 Teams with __581 logs

Year 2003 _196 Teams with __998 logs

Year 2004 _267 Teams with _1491 logs

Year 2005 _467 Teams with _5804 logs

Year 2006 _744 Teams with 20999 logs

Year 2007 1106 Teams with 33253 logs

Year 2008 1635 Teams with 45132 logs

Year 2009 _703 Teams with _8781 logs (as @ 2009-03-17)

Yes I know geocaching started in 2001....

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