+Matrix Posted May 5, 2009 Posted May 5, 2009 Hi Matrix The unit i have is the Venture HC not the HCX and us such has no mass storage as in the x for a card. When i try and view through windows explorer the unit is not shown as an extra drive, as it does on my colorado. I know it has memory built in but i canno find the drive for it. Any other Ideas Peter That screenshot is taken from page 38 of the Venture HC manual from here http://www8.garmin.com/manuals/eTrexLegend...wnersManual.pdf Quote
+talkytoaster Posted May 5, 2009 Author Posted May 5, 2009 That screenshot is taken from page 38 of the Venture HC manual from here http://www8.garmin.com/manuals/eTrexLegend...wnersManual.pdf The HC doesn't have a MicroSD slot, just internal memory and you can only access that via Mapsource and other 3rd party tools, such as Sendmap20. Peter, if you are still having problems getting the map onto the Legend Hc then drop me a private email via my profile and I'll let you have my number so that you can call me to discuss. Regards, Martin Quote
+lordelph Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 Thanks for making the maps available in this form, I used them myself in the Brecons last weekend and they worked a treat on my 60CSx. The OSM map is really coming into its own now! Quote
+talkytoaster Posted May 7, 2009 Author Posted May 7, 2009 For all those interested: I have just compiled the latest UK map tiles [with and without contours] into new UK maps for the Garmin GPSrs. The UK maps I compile include the following areas: England Wales Scotland Isle of Man Channel Islands Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland This is true for both the full UK mapsets, with and without contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club]. The updated ones are prefixed with 090506 [the old ones are prefixed with 090422] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 5th of May 2009. If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://sites.google.com/site/talkytoasteruk/ukmaps UPDATE: As the non-contour UK map is now often over 55MB, I have also split it into smaller mapsets, one for England and Wales, one for Ireland and finally one for Scotland. This is only useful for older Garmin models with limited memory capacity. If required I may split England and Wales into separate mapsets too. I have also published a South East England mapset with contours for use on restricted memory Garmin models, under 22MB in size. As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@googlemail.com]. I have made more changes to the site, including lots of screenshots, FAQs and other useful data too. All the maps have been tested on a Garmin Oregon 200. They have also been checked in GPSMapEdit on a Windows PC. I hope you find them useful? Regards, Martin Quote
+Sussex Leprechauns Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 Much like Burtsbodgers I have been trying to load the maps onto an Etrex Venture HC using sendmap20 but with no joy. Have reinstallled garmin drivers, rebooted, retried, reloaded, refreshed, reconnected, rerun, and now resigned Tried all of this on two different machines but the furthest i got was sendmap saying it was uploading the maps but nothing ever arrived on the GPS. In spite of this, many thanks for your efforts in putting this together Martin, and for talking me through it this afternoon. I may have another tinker later in the week and if I have any success I will let you know. ATB Nick Quote
+Sussex Leprechauns Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 (edited) double post fairies at play Edited May 9, 2009 by Sussex Leprechauns Quote
ggb1979 Posted May 13, 2009 Posted May 13, 2009 HI tALK TOASTER - IM A COMPLETE NOVICE , BUT I THINK THE PROBLEM WITH UPLOADING THESE MAPS ONTO THE GARMIN ETREX HC VENTURE IS THAT THE INTERNAL MEMORY IS ONLY 28MB Do you have smaller regional maps that can be uploaded onto the garmin venture HC via mapsource? Quote
+Global Voyager Posted May 13, 2009 Posted May 13, 2009 Talky, you really are a star! I need to try to do some work on some areas of Spain before I go there again. Quote
ggb1979 Posted May 13, 2009 Posted May 13, 2009 Hi Bit of an update but more help needed! I downloaded a north of england ruotable map from this brilliant site: http://garmin.na1400.info/routable.php (you have to enter your email address and select a region etc. wetc.), you then get emailed a link to a server webpage where you can download various things. I firstly downloaded an exe. file that installs dircetly into mapsource so that you use a reasonably accurate map for ruote planning and setting way points etc. - very useful! these waypoints can easily be transferred to my GPS via the mapsroource function. I also downloaded a file for trasnefr straight to the GPS so that I can get some half decent picture on the map crseen - this is where im struggling - the file is only 11MB so should work OK with the internal memeory (so SD card feature on the Venture HC). I've tried using send map 20, but it freezes at the transfer screen - my garmin shows 'connected' in the interface set up screen (but does not show up on 'my computer'/ exporer. Any help / advice would be appreciated Thanks (starting to think i should have bought an SD version or just gone with the basic) Is the HC a rip off? Quote
ggb1979 Posted May 13, 2009 Posted May 13, 2009 Hi Bit of an update but more help needed! I downloaded a north of england ruotable map from this brilliant site: http://garmin.na1400.info/routable.php (you have to enter your email address and select a region etc. wetc.), you then get emailed a link to a server webpage where you can download various things. I firstly downloaded an exe. file that installs dircetly into mapsource so that you use a reasonably accurate map for ruote planning and setting way points etc. - very useful! these waypoints can easily be transferred to my GPS via the mapsroource function. I also downloaded a file for trasnefr straight to the GPS so that I can get some half decent picture on the map crseen - this is where im struggling - the file is only 11MB so should work OK with the internal memeory (so SD card feature on the Venture HC). I've tried using send map 20, but it freezes at the transfer screen - my garmin shows 'connected' in the interface set up screen (but does not show up on 'my computer'/ exporer. Any help / advice would be appreciated Thanks (starting to think i should have bought an SD version or just gone with the basic) Is the HC a rip off? Quote
+talkytoaster Posted May 14, 2009 Author Posted May 14, 2009 (edited) HI tALK TOASTER - IM A COMPLETE NOVICE , BUT I THINK THE PROBLEM WITH UPLOADING THESE MAPS ONTO THE GARMIN ETREX HC VENTURE IS THAT THE INTERNAL MEMORY IS ONLY 28MB Do you have smaller regional maps that can be uploaded onto the garmin venture HC via mapsource? Hi, Yes I have a test mapset for the South East of England complete with contours in under 22MB. The upload problem is probably nothing to do with the map size in this case. I have a sneaking feeling that the lastest version of Sendmap20 has somehow broken that ability to upload directly to memory of older Garmin units. [uPDATE: Yes there is a known problem with uploading using the latest version of Sendmap20.] That mapset is available on my site (link in sig). However, I have no way to test this any longer as I don't have my old GPSMap60C I used to do this with. The Garmin Legend/Vista Hc will NOT show up as a drive letter on Windows, that is why you have to use Sendmap20 instead. Yes, the Hcx version of the Legend/Vista would have been a better investment as it is easier to get the mapset onto it, and you can have the whole UK with contours in a single mapset on a MicroSD card. I do have an older version of Sendmap20 that I know worked fine with the GPSMap60C, which can be found here http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/336770/sendmap20rev4.0.zip (this is just the main executable in a ZIP file). Please let me know if it works? I have also updated the FAQ on my site to reflect this known issue with the latest version of Sendmap20. Regards, Martin Edited May 14, 2009 by talkytoaster Quote
ggb1979 Posted May 14, 2009 Posted May 14, 2009 okey dokey - sharp learning cruve on Garmin GPS's and mapping I've come to the conclusion that it is not possible to upload maps (other than the garmin official ones) onto the Venture HC - I have tried using the map loader 20 (or whatever its called programme) and 2 other utuilities found on the web - all recognise the unit, start the upload then freeze (the garmin also locks up and has to be turned off befor using again) - it is not a spcae issue as the garmin has 24MB of vfree space and the map I've tried loading is in correct format and only 11MB. I've also tried loading direct from garmins mapsource, using various prgrammes found on the net to install an open source map in mapsource then upload from tehre - I got a message saying 'your garmin only has 23MB of space and the map your trying to upload is 15MB - unable to upload' - go figure! Bottom line is i think the venture HC is a bit of a rip off (unless of course you buy the offical maps) - basically you pay £50 more (than the gecko or basic venture H) and all you get is a USB connection rather than serial. I am returning my venture HC to amazon today for full refund and have alreday ordered by Vista HCx complete with 2GB Sd card (and large fitting bike mount - another gripe for another day, but the garmin bike mount DOES NOT fit the etrex series GPS's that have the SD card slot - you need to order the oversize handle bar fitting and use the accessory clip to fit) The above covers mapping on the GPS itself - once I receive my Vista HCx i'll upload the full UK opensource map as kindly provided by the talking toaster and using his instructions - which I presuem will work!!! (and hope) Now with regard to maps on my PC - again without purchasing the topo maps from garmin, the mapsource that comes with the GPS is completel;y useless for plotting a route - there is simply not enough detail provided - I have fouind (again with help of this thread) a way to upload open sopurce maps into mapsource to allow waypoint setting and thus uploading of routes etc. onto the garmin. In another thread someone suggested i use EASYMAP - I've downloaded and installed this - but I cant get my opensource maps to open in this programme to allow me to plot my route (i dont think the file format is supported) it might eba really stupid question but where can I (without buying) get maps for using in EASYMAP? Also is it possible to use google earth / google maps to plot a course via waypoints and then upload them to your GPS - you can plot a course 'blind' in mapsource then 'view' in google earth / google maps - but I dont seem to be able to do it the toher way round - e.g. plot course in google maps then trasnfer to mapsource for uploading to the GPS. On a general note not really overly i,pressed with the garmin / Pc connecrtivity and functionality - without shelling out for the garmin maps (which i believe there are numerous issues with anyway!) Thanks for your help all - I hope my rambled posts make sense and possibly help others avoid the problems I have had. Quote
ggb1979 Posted May 14, 2009 Posted May 14, 2009 Me again (dont you find theres always more questions than answers!) Mr. Toaster - can you tell me what the differnce is between your maps and those found on the scottish mountaineering clubs website? Also (without putting any of your work or website down - i think its fantastic) - but aren't the maps provided by http://garmin.na1400.info/routable.php alot easier to use - i.e. they are routable, install straight into mapsource and onto your GPS from their (or even straight onto your GPS without involving mapsource) - again are they any different from yours? Quote
+Stuey Posted May 14, 2009 Posted May 14, 2009 Me again (dont you find theres always more questions than answers!) Mr. Toaster - can you tell me what the differnce is between your maps and those found on the scottish mountaineering clubs website? Also (without putting any of your work or website down - i think its fantastic) - but aren't the maps provided by http://garmin.na1400.info/routable.php alot easier to use - i.e. they are routable, install straight into mapsource and onto your GPS from their (or even straight onto your GPS without involving mapsource) - again are they any different from yours? Martin merges the SMC contour data maps with the OSM maps. This makes them unique as far as I am aware. All I do with Martin's maps is copy and paste the file straight on to my Garmin (no need for any other software whatsoever). Quote
+talkytoaster Posted May 14, 2009 Author Posted May 14, 2009 (edited) Mr. Toaster - can you tell me what the differnce is between your maps and those found on the scottish mountaineering clubs website? Those on the SMC site are just the raw contour tiles to be overlaid on other mapsets. Also (without putting any of your work or website down - i think its fantastic) - but aren't the maps provided by http://garmin.na1400.info/routable.php alot easier to use - i.e. they are routable, install straight into mapsource and onto your GPS from their (or even straight onto your GPS without involving mapsource) - again are they any different from yours? They use the same raw data from the OSM project, but mine include the contour data from the SMC overlaid in a single mapset. You can't easily do that otherwise. As to the routable maps offered at the other site you mention, yes they are fine, as far as they go, they are indeed routable, but I have been told that the routing data in them is very limited at this time and they don't include any contour data. I have not tested them myself as I have little need for them; I don't drive, and have no connection to that project. The UK mapset I compile is aimed fairly and squarely at geocachers, hikers and bikers who want a FREE mapset for use in the countryside; routable functions are of little use on footpaths and bridleways. At the end of the day I compile the UK+Contours mapset for my own use and make it available to others as a FREE service, the other mapsets I compile are purely for others, who have asked me if I can produce a specific set or sets for devices with more limited memory. For any of the more modern Garmin GPSrs, the mapsets I compile are simple to install on a MicroSD or SD card. For those that are not comfortable with installing these maps onto a MicroSD or SD card I even offer to supply a pre-loaded and pre-tested card or offer to install them for them on a card they supply. If people prefer the ones from the other site, then that is fine, and it will save me the time I spend on compiling and testing that I currently carry out. At the end of the day you and everyone else has a choice; one size does not fit all... Regards, Martin Edited May 14, 2009 by talkytoaster Quote
+Matrix Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 All I do with Martin's maps is copy and paste the file straight on to my Garmin (no need for any other software whatsoever). Same here and long may it contiune as long as Martin wants to anyway Quote
+MartyBartfast Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 All I do with Martin's maps is copy and paste the file straight on to my Garmin (no need for any other software whatsoever). Same here and long may it contiune as long as Martin wants to anyway Wot 'e said. Quote
ggb1979 Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Mr. Toaster - can you tell me what the differnce is between your maps and those found on the scottish mountaineering clubs website? Those on the SMC site are just the raw contour tiles to be overlaid on other mapsets. Also (without putting any of your work or website down - i think its fantastic) - but aren't the maps provided by http://garmin.na1400.info/routable.php alot easier to use - i.e. they are routable, install straight into mapsource and onto your GPS from their (or even straight onto your GPS without involving mapsource) - again are they any different from yours? They use the same raw data from the OSM project, but mine include the contour data from the SMC overlaid in a single mapset. You can't easily do that otherwise. As to the routable maps offered at the other site you mention, yes they are fine, as far as they go, they are indeed routable, but I have been told that the routing data in them is very limited at this time and they don't include any contour data. I have not tested them myself as I have little need for them; I don't drive, and have no connection to that project. The UK mapset I compile is aimed fairly and squarely at geocachers, hikers and bikers who want a FREE mapset for use in the countryside; routable functions are of little use on footpaths and bridleways. At the end of the day I compile the UK+Contours mapset for my own use and make it available to others as a FREE service, the other mapsets I compile are purely for others, who have asked me if I can produce a specific set or sets for devices with more limited memory. For any of the more modern Garmin GPSrs, the mapsets I compile are simple to install on a MicroSD or SD card. For those that are not comfortable with installing these maps onto a MicroSD or SD card I even offer to supply a pre-loaded and pre-tested card or offer to install them for them on a card they supply. If people prefer the ones from the other site, then that is fine, and it will save me the time I spend on compiling and testing that I currently carry out. At the end of the day you and everyone else has a choice; one size does not fit all... Regards, Martin ah - its all alot clearer now; thnak you once gaain - as i said your website is fantastic; long may it continue Quote
+talkytoaster Posted May 29, 2009 Author Posted May 29, 2009 For all those interested: I have just compiled the latest UK map tiles [with and without contours] into new UK maps for the Garmin GPSrs. The UK maps I compile include the following areas: England Wales Scotland Isle of Man Channel Islands Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland This is true for both the full UK mapsets, with and without contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club]. The updated ones are prefixed with 090527 [the old ones are prefixed with 090506] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 26th of May 2009. If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://sites.google.com/site/talkytoasteruk/ukmaps UPDATE: As the non-contour UK map is now often over 55MB, I have also split it into smaller mapsets, one for England and Wales, one for Ireland and finally one for Scotland. This is only useful for older Garmin models with limited memory capacity. If required I may split England and Wales into separate mapsets too. I have also published a South East England mapset with contours for use on restricted memory Garmin models, under 22MB in size. There is also a link to an older version of Sendmap20.exe which I used to successfully use to load maps to my old GPSMap60c. As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@googlemail.com]. I have made more changes to the site, including lots of screenshots, FAQs and other useful data too. All the maps have been tested on a Garmin Oregon 200. They have also been checked in GPSMapEdit on a Windows PC. I hope you find them useful? Regards, Martin Quote
+burtsbodgers Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 Thought it was about time for this to have its own dedicated topic now, and would it be useful for this to be a pinned topic also? For all those interested: I have just compiled the latest UK map tiles [with and without contours] into new UK maps for the Garmin GPSrs. The UK maps I compile include the following areas: England Wales Scotland Isle of Man Channel Islands Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland This is true for both the full UK mapsets, with and without contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club]. The updated ones are prefixed with 090311 [the old ones are prefixed with 090225] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 10th of March 2009. UPDATE: As the non-contour UK map is now often over 55MB, I have also split it into smaller mapsets, one for England and Wales, one for Ireland and finally one for Scotland. This is only useful for older Garmin models with limited memory capacity. If required I may split England and Wales into separate mapsets too. As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@googlemail.com]. If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://sites.google.com/site/talkytoasteruk/ukmaps I have made many changes to the site, imcluding lots of screenshots, FAQs and other useful data too. All the maps have been tested on either a Garmin Legend Hcx or GPSmap60c. They have also been checked in GPSMapEdit on a Windows PC. I hope you find them useful? Regards, Martin Just moving this back up the list Quote
+MartyBartfast Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 Why can't this topic be pinned? I'd rather it wasn't Every time Martin updates the map he posts to this thread which bumps it to the top, so that acts as a prod (to me) that new maps are available. If it was permanently pinned then it would be less obvious when updates appear and I'd have to keep reading the thread to see what's happening. As Martin updates the maps at least once a month the thread gets bumped often enough. Quote
+The Blorenges Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 One day when I get five minutes I will add a link to the site hosting the maps to my resource website - if TT is OK with that. Then it's always there for people to find. I agree not pinning this thread as when it reappears it does remind people something has changed. Chris (MrB) Resource website - www.follow-the-arrow.co.uk/resources Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 10, 2009 Author Posted June 10, 2009 One day when I get five minutes I will add a link to the site hosting the maps to my resource website - if TT is OK with that. Then it's always there for people to find. I agree not pinning this thread as when it reappears it does remind people something has changed. Sure, feel free. Quote
+burtsbodgers Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 Hi has anyone managed to get these lovely maps on a Garmin Venture HC Yet . If so How? I am still trying but with no success. i tried the older sendmap20 but this still hung, although it spotted that the gps was connected. i have been away from the gps's for a while but would like to try again. Hope someone can help Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 16, 2009 Author Posted June 16, 2009 (edited) Hi has anyone managed to get these lovely maps on a Garmin Venture HC Yet . If so How? I am still trying but with no success. i tried the older sendmap20 but this still hung, although it spotted that the gps was connected. i have been away from the gps's for a while but would like to try again. Hope someone can help The older version of Sendmap20 used to work fine with my old (now sold) GPSMap60C and my Legend Hcx too (also now sold). You might like to try the offering here: http://www.img2gps.co.cc/ Let me know if it works and I'll add a link to my page. Regards, Martin Edited June 16, 2009 by talkytoaster Quote
+burtsbodgers Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 Hi has anyone managed to get these lovely maps on a Garmin Venture HC Yet . If so How? I am still trying but with no success. i tried the older sendmap20 but this still hung, although it spotted that the gps was connected. i have been away from the gps's for a while but would like to try again. Hope someone can help The older version of Sendmap20 used to work fine with my old (now sold) GPSMap60C and my Legend Hcx too (also now sold). You might like to try the offering here: http://www.img2gps.co.cc/ Let me know if it works and I'll add a link to my page. Regards, Martin Hi Martin I tried that, but alas that just hung on the "trying USB" command. so not sure if there is another to try. i have also updated the gps to the very latest firmware, could this be the problem and maybe i need to go back a few stages on there does any one know the master reset for the venture HC? Quote
+Bland by name Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 Hi all, As my wonderful new Oregon has different profiles I would like to use different maps, I.e. the routable when automotive and talky’s when geocaching. The Oregon is happy to have different maps selected in different profiles BUT both the routable and talky’s have the same file name so I can’t put them both on. Any ideas? can either be renamed to something and still work? Ta Paul Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 17, 2009 Author Posted June 17, 2009 Hi all, As my wonderful new Oregon has different profiles I would like to use different maps, I.e. the routable when automotive and talky’s when geocaching. The Oregon is happy to have different maps selected in different profiles BUT both the routable and talky’s have the same file name so I can’t put them both on. Any ideas? can either be renamed to something and still work? Ta Paul As to using both mine and the routable mapsets, you will I believe, have to either have each one on a seperate MicroSD card, or you might be able to switch by having one mapset on the internal memory of the Oregon, and the other on the MicroSD card. Some suggestions how this might work can be found here: http://garminoregon.wikispaces.com/Maps#toc18 Hope this helps? Regards, Martin Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 18, 2009 Author Posted June 18, 2009 Hi Martin I tried that, but alas that just hung on the "trying USB" command. so not sure if there is another to try. i have also updated the gps to the very latest firmware, could this be the problem and maybe i need to go back a few stages on there does any one know the master reset for the venture HC? How about trying this tool? http://www.mapwel.biz/download/mapupload.exe It is from the author of Mapwel and claims to be able to upload any garmin .IMG file to an attached and switched on Garmin GPSr (that supports maps). Regards, Martin Quote
+ITCHYthirdEYE Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 Hi, I've tried this a few times and got nowhere (not comp lit) when I unzip the file it saves as a paint shop proflie is this my problem and if so how do I change it. I have just brought a legend. Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 19, 2009 Author Posted June 19, 2009 Hi, I've tried this a few times and got nowhere (not comp lit) when I unzip the file it saves as a paint shop proflie is this my problem and if so how do I change it. I have just brought a legend. I've just sent you an email, but ignore what Windows says the file is, the unzipped file is a Garmin map file. You just need to rename it as covered in the FAQ and upload it to your Legend. Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 19, 2009 Author Posted June 19, 2009 For all those interested: I have just compiled the latest UK map tiles [with and without contours] into new UK maps for the Garmin GPSrs. The UK maps I compile include the following areas: England Wales Scotland Isle of Man Channel Islands Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland This is true for both the full UK mapsets, with and without contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club]. The updated ones are prefixed with 090617 [the old ones are prefixed with 090527] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 16th of June 2009. If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://sites.google.com/site/talkytoasteruk/ukmaps UPDATE: As the non-contour UK map is now often over 55MB, I have also split it into smaller mapsets, one for England and Wales, one for Ireland and finally one for Scotland. This is only useful for older Garmin models with limited memory capacity. If required I may split England and Wales into separate mapsets too. I have also published a South East England mapset with contours for use on restricted memory Garmin models, under 22MB in size. There is also a link to an older version of Sendmap20.exe which I have previously used successfully to load maps to my old GPSMap60c, but this may not work on some Venture/Legend models. I have also linked to the upload tool from MapWel which may solve the current upload issue with Garmin GPSrs with limited memory and no MicroSD/SD card support/slot [this is all covered in the FAQ on my site]. As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@googlemail.com]. I have made more changes to the site, including lots of screenshots, FAQs and other useful data too. All the maps have been tested on a Garmin Oregon 200. They have also been checked in GPSMapEdit on a Windows PC. I hope you find them useful? Regards, Martin Quote
+burtsbodgers Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 Hi Martin I tried that, but alas that just hung on the "trying USB" command. so not sure if there is another to try. i have also updated the gps to the very latest firmware, could this be the problem and maybe i need to go back a few stages on there does any one know the master reset for the venture HC? How about trying this tool? http://www.mapwel.biz/download/mapupload.exe It is from the author of Mapwel and claims to be able to upload any garmin .IMG file to an attached and switched on Garmin GPSr (that supports maps). Regards, Martin Hi Martin Thanks for this link I have tried it, but alas this has failed to work too. it has done the best so far. It detects the gps and show the amount of memory available. but this figure is only 22.5mb (not the 24mb its supposed to be) so when i try to the load the map the program say not enough memory. it give the option to abort or ignor and i have tried both options but no success. Would it be possible to reduce the map area size down to may be 15mb, in will check to see if you have a smaller map on your page and try. This could solve the problem. Ever hope full of getting this to work Peter Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 19, 2009 Author Posted June 19, 2009 (edited) Hi Martin Thanks for this link I have tried it, but alas this has failed to work too. it has done the best so far. It detects the gps and show the amount of memory available. but this figure is only 22.5mb (not the 24mb its supposed to be) so when i try to the load the map the program say not enough memory. it give the option to abort or ignor and i have tried both options but no success. Would it be possible to reduce the map area size down to may be 15mb, in will check to see if you have a smaller map on your page and try. This could solve the problem. Ever hope full of getting this to work Peter OK, well the latest version of the South East England Map with Contours that I've just compiled is: 21.9 MB (23,007,232 bytes) in size [and is on my site right now]. I wonder if that will fit? Edited June 19, 2009 by talkytoaster Quote
+burtsbodgers Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 Hi Martin I tried that, but alas that just hung on the "trying USB" command. so not sure if there is another to try. i have also updated the gps to the very latest firmware, could this be the problem and maybe i need to go back a few stages on there does any one know the master reset for the venture HC? How about trying this tool? http://www.mapwel.biz/download/mapupload.exe It is from the author of Mapwel and claims to be able to upload any garmin .IMG file to an attached and switched on Garmin GPSr (that supports maps). Regards, Martin Hi Martin Thanks for this link I have tried it, but alas this has failed to work too. it has done the best so far. It detects the gps and show the amount of memory available. but this figure is only 22.5mb (not the 24mb its supposed to be) so when i try to the load the map the program say not enough memory. it give the option to abort or ignor and i have tried both options but no success. Would it be possible to reduce the map area size down to may be 15mb, in will check to see if you have a smaller map on your page and try. This could solve the problem. Ever hope full of getting this to work Peter Yes its me again Yippee i managed to get Northern ireland to work so the Mapwell software works, i think it is the size of the file that is the problem. Any chance of reducing the size of the South east map to below 20mb please this may have been the problem with the sendmap software. but it may be worth a try. Peter Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 19, 2009 Author Posted June 19, 2009 (edited) Yes its me again Yippee i managed to get Northern ireland to work so the Mapwell software works, i think it is the size of the file that is the problem. Any chance of reducing the size of the South east map to below 20mb please this may have been the problem with the sendmap software. but it may be worth a try. Peter Right, I have now created a test version of the South East England Mapset (stripped the contours out) and it is about 15MB. You can get it here: http://files.getdropbox.com/u/336770/GMAPSUPP.IMG Let me know if it works? Regards, Martin Edited June 19, 2009 by talkytoaster Quote
+burtsbodgers Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 Yes its me again Yippee i managed to get Northern ireland to work so the Mapwell software works, i think it is the size of the file that is the problem. Any chance of reducing the size of the South east map to below 20mb please this may have been the problem with the sendmap software. but it may be worth a try. Peter Right, I have now created a test version of the South East England Mapset (stripped the contours out) and it is about 15MB. You can get it here: http://files.getdropbox.com/u/336770/GMAPSUPP.IMG Let me know if it works? Regards, Martin Ok that may be over doing it a bit. But it worked!! Using the MAPWELL software and the smaller map file size has cracked it! i used the option of "adding to existing maps" and turn off after instilation and it worked. the maps show up and they even show footpaths, its bloomin marvelous. Thank you Martin for all your help and support. Now here comes the thing. how do i help in getting more detail on the maps for my little area? Is there anything i can do to help? Is there any way you can reduce the area covered but to include contours or am i pushing my luck Thanks Martin Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 19, 2009 Author Posted June 19, 2009 (edited) Ok that may be over doing it a bit. But it worked!! Using the MAPWELL software and the smaller map file size has cracked it! i used the option of "adding to existing maps" and turn off after instilation and it worked. the maps show up and they even show footpaths, its bloomin marvelous. Thank you Martin for all your help and support. Now here comes the thing. how do i help in getting more detail on the maps for my little area? Is there anything i can do to help? Is there any way you can reduce the area covered but to include contours or am i pushing my luck Thanks Martin Try this one, it is pushing the size to the limit, after this you'll need to decide which is more important contours or a larger area without contours: http://files.getdropbox.com/u/336770/09061...ML-GMAPSUPP.IMG As to how you can help, the best way is to add your tracklogs for missing footpaths/bridleways to the map on OpenStreetMap.org. Let me know if this new mapset works. Regards, Martin Regards, Martin Edited June 19, 2009 by talkytoaster Quote
+burtsbodgers Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 Ok that may be over doing it a bit. But it worked!! Using the MAPWELL software and the smaller map file size has cracked it! i used the option of "adding to existing maps" and turn off after instilation and it worked. the maps show up and they even show footpaths, its bloomin marvelous. Thank you Martin for all your help and support. Now here comes the thing. how do i help in getting more detail on the maps for my little area? Is there anything i can do to help? Is there any way you can reduce the area covered but to include contours or am i pushing my luck Thanks Martin Try this one, it is pushing the size to the limit, after this you'll need to decide which is more important contours or a larger area without contours: http://files.getdropbox.com/u/336770/09061...ML-GMAPSUPP.IMG As to how you can help, the best way is to add your tracklogs for missing footpaths/bridleways to the map on OpenStreetMap.org. Let me know if this new mapset works, I've deleted the other one from the server for now. Regards, Martin Regards, Martin Hi Martin Unfortunately this one does not work. The file size is too big, it needs to be less than 22500kb, when i sent the last one it was 25000kb ish. i saved the last one and can replace it if necessary. But i think we are getting somewhere. Peter Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 19, 2009 Author Posted June 19, 2009 Hi Martin Unfortunately this one does not work. The file size is too big, it needs to be less than 22500kb, when i sent the last one it was 25000kb ish. i saved the last one and can replace it if necessary. But i think we are getting somewhere. Peter I have put the other one back (the one with no contours). I can't really shrink the above file any further. If the contour data is important to you for a specific area I might be able to add it. If you want to contact me via email to continue this then that might be better. Regards, Martin Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 19, 2009 Author Posted June 19, 2009 (edited) For all those that want UK South East maps for use on older Garmin Vista, Legend and Venture models (the ones with only limited internal memory), I have now created a new UK South East mapset without Contours, alongside the one with contours. This should easily fit on any of these older models. Thanks go to BurtsBodgers for bringing the issue to my attention and being my Guinea-pig ;-) These can be found on the site linked in my sig. Regards, Martin Edited June 19, 2009 by talkytoaster Quote
+boo and chick Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 just got my oregon 300 and was very upset with the base maps I got with the device! But these maps are something else, amazing compared to the base maps THANKS!!!! Quote
+Bland by name Posted June 20, 2009 Posted June 20, 2009 Re earlier post, the trick of putting your on the microsd lets me put the routable in the internal memory. 3 maps, 3 profiles- fab. However if I use your map and the oregons base map I LOOSE a lot of detail e.g. the road I live on is shown in the base map but disapears behind a green blankout. Any tips on configuring to get the best of both worlds? Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 20, 2009 Author Posted June 20, 2009 Re earlier post, the trick of putting your on the microsd lets me put the routable in the internal memory. 3 maps, 3 profiles- fab. However if I use your map and the oregons base map I LOOSE a lot of detail e.g. the road I live on is shown in the base map but disapears behind a green blankout. Any tips on configuring to get the best of both worlds? Turn off the Garmin supplied basemap (assuming that the detail is good enough on the OSM maps for the area you mainly use it in?), that's what I've done. Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 23, 2009 Author Posted June 23, 2009 For those of you that have been "badgering me" (you know who you are ) to create a routable version of the UK+Contours mapset that I compile, I have now bitten the bullet and created such a routable UK+Contours mapset. However, as I have no use for this, and no way of testing it (easily), because I don't drive, I require some willing victims, er.... I mean volunteers to test them If anyone is interested then please drop me a line and I'll let you have the link to the file. Please consider this mapset beta quality. You should only attempt to test this new mapset if you are confident in putting maps onto your Garmin GPSr and have sufficient space as the routable mapset is 261MB in size (when unzipped). I have no idea how good/bad the routing data is, as it is auto-generated when the mapset is assembled. If testing is succesful I will compile a routable version of the UK+Contours mapset every 4-8 weeks. Regards, Martin Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 25, 2009 Author Posted June 25, 2009 (edited) If testing is succesful I will compile a routable version of the UK+Contours mapset every 4-8 weeks. Intial testing seems to indicate they work, so I'm opening this up for wider testing, details below: Here's the direct link to the ZIP file that contains the beta routable UK+Contours mapset (this is on the same server/service that all the maps I offer are hosted, and linked to from my UK Maps website). http://files.getdropbox.com/u/336770/09062...le-GMAPSUPP.zip If you are placing it on a MicroSD card make sure you have sufficient space and I'd suggest you backup your existing mapset on the card first. Please only test these if you are comfortable with adding/changing maps on your Garmin GPSr. These are only suitable for those with Garmin GPSrs that have mapping functionality and sufficient internal memory or sufficient space on an installed SD or MicroSD card. If you are NOT interested in testing the routing features do not download them, use the non-routing maps I offer instead. Suitable Garmin GPSrs include: Legend, Vista and Venture CX and HCX, Oregon and Colorado models, GPSMap60 Cx and Csx and some Nuvis too (a full list of GPSr models known to work with the maps I compile can be found via the link in my sig). As usual, you use these at your own risk. All feedback most welcome. Regards, Martin Edited June 25, 2009 by talkytoaster Quote
+Matrix Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 (edited) Cool I have just had a thought .....I have Garmin XT on my mobile I am going to try and install them on there see if they work Edited June 25, 2009 by Matrix Quote
+talkytoaster Posted June 30, 2009 Author Posted June 30, 2009 (edited) Anyone have any feedback for me? Either everyone is very happy with this new mapset or apathy has set in? I hope to compile a new non-routable set later this week. Regards, Martin? Edited June 30, 2009 by talkytoaster Quote
gse1986 Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 Cool I have just had a thought .....I have Garmin XT on my mobile I am going to try and install them on there see if they work That is a good idea....did you have much luck? Quote
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