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Need logs translated into English


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I have a travel bug that has made its way to Germany. All of the log entries are in German! Can GC.com translate them to English since the owner (me) resides in the USA? Any other suggestions on how I can read these German logs?





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Can GC.com translate them to English since the owner (me) resides in the USA?

Good luck with that one. You'd open a whole can of worms if you expect that, like if a TB from Croatia makes it to the UK and I don't write me log in Croation. Where does the translation list end....?

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Can GC.com translate them to English since the owner (me) resides in the USA?

Good luck with that one. You'd open a whole can of worms if you expect that, like if a TB from Croatia makes it to the UK and I don't write me log in Croation. Where does the translation list end....?


It's a fair question. I mean heck, this is an internationally used site so why wouldn't they consider the issue?


As it stands there are plenty of places to get the logs translated. If the demands of users required it gc.com could simply link to the translation sites. Why would that offend anyone? Providing service shouldn't be a problem.


Of course most Tb logs say that the finder will move the bug, so I don't see much of a pressing need for a translation service at this time.

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I notice that you didn't write the TB description in German??


Depending on your browser, this might work: create a new bookmark with this in place of a URL:


java script:var%20t=((window.getSelection&&window.getSelection())||(document.getSelection&&document.getSelection())||(document.selection%20&&document.selection.createRange&&document.selection.createRange().text));var%20e=(document.charset||document.characterSet);if(t!=''){location.href='http://translate.google.com/translate_t?text='+t+'&hl=en&langpair=de|en&tbb=1&ie='+e;}else{location.href='http://translate.google.com/translate?u='+escape(location.href)+'&hl=en&langpair=de|en&tbb=1&ie='+e;};


[important note: the bulletin board software seems to always insert a space after the 4th letter of the code, between 'java' and 'script', no matter how I format it here. That must be a single 10-letter word, 'javascript', when you create the bookmark.]


Clicking that bookmark should then translate the entire web page (probably quite comically...) from German to English.


For example, on your Gator Bug page it produces logs like:


In order for the Gator bug gets no claustrophobia, we put him out of the box much too small free :-).


Edited by Urubu
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I notice that you didn't write the TB description in German??


I didn't write the description in German b/c it originated in the states, Florida to be exact. Someone from here took it to Germany and it has been there ever since. Some of the log entries are longer than "I will move it along".... just thought it would be nice to know what they say...

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I notice that you didn't write the TB description in German??


I didn't write the description in German b/c it originated in the states, Florida to be exact. Someone from here took it to Germany and it has been there ever since. Some of the log entries are longer than "I will move it along".... just thought it would be nice to know what they say...


I agree with the person that suggested babelfish.com. I used that frequently. It's not always 100% accurate, but you'll get the gist of what they're saying.

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When I go to babelfish, I copy and paste the German text into the Translate field, select German to English and click on "Translate", then it just takes me to another page with a bunch of different links for translation websites. It doesn't appear to be translating the text or at least it is not showing it to me.

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