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App for Blackberry Storm?

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I also have the Blackberry Storm, and I purchased the Cacheberry program which is still in Beta for the Storm. It works ok for the most part, but still has some issues to be ironed out. It works great for using the GPX files that you get from geocaching.com, but if you try to load the caches into Mapsource, and then convert the Mapsource files back to GPX by doing a "Save as", something gets lost in the translation. You lose all the seconday information, and all your caches come out listed as question marks. This means you are going to have to mark all your caches for the day one by one using that itty bitty little keyboard. Kinda tough for a not so nimble creature such as myself. I'd love to do my editing on the home computer, and just update the info on the storm as a batch. As nice as the display is, it would still be worth doing the extra work to edit the cache info. It gives you all the info that the geocaching site provides, and formats it so you can actually use it on the Blackberry display. A nice trick in and of itself.

There are some nice features in the program, and I'll have to work with them a bit before I can make any comments concerning them. One of these features is the Field Notes feature. If this works, it will make logging finds in the field as easy as pie. It also allows for a host of other online functions. Like any new program, it is going to take some time to do a good shakedown. It looks like these programmers are really inspired though, so I think this is going to shape up into a real gem in time. It offers a full array of find, sort, filter, tag, column selection to be viewed, email, mapping and setup options. Read - WOW! - for a mobile app of this type! It is just plain miraculous that these folks can make one of these gadgets do so much.

A minor limitation is the lack of ability to select a group of caches to delete. So far, you have to do it one at a time. In fact, it doesn't like to delete caches at all. I deleted several, and they just stayed put. I hope they get that one worked out. It won't take long to fill up the memory with this limitation.

When you register, be sure to write down your screen name and password. It is next to impossible to retieve them if you forget them (like I did). It (retrieval) will not happen by some easy to use automated system. I'm just hoping the producers of the program can retirieve mine for me somehow. The forum that they use is run by someone else, so you are pretty much on your own in that area as far as I can see.

Even with that little glitch, and the few quirks I ran into, this program is destined to be a hallmark in geocaching for anyone with a Blackberry Storm. It really unleashes the power of this new toy like nothing else I've seen!

WTG cacheberry!

Edited by Seeker_Knight

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