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Wie lange dauert es einen Earthcache zu reviewen?


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GC1KKKF Announced for reviewing 2009/2/10


Ich habe mal eine Frage in die Runde, wie lange hat es bei Euch gedauert, bis euer Earthcache reviewed wurde?


Meinen habe ich zum reviewen am 10. Februar angemeldet.


I've a question around, how long did it take for you until your cache Earth was reviewed?


I have announced my Earthcache for reviewing at the 10th of february.





Angemeldet am 10.2.2009. Heute haben wir den 10.3.2009 und er ist noch immer nicht überprüft. Das dauert aber lange.


Send for approval on 2009/2/10. Today we have 2009/3/10 and it is still not verified. Why does it take so long?




Did you send an email to tell us know that you had made the requested changes? We deal with so many EC submissions that we don't check back and look at everyone to see if you have made the changes.


earthcache@geosociety.org is the email


Der Cache wurde am 12.3.2009 veröffentlicht.


Vielen Dank an geoaware. :laughing:


The cache was published on 12.3.2009


Many thanks to geoawre :o

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