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2009 Indiana Fall Picnic


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It turns out that TMA and I will not be able to attend this event this weekend, and therefore won't be needing our cabin reservation for Friday night. If anyone is interested in it, it was about $50 for the cabin, just send me an email or PM. Thanks :)


I will check back later tonight to see if any more last minute cachers log their sites and then that will be it for this years map since we will be leaving early in the morning for the event.


See everyone soon!


Daryl (501)




You've done a great job with keeping up with campsites again this year. Thanks from all the planning team!


Thanks Daggy & Planning Team, but it's nothing compared to all you guys do!


I'm soooo excited! We have all kinds of plans. All kinds of stuff to give away, auction and raffle. Does anyone need a Shadow coin?


Survivor participants are all filled. We still need 10-17 year olds for GeoChallenge. There is a really cool prize for participating. The night cache containers are spectacular.


All-in-all, it's going to be a great Fall Picnic Weekend. See you there.

Posted (edited)

Hey. We picked up site 71. Don't know if we made the deadline or not, but thought I would let you know.




Up dated the map & put you on it.


I also assumed (I know) the jeep4two took over cabin 4


See everyone tomorrow!


Final map:



Edited by 501_Gang

Nothing firmed up on Cabin 4 yet. I've got to get in touch with Eleanor for details and we are also wanting to secure something for Saturday night so i'ts up in the air for now. I'll post back


Ok - I will not be able to take Cabin 4, it was for Friday only and I don't think I will be able to get out of my reservation at the hotel. So we will be at the Canyon Inn


Woo Hoo! What a great fun! The fall picnic was a blast. Thanks to everyone who came and made it such a special day. The first planning meeting for 2010 was Sunday morning. Can't wait until next year!

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