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Earth Turtle Oceania Geocoin


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Since April has been like a bad cloud hanging around, here's hoping May brings only good things for along with its flowers. Hope your pup recovers well and the site has all its kinks worked out.





Thanks TSUN for the update. . . . . .no worries :rolleyes: tomorrow's the start of a new month, has to be better than April . . .I hope the pooch is doing well!


Take care of you!





Hope your puppydog's doing better soon.

Red Bud's right. Take Care Of yourself too. The added stress will make you week. Keep Strong.




Hey all,


Just checking in real quick. I just want to say that as a vendor who has really tried hard to be personable as mcuh as time allows me to and be involved in the community here, I have always wondered if it really mattered or if anyone cared whether I was here updating or trying to do my best to show that it mattered how we all interacted together. Well, I realized today that I'm pretty lucky because so many of you have posted here, sent me emails and texts and even afew phone calls to be supportive and let me know you're sorry that things just don't seem to be going right for the time being. I seriously appreciate it! I mean that... yesterday I was close to just running away :rolleyes: , April seems to be a tough month to get through and yesterday didn't help, my truck was hit in the parking lot, my site crashed and I was pretty nervous knowing tomorrow (which is today) my pretty old dog, Dakota was going in for surgery to have some tumors removed. Things just seemed to be piling on and right now she's out in the truck sleeping off her anesthesia and she's looking a bit rough but I think she's going to be ok. Thanks to those who have sent me well wishes for her too! Tristin is out a play buddy for now but I'll keep him busy.


I was gonna try and come up with a new sale date/time tonight but I think I'm just gonna put a movie in, take care of my dog and relax. I think the coins can wait a few more days B)


Again, thanks so much for the support, it's truly a relief to know you care and are being patient while I get this webstore in order. I'll be get something posted regarding sales some time tomorrow, I took the day off.


Thanks! tsun ;)



Hope you're enjoying the movie! And hug that Pup close, they are so awesome!


I will keep my eyes on the forums or your blog to see when the sale may be. I, just like everybody else, can't wait for the Turtles, but there ARE more important things in life, and the love of an animal is one of them!


Have a great evening, Tsun!


we wish ya all the best, Tsun.......we know its been a rough month, but it can only get better.........I'm know every1 will wait for your coins, so sit back, relax, enjoy the movie & take care of your canine friend....... just enjoy the weekend.........

Posted (edited)

I've been playing catch-up up on here this morning and have only just read about Dakota. I'm so sorry to hear that she has had to go through such huge operation ..great to hear that she's pulling through now though. I hope that it's all good news for her from now on Tsun, and that she's back to her old self and playing with Tristan again as soon as possible.


Ali :rolleyes:

Edited by Geo-Gophers

Glad that Dakota's surgery went smoothly and hope she has a speedy recovery :blink:


Take all the time you need to take care of yourself and your baby while she recovers. As much as we all anticipate receiving your beautiful coins, Dakota's recover is more important right now.




Just wanted to let you know that I wasn't one of the F5ers - I had forgotten about the sale. I know! Can you believe it?


If it helps, keep in mind that your Tim Tims are coming. Can I trade them for an Earth Turtle? roflmao :D


Hope you and doggie are in good spirits ;)


Jumpin Jupiter, I didn't even know the sale was due, I gotta check in more often. So sorry to here the pooch is poorly, I hope he recovers quickly from the surgery and Tristan gets his play pal back pdq. As for techie stuff I'm afraid it's Murphys law again. Hope you enjoy a well earned day off, heck take two, everyone will be ready when you are ;) take care of you

Posted (edited)

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend :D Thanks for all the well wishes and Lil' Miss Dakota seems to be back to her old self :)


Ok, Earth Turtle sale will be separate from the Neptunes Compass. Since I will not have to send invoices and do everything by hand, it's too much to keep track of. So while this isn't going to be ideal, there will be a sale unless Google crashes :sad:


I'm going to post some links here that have all the information you need. The first page is the google page about the Earth Turtles. It has the dates/times posted and the conversions for those who live overseas. The second google link has the Order Form. You will want to be on that page when the sale goes active. This is where the email address to send your orders to will be posted. It's the fairest way I can think of so everyone has the same opportunity. Do NOT send orders to any of my tsunrisebey/tsunrisebeydesigns gmail accounts or your order will be missed. I am creating a special email for this sale.


I have done this kind of sale back with the early 2008 ET's and Rainforest Jewel. So it does work it's just more work for me and there is a waiting period for you while I respond to orders for confirmation or "sorry-sold out". So you'll have to be patient. The sale is going to be on a week night for these coins, so I will get back to everyone that night but I won't be able to invoice everyone, that may take me a couple days to work through. So again, just be patient :)


I will be posting shipping information some time today or tomorrow on my tsunrisebey blog. This will allow everyone to see the shipping rates, understand how shipping is going to work and estimate how much your shipping will be.


Side note: Neptunes Compass will be going on sale Saturday May 9th-- I will post that information later today or tomorrow. If you have questions, post them here or send me an email. I will be sending out newsletters some time tonight so they will just be a repeat of what you saw here.


I know that not all dates and times are going to work for everyone. I would like to ask that you please not email me and request to buy/reserve coins prior to the sale. If I do it for 1 person, I'll have to do it for everyone and it's not fair to the people who wait for the sale. I would love to honor everyone's request but it's not always possible. I encourage you to find someone to trade with or find someone who is willing to order on your behalf and let me know about it prior to the sale.


Earth Turtle Oceania Sales Date and Time Information


Earth Turtle Oceania Order Form

Edited by tsunrisebey

Thank you for the update, Tsun! It has been a rainy, dreary day here, and this news and information is really making me look forward to a Monday. I was unable to participate in the 2008 ET sale in this manner, so this is all new for me. Here's hoping to beginners' luck!


(Also, sending "good vibes" to google pages as well...)

Posted (edited)

Good to hear that you found a work-around while the web gurus work on the gnarly bits.


My wife said I should offer the use of my webstore to sell the coins (with payment in ETs for her, of course)!


I'll be waiting for 8:30 Monday to come so I can (hopefully) get my order in! ( <-- That's my local time... don't want to cause confusion )


Good luck, and glad to hear that Dakota is recovering nicely!

Edited by E&Cplus3

Good morning and thanks for the update! Urp, that's in the middle of work for me and I'm starting a new job that might have me up to my eyeballs in meetings. But I will try to be there!


Good luck to everyone vying for these beautiful coins. I hope and trust all play fair.

As it will be 4.30am New Zealand time, I will not be participating.


Afterwards, I would be happy to trade a Kiwi Nomad coin plus something extra for a NZ version of these beautiful coins.

Take care, be gentle on yourself and the vendor - she is special to us all.


yay! i will be home for the sale...


and if we all just order one of each, that would mean 250 cachers could have a chance... but like that will happen... it will be more like 63 probably


yay! i will be home for the sale...


and if we all just order one of each, that would mean 250 cachers could have a chance... but like that will happen... it will be more like 63 probably


Yes, what a wonderful world that would be.

I have someone trying to add an extra to their order, to send to me (not awake in New Zealand at that time), so already the count is down by one multiple sale....

Posted (edited)

I would like to know if anyone would like to set up a buy/trade with me.

I would like to get the neptunes compass coins, but I dont think I will be home for the sale. However, I will be home when the Earth Turtles go on sale, but I am not interested in the Turtles and will not be purchasing any for myself.

If anyone else finds themself in the opposite situation, I would be willing to order whatever turtles you want, if you in return can order the neptunes I want. We can then send the correct payments & possibly have them shipped straight to eachother. Email me if anyone is interested. Thanks


Or if anyone is willing to just outright order the neptunes for me, I will gladly send the payment. Thanks

Edited by Tha Saint

The anticipation is killing me! ARGHHH!




You? Try being me, lol. 5:30 my time can't come soon enough..... :lol: I always get sick to my stomach on sale days and I've been sick alot over the past few weeks :)


I would like to know if anyone would like to set up a buy/trade with me.

I would like to get the neptunes compass coins, but I dont think I will be home for the sale. However, I will be home when the Earth Turtles go on sale, but I am not interested in the Turtles and will not be purchasing any for myself.

If anyone else finds themself in the opposite situation, I would be willing to order whatever turtles you want, if you in return can order the neptunes I want. We can then send the correct payments & possibly have them shipped straight to eachother. Email me if anyone is interested. Thanks


Or if anyone is willing to just outright order the neptunes for me, I will gladly send the payment. Thanks



PM send


The anticipation is killing me! ARGHHH!




You? Try being me, lol. 5:30 my time can't come soon enough..... :D I always get sick to my stomach on sale days and I've been sick alot over the past few weeks :P


Yeah, I am sure you are looking forward to it finally being sale time more than anyone else! I do like the old school format, though...you send in your email and then refresh your Inbox every 15 seconds to see if you get a return email from you with good news. :lol:


You have done a fabulous job keeping us all posted and I hope everything goes smoothly for you tonigh. B)


The anticipation is killing me! ARGHHH!




You? Try being me, lol. 5:30 my time can't come soon enough..... :D I always get sick to my stomach on sale days and I've been sick alot over the past few weeks :P


Maybe the next Turtles will have butterflies on them cuz THAT is what we all have in our tummies :D:laughing::D


So, actually, even though It seems like everybody will be able to try at various times, it is REALLY all the same time :D . same plateau, same station :D:P All will be good :laughing: ! ( expecially for You , Steph)


About 1 hour from the time of this post (sale goes live). I am reposting the links for the sale cause I know things have been confusing lately. Most people already know this but I'll just say it anyhow, have your email/order ready to go so all you have to do is cut and paste the email address. If I remember correctly the last ET sale there were over 125 emails that came in within 2 minutes of each other.


See some of you in about an hour :D


Earth Turtle Oceania Sales Date and Time Information


Earth Turtle Oceania Order Form[/b]


Bernice, didn't mean to ignore your question about "lottery numbers". While that would be nice, most of my customers do not post here in the forums and then I do have a small but growing base of people who do not cache at all so they would never see this.

Posted (edited)

If I remember correctly the last ET sale there were over 125 emails that came in within 2 minutes of each other.


Hi Tsun,


Fingers crossed it all goes well this time, and I for one am staying up late to get my email into the big turtle lottery. But your post above can't help but prompt the question (and apologies if it's a noob error) but why for such a limited item - with such huge demand - set the purchasing limit so high, at 4 turtles per design per person?


Personally I'd love one of each. I can imagine some people might want two of each design, one to keep, one to send travelling, or the spare to use for trades etc. But 4 of each type? Doesn't this just reduce the number of eager people on here who can gain easy access to your work, increasing the number who will be disappointed that they missed out on one, as someone just before them bought 4?


Surely even if you restricted it to one each you'd still sell out within minutes, and more people could enjoy the pleasure of ownership.


I appreciate that some people are picking them up for others, but 4 still seems a little high.


Anyway, as I said, you've done this before, so you must know what you're doing. Just interested to hear the background.



Edited by jonamok



Well these coins are kinda spendy, so I don't anticipate alot of people maxing out on orders and in the past there are a select few who order the maximum, alot of people truly do only order 1 or 2 of versions. Plus the gold are subject to a remint and probably will be. Personally I don't even like to limit orders but some people do get a bit upset when they don't get them, so I've put limits on coins and as far ET's go, I've got 500 tracking numbers waiting to be used for a new round, so it's not like people won't be able to get one. There are alot of factors that go into a sale and I could be here forever talking about every aspect of it. Quite honestly there are 500 coins up for grabs and that's alot of coins to sell for anyone and then I have another 500 to get minted.... nothing wrong with asking and I don't really have a 1 reason answer for you.




For those of us who are combining orders, we like to have the limit enable us to buy for others. Of course, the more coins in each order, the smaller amount of invoices, right? :D


For those of us who are combining orders, we like to have the limit enable us to buy for others. Of course, the more coins in each order, the smaller amount of invoices, right? :P


You know you're NOT ordering from the store right? You need to check the links out above, otherwise your fingers are the limit enablers, lol.


Ok, I gotta get to the google pages :D


Thanks for the answer Tsun. :P I've no doubt you'll easily sell all you can mint, they are such beautiful coins.


Anyway, not long now guys. Anyone else starting to get F5 finger cramp. :D

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