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Official Sunshine Mission II Signups


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Last year's simple Sunshine mission seemed to go over really well...


Since April showers bring May flowers I'd like to reserve April for sign-ups and May for sending for this mission if no one objects?


It will be another simple mission, preferrably, but that is always up to the sender, but be advised that it will require only one coin and a card, and if you're mailing to someone in your own country, an added little something, but I'll post more on that later! Ideally, though, this is a mission that you should be able to send in just a card envelope (taped securely and well so there are no escapees) with maybe double postage and it's just meant to brighten someone's day, not break the bank!


Signups for it will start April 1st, so you've got time to find a coin if you need to, or trade for that perfect coin!


When it's time to start signups I'll ask Eartha to change the title of this thread since I know it's only one thread per topic, so keep your eyes open!


Naomi :unsure:


Wauw this forum is creating new missions every month :)

(I started with the secret santa and thought that after that easter would come ;) )


Will be ready for this one on april 1st

( or are you joking B) )


Hehehe, no joke, Millie! I did a Sunshine Mission last year that was about identical to this one that went really well, so I thought to do it again :rolleyes:


My first mission was the Family Mission. I discovered it was really neat to send a gift to someone you didn't know, and of course, receive a surprise coin. I'm in for April! ;)


I´m in!!!

The sunshinemission last year was the one that started this missionmadness for me so this one is a must for me.


Se vad det ledde till Naomi, ett litet oskyldigt mission och jag var fast.

Look what you started Naomi. :lol::lol:


grodan Karin






Winter blahs, spring doldrums, S.A.D, cabin fever, caching withdrawals, late snowfall.... it's the time of the year for it all and that just makes me feel BLAH!


So here's the deal. This is going to be a SHORT, quick and easy mission.


It's one coin, trackable or non-trackable, that's all.


The catch of the mission, though, is that you need to mail it by the end of April, AND, you need to include a greeting card with it that you either make or buy, as long as it has a personal note in it. If you are mailing to someone in your own country, a package of spring flower seeds would be nice, too :)


This isn't meant to be a break the bank mission, nor is it meant to be a mission where you have to research and trade for coins. It should be nothing more than a card and a coin and possibly a package of flower seeds.


The coin should just be something that you pick and decide to send, something you like that brings a smile to your face and that you think would bring a smile to the face of the person you're sending it to.


So, if you're in, send me an email with your full name and address. Since it's a simple card and coin mission, I won't be asking if you're willing to send it overseas or not. Shipping costs should be minimal.


Email me at geocoin.missions at gmail dot com if you are interested in joining in to bring a little sunshine to someone else and to receive a smile yourself!


I'll give until Tuesday, April 7, 18:00 Eastern time (midnight GMT +1) to sign up and I'll then send out your recipient. Just a warning, don't sign up for this if you don't think you'll be able to fulfill your part of the mission. Being late or having something pop up is fine, just keep in touch with me so I can let your person know they aren't forgotten, but those who skip out on sending their missions will be hunted down and I will find you, lol!


Remember, let's keep it really simple, keep it within the guidelines so no one feels bad for giving/sending a bunch or for receiving/sending just the guidelines and let's bring a smile to someone's face!


Naomi :unsure:


sent our email.... :lol:B):D:unsure::)


Mrs usyoopers

email sent- 4/1

received name-

smiles sent-

smiles received-


the other yooper

email sent- 4/1

received name-

smiles sent-

smiles received-


Count me in for two (2) missions, please. :unsure:


Mission # 1

E-mail Sent - 04/01/2009

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


Mission # 2

E-mail Sent - 04/01/2009

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -




You've got mail!


Mission # 1 - for hollora

E-mail Sent - 04/01/2009

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


Mission # 2 - for hollora's Granddaughter - Amara

E-mail Sent - 04/01/2009

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


mission # 1 Millie

email sent: april 1

received name-

sunshine sent-

sunshine received-


mission # 2 Jetske

email sent: april 1

received name-

sunshine sent-

sunshine received-


I think i have some nice coins available already :unsure:


Count us in for 3! e-mail sent!


Mission # 1 - Ronni

E-mail Sent - 04/01/2009

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


Mission # 2 - Cameron

E-mail Sent - 04/01/2009

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


Mission # 3 Karen

E-mail Sent - 04/01/2009

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


Count us in for 2 missions.


mission # 1 John

email sent: april 1

received name-

sunshine sent-

sunshine received-


mission # 2 Nok

email sent: april 1

received name-

sunshine sent-

sunshine received-


Count us in for 3 missions.


Mission # 1 - HunnyBunny girl age 6

E-mail Sent - YES

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


Mission # 2 - SimonLimon boy age 2

E-mail Sent - YES

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


Mission # 3 MildaMatilda girl age 3 months soon

E-mail Sent - YES

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


Thank you Naomi. A year runs fast.


As long as they can lick a stamp and send a card and coin they can participate. I will not, however, do special matches from pet to pet, they will be just in with the rest of the participants :unsure:


Nana: :unsure:

email sent- 4/1

received name-

smiles sent-

smiles received-


Papa: :blink:

email sent- 4/1

received name-

smiles sent-

smiles received-



Grandson: :P

email sent- 4/1

received name-

smiles sent-

smiles received-


:blink: Count us in! :P


We could use some sunshine, as it is snowing yet again. :unsure:


Mission # 1 - Sofi

E-mail Sent - 04/01/2009

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


Mission # 2 - Holmbiorn

E-mail Sent - 04/01/2009

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


mission # 1 drneal

email sent: april 1

received name-

sunshine sent-

sunshine received-


mission # 2 Logan and Heineken

email sent: april 1

received name-

sunshine sent-

sunshine received-



We're in!


My brother introduced me to geocoins a few years ago. After a while, he took a geocoin-collecting hiatus. Now, I'M getting him addicted....hehehehe...... You're welcome! :unsure:


Mission #1 - Me

E-mail Sent - Yes

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -


Mission #2 - Brother

E-mail Sent - Yes

Name Received -

Sunshine Sent -

Sunshine Received -





Winter blahs, spring doldrums, S.A.D, cabin fever, caching withdrawals, late snowfall.... it's the time of the year for it all and that just makes me feel BLAH!................



If you are mailing to someone in your own country, a package of spring flower seeds would be nice, too :unsure:




Special note - some may still want to put seeds into an international package.

Unfortunately, one mission I received had seeds in, that meant they had to be destroyed.

New Zealand has very strict organic matter controls...

Please do not be tempted to send seeds here...


I like this mission!!

Please count me in...


After all - it is almost WINTER here!


Count Team56 in too!!!



Email Sent: 4/1

Name Received:

Mission Sent:

Mission Received:



Email Sent: 4/1

Name Received:

Mission Sent:

Mission Received:




Email Sent: 4/1

Name Received:

Mission Sent:

Mission Received:


we have an extra coin here somewhere... now where did i put it...? :unsure:


E-mail Sent - 04/01/2009

Name Received -

Sunshine Mission Sent -

Sunshine Mission Received -


Great response so far!


This one is going to have me quite busy setting up the trades this weekend...not to mention putting my extremely feeble excel skills to the test, lol!


Keep the signups coming...


One other thing...


It truly has been great seeing the new folks signing up for their first missions and their excitement to take part! I hope that for them especially the mission goes great on both ends and it's the start of something really nice for them :unsure:



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