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Mosaic Round


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I thought about this the other day and want to know what people think.




The product would be made using stained glass and a coaster mold. It would be about 4-1/4 inches round and about a 1/2" thick. The lettering would be etched into the glass. As I have not made one yet I'm not sure if I can keep the Geocaching logo in one piece. The logo no matter what would be all one color and that color would not be used in the surrounding glass.


The nice thing about this is that each one would be slightly different than all the others. I would also offer to make them with your design on them instead of the Geocaching logo. Such a service would have fees involved for set-up of the design.


I'm also considering making path stones with the same design that would be trackable. These would be nice to have leading to your house or at an event.


I plan on making this into a coin at some point but I know people are interested in things other than coins. Not to mention that the economy is not treating me good.

Edited by maldar

I like the Path Stone idea and would happily put one in my garden. Can't imagine what shipping would be though :laughing::blink:


With Parcel post the shipping would be easier to handle, and if you bought other items with it, better still.


Wow, Bryan fast; I submitted the design right after I posted it here and he has approved it already.


If you are interested please post what color(s) you would be interested in for the "G"eocaching logo and how many. As stained glass varies in colors try to state things as dark or light red, blue, green or whatever color. I'm looking at them costing $10 or less for the coaster sized.


I like the idea; looking forward to seeing photos of an actual coin. I'll probably buy one. What does the back of the coin look like -- are you going to color or stain the medium in any way, or engrave it, or affix wire shapes into the coaster mold so that the back ends up with a recessed design in it?


I have not thought much about a back to them as I plan for them to mainly be something to be used as it is designed for. Though using wire shapes and numbering each one sounds like a good idea for the back.


You are correct fairyhoney. I have been wanting to get into stained glass for awhile. These projects are what I thought would interest cachers.


I did think of another use for the walk way sized stones. Cachers that have RVs or campers sometimes have a wooden sign with their name and city, state on in; a stone leading into the RV/camper/campsite would be a nice addition.


I have been doing Mosaic stepping stones for several years. Shipping the stones would be difficult because they are heavy and can chip easily.


I would like to see a picture of the coin made first before purchasing one. Making the letter "G" should be interesting but also trying to make the small stones circling the "G" will take some time.


I'd definitely be interested in a mosaic round coin. Not sure about the stepping stones...probably would depend upon the price (and the price of shipping). I really do like your design though.


Have you considered approaching a vendor with your design and having them make and sell your coin for you with your payment for the design idea being made in coins to you to have/trade? Then you wouldn't be out all the costs to have the coin minted yourself.


Not that I'm pushing to get this coin made or anything.... :yikes:


I have a prototype drying out right now, but I think the medium I used was too old. It is not what I plan to use for the finished product, I just wanted to get a sample made and see what it would generally look like.


The "G" has been split into 6 sections, as it is not possible to cut the glass out unless you have special equipment. I will post an updated photo in the future.


Remember, I plan to make coaster sized rounds also, not just the patio stones. The coasters are roughly 4 inches in diameter. Patio stones where just an off shoot of the coasters.


As for the coin. I have been thinking about the design on the back and I think I will be going with the geocaching logo, but with a translucent enamel fill.


PetersTrio, if I don't find a job in the next couple of months I may do just that, as I would like to see this in coin form also. Kind of still upset about the hiring freeze that was implemented at the company I was to start with only less than a week before my start date.


This is the first prototype that is close to what the real coasters will look like. The edges will be smoother than this one. I have to admit that it is my fault that they are not smooth. Forgot to coat the mold with a release agent, oops :unsure: .


coasterprototype1.jpg coasterprototype2.jpg

coasterprototype3.jpg coasterprototype4.jpg


Well, spit out your thoughts and thanks for them in advance.


Awesome work. Can you nudge the red tiles up against each other so the gaps are smaller or nonexistent? Otherwise I think you are on to something really cool there.


I'm going to try that next time, but I also like that it blends in a bit; sort of like you have to search for it like with a cache.


I like it alot :lol:


I have a normal sized stepping stone that my friend made me using the gc.com colors. The four squares each have something in them that I like. It also has my gc alias on it. It is SO nice that I refuse to put it in the ground so it's propped up on the porch out of the rain. All my caching friends that come by love it. I always thought it would make a great coin lol


I'd buy some of your coasters. Very cool :lol:


ps I'd make the "G" in each of the four different gc.com colors. If you do that...sign me up for the set please and thank you!!


Thanks for the idea on the colors. I didn't think about that as I was using the public domain Geocaching logo.


I'd definitely be interested in a mosaic round coin. Not sure about the stepping stones...probably would depend upon the price (and the price of shipping). I really do like your design though.


Have you considered approaching a vendor with your design and having them make and sell your coin for you with your payment for the design idea being made in coins to you to have/trade? Then you wouldn't be out all the costs to have the coin minted yourself.


Not that I'm pushing to get this coin made or anything.... :D



This was the first mosaic I think, followed closely by the geckos. Mosaic works well for coin production.

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