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TWR COINTEST! Bikes,Bikes,and more Bikes!


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Posted (edited)

Summer is almost here, Get your bikes out and get them ready to ride.


What to do- Post a Picture of your bike(any type of bike)and tell us a story about it or a time you were on it for a ride!




1- You must post both a pic and a story to qualify!!! any post not with both will not count towards the winnings!!

2 You may post as many times as you like- but NOT back to back (no posting twice in a row, there must be another post between your postings)

3 No rude comments - please play nice!!


The cointest will run for 1 week, and will end at the end of the day on Monday the 23rd.

There will be 2 winners! one for the bike and one for the story.


The winners will get a code for a yellow Look Twice for Bikes- Nomad Coin- to set up for the Todie's Wild Ride Thread and the coin will be set free to spread awareness about bike safety.


The Look Twice for Bikes Coins are apart of a HUGE project by Robert and Rod, to help Spread Bike awareness. I can not say enuff about how big these two's hearts are!! They should be awarded the metal of honor for every thing they have done and plan to still do!!! If you havent, Please stop by the TWR thread, and Give them your respects, they truely deserve that and much more!!!!


Let the games begin!!!!

Edited by DJ.J.ROCK
Posted (edited)



Ok, here I go. Thx a lot for this cointest i do like cointests with cause a lot :(


The bike u see up there I have since I was 14 years, so it´s quite old. The picture is part of a picture that was taken at a recent singstar evening with friends of mine.


To the upper left of the picture I added a picture of the local metro that I took for a TB in 2007. And this s where my story starts:


I was riding my bike home from the gym last fall, when I started to cross a street. It´s been a four lane street with tracks of the metro on two of them included. On the last lane there was a cr going quite fast, so I did not manage to cross all over, I had to go parallel to the tracks of the metro, which was quite bad, as my tires went into the tracks. I had to jump from the bike in order not to fall and to be able to control the bike again. Luckily enough the cars that were behind the too fast car and on the lane with the tracks saw this and could stop so I was not hit or hurt.


Well this taught me a lesson... not only to be watching out for bikes, but to be more carefull while riding a bike too.



Edit for mistakes in spelling... <_<

Edited by Tschakko

Here I am the motorcycle mama with one of my bikes. They are a matched set of 1975 Yamaha DT175 enduros all original.




Here is my story. A friend and I were riding these bikes on my parents property up north. I rode out onto the road and there was a cop coming towards me. No problem I thought. Well he waved me over and asked for my license and registration and such. I took off my helmet and pulled them out. I had no idea what I had done and he didn't tell me. I explained it was my parent's property we were riding on so there shouldn't be a problem. He looked at my paperwork and handed it back. These bikes were built so they can be street legal but also used off road too. He went down the private road a bit and told my friend the story. Apparently some underage kids had been riding in the area and he thought I was one of them. As soon as I took off my helmet he realized how wrong he was and was too embarassed to tell me. When he went down the road to talk to my friend I got really worried. You see I only licensed and insured the bike I was on and not the other one because I rarely had a riding partner. I think because of his embarrassment he never checked that bike. However, because he was still on the private road and property we were ok and I didn't have to worry

Posted (edited)



This would be myself and my pooch Angel posing for a pic. No, I wasn't going to head out for a ride, I am not wearing proper protection! I made this by adding a 50cc Honda motor to the Schwinn and then doing a bit of tweaking. This bike would go 40 mph, rode like a champ and would get 160mpg!! I rode this for many many miles (probably around 2000 or more) befoer a friend decided I should have a motorcycle instead and bought me my first!




Here's a bit of my bike now. This is my 2006 Kawasaki Vulcan 900LT Classic. I think I have another picture here somewhere...

Edited by Rockin Roddy
Posted (edited)

I have had a few motorcycles in my days, but cannot locate any pictures :D


So here is a picture of little CeDo's Christmas present this year. He loves this thing and has already devoloped a few tricks! Such as standing on the seat while riding, riding no hands, and standing on one side of it while riding.......HMM...I wonder where he gets that from? :(


It takes a battery and he sure knows that when the light on the charger turns green its 4 wheeler time! Since the picture and because of he newly learned tricks, not to mention that picnick table incident <_< , He has a matching helmet!




Edited by Team CeDo

This would be my first bike, a 2000 Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic. My friend Dan (who is like a father to me in) decided I was way too dangerous on my motorized bike, so he bought this for me, I was in heaven! Bike wasn't really powerful (which was good since I'd never rode a bike before), but I soon added drag pipes and a better breather to make it a bit peppier and give it a growl!


When I bought my new bike, Tod was given this bike, we rode many many miles on them!







This is my bike. I'm a little different from most bicycle cachers in that I only use the car for trips outside of 25 miles. Anything within that radius, I ride my bike. Work, shopping, errands, everything.


Caching by bike sometimes takes a lot of planning. You want an efficient route that will let you hit all the caches you want without doubling back or going exceedingly out of your way.


Since this contest is about bike safety, here's my story. I ride every day down one of the busy arterials in our town. It's an older road with absolutely no room to expand to include bike lanes. The sidewalks have telephone poles, mailboxes, trash cans and fences all within handlebar-striking distance, and there are times when you just can't get between the mailbox and the fence (It's all right, I hate riding on the sidewalk, anyway). There are two lanes in either direction, so I tend to ride a little farther left and take most of the right lane when I'm riding, which angered motorists to no end. :laughing:


A few months ago, I almost got clipped by a speeding F350. It took the mirror right off my handlebars. If he'd have been closer, I'd have gotten his mirror to the back of the head. After that, I got some big, red panniers and sewed on some patches on the back. One is an EMT patch that I got from work, and the other is a Search and Rescue patch, that I got from, well, SAR. Ever since I put those patches on, no one honks, and everyone gives me plenty of room on the road. Being a public servant has it's advantages! :laughing:


If you're wondering, you can find the basic directions for the bicycle trailer here. Mine's a really large version of that one, and I've since added some plywood sides to it and a trailer gate in the back. It works like a charm for hauling 2 weeks worth of groceries, or the odd awkward load. In fact, it's better at hauling lumber and long loads than my car, and I use it to haul a lot of stuff.




Well.... that's me.... a long time ago!!!!




When I was a baby, a long time ago as I said, I wanted to ride a bike! Well... there was a bicycle my sister had, so whenever I was seeing it free..., I wanted to ride it!! :laughing:


Unfortunatelly , my sister always wanted her bike at the same time!!! WHY???? I wanted to ride alone!!! I do not want a babysitter!! Leave me alone!!!! Ouaaaaaaaa




I cried and cried and I was asking for my own bike!

One day..... my deams came true!!! A beautiful bike, MY bike was there! One of the best bikes I had ever seen! It was a airplane of Olympic Airways, bike!!! It was a love from the first look! Everybody was watching me playing with a huge smile in my face!!!! :laughing:

I was looking after it, I was very carefull so nothing can happen to it...


Time passed, I grow up but this bike still has a place in my heart! My godfather kept it in a room!

some years ago, I went to my mother's island! I was searching something when I opened a door and saw my bike!!! WOW!!!

It was still there ready to take off!!!






Oh!!! I thought it was bigger!!!!! :blink: It has some rust, but it is still so perfect!!! Ok, some stickers are not there, some are damaged, but even now it is a beauty!!! Isn't it???


I hope one day, my children will ride this bike!!! I am sure that if this happens, it will be one of my best moments in my life!


This is my bike. Oh, and my cat...yes I take my cat on bike rides. :laughing: This spring/summer I am hoping to start taking him geocaching, to caches that are bicycle accessible or only require short hikes. He LOVES to go out for rides and walks.




Once I was riding my bike and I turned my head to look at something across the street. Unfortunately at the moment I looked away I was about to pass a low (6") wall somehow had along their house which started right next to the sidewalk. When I turned away I must have veer off a bit and I ended up hitting the wall and falling off my bike and crashing to the ground. The next few moments were a blur but somehow I ended up with a bleeding gash on my head. I walked my bike home in a bit of a daze. When I got home I called my neighbor who is a nurse and she took a look and told me I'd need stitches. Somehow I had ended up with a puncture wound in my head. The only thing I could think of is the bike must have landed on my head somehow, because the flat sidewalk could not have given me a puncture wound. I had to go to the emergency room and get several stitches in my head. I still have a scar and bump on my scalp years later. The moral of the story is, always wear your helmet!

Posted (edited)

This is my Sportster. It was a graduation present to myself.




For my story, I was out for a ride and was approaching an intersection. Saw a pickup truck stop at the stop sign. Had a feeling that I should slow down and down shift. Good thing I did because the driver was too busy talking to his wife to look either way before pulling out. Swerved behind the truck squeezing between him and the car behind him. Was afraid to blow the horn because I figured the truck driver would panic and slam on the brakes. Causing me to run into him.



Edited for spelling

Edited by CJ (part of Cerberus1)



There I am with Wiley the TB at the 2008 MWGB. Hours later would be the last time I ever saw Tod again. I rode my motorcycle to the Bash while Tod and KAboom brought out my Jeep with all our camping supplies! We had a great time camping and caching the weekend, good times!


This picture was taken the morning after "AREA 51"...ouch! A few hours of watching others eat while sipping coffee was enough to get me back into shape for the ride home (about 1.5 hours). Last I saw Tod was at a cemetery about a half hour from home. We stopped so I could rest the beast and get a sip of water, then I went on home while Tod detoured to his house to drop his equipment. I was in the shower when Tod dropped my Jeep off and headed out on his bike.




This pictre is from the 2007 Lazy Hayes Days event!



There I am with Wiley the TB at the 2008 MWGB. Hours later would be the last time I ever saw Tod again. I rode my motorcycle to the Bash while Tod and KAboom brought out my Jeep with all our camping supplies! We had a great time camping and caching the weekend, good times!


This picture was taken the morning after "AREA 51"...ouch! A few hours of watching others eat while sipping coffee was enough to get me back into shape for the ride home (about 1.5 hours). Last I saw Tod was at a cemetery about a half hour from home. We stopped so I could rest the beast and get a sip of water, then I went on home while Tod detoured to his house to drop his equipment. I was in the shower when Tod dropped my Jeep off and headed out on his bike.




This pictre is from the 2007 Lazy Hayes Days event!




Nice bike roddy!!! I love the two tone paint!!! Heck and I thought people in Michigan were tight on money!!(you know i'm kidding right?) :laughing:

Posted (edited)

This is Cerberus' bike. It was his Christmas present.




We were caching in New Jersey when we got behind a pickup. When the truck noticed us, he started to swirve off the road kicking up what ever he could. Then he would slow down, brake really fast (coming to a stop) then pull out. We tried to keep our distance. He swerved off the road one final time and waited for us to get close to him before he cut us off making a left hand turn into a business without a turn signal.




Edited for spelling

Edited by CJ (part of Cerberus1)



Your storys are great too, just wanna make it clear any story is ok, it dosent have to be about bike safty but I think those story are important too!! thank you all for entering , feel free to post again and again so long as you have another post of someone elses between your posts :laughing:



There I am with Wiley the TB at the 2008 MWGB. Hours later would be the last time I ever saw Tod again. I rode my motorcycle to the Bash while Tod and KAboom brought out my Jeep with all our camping supplies! We had a great time camping and caching the weekend, good times!


This picture was taken the morning after "AREA 51"...ouch! A few hours of watching others eat while sipping coffee was enough to get me back into shape for the ride home (about 1.5 hours). Last I saw Tod was at a cemetery about a half hour from home. We stopped so I could rest the beast and get a sip of water, then I went on home while Tod detoured to his house to drop his equipment. I was in the shower when Tod dropped my Jeep off and headed out on his bike.




This pictre is from the 2007 Lazy Hayes Days event!




Nice bike roddy!!! I love the two tone paint!!! Heck and I thought people in Michigan were tight on money!!(you know i'm kidding right?) :huh:


We are...that's my house behind my bike, we're starting up the stove in the living room! :laughing::laughing::blink::laughing:



There I am with Wiley the TB at the 2008 MWGB. Hours later would be the last time I ever saw Tod again. I rode my motorcycle to the Bash while Tod and KAboom brought out my Jeep with all our camping supplies! We had a great time camping and caching the weekend, good times!


This picture was taken the morning after "AREA 51"...ouch! A few hours of watching others eat while sipping coffee was enough to get me back into shape for the ride home (about 1.5 hours). Last I saw Tod was at a cemetery about a half hour from home. We stopped so I could rest the beast and get a sip of water, then I went on home while Tod detoured to his house to drop his equipment. I was in the shower when Tod dropped my Jeep off and headed out on his bike.




This pictre is from the 2007 Lazy Hayes Days event!




Nice bike roddy!!! I love the two tone paint!!! Heck and I thought people in Michigan were tight on money!!(you know i'm kidding right?) :D


We are...that's my house behind my bike, we're starting up the stove in the living room! :laughing::blink::huh::laughing:






LOL.......good one!!! You got me!!! :laughing:




This is my mountain bike I bought last year. I have used it alot since I got it. I have rode it to work many times (20 mile round trip). I take it every time we go camping. Put about 50 miles on it riding around the campgrounds. And I have gone caching with it. The one and only cache trip I did with the bike I rode 60 miles total. What a ride that was. My legs were jello when I got back to the truck. Got 8 or 9 caches that day and was proud that I did it all on a bike.



This is my mountain bike I bought last year. I have used it alot since I got it. I have rode it to work many times (20 mile round trip). I take it every time we go camping. Put about 50 miles on it riding around the campgrounds. And I have gone caching with it. The one and only cache trip I did with the bike I rode 60 miles total. What a ride that was. My legs were jello when I got back to the truck. Got 8 or 9 caches that day and was proud that I did it all on a bike.



HEY! I was waiting for a picture from you of you and your new shiny green beauty!!!!



This is my mountain bike I bought last year. I have used it alot since I got it. I have rode it to work many times (20 mile round trip). I take it every time we go camping. Put about 50 miles on it riding around the campgrounds. And I have gone caching with it. The one and only cache trip I did with the bike I rode 60 miles total. What a ride that was. My legs were jello when I got back to the truck. Got 8 or 9 caches that day and was proud that I did it all on a bike.



HEY! I was waiting for a picture from you of you and your new shiny green beauty!!!!


Oh you mean this beautiful green beauty?


Right now the beauty is on major hold. I just lost my job at the beginning of the month and have been really down about it. I was so looking forward to getting my bike this year.



This is my mountain bike I bought last year. I have used it alot since I got it. I have rode it to work many times (20 mile round trip). I take it every time we go camping. Put about 50 miles on it riding around the campgrounds. And I have gone caching with it. The one and only cache trip I did with the bike I rode 60 miles total. What a ride that was. My legs were jello when I got back to the truck. Got 8 or 9 caches that day and was proud that I did it all on a bike.



HEY! I was waiting for a picture from you of you and your new shiny green beauty!!!!


Oh you mean this beautiful green beauty?


Right now the beauty is on major hold. I just lost my job at the beginning of the month and have been really down about it. I was so looking forward to getting my bike this year.



OPPS!!! I'm sorry about the job thing, had I known I never would have said that! This economy is just ripping everyone appart no matter where you live right now. Good luck on the job hunt and you never know things could turn out for the better....they often do!



This is my mountain bike I bought last year. I have used it alot since I got it. I have rode it to work many times (20 mile round trip). I take it every time we go camping. Put about 50 miles on it riding around the campgrounds. And I have gone caching with it. The one and only cache trip I did with the bike I rode 60 miles total. What a ride that was. My legs were jello when I got back to the truck. Got 8 or 9 caches that day and was proud that I did it all on a bike.



HEY! I was waiting for a picture from you of you and your new shiny green beauty!!!!


Oh you mean this beautiful green beauty?


Right now the beauty is on major hold. I just lost my job at the beginning of the month and have been really down about it. I was so looking forward to getting my bike this year.



OPPS!!! I'm sorry about the job thing, had I known I never would have said that! This economy is just ripping everyone appart no matter where you live right now. Good luck on the job hunt and you never know things could turn out for the better....they often do!


No need for an apology. It is alright. Anywho, I still would not be able to get the beauty yet. Still too much snow on the ground to ride it home. Plus, I would never be able to get it down through the yard and into my shed. I hope I do find something soon. Going stir crazy here with nothing to do.

Anyway, I will post another pic soon and a story of my favorite bike, even though she aint a bike technically...lol (if it is ok)


nice bikes!!! I vote rod and ladybee should race...lol quarter mile track,,no i dont encourage street racing... :laughing:


Ok I'm game but only if its a motocross track because then I wouldn't have to eat his dust!! :laughing::laughing:


nice bikes!!! I vote rod and ladybee should race...lol quarter mile track,,no i dont encourage street racing... :laughing:


Ok I'm game but only if its a motocross track because then I wouldn't have to eat his dust!! :laughing::laughing:


Did you figure out which one was me? LOL


nice bikes!!! I vote rod and ladybee should race...lol quarter mile track,,no i dont encourage street racing... :laughing:


Ok I'm game but only if its a motocross track because then I wouldn't have to eat his dust!! :laughing::laughing:


Did you figure out which one was me? LOL

The one on the little Bike that gets passed by a jumper in the air...Was that Rod???




Burn out

In the rain outside Lousanne in Switzerland I left the highway and parked near a restaurant. My rain gear was i rags after a previous incident.


Sniff, Sniff, what is that smell?!


When I turn around I see smoke rising from the right packing bag. I open the lid and face a fiery inferno!

The contents immediately flaming up in the strong wind. I tear off the bag from the bike and trying to save what can be salvaged from fire hungry jaws. I rescued an oil bottle from the flames and a tool bag. I run after a pair of flaming underwear blowing away. Well, it just gets less to wash when I get home, I reasoned.


A middle-aged couple comes bye and wonder if I need any help. They had a window table in the restaurant and saw my "show" from the first row. I eye up towards the restaurant and see that the restaurant wall consists of an enormous panoramic windows. Lots of people with their nose against the window. Maybe I should go and take the entrance fee I think to myself?

Instead, I kicked a little on what was left of my shoes and said there goes my best shoes up in smoke.


(Sorry for the bad english. I did a google translate)


nice bikes!!! I vote rod and ladybee should race...lol quarter mile track,,no i dont encourage street racing... :laughing:


Ok I'm game but only if its a motocross track because then I wouldn't have to eat his dust!! :laughing::laughing:


Anyone wanting a jolt to reality should watch the Please Drive Safe videos which are linked to the moto vid...but be prepared for a bit of sadness...


I haven't seen any Honda SOHC fours, so I'll throw mine into the mix.








Here are my three main reasons for not being on the forums much lately. The first one's scheduled for a resto sometime before I die, the second one's going to get a little custom work and hopefully be done by next spring, and the third is my commuter bike. The commuter has had my attention for the last week or so, replacing bits and pieces that broke last year and then it's time for it's spring tuneup. At the end of last season, a wind storm blew it over and the front disc brake has been locked up since. It was about time to redo the master cylinder anyway, so now I really have a reason to do it. Then I'm thinking of painting the tank and covers. Two of my three bikes are older than I am.


This is one off our motor scooters 125 cc.




It is very fun to ride with these scooters, very relax and very easy through the city.


At one scooter we can place our pda.


The only problem with these scooters is when it rain, you glide easy away.


You do that with a normal motor also but with scooters with there small wheels you go very easy.


It is fun to ride with 2 scooters.


And i have a feeling that we ride relax, easy and not to hard as you easy do with a motorcycle.


We "tuf'tuf"" relax from one point to a other.


We are good weather riders.. :laughing: and enjoy the nature around us as we ride.


Thanks for the cointest. :laughing:


Now just to buy a scooter that Error can drive :laughing:


I've never ridden on a motorcycle, so here's a picture of me with my mountain bike. It's lying in the water because I was trying to cross the stream without getting my feet wet. I almost made it across, too! Bruce was pretty handy with the camera when I wiped out, of course, and I didn't get a lot of sympathy for my bruises and scrapes.


Posted (edited)

Taking a break



Group ride



New black pipes! Come on springtime!



Love riding my M50 and can't wait to combine geocaching with riding this year. Best riding story last season: was riding from home (Cleveland, OH) to Toledo, OH to visit family. Trip is about 140 miles. Left early in the morning...riding early is great. Wind was pretty high on this day and it proved to be fortunate for me. Saw three bald eagles, not all at once. Since the wind was blowing hard they were 'kiting' over the highway. Gave a great vantage point to appreciate the beauty. I'm a big raptor fan and consider seeing any raptors large or small a good omen. Stay safe...ATGATT!



Edited by mattalbr

Here's a picture of Bruce with his bike, and a story about his "oops!" a few years ago.


We like to cycle old railway lines that have been converted into trails, because the hills are never very steep. We usually start at the downhill end of a trail, cycle up the gentle grade until mid-afternoon, then turn around and coast downhill back to the truck. On the Galena Trail in the mountains of British Columbia we were coasting back down through a rather tricky spot where you had to zig around a few obstacles (railings, bridges, rocks) on the trail. I was in the lead and noticed it was pretty quiet behind me. I stopped and looked back - I was alone. I turned around and cycled back up the trail, calling for Bruce every so often. Finally I heard swearing and moaning and thrashing of bushes. I found him about ten meters down the side of the mountain, trying to untangle himself from the Devil's Club that had stopped his descent. He had taken his eyes off the track for a few seconds and wham!, he rode right into an old railway tie that was protruding from the side of the trail. The bike stopped; he didn't. He cut his leg on something, and cracked his bike helmet, and had lots of scrapes and bruises, but was still mobile. Miraculously so was his bike. We wiped off the worst of the blood from his wounds and slowly carried on down the trail. Then when we were about half an hour from where we'd parked the truck a black bear appeared on the trail right in front of us. The mountain rose steeply to our right, and dropped off straight down to a lake on our left, with nowhere for the bear to go except along the trail. Normally when we come upon a bear we use common sense and leave the area, but poor Bruce wasn't feeling too good, and we had absolutely no intention of going back uphill, so we chased that poor bear all the way down the trail. Every time he'd stop to look back at us we'd stop and yell and wave our arms to make him run again. Eventually he came to a gully up the side of the mountain and scampered up and out of sight, no doubt grateful to escape the crazy cyclists.


I gots me a few bikes! 3 mountain bikes and a Crotch Rocket :blink:


Ill go with my trusty lil peddler first! Here's a pic in San Diego when I was huntin down some Bikedog caches!

82b8726d-c810-49f8-8c9c-48cd2d9917e6.jpgAt Butterfly Hill

a94e68b7-0d4f-4806-9d0f-08a74ca0cd64.jpg At Bikedogs BeanieBabies I slept in my car and this pic was taken in the morning after my very first event ever-Geocoinfest 07!


I have had this bike since June of 1996! Bought it new with the funds from my first REAL job and EVERY part has been changed on it at least 3 times-seriously! It has went to Phoenix with me and have literally thousands of miles on it! ~ I remember the first scratch :D

Last year I did my first Mountain bike race on it, of which I could not finish due to the family wouldnt wait for the 2nd lap with the heat!

Been everywhere on that thing, but unfortuanatley I havent ridden it for months due to a small crack in the wheel support...Its a lifetime frame replacement, but GT got bought out in 02 and they wont help me! I gotta get er welded :laughing:

My most memorable was in fact all the Bikedog caches that it accompanied me on and it came in very handy on those hunts! We were hittin the same trails as Bikedog rode and it was just great! Beat the heck outa me, but those are the best!

Ive got 2 other full suspension bikes including a Trek Fuel 90 and a GT I-Drive, but my little Hardtail beats em all! I cant wait to have it back in action.


Here's a picture of me riding my Suzuki GSX-R1000 sport bike in the Arkansas Ozark Mountains on a bike trip with my riding buddies. We try to go somewhere at least once a year.




One night my riding buddies and I all decided to ride our sport bikes to a Bike Night at a nearby restaurant/bar. None of us are spring chickens anymore, but we met up with a group of young sportbike riders / squids at the restaurant and talked with them for a while. When it was time to leave, they invited us to go to the "Wheelie Road" with them. It's a dead-end road with just a couple of businesses on it that is totally deserted after 6:00pm. We agreed (just to watch them do their stunts and maybe see a wreck or two) and started following them from the restaurant. Almost immediatley, the young squids started speeding, popping wheelies, swerving, and crossing the double yellow line. The other old farts and I hung back and didn't participate in the nonsense on the semi-busy public roads.


About that time, a police car passed by the youngsters going the other way while the squids were doing their wheelies while speeding AND crossing the double yellow line. Well, by the time the cop got turned around the young punks were long gone and my group was all that was in sight. The cop pulled us over thinking it was us that was doing all the crazy antics. As soon as I pulled over I yanked my helmet off to show off my gray/white hair to try to convince the cop that it wasn't us. He was certain it was us though and kept pointing to a couple of us and saying he saw this one doing a wheelie, that one speeding, etc. It wasn't until an older cop arrived at the scene and heard the explanation that he let us go.


We went on to the wheelie road and watched the young guys act up for a while. We didn't get to see anyone flip a wheelie or stopie over that night.


My riding buddies and I try to behave ourselves most of the time and carefully pick the spots where we misbehave. It needs to be empty open roads where we have good visibility. Then we might crack open the throttle and let the ponies run. Either that, or we just save it for the race track.


Blue skies and happy caching!

Model Citizen - Zero Discipline (well, maybe a LITTLE discipline :laughing: )


OK, one more entry!




Some of the unsafe or missing trestles on rail trails have been replaced by smaller, less expensive bridges, but in a few cases trail managers been more creative. We are NOT bungy jumping sky diving kind of people, so this little river crossing was a huge adventure for both of us! You load your bike on the rack, climb in the basket, and gravity whooshes you down to mid-river. The you pull on the rope to haul the basket up to the other side, climb out and send it back for the next cyclist. It was so much fun we went back and forth several times before getting on our bikes and cycling away.


Ok. Here is my bike. Granted it is not a mountain bike, or a street bike. Does a bike really have to have 2 wheels? Isnt a Trike motorcycle a bike?

Anywho, I digress. This is my bike. I took a brand new, stock stock.jpg , 2006 Yamaha Kodiak 450 4x4 and turned it into this monster.kodi4.jpg I put a 2 inch lift kit in it and replaced the stock tires and rims with 2 inch bigger tires and those beautiful set of rims. Built a new bigger exhaust tip. This thing moves pretty good for a 4x4. I love to ride and love to play in the mud. My most memorable ride was back in 2007. I just gone putting the rims and tires on and there was a ride coming up that all proceeds went to cancer research. I just had to go. I went to the ride and had a great time just riding along and enjoying the day. When we got to the end of the ride, there was a HUGE mud hole just to play in. There were quite a few people around talking, but no one was going through the mud hole. I was the first to give a try. First part was not deep at all, barely touched the rims. The further you go the deeper it got. I made it the whole way through and by the end it was just touching the bottom of the gas tank. Now that was fun.

The next year was the same ride and I just had to go again. Again at the end there was the mudhole. I watched others go through and finally decided it was my time. I started out slow and then just started hogging on the throttle. Towards the end it started out not so deep as before, then I hit the bottom and started to sink and dig my way down. Yes this pic is of me getting the beast totally stuck.


It actually took a dozer to pull me out, I was that stuck. The mud was like a suction cup. When I got home I torn everything off. The boxes, plastic, racks, everything and spent the next week and a half cleaning.

I love to ride and I ride safe. I always wear a helmet and goggles along with a good set of boots and gloves. I don't ride like a maniac on the trails. I just ride. I also use the Kodi (my nickname for her) as a snow plow too.




Pulling a wheelie in the mud.


If this entry will not be counted as an entry for the cointest, sorry. I just had to share my bike, my passion, and my fun.






This is a picture of me actually racing in a Duathlon. The bike I was riding in this race was my first real road bike I ever got and it made me fly. If I remember I won the relay division during this race.



Thank you. All the guys I ride with call em bikes, figured I would give it a shot. If anything, it was just to share my #1 passion, playing in the mud....lol




There's the bike and I posing for my senior picture now for a story.


Last summer I competed in my first bicycle only race. I was over 90 miles and went around Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin. At about half way I was doing great until my worst fear occured. We were riding along until suddenly someone touched their front wheel to anothers back wheel. When this occurs you are almost certain to go down. That person did and it was right in front of me. I tried to avoid it but instead got ran in to the curb. Luckly my bike and I survived and managed to continue, but others were injured and could not go on. I just happens that everyone was required to wear a helmet so there shouldn't have been any head injuries.


Look Twice for Bikes




This is my gold schwin frestyle bike, i got it when i was a teenager, it was the first freestyle bike schwinn made, (to my knowlage). here i am doing a trick,, i think the trick is called a can can. basicly your balanced on your front tire while kicking your foot over the front handlebars.


a few storys come to mind with this bike,, one was when i was given it it was at christmas, i was givin a riddle in my card,, i did not know what it ment but it was something like ---the things i seek were across the peak, to witch the sun rises,, i had to find my present !!! well i looked every where at our house even on the roof, course my mom wasent gonna help me so i sat down and thought. so after a bout a half hour of thinking,, it dawned on me....... i got up ran across the street and asked the nebor if they had something for me,,, and yup ,,out came my gold xs!!


mid next year we had our house broken into, and the bike was stolen,, insurance only covered part of the bike so i did not have enuff to replace it!! :laughing:


Here is a picture of Tom & me on his Honda Goldwing. We were in a poker run that day but that's not the story.




Several years ago we decided to go on a road trip on this bike to visit his niece in Pennsylvania. The night before we were to leave to come back home to Michigan he noticed the back tire was a bit low so he stopped to put air into it. The next day we were happily cruising the expressway when the bike started to swerve and fishtail a bit. I had no clue what was happening but he did and he tried to nurse it as far down the road as possible. Then I found out--the back tire was flat. It was over 90 out and the next exit was several miles away. We went back along the road and set out helmets there—the universal signal to other bikers that there is a biker in trouble and walked back to the bike. He of course had no tools to take the tire off even if we knew where to go to get it fixed. The first group of bikers to come by didn’t stop but the one in the back did notice and attempted to wave to his buddies. We decided that the helmets didn’t give enough warning so we moved them further back along the road. After that every biker that came past stopped to see if they could help. One guy came by and I swear he looked just like John Goodman the actor who played Roseanne’s husband on TV and actually did marry her I think but that is OT. He said he was on his way home to Dayton, Ohio. Most importantly, he offered the help needed and spent quite a bit of time helping to remove the tire. He and Tom rode off to find someplace to get it repaired with Tom holding on to that tire as they had no place to tie it down. I was left at the side of the road. Remember it was over 90 degrees and I always wear full leather when riding and no shade in site and to top it off it was a Sunday. I really thought I was doomed because there was no way they would find a shop to repair it on a Sunday. I knew I would be no deterrent if someone wanted that bike or me for that matter so I was not a happy camper. I sat down very glumly by the side of the road knowing it would be hours and hours before they returned. I first tried the other side of some posts but there were big spiders and other insects that creeped me out so back to the shoulder. We had a little cooler and I was working on whatever we had to drink there. Oh yeah I forgot to say that my jacket zipper had broken on the trip so I was duct taped into it! :laughing: My favorite jacket too unfortunately so I was hot. One biker stopped a bit down the road and started walking towards me. The first thing he said to me was “Do you have any water?” I knew then that he was cool and told him I had finished the drinks and was now working on the ice. I told him what happened and there wasn’t much else to do so he drove off. Then an old dilapidated station wagon stopped with a family and I don’t know why but I was VERY suspicious of them and didn’t go within arm’s length of that car. By this time Tom and the guy had been gone several hours and the way the this guy kept questioning me I got even more suspicious. Finally a motorcycle went by going in the opposite direction and I told him that was them. They then took off like the proverbial bat. I don’t really think they were worried about my health. During the time I was on the side of the road every motorcycle stopped except that first group and the only car that stopped was that wagon. Not one cop came by either. They finally came back and the tire was put back on. We thanked the guy profusely and he went on his way. We got home without further incident. After we were on our way again we saw several cops. Where are they when you need them?


We were very fortunate as about two weeks later I read about a couple who had a blowout on the freeway. They weren’t as lucky as we were and both of them died.



If I can find it I have a picture of my bicycle I had when I was growing up. I’m just not sure I want to post that black and white picture though even if I do find it as it could be used as blackmail or something. :laughing:


I ended up going out in August of '08 and buying a scooter. It is a 2009 Piaggio Fly 150. I knew I couldn't ride a 50cc, just not enough power, but at the time I didn't want anything really big so I got the 150cc. It was affordable as well. I got it with 6 miles on it, and now it has almost 1900 miles. There is a cool scooter club in Birmingham and I enjoy riding with them.


Here's what my scooter looked like on the show room floor :



The scooter club (Birmingham Scooter Syndicate) has a scooter rally in November. This past year's happened to coincide with my 5th anniversary of my liver transplant. The whole weekend was enjoyable and I got to think alot about what I've been able to do with these past five years that I have been given. The group rides were awesome, we had about 65 scooters there, and seeing all of them together was a sight!


Here's another story. This one happened late last year.


I do a bit of road course racing and go to track events, either on the Gixxer (my GSX-R100) or my sports car. Every now and then I'll go to the local 1/4 mile drag strip. Late last year I went to the drag strip with some friends from work. They were running their cars; another guy and I were on our sport bikes. Of course I was dresed in my full race leathers for protection. It wasn't a very busy night and we got there early, so we were able to make pass after pass after pass without having to wait in line. I was running low 10 second quarter mile passes, trapping around 140mph, but I was starting to get tired.


Now normally when I'm at a track event or the drag strip I up-shift the bike by applying some pressure on the shift lever, blip the throttle off briefly to let the gear change before getting right back on the power -- no clutch. You can definitely feel the transmission click into the next gear and you know exactly when you're in gear and ready to put the power back on. It happens in a fraction of a second. Toward the end of the evening at the dragstrip I started thinking about something I heard an instructor explaining at the last track event I went to. He was suggesting that you should ALWAYS use the clutch. Well, I decided to give it a try on the next pass.


I took off like normal, slipping the clutch until I was going good in first gear. When the front end starts coming up around the middle of first gear (somewhere around 70-80 mph) I normally short-shift into second rather than try to feather the throttle and keep the front end on the ground. So, on this pass, when the front end came up I got off the throttle, pulled the clutch in, kicked up hard on the shifter, then dropped the clutch and hammered the throttle back on, ready to come on strong in second gear...


Only problem was it didn't shift into second. It was still in first!! :yikes: 180 horsepower sportbikes tend to get angry when you drop the clutch and apply full power in first gear. The bike snorted and the front wheel jumped almost straight up in the air. The windscreen tried to smack me in the face. I just about lost it and flipped the bike over, but managed to give it some back brake and put the wheel back down. I still went across the line at 130 mph, but it shook me up a bit so I called it a night after that one. I think I'll stick with shifting the bike the way I'm used to :D.


Now here's some more pictures:

This is me at a Barber Motorsports Park Track Day in Birmingham, Alabama. Barber is an awesome world-class track with lots of interesting elevation changes.


About to drop down into the corkscrew at Barber.


Carefully setting up to enter a nasty decreasing radius turn at the TGPR track in Talladega, Alabama.


In the pits at TGPR, wearing my brand new race leathers (I got a little too pudgy for the old ones), firing up the Gixxer for a few laps around the track. That's my silver sports car in the background. Its turn would come later that day since we ran bikes in the morning and cars in the afternoon. What a fun day!



Blue skies and happy caching!

Model Citizen - Zero Discipline

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