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Release Notes 2/11/09


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We updated the site today with a fairly substantial list of fixes. Please have a look and let us know what you think!




Now you can send caches directly to your PN-Series GPS units from DeLorme using the Send to GPS feature on every cache page. Download the browser plugin.


Account Edit:


The account edit page has experienced an overhaul. In addition to the regular profile details, you can now select your GPS, manage friends, and set your home coordinates with a more intuitive interface. This update is part of a larger redesign of My Account that we hope to introduce at the end of the first quarter of this year.


The following changes were made in this release:


5870: anchor tag needed at SEEK Page

Added anchor tag on /seek page


6557: Pending Friend Requests text change

Updated the text of the buttons in the Friends Request process.


5523: CACHE NOTE: Hindi Cache Note

Added Hindi Cache note to /seek page


6558: FAQ on Declined Cards Not Displaying Properly

Updated the declined Credit Card FAQ page to open wider and provide scroll bars when the content is not visible.


6746: Events - make it impossible to mark them as "Members Only"

removed option to mark events as Member Only


6943: trim leading/trailing spaces from username in account creation process

restricted creation of accounts with leading/trailing spaces


6634: Create default zip code on the front page based on home coordinates of logged in user

The search box on the home page will use GEOIP to determine a postal code if it cannot find home coordinates for a user.


6394: users should not be able to email invalidated users

removed ability to send email to invalidated user


5668: banned account can still edit their profile

Removed ability for banned members to edit profile


5795: Profile calendar not showing Travel Bug or Benchmark logs

The calendars for Travel Bugs and Benchmarks, in the profile, show bold dates when logs were posted.


6665: IHS - Map Missing from "city.aspx," "chain.aspx" and "attraction.aspx"

Added map to IHS mini-sites


6054: dead links at CITO page (to Delorme)

Updated links on CITO page for DeLorme


6993: Groundspeak Renewal Notice, copyright year is 2008

Updated copyright year on renewal email


6765: Basic member can view the Send to GPS button on Cache Desc page

Restricted use of Send to GPS by basic members


6823: MS MapPoint support ends - Add support for MS Live Maps on caches

Updated Map Point URL to use Windows Live Maps.


6716: Premium Member only cache renders poorly in Safari

Improved Premium Member Only cache page appearance in Safari browser


5791: Arrange log activity on Profile page in chronological order

/My/ page will now arrange cache finds in reverse chronological order by date


6631: text changes are needed in the "Setting up your home location" section of Weekly Notification

Rewrote the "Setting Up Your Home Location" section of the Weekly E-Mailer.


6722: remove errant red message in Archived caches

Removed duplicate messages on Archived caches


6916: Account ReDesign: People can buy PMs for banned members - Gift Cards V2

Removed link to upgrade account for banned members


6738: Account ReDesign: People are buying PMs for volunteers - Gift Cards V2

Removed link to purchase upgrades on a Reviewer account


5552: Discontinue PDF print function

Removed the PDF print function from cache page


2718: Display last 5 logs on Printer Friendly pages

Added print with logs option to print friendly pages


5853: MY ACCOUNT: Provide member ID number on http://www.geocaching.com/my/

Added account ID number to /my/ page


6615: new wording needed in Terms of Use

Updated the wording of Part 4 of the terms of use.


6717: Map links for cache pages

Corrected the appearance of the bullets in the Map Links list on the Cache Details page.


6890: Update text on Field Notes page to be more generic or include DeLorme

Updated field note text to include DeLorme and iPhone


6975: Some international caches cause the sendtogps.aspx page to crash

Fixed bug in some caches that caused crash from SendToGPS page


6576: HTML doesn't render correctly on IE

Fixed bug for Internet Explorer rendering " character


6810: remind people to be nice at Membership Registration (usernames)

update language at username selection in the membership process


6612: Increase Field Notes Character Limit to Match Cache Logs

Increased Field notes character limit to match Cache log limit (4000)


6803: new links for Useful Geocaching Links page

Added www.geocachingadmin.com to the Useful Geocaching links.


6899: DeLorme Updated Plugin

Updated DeLorme plug-in


6695: Bookmark List replaces icon with text for GPS Adventures Exhibit cache type

fixed bug where GPS Adventures Exhibit cache icon was missing


6700: typo on Advanced Search page

Corrected a typo on the Advanced Search page.


Please reply in this thread with comments or questions related to this update. For anything not mentioned, please open a new thread. Thanks!

Edited by OpinioNate
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5791: Arrange log activity on Profile page in chronological order

/My/ page will now arrange cache finds in reverse chronological order by date


Although minor this one is nice - thanks.


you can now select your GPS


Is this working for anyone else? I can pick my manufacturer "Garmin" but the device list does not populate - the little spinning gif keeps a spinning though.

Edited by Frank Broughton
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5791: Arrange log activity on Profile page in chronological order

/My/ page will now arrange cache finds in reverse chronological order by date


Finally, after so many years! Miracles do happen :( ...


The edit profile page looks pretty messy though ...


And the "My Profile" link in the nav bar is missing an image.

Edited by The Hawks
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you can now select your GPS


Is this working for anyone else? I can pick my manufacturer "Garmin" but the device list does not populate - the little spinning gif keeps a spinning though.


That is still in the process of being updated. It should start working soon.


Both pull downs have "select manufacturer" - is that a bug already in it?



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GPS rating section doesn't work right. It mandates a comment after choosing stars. Entered a comment but it doesn't recognize the comment. Keeps asking for a comment.


Also, would have been nice if it would allow input of more than one GPS. We use a handheld plus a Autonav unit (nuvi 660).

Edited by Cache O'Plenty
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GPS rating section doesn't work right. It mandates a comment after choosing stars. Entered a comment but it doesn't recognize the comment. Keeps asking for a comment.


Also, would have been nice if it would allow input of more than one GPS. We use a handheld plus a Autonav unit (nuvi 660).

Yes, I received the same error

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GPS rating section doesn't work right. It mandates a comment after choosing stars. Entered a comment but it doesn't recognize the comment. Keeps asking for a comment.


Also, would have been nice if it would allow input of more than one GPS. We use a handheld plus a Autonav unit (nuvi 660).


I also have other equipment I would like to add


GPS rating section doesn't work right. It mandates a comment after choosing stars. Entered a comment but it doesn't recognize the comment. Keeps asking for a comment.


Same here. I guess we need to wait some time for all the features to be activated. "I'll be back."


Same here :(


Also if you click on the Review Forum Signature link you only get a blank box :(


Signature: Review Forum Signature

Edited by Matrix
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Now you can send caches directly to your PN-Series GPS units from DeLorme using the Send to GPS feature on every cache page. Download the browser plugin.



I downloaded the Delorme browser plugin and it seems to work fine and will download cache info directly to my PN-20 as long as I'm doing it from IE, but doesn't recognize that I've downloaded and installed the plugin when I'm accessing from AOL 9.1. It continues to prompt me to download the plugin whenever I try to send cache info to my GPS. Should it work from within AOL or is that not supported?

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Now you can send caches directly to your PN-Series GPS units from DeLorme using the Send to GPS feature on every cache page. Download the browser plugin.



I downloaded the Delorme browser plugin and it seems to work fine and will download cache info directly to my PN-20 as long as I'm doing it from IE, but doesn't recognize that I've downloaded and installed the plugin when I'm accessing from AOL 9.1. It continues to prompt me to download the plugin whenever I try to send cache info to my GPS. Should it work from within AOL or is that not supported?

There are system requirements listed right there on that plugin page, and I don't see AOL listed. Perhaps you should complain to DeLorme.

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Would like to post 2 locations. Home and a vacation spot. Currently we can select only one. The improvements to our accounts are fantastic!! Thank you. :(


Ah, now look! That's the basic concept of what I requested earlier today!




Plus, what I would like to see most is that these waypoints are spread over the site, like in maps and such.

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