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The Wrong Sort of Snow


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Quite a lot of snow here, so I've been non-caching for nearly a week now. It's meant I've spent time on sorting out my computer systems, and resting my back (which I strained by lifting too many heavy objects). And sleeping, of course. I hear there's more snow on the way, and I'm not going out 50 miles by car (or more) in these conditions. All my scratches and bruises have healed, and haven't been replaced by fresh ones for a week now.



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Quite a lot of snow here, so I've been non-caching for nearly a week now.


I expect that's making you (like us) quite twitchy. :laughing:


We too have had snow all week. Things deteriorated on Thursday when we awoke to 5" of snow, it snowed all day and then on Thursday night an extra 3" fell on top. Luckily we'd been saving a small number of local caches for one of those weekends with limited caching time.


So I think today we'll venture out of foot. Our nearest unfound cache is around 1 mile away and hopefully we'll be able to make it at least that far. Whether we manage to find the cache, stickoflage or even the path in this snow is another matter. At least the hunt should keep the addiction in check.


Failing that there will be a difficult choice .... should we do some housework or maybe try to solve some of those elusive puzzle caches. Well, maybe not THAT difficult choice for us to make! :unsure:

Edited by Lydford Locators
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I was out doing a new local series just as the snow started last week and haven't been caching since but I've been filling my non-caching time too. I've discovered Twitter (SimplyPaul there too) and bought a cheap new camcorder so I could capture and edit some old video (Simply Paul on YouTube) plus I've been swimming. A lot. 432 lengths this week, which is over 10km. For those not in the know, I'm engaged in 'competitive dieting' with Geoff of the Housefamily. On January the 1st I was 132.8Kg (very nearly 21 stone) and this morning I was 119.7Kg (18 stone 11). Having lost 13.1Kg (28.9lbs - Over 2 stone - almost 10% of my weight) I'm feeling pretty happy with myself. As a by-product of doing a lot of lengths (70 in 60 mins yesterday- a new personal best) with my arms alone, I'm also getting muscles no amount of caching would give me, unless every box was an ammo can full of lead. :)


So, there can be an upside to being kept away from the parks, woods and fields!

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Don't forget muscle weighs more than fat though.... On the level keep with it... its great... I went from 16.5 stone to 11 a few years ago through watching what I eat and running... currently with Rowan. It makes all the difference,... All the best Max :):o

Also to add to keep on topic did a few in Hunts yesterday in a blizzard... had to revert to trig points in the end as they are easier to spot... even in a foot of snow...

Edited by maxkim
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to much snow :) waiting for it all to melt as i got a geocoin which i need to get back out there this was the only time recently i have had free time and the only cache i went for i couldn't find because of the snow :o heres hoping for some good days when back at uni next week i can then hopefully get it put in

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Have to admit, there's no snow here, though I guess many of you saw it on the news and in the press when we got about 6 inches before Christmas. It's such a rare thing that the Snow Plan for the airport is to wait until it melts!!


Right now we have heavy rain, forecast to last 3 days, but on the surrounding mountains that is falling as snow above 5,000 ft. Not a day to be caching in the desert, sicce there will be likely be some flash flooding.


So many people don't worry about waterproofing their caches* out here that I'm sure there will be a lot of soggy logs reported in the next few weeks.


* because it's so dry here normally, a lot of people place small/micro that are in tins or very cheap plastic pots. I've even seen regular that are in Peanut Butter plastic jars or Coffee Tubs.


I'm actually looking forward to returning home permanently next year. :)

Edited by careygang
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We have a snow plan here, too. It consists of considerable expressions of surprise at all this white stuff, followed by numerous days off work.


But since caching is an optional activity, or so ladysolly tells me, we decided to wait till it's melted.


We managed to sneak in a quick FTF here: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...0f-64c6220b46a3


I've been doing some much-put-off routine maintenance (and some greening, economising on electricity) of servers while snowbound, but yesterday, two very important servers decided to go pear-shaped, and I've spent all today recovering from that, and I expect a couple more days in addition. Plus I think my DSLs have gone umprty, and my packet transit provider says my megastream is a bit crook, and needs some TLC. So now the snow isn't too bad, I'd be non-caching anyway.


But just you see when it melts ... vvvooommmm!!!

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.......and my packet transit provider says my megastream is a bit crook, and needs some TLC.


I believe there are some dubious on-line pharmaceutical companies that will sell you a special cream in an un-marked tube that will sort that out for you, Alan. :lol:


No, you're thinking of TCP. I already tried that.

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Not the wrong type of snow here... just deep


Spent today doing a bit of cache maintenance... once cache meant 1/4 mile trek accross the moors without a path up to my knees in every step in snow.


Crossing a stream and digging down two feet to get to the cache box.


After replacing cache box and contents with another back to the car...


All in glourious sunshine with not another person in site, just me the dog and wildlife


Now thats what I call a driveby


p.s. and not a micro in site :lol:

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Not the wrong type of snow here... just deep


Spent today doing a bit of cache maintenance... once cache meant 1/4 mile trek accross the moors without a path up to my knees in every step in snow.


Crossing a stream and digging down two feet to get to the cache box.


After replacing cache box and contents with another back to the car...


All in glourious sunshine with not another person in site, just me the dog and wildlife


Now thats what I call a driveby


p.s. and not a micro in site :D


Didn't that leave a direct trail for a Muggle? Or did you take a brush and smooth it all out on the way back :lol::D:D

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:lol: i only just started geocaching decided the tom tom just was not up for the job


so i got a Garmin eTrex Venture HC (hope i made the right decision)


was in somerset to try it out then got snowed in so that was a pointless


so still dont know how to use the gps :D


No excuses today!


You might have to pick up a local sneaky one after work or something tomorrow.


You know that once you get hooked.....

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... and another server goes wobbly.


"DWARF2 unwinder stuck at kernel_thread_helper"


An error message that conjures up some delightful images in my head.


Heigh ho. Back to work we go ...


Maybe they realise we're having a snow event, and they're trying to keep me entertained.

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We had planned to cache on the 6th of feb to mark our first "cacheversary" but were stopped by the weather.


We had well over a foot here in the Colne Valley and even though we are "lucky" to live on a main road, just getting a saloon car over the 2 foot slush/ice barrier between the parking bay and the clear part of the road was surprisingly difficult. Also the cache we were going to visit was down tracks and such and it seemed like uneeded risk.


It had also occured to us that we would leave a trail straight to the cache should we find it. You know how your cache senses start to tingle when you see a good spot...that pile of rocks, a hole beneath a tree etc, how would that work under a foot of snow? So we gave it a miss.


But we did use the hiking boots to get to the local co-op intact once we decided we couldn't take the car to Sainsburys without dieing.

Edited by craftypants
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I've lost the enthusiasm to go out get damp!

Roll on Spring!


I don't mind getting damp. Or even a bit wet. I'm even willing to fall over occasionally and land on my [word-I-probably-shouldn't-use-here]. And when I fall off my bike, I've been seen to do a perfect tuck-and-roll and bounce straight up.


But I do worry a bit about getting into a skid on some narrow country lane, ploughing into a hedge, and having to phone ladysolly to tell her to come and get me.


Other news - the server that keeps banging on about its dwarf unwinder is going to be taken out of service; I have zero tolerance for heightist servers.

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I suppose the conditions we've had in the last week or so are perhaps another reason to try to avoid the temptation of clearing all your nearest caches, leaving those further away to do. It obviously means that when you can't travel due to rain/snow/flooding or because your car/bike is unserviceable you can't do any caching!

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I've lost the enthusiasm to go out get damp!

Roll on Spring!


I don't mind getting damp. Or even a bit wet. I'm even willing to fall over occasionally and land on my [word-I-probably-shouldn't-use-here]. And when I fall off my bike, I've been seen to do a perfect tuck-and-roll and bounce straight up.


But I do worry a bit about getting into a skid on some narrow country lane, ploughing into a hedge, and having to phone ladysolly to tell her to come and get me.


Other news - the server that keeps banging on about its dwarf unwinder is going to be taken out of service; I have zero tolerance for heightist servers.

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I've lost the enthusiasm to go out get damp!

Roll on Spring!


I don't mind getting damp. Or even a bit wet. I'm even willing to fall over occasionally and land on my [word-I-probably-shouldn't-use-here]. And when I fall off my bike, I've been seen to do a perfect tuck-and-roll and bounce straight up.


But I do worry a bit about getting into a skid on some narrow country lane, ploughing into a hedge, and having to phone ladysolly to tell her to come and get me.


Other news - the server that keeps banging on about its dwarf unwinder is going to be taken out of service; I have zero tolerance for heightist servers.


I've lost the enthusiasm to go out get damp!

Roll on Spring!


I don't mind getting damp. Or even a bit wet. I'm even willing to fall over occasionally and land on my [word-I-probably-shouldn't-use-here]. And when I fall off my bike, I've been seen to do a perfect tuck-and-roll and bounce straight up.


But I do worry a bit about getting into a skid on some narrow country lane, ploughing into a hedge, and having to phone ladysolly to tell her to come and get me.


Other news - the server that keeps banging on about its dwarf unwinder is going to be taken out of service; I have zero tolerance for heightist servers.

Double post... 6 hours apart?

Dwarfs unwinding too fast, wrong snow, no TCP??? ;)



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We did two caches today above Marsden in the Colne Valley, West Yorks. We still have quite a lot of snow on the ground and the going was icy in places and very muddy in others from snow melt. We took a photo across the valley which can be seen here, note that we haven't had any fresh snow in over a week so I dread to think what this would have looked like 2 weeks ago.



Edited by craftypants
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