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Mature Content in Caches?


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Oh gosh! I hope not, I hadn't thought of that, we always go looking as a family with my 2 children aged 10 & 13 I am near to geocaching but thought it was a family activity too


If i let my 15 year old go out and find caches, should i worry about him finding mature content in caches?


Have YOU ever found "adult Rated" content in a cache?


Thanks :bad:


It is in the "rules" b/c it is a family based activity

No Adult Content

Posted (edited)

Once in a great while you hear of condoms being found in a cache. I hope at his age you had that talk already and it wouldn't be a big deal (except don't take them). I say go with him anyways, great bonding time all around.

Edited by WatchDog2020

I forget if I read about it on this site or a more localized one that I hang out on, but just this week I remember reading about how someone came across a package of condoms in a cache. That is the most "adult" thing I've ever heard of. The parent quickly pocketed the find and tossed it in the trash as soon as they could, and the kids were never the wiser.


Anyone who knowingly puts any "adult" content within a cache should be booted from the hobby immediately, although I know there is no way to police that kind of activity. Just wishful thinking I guess.


Nope. Never found any adult content in caches. But, however, I have been to a handful of cache locations where things were going on that you might not want your son to observe. Depending on where you live, you might want to watch out for certain parks.


Nope. Never found any adult content in caches. But, however, I have been to a handful of cache locations where things were going on that you might not want your son to observe. Depending on where you live, you might want to watch out for certain parks.

Would have to agree. Would not want to explain things I have seen on the way to certain caches at least not to my 6 year old.


Anyone who knowingly puts any "adult" content within a cache should be booted from the hobby immediately, although I know there is no way to police that kind of activity. Just wishful thinking I guess.

Usually these items are put there by non-geocachers who find the container by accident. Muggles don't have to follow the rules.


I am one of those that found a condom and a card for an adult night club here in Sacramento on a cache. Luckily I was not with my kids when I found it. I took them out and threw them in the trash after I was done for the day. That's the most adult content thing I have found.


The commonest things that I've seen in caches that you might not want young children handling are cheap pocket knives, fire crackers, and candy (mints/gum). None of those items are supposed to be in caches, but I see them from time to time.

I've seen porn magazines as trash on the trail side, but not in a cache.


I have never found any in a cache itself, but I did find a "cache" of porn mags hidden in rocks about ten feet from the rocks where a cache was hidden. I guess anyone would have a 50-50 chance of finding the real cache first, but that could mean a lot of kids finding that junk.

Posted (edited)

I wouldn't worry about it. I can say I've never found anything offensive in a cache.... ok, well, maybe McToys. :D


I think a 15 year old, with enough parental guidance, should be mature enough to deal with anything he might find in a cache. I do agree with other posters, though, that the stuff you'd want to worry about more is what's happening around the cache area.


I still sometimes worry about that even for myself, which is why it's nice to cache with a buddy when going to certain areas.


Happy caching,


Edited by BlueDamsel
Posted (edited)

I found nudie mags stashed in the same place as the cache. It was an old fire extinguisher cabinet that had a magnetic micro inside and somebody tossed some the mags in there. This was near Hollywood, so that probably explains it.


I've also seen drawings on log sheets of various body parts drawn by muggles.

Edited by ShowStop

Toaster, you may want to reconsider letting your son go alone. I'm with the others who say some parks are not places he should be. I would seriously worry about his safety in those places and in some urban areas that are squatting places for derelicts.


It is all too easy to say he has a cell phone and had good common sense, but that doesn't necessarily translate into being able to defend himself against a larger aggressor, or more than one aggressor.


If i let my 15 year old go out and find caches, should i worry about him finding mature content in caches?


Have YOU ever found "adult Rated" content in a cache?


Thanks :(

Caching is a family based activity, and this should not be a worry.


Still, there is always some one who may leave such, but I believe the biggest worries you would have about what you teen could see or find would be on the way to the cache. You know, same stuff seen each time we drive down the streets of a major city.

Anyone who knowingly puts any "adult" content within a cache should be booted from the hobby immediately, although I know there is no way to police that kind of activity. Just wishful thinking I guess.
Usually these items are put there by non-geocachers who find the container by accident.  Muggles don't have to follow the rules.
Neither does anyone else.  There are no rules.  Only "guidelines."

A stash of nudie magazines hidden in bushes? That sounds like teen boys to me. Perhaps something they've chosen to hide from mom and dad because the "rents" couldn't possibly believe a teen might be interested in adult content! I remember the day my son and his friends raced home with their found treasure from the woods behind the middle school, adult only content and my comment as I appropriated the magazines was simply, "Boys when you're old enough to earn the money and have the gumption to buy this stuff yourselves, you're old enough to read it." I'm not condoning the inclusion of adult rated items in a cache and certainly wouldn't consider a condom to be swag. A 15 year old could probably handle the shock of stumbling across adult rated material. Perhaps working with your son as he chooses which caches he'd like to find 'solo' and setting your parental boundaries before he starts hiking into the unkown would be a good compromise.


My brother found one that was supposed to be a "Educational" cache, which my brother went to FTF, thinking it would have maybe some pamphlets or something in it. It had those little lube containers and condoms from Planned Parenthood. But it was listed in the notes that there might be some mature content. It was also in the logs.

You could always look in the cache first. :(


Cheap folding knives, every so often. Also, some (redacted) keeps putting "9-11 truth" fliers in caches near me; whenever I find one, I make sure to CITO it into the trailhead trash where it belongs. The "keep your politics out of my caches" unwritten-rule is strictly enforced, by me.


My Daughter (now 17) has a very open relationship with my Wife and Me. It may surprise the heck out of most of you to be aware of what your kids already know. If you think these caches are the most probable sources of introduction to adult material, think again. Any typical kid of age 8 and up (possibly younger) is exposed to a lot of things at ages we would be shocked at.

When my daughter was only ten, we rented a movie that we had not previewed or researched. While it was playing, my Wife and Me stepped into the kitchen to check on dinner. We heard sounds that grabbed our attention real fast (use your imagination). When we ran back into the living room, sure enough, there was a couple having sex on screen with very little left to the imagination. What could we do? We paused the movie, in anticipation of an involved explanation. Our Daughter was just annoyed that we interupted the movie. Her response was a very matter of fact "They were just having sex. What's the big deal?" Well you could have knocked us over with a feather. We had no idea she was so worldly at such a young age!

It seems that a LOT of parents are none too discriminating about the content they keep on their computers, or in their media collections. These kids find this stuff all the time, and then share it with each other. If you think your kid is in some kind of bubble, you may be very very wrong. Talk to them as soon as possible.

These kids today are growing up way faster than we did. They may be able to tell you a thing or two. As strange as it may seem, some of them are having sex before they even know what it is. We lucked out on this one, but our kid had friends at age 10 who had already had sex. BTW - They don't consider Oral stimulation as being sex. Nor do they consider active heavy petting as sex.

It's nice to think we live in the Ward and June Cleaver era, but those days are gone. The internet has opened the flood gates, and nobody is going to stop it. If they can't get it on your system, one of their friends can get it from someplace else. A single Aunt/Uncle may not have any blocks on their system, so they can look it up when they visit. If they want to see and learn . . . it will be available to them. These caches are the least of your worries.

The best defense is a strong offense. Talk to your kids often and openly. They will let you know when they are ready to learn more. At least that way, you have the opportunity to guide them properly and morally. I'm just glad my kid is on the verge of adulthood, and past the stage of being oblivious and mired in complete innocence. What a relief!

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