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Zazth's Second Annual Easter Mission


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I hope I can join in on your Easter Mission even thou I havent the required Posts to Quaify. I did complete Butterfly Lady's Santa Mission 08 which I enjoyed very much. Dorsetgal & GeoDog give me good guidance. ;) Red Squirrel Uk.


I hope I can join in on your Easter Mission even thou I havent the required Posts to Quaify. I did complete Butterfly Lady's Santa Mission 08 which I enjoyed very much. Dorsetgal & GeoDog give me good guidance. ;) Red Squirrel Uk.

this doesn't close until march. just keep posting and i know you can make the 30 by march 20th.


IF you would like to be Involved, PLEASE Follow These Guidelines:


1. You are willing to Mail 2 Unactivated Geocoins to one Participant.

2. You are a registered user in these Forums/with a history of at least 30 posts.

3. Please provide your FULL NAME AND ADDRESS to receive 2 Geocoins from another Participant.

4. Geocoin Packages must be mailed no later than Friday, April 3rd. So it may arrive to its’ receiver by Easter, April 12th. (Please keep in mind you will have to mail overseas packages sooner.)

5. Report your received status on this thread!


To Participate: (Subject Line = Happy Easter)


1. Email zazth at zazth@cox.net With the following information:

2. Geocaching Name


4. Let me know if you are willing to ship outside of your Country.

5. You will receive an email from me TBD, with your own Happy Easter Mission.

6. Please go the Distance. If you participate, please do your part to make this a fun experience.



**PLEASE report the Following in this Thread on your Progress**


1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!

When does this mission close? I know I'm a slack.. but I have to increase my post count because someone wants me to join in this mission.. LOL





Sign-up closes March 20th. ~K

Thanks! I didn't see in the OP when the close date was...





1. Participating - Email sent 2/5/09

2. Received Name ---yes

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!



1. Participating - Email sent 2/5/09

2. Received Name yes

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!



1. Participating - Email sent 2/5/09

2. Received Name- yes 2-15- let the bone digging begin!

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


My kids would like to join this mission.

They don´t have their own accounts so I keep the coins in my collection but I will tell it is theirs.


mission #1

HunnyBunny kid, 6 years


1. Participating - e-mail sent feb 13

2. Received Name - YES, feb 26

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


mission #2

SimonLimon kid turning 2 in march


1. Participating - e-mail sent feb 13

2. Received Name - YES, feb 26

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


mission #3

MildaMatilda kid born jan 2009


1. Participating - e-mail sent feb 13

2. Received Name - YES, feb 26

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


Wow, now to the hard work. One of these are more tricky than the other two but all three are hard to "shop" for, and then I talk about coins to send.


Lets get started.


Seekinglist is at www.geocoincollection.com in name grodan & fiabus.


Thank you for holding this mission.


1. Participating - email sent Feb 25, on behalf of our cat Twitch (can't let the dogs have all the fun!)

2. Received Name - I think so. Bruce got an email at home titled Happy Easter, from someone with something like "lovelace" in the sender box. He assumed it was one of those bigger-harder-longer emails and deleted it (good boy!), but then for some reason went back and opened it. He says it's not a bad email, it's about Twitch, so I assume it's our mission email. Close call there :D.

3. Mission Complete -

4. Mission Arrived! -


1. Participating - email sent 2/5/09

2. Received Name - 2/22/09 (very excited about the person I received)

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


I've traded for some fun "Easterish" coins and putting together a basket; can't wait to pull it all together and get it on its' way.


1. Participating - Yes, email sent !


2. Received Name - Yup, Name recieved. Hmmmmm... Now, how to surprise them, HMMMMmmmmmmm........


3. Mission Complete -


4. Mission Arrived! -


The local shops tell me no Easter merchandise until March.

Oh well, the grocery shops have Choc Marshmellow Bunnies, so it can't be too far away...

Just worried as both missions have to go overseas (just because I live on an island nation in the South Pacific, and sense I am the only kiwi here)


Well, I'm sure my receipients would like what I found instead anyway... they may prefer geocoins to chocolate anyway!



1. Participating - yes! 2/16/09

2. Received Name - Yes 2/28/09

3. Mission Complete - Ready to mail! Will mail 3/3/09

4. Mission Arrived!


Blue Montana (geo-sheltie)

1. Participating - Yes, 2/16/09

2. Received Name - Yes 2/28/09

3. Mission Complete - Ready to mail! Will mail 3/3/09

4. Mission Arrived!


1. Participating - Email sent 17/02/09 (hope it's not too late )

2. Received Name - Yes! Name received 01/03/09, thanks M! Time for a bit of detective work now! :o

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


just wanted to say ive been shopping for this already and im going to try to go all out on this one... im lucky to still have a job,, so im going to share the welth in this mission :o


Late update:


1. Participating - Email sent 14 Feb

2. Received Name - Feb 28

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived


Looking for coins now!


Thanks to zazth for hosting this mission!!


Happy caching,



Mission #1

1. Participating---email sent 2-13-09

2. Received Name--3-1-09 research is commencing!

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!



1. Participating---email sent 2-13-09

2. Received Name--3-1-09 research starting.

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


These two missions could be hard so i will have to search a bit LOL


I am currently working very hard to update my lists--seriously I really am!! Whoever gets me I do like the older nontrackables also. I would be happy to get one on my seeking list intead of a trackable so no worries there!


Thanks for hosting this mission!!!!


As in other missions I am asking those that don't have seeking lists to make one up and list it somewhere. This could be very helpful to the person who has you so they can get something that you are interested in. For me half the fun of the mission is the search for the coin--thrill of the hunt so to speak. :laughing: There are many ways I have seen that others list their coins for free.


--A list on their profile page

--A list on one of their activated coin page.

--Use the free UTAG site UTAG GeoCoin Trading Lists


This can then be listed in your signature. If needed I will find the instructions to do that and post them here. I think that fluttershy posted that in the secret cupid mission also.


Now get working on that seeking list so I can start searching!! :D


1st Mission Adult

1. Participating - 2-15

2. Received Name - Doing research and shopping

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


2nd Mission Child

1. Participating - 2-15

2. Received Name - Doing research and shopping

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


From the OP 1. You are willing to Mail 2 Unactivated Geocoins to one Participant.


I personally would like to send out a coin that is on the seeking list whether or not it is trackable. I'd also like to know if I sent a nontrackable that was on your seeking list would you mind? So maybe you could put a note if that is acceptable. I'm only talking about coins that are on seeking lists.......Thanks.


From the OP 1. You are willing to Mail 2 Unactivated Geocoins to one Participant.


I personally would like to send out a coin that is on the seeking list whether or not it is trackable. I'd also like to know if I sent a nontrackable that was on your seeking list would you mind? So maybe you could put a note if that is acceptable. I'm only talking about coins that are on seeking lists.......Thanks.


Some of my favorite coins are non-trackables and if it is on my list I would not care if it was sent in my missions :laughing:



This can then be listed in your signature. If needed I will find the instructions to do that and post them here. I think that fluttershy posted that in the secret cupid mission also.




i have tried to make a signature but since the update ..i can't. Groundspeak says they are working on the problem. just wanted to let people know in case they can't make a signature. i put stuff in my profile.


From the OP 1. You are willing to Mail 2 Unactivated Geocoins to one Participant.


I personally would like to send out a coin that is on the seeking list whether or not it is trackable. I'd also like to know if I sent a nontrackable that was on your seeking list would you mind? So maybe you could put a note if that is acceptable. I'm only talking about coins that are on seeking lists.......Thanks.


To my missionsender:


I have a few non-trackables on my seekinglist and since I put them there I would not mind getting one instead of a trackable but I think I would like one trackable also. I mean if the mission states to send two coins I would be happy for one trackable and one non-trackable.


I´m not that picky. <_< I like most coins.


Seekinglist is at www.geocoincollection.com under grodan & fiabus in gallery. Also all my keepers are activated so check my profile.


Thank you for doing this mission Zazth.

grodan Karin


From the OP 1. You are willing to Mail 2 Unactivated Geocoins to one Participant.


I personally would like to send out a coin that is on the seeking list whether or not it is trackable. I'd also like to know if I sent a nontrackable that was on your seeking list would you mind? So maybe you could put a note if that is acceptable. I'm only talking about coins that are on seeking lists.......Thanks.


To my missionsender:


I have a few non-trackables on my seekinglist and since I put them there I would not mind getting one instead of a trackable but I think I would like one trackable also. I mean if the mission states to send two coins I would be happy for one trackable and one non-trackable.



The same for us. <_<


My seeking list has some ideas of coin themes I like.......so if there is a coin that is non-trackable within the theme it would be fine. I like the coin buddy tags and TBs too.


I was being a bunny hopping around in the snow yesterday doing some shopping. Hope to have this ready to go soon.


1. Participating: email sent 6.2.2009

2. Received Name: Yes!

3. Mission Complete: Sent my mission today, 3.3.2009. I hope I chose the right coins <_<

4. Mission Arrived: Way toooooooo early!


From the OP 1. You are willing to Mail 2 Unactivated Geocoins to one Participant.


I personally would like to send out a coin that is on the seeking list whether or not it is trackable. I'd also like to know if I sent a nontrackable that was on your seeking list would you mind? So maybe you could put a note if that is acceptable. I'm only talking about coins that are on seeking lists.......Thanks.


If it is a personal coin, or on my seeking list, I don't care if it is trackable or not.


:) Just to stir the waters a bit...if it's not trackable it's not going to be activated :anicute:



1. Participating - yes! 2/16/09

2. Received Name - Yes 2/28/09

3. Mission Complete - Yes 3/3/09

4. Mission Arrived!


Blue Montana (geo-sheltie)

1. Participating - Yes, 2/16/09

2. Received Name - Yes 2/28/09

3. Mission Complete - Yes 3/3/09

4. Mission Arrived!


From the OP 1. You are willing to Mail 2 Unactivated Geocoins to one Participant.


I personally would like to send out a coin that is on the seeking list whether or not it is trackable. I'd also like to know if I sent a nontrackable that was on your seeking list would you mind? So maybe you could put a note if that is acceptable. I'm only talking about coins that are on seeking lists.......Thanks.


Some of my favorite coins are non-trackables and if it is on my list I would not care if it was sent in my missions :)


Same for me!


1. Participating - E-mail sent 17.02.2009

2. Received Name - E-mail received 04.03.2009

3. Mission Complete - am researching...

4. Mission Arrived! - waiting patiently :)


Nana easterbunny.gif

1. Participating: Yes. Sent email on 2/4

2. Received Name: Yes on 2/20

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


Papa happyeaster.gif

1. Participating: Yes. Sent email on 2/4

2. Received Name: Yes on 2/20

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


Grandson babybunny.gif

1. Participating: Yes. Sent email on 2/18

2. Received Name: Yes on 3/4

3. Mission Complete

4. Mission Arrived!


From the OP 1. You are willing to Mail 2 Unactivated Geocoins to one Participant.


I personally would like to send out a coin that is on the seeking list whether or not it is trackable. I'd also like to know if I sent a nontrackable that was on your seeking list would you mind? So maybe you could put a note if that is acceptable. I'm only talking about coins that are on seeking lists.......Thanks.


Some of my favorite coins are non-trackables and if it is on my list I would not care if it was sent in my missions :)


Same for me!


Non-trackable would be fine with me if the geocoin is on my seeking list

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